conceptual frameworks for benthic algal community ecology

Tài liệu Module 3: Using a Conceptual Design for Data Requirements docx

Tài liệu Module 3: Using a Conceptual Design for Data Requirements docx

... needed to perform each action? What actions need to be performed in groups? For example, will you use transaction processing of information? Module 3: Using a Conceptual Design for Data Requirements ... phases in conceptual design that can result in the creation of use cases? Information gathering and information analysis 64 Module 3: Using a Conceptual Design for Data Requirements Looking Forward ... Validation Information provided is not always accurate, so it is important for the team to validate the information gathered One method of validating information is to gather the same information...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15

20 580 0
Tài liệu Instructor Notes Module 3: Using a Conceptual Design for Data Requirements pdf

Tài liệu Instructor Notes Module 3: Using a Conceptual Design for Data Requirements pdf

... relate to conceptual design for data systems ! To prepare for the activity • Review the activity and anticipate possible responses from the students Instructor Notes Module 3: Using a Conceptual ... transformation of gathered information into use cases ! Data Requirements In this section, the work of defining data requirements begins The use cases from the previous section form the basis for ... prepare for possible answers from the students Activity 3.2: Relating Data Requirements to Conceptual Design In this activity, students will participate in an instructor-led discussion about conceptual...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

4 447 0
Tài liệu Carrots, Sticks, and Promises: A Conceptual Framework for the Management of Public Health and Social Issue Behaviors docx

Tài liệu Carrots, Sticks, and Promises: A Conceptual Framework for the Management of Public Health and Social Issue Behaviors docx

... inefficiency for some other entity that is forced to behave to accommodate the manager and the target (See, for example, the case of iodized salt discussed in P2 in the section "A Conceptual Framework for ... the easier it will be for the individual to behave For example, parents generally will support a bond drive to pay for a swimming pool for the local school; others in the community will support ... (1993) propose that the stronger the community, the less need there is for institutions that manage behavior (and their costs) or for outside forces to enforce and coerce behavior This model...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

14 780 0
The ‘global health’ education framework: a conceptual guide for monitoring, evaluation and practice doc

The ‘global health’ education framework: a conceptual guide for monitoring, evaluation and practice doc

... interventions and reforms through a set of key indicators which characterise GHE Mapping the conceptual framework of ‘global health’ education To map a conceptual framework for GHE requires critical ... and more recent calls by WHO [40] to conceptualise educational programmes for health care providers on the principles of the ‘health for all’ (HFA) policy Therefore, the framework proposes that ... higher policy and decision-making fora, but equally - and potentially more important - they can be bottom-up, that is promoted and enforced by the health workforce, for instance by means of addressing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

12 884 0


... a license for English and Spanish parsers Update the host/port in the files (for Spanish) and (for English) The current values should look like this for ... capabilities useful for intelligence analysts, such as cross-lingual summarization and data mining 6.3 CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESOURCES FOR RESEARCH This work provides an integral part for many NLP applications ... sets Our funding for this project ends in early 2005 We will need additional funds for the years after the project has expired to continue the high level of activity toward this effort that we have...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

12 361 0


... find a conceptual association (CA) between every ordered pair of thesaurus categories (ti, t2) using the formula below CA(t1, t2) is the mutual information between the categories, weighted for ambiguity ... corpus for subcomponents of the compound Such matching fails to take account of the natural frequency of the words and is likely to require a much larger corpus for accurate results Unfortunately, ... the static semantics of the nouns in the compound cannot account for these effects To establish an achievable performance target for context free analysis, an experiment is planned using human...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20

3 250 0


... your work Online Community Capacity Building Assessment form Use this form to structure your information gathering TCU discussion form Hold a discussion with your team and use this form to analyse ... organizations Particularly for very small organizations with or employees, or for individuals who are leading an online community building effort, building and sustaining an online community can be a ... logging on to an online community Web site to post a question for others to answer Understanding Needs and Assessing Opportunities - Skills and resources for an online community - page How to...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

12 524 0
A Conceptual Approach for Cannibalism Between Goods pot

A Conceptual Approach for Cannibalism Between Goods pot

... resources, propose to produce goods exclusively for certain retailers Once producers not normally perform the management of these products, but the retailers for which they offer can cannibalize the ... intersections between competing product - new and old should be understood as part of business performance for both floating, i.e.| one that also affected of promotional tools, typically reaching consumers ... expansion of the consumer market, presenting, therefore, as a situation of greater risk the last one Currently, presumed private label brands account for a significant share of sales of retailers,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20

5 366 0
Effects-Based Operations A Grand Challenge for the Analytical Community pot

Effects-Based Operations A Grand Challenge for the Analytical Community pot

... transformation for the Commander in Chief, U.S Joint Forces Command and his Director of Joint Experimentation (J-9) and a project on advanced modeling methods for the United States Air Force ... capabilities for rapid, decisive operations (RDO) For example, such matters are now the centerpiece of transformation-related joint experiments by the U.S Joint Forces Command (United States Joint Forces ... empirical base Fortunately, several research-and-development efforts toward this end are now under way, but it will take years for them to reach fruition In the meantime, these efforts can benefit...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

117 299 0
Commons-based Peer-Production of Physical Goods Is there Room for a Hybrid Innovation Ecology? pdf

Commons-based Peer-Production of Physical Goods Is there Room for a Hybrid Innovation Ecology? pdf

... things’, be it for the fun of it (e.g the Maker Faire in the USA, the magazines Make or Craft), for easy sharing, distribution and promotion (e.g Ponoko, Shapeways, Thingiverse), or for the purpose ... (Hackerspaces, 2010b) 100k-Garages is ‘is a community of workshops with digital fabrication tools for precisely cutting, machining, drilling, or sculpting the parts for your project or product, in all ... Room for a Hybrid Innovation Ecology? commons is more explicit The Fab Charter, to which all Fab Labs subscribe, states, that ‘designs and processes developed in fab labs must remain available for...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

23 260 0
Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People pptx

Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People pptx

... Among Young People .4 Rationale for School and Community Efforts to Promote Physical Activity Among Young People Recommendations for School and Community Programs Promoting Physical ... involvement, community health services, and community sports and recreation programs for young people The guidelines are written for professionals who design and deliver physical activity programs for ... support for physical activity (188 ) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS PROMOTING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE Listed below are 10 broad recommendations for school and community...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

42 370 0
Radiation threats and your safety: A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community pdf

Radiation threats and your safety: A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community pdf

... guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community Radiation threats and your safety A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community Armin Ansari Chapman & Hall/CRC ... professionals and community members that I realized that an information gap had not been addressed, even though an enormous amount of information was available There has been an explosion of information ... training for specific audiences All of it is written in a suitable format for self-study I need to thank many individuals Luna Han, my senior editor at Taylor & Francis, shared the vision for this...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

344 479 0
Báo cáo Y học: A new conceptual framework for enzyme catalysis Hydrogen tunneling coupled to enzyme dynamics in flavoprotein and quinoprotein enzymes docx

Báo cáo Y học: A new conceptual framework for enzyme catalysis Hydrogen tunneling coupled to enzyme dynamics in flavoprotein and quinoprotein enzymes docx

... the mechanism for H- and D-transfer for all three substrates Additionally, the enthalpy of activation for benzylamine (67.1 ± 0.9 kJÆmol)1) is  15 kJÆmol)1 higher than both that for tryptamine ... reason for why enzymes are much larger than the active site alone Also, vibrationally assisted quantum tunneling is, for example, well established as a means of H-transfer in metals [16] and for ... although the enzyme is dynamic, the barrier can be considered rigid for the lifetime of the tunneling event Our conceptual framework therefore uses a rigid barrier depiction of H-tunneling To understand...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20

7 359 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Validity of instruments to measure physical activity may be questionable due to a lack of conceptual frameworks: a systematic review" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Validity of instruments to measure physical activity may be questionable due to a lack of conceptual frameworks: a systematic review" pot

... 1] Discussion This review identified only conceptual frameworks for physical activity in COPD patients, whereas no conceptual frameworks seem to exist for patients with chronic heart disease, ... interest for a particular test should be embedded in a conceptual framework, no matter how imperfect that framework may be” [3] Our finding of a lack of conceptual frameworks for Figure Conceptual ... based on a conceptual framework may lead to measurement error (information bias), which is a challenge to detect intervention effects Therefore, we argue that (new) conceptual frameworks for physical...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

13 357 0
Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 1 pdf

Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 1 pdf

... themselves viewed as information processors, receiving input information from their preceding activities, and transforming this input information into a form suitable for subsequent activities.14 ... the product development process involves the transformation of input information about customer needs and market opportunities into output information which corresponds to manufacturable designs ... decisions that can have a significant impact on the performance of the contract Some of these include: • How should information flow and who is responsible for which interfaces? • What are the technical...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20

6 221 0
Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 2 pdf

Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 2 pdf

... supposed to do? What is available to build the system? How well must the system perform? What are the cost/performance trades? How can the system be verified?23 Each of these are summarized in ... Analysis System Level Trades Select Alternative System Design Approaches, Perform Trade-Off Studies What are the Cost/ Performance Trade-Offs? “Select” ©2000 CRC Press LLC Decision Making Figure ... and continue to be many efforts focused on defining the elusive generic System Engineering Process It is suggested that one reason why industry, government, and academic efforts have had limited...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20

6 216 0
Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 3 docx

Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 3 docx

... analyses that must be performed, trade studies, etc.? Do all these occur in a strict serial fashion? Once these have been performed at some level, are they completed for the duration of the development? ... generally performed at some level of intensity and for each system element during the entire development phase Requirements Development, Synthesis, and Trade Study activities are all performed at ... constraints • Scope Assessment — Provide a basis for accurately assessing the scope of a development program which, in turn, facilitates more accurate bids for new contracts with more solid bases of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20

12 185 0
Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 4 ppsx

Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 4 ppsx

... performed Therefore, an increase in the number of tasks that must be performed indicates a commensurate increase in cost Such is the case with rework Rework represents tasks that were performed ... identified in each simulation For example, if the effort applied to Rework Discovery activities is set at 20% of the effort applied to generating work, then the effort applied to discovering rework ... being performed by the people or machines In the model, this number does not change It is assumed that a fixed percentage of the work performed goes to the rework bucket The second variable for quality...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20

16 236 0
Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 5 ppt

Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 5 ppt

... from these major pieces of the system: Perform Satellite Operations, Perform Launcher Operations, and Perform Ground Operations In keeping with the N2 format, the functions are arranged diagonally ... Focus Research and Development (R&D) Efforts — Finally, if functionality and performance can be identified for future systems, research and development (R&D) efforts can be directed toward developing ... spacecraft implement a “despun platform” to offset this problem) This is adequate for certain missions but not for others Bias Momentum — Bias momentum uses the same inertial force as the spin stabilized...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20

51 278 0
Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 6 doc

Adamsen, Paul B. - Frameworks for Complex System Development [CRC Press 2000] Episode 1 Part 6 doc

... define the information flow paths within the total system hierarchy 62 A thorough treatment of the subject of Design Structure Matrix methodology is beyond the scope of this book For more information, ... reasons for applying the control logic provided by the SDF to the program structure:63 • Defines activity flow and information flow between and within development teams • Provides basis for requirements, ... team to disseminate information to the appropriate teams under its jurisdiction Remember, it is formal interfaces that are being addressed here Of course, it is desirable for teams on the same...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20

11 146 0