Particle development for drug delivery
... Shape Factors 18 C Particle Size 19 C1 Concept of Particle Size 19 C2 Particle Size Measurement 19 C2.1 Image Analysis and Microscopy 25 C2.2 Diffraction 26 ii Table of Contents C3 Size Reduction ... exerted on a nonspherical particle to that of a same volume spherical particle having unit density 18 I Introduction C Particle Size C1 Concept of Particle Size The concept of size is related to the ... final nifedipine particle size, degree of wetting, degree of deaggregation of the nifedipine particles and the crystallinity of nifedipine and PEG 3350 xii List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES Page...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:19
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
... construction The combustion performance of the engine with the ECD-V4 has been improved (by atomizing the fuel into finer particles and optimizing the rise rate of the injection pressure), and providing ... injection pump that offers higher injection performance and functionality It provides pilot injection to reduce the combustion noise of the engine SERVICE TECH Vol.465 03-4 10 Outline of System Configuration ... Vol.465 03-4 2-3 Outline of Control System The engine ECU uses various types of sensors to detect the engine speed, accelerator position, and switch signals These pieces of information are used...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 09:09
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical Strategy for the Management of Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas: Aggressive or Less"
... portion of body or tail of the pancreas For tumors of SPT located in the neck and body of the pancreas, resection of the midportion of the pancreas and the mass with preserving the rim of the ... analysis of solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas: report of 15 cases Hepatobilliary Pancreat Dis Int 2008;7(2) :196 -200 Yu CC, Yeh CN, Hwang TL, Jan YY Clinicopathological study of solid ... median age of 39 years, which is significantly older than in the other reported series.7 Literatures showed the head and tail of the pancreas were the preferential sites of the occurrence of SPT.3,7,10,14,15,16...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40
Metaphor, based on the association of similarity, is one of the two basic types of semantic transference that have been an interest for many linguistic researchers
... 32) The basic claims of the cognitive account of metaphor, developed by Lakoff, Johnson and Turner (Lakoff and Johnson 198 0, Lakoff 198 7, Lakoff and Turner 198 9, Lakoff 199 3), and elaborated ... Halliday& Martin 199 3:25) Levels of Context The interpretation of social context includes two levels of communication: genre (context of culture) and register (context of situation) (Martin 199 2: 495) ... ( Halliday 199 4; Halliday & Hasan 198 9; Martin 198 5, 199 2; Matthiessen 199 5, Hoang Van Van 199 7, Do Tuan Minh 2001 amongst many others) this section will be restricted to a number of key points...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
An investigation into some types of verbal responses to questions in English and Vietnamese conversation
... always consists of a first part and a second part The utterance of a first part immediately creates an expectation of the utterance of a second part of the same pair There is a class of first pair ... types of question responses in English and Vietnamese 23 Tsui (199 4), Searl (197 6), Lakoff (197 3) assert that any utterances which direct or indirect, fulfill the illocutionary intent of questions ... the basis of evidence he has In (27), there is a clash of non-observance of the maxim of Quantity and Quality A great number of similar cases are available in Vietnamese These patterns of responses...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
Optimum feeding rate of solid hazardous waste in a cement kiln burner
... of coal, which might give volumetric restrictions when feeding The cumulative distributions of coal and SHW particle sizes are shown in Figure The particle size will affect the burnout time of ... material bed in the kiln For a given percentage, the particle size of SHW is more than 50 times that of coal While the maximum size of the coal particles is around 200 µm, the SHW distributes to ... regardless of SHW feeding rate The most important impact of the SHW feeding was on the free lime content of the clinker Replacement of 20% of the coal energy in the rotary kiln burner (3 t/hr of SHW...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
Types Of Interviews
... related to the traditional style of interviewing They appear to be in a more comfortable, relaxed setting but not be fooled, these meetings are still in a professional environment and applicants...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 01:15
Bias - Types of bias
... in 82% of cases and they guessed placebo correctly in 78% of cases Patients guessed correctly in 73% and 70% of cases respectively The main predictor of correct guessing was presence of side ... credited with originating the concept of randomization Fisher did so in the setting of agricultural studies in the 192 0s: certain fields randomly received a certain kind of seed, others fields received ... assumption of cause and effect, and, equally, a neglect of the laws of chance, the literature becomes filled with conflicting cries and claims, assertions and counterassertions It is thus, for want of...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20
Tài liệu Types of Loops doc
... temporarily stores the name of each property The value of i is used in the action within the loop When the loop is finished, result holds a string of text that contains the name of each property as well ... first iteration of the loop, i has a String value of doors (because that was the name of the last property defined) During the first loop, the expression that sets the value of result looks like ... or decrement that variable—all in one line of ActionScript The for loop is typically used to perform an action or set of actions based on the value of an incremental variable—walking an array,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu Unit_7: Types of memory docx
... introduction of the computer in the workplace has……… the workload of many people b There will probably be a great……….in the consumption of oil in the next decade due to the use of computer technology ... the 197 0s, there was a……… development which revolutionized the computer field ………., the size of the components containing the circuitry can be considerably reduced ……….development in the filed of ... crossed which was capable of being by their respective addresses This has been made possible which revolutionized the computer field each one capable of storing one bit of the circuits etched on...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Emergency of solid goods pptx
... in-plant feed of materials M06.01.02 storage of water-endangering materials M06.01.03 filling of tanks Issued by Hr Bauer Date Version 00 Page 3/5 PB-Nr: M06.01 Emergency of solid goods Stoffe Maßnahmen ... Doppelmantelbehälter Flüssige Stoffe Ölabscheider Kanalschieber Issued by Hr Bauer Date Version 00 Page 4/5 PB-Nr: M06.01 Emergency of solid goods Gasförmige Stoffe 3.1 Gase, welche durch Substanzen ... alarm forwarding of the BMA to the fire-brigade wells Fire extinguisher Fire sprinkler Fire smoke exhaust Issued by Hr Bauer Date Version 00 Page 2/5 PB-Nr: M06.01 Emergency of solid goods Fire...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Types of pacemakers and the hemodynamics of pacing pptx
... be for a fairly brief period of time, a few days at most, because of the problem of leaving leads through the skin and also the problem of rising thresholds and lack of capture with time P.83 References ... difficult to measure the benefit of AV synchrony in terms of the patient's sense of well-being Those studies indicate that VVI pacing and heart block, with loss of AV synchrony, may be reasonable ... ventricular pacing and now, because of the atrial timing adds an AV interval of 200 msec instead of the actual 150 msec that occurs, the ventricular rate is 57 bpm instead of the 60 bpm to which it is...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Types of Atomic & Molecular Bonds pptx
... gain of matter Dalton: concept of atomic mass (1808) Mendelev: periodic table of elements (1869) Moseley: showed that the number of electrons = number of protons (atomic number) Discovery of X-rays ... physics (190 1) Long Tradition in Science (cont.) Ruterford: experiments with alpha particle (190 7-11) Max Planck: quanta (190 0) Louis de Broglie: all matter has both wave and particle properties (192 3) ... Types of Atomic & Molecular Bonds Objectives of the class Develop a sense of history of scientific thinking Explain the types of bonds You should be able to have...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu Types of Storage Devices ppt
... medium contains iron particles, which can be polarized—given a magnetic charge—in one of two directions • Each particle' s direction represents a (on) or (off), representing each bit of data that the ... store large amounts of data New PCs feature hard disks with capacities of 10 GB and higher Magnetic Storage Devices Other Magnetic Storage Devices • High-capacity floppy disks offer capacities ... light cannot be reflected back This represents a bit value of (off) A land reflects light back to its source, representing a bit value of (on) 1 Optical Storage Devices – CD-ROM • In PCs, the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 08:20