computers in process control

Tài liệu Application of Computers in Process Control pptx

Tài liệu Application of Computers in Process Control pptx

... Page of Tuning of a PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols Method LAB Objective: 1) To demonstrate the use of PID controller using LabVIEW 2) Finding the values of KP and TI and TD using Ziegler ... challenges to control and instrumentation engineers in the aspect of tuning of the gains required for stability and good transient performance There are several prescriptive rules used in PID tuning An ... feed information on the rate of change of the measured variable into the controller action The most important term in the controller is the integrator term that introduces a pole at s = in the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 03:20

7 407 0
PLC communications in a process control system

PLC communications in a process control system

... will require 28 lines therefore 56 interfaces A ninth user is an additional lines and 16 interfaces This is clearly very expensive in hardware and installation 1(a) Point-to-point topology 1(b) ... Conferencing q Ecommerce q VOIP q Email Marketing q Web Design q Internet Marketing q Web Development q HTML q Web Hosting q JavaScript q WIFI q MP3 PLC COMMUNICATIONS IN A PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM ... machines, termed participants or users, are connected The most simple topology is point to point - a single link between two machines (Figure 1a) This generally works well in very small installations...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 08:50

10 394 1
Tài liệu PLC Communications in a Process Control System docx

Tài liệu PLC Communications in a Process Control System docx

... estimating that over 50% of automation costs within GM were going into communications functions, and the continual lack of well-defined standards was seen simply as adding to this cost This led in ... relations to inform all parties interested in Profibus standards Modbus Plus Developed by AEG Modicon in the USA, this is becoming possibly the most widely used network in new installations in that ... This was written by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) in the USA and was fairly complex, including the definition of 22 terminations between the two interfaces Today of course, few people...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 05:20

8 472 1
process control a first course with matlab cambridge series in chemical engineering

process control a first course with matlab cambridge series in chemical engineering

... can bet on finding at least one embedded microcontroller In the processing industry, controllers play a crucial role in keeping our plants running—virtually everything from simply filling up a storage ... approximation: V dC ≈ Q in, sC in, s + C in, s (Q in – Q in, s) + Q in, s (C in – C in, s) dt – Q in, sC s + C s (Q in – Q in, s) + Q in, s (C – C s) and the steady state equation, without canceling the flow variable, ... C in, s Q' in + Q in, s C' in – C s Q' in + Q in, s C' dt and after moving the C' term to the LHS, - 29 V dC' + Q in, s C' = C in, s – C s Q' in + Q in, s C' in dt The final result can be interpreted...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:57

255 2,8K 0
Experiences in Quality Control in the Audit Process and Audit Quality docx

Experiences in Quality Control in the Audit Process and Audit Quality docx

... financial audit documentation templates We started using audit documentation software We have had lots of trainings (in accounting, auditing, project management etc) We started a cycle of seminars ... and training of quality assurance team and starting that process Certification of auditors (minimum requirement on audit manager and head of department level) We are preparing amendments in law ... competence – Internal written policies (manuals), document templates and auditing software • Quality Control in the Audit Process – Integrity, due care, professional behaviour – Clear responsibilities...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 20:20

9 383 0
Quality & process control in textile processing

Quality & process control in textile processing

... Certain tools are needed to control various phases of production Goals of Process Control Obtaining and maintaining optimum process condition To minimize the wastage during process and form reproducible ... Establishing correct operating procedure Carrying out adequate machinery maintenance Controlling production yield and waste Setting up of testing sequence Providing thorough documenting system Accessing ... MLR: Jigger dyeing machine is 1:1 to 1:1.5 During coloration 1:1.5, during soaping 1:2, during soaping for overflow washing it is 1:5 Maintain constant water level for over flow washing Prevent...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2015, 00:05

60 386 0
Process control in textile manufacturing

Process control in textile manufacturing

... process control in the blowroom Process control in blowroom processes Process control in carding: control of process parameters Process control in carding: control of card clothing, wire maintenance ... affecting end breakage rates in ring spinning Control of fly generation and twist variations in ring spinning Process control in rotor spinning Control of end breakage rate and twist loss in rotor ... 16.7 16.8 16.9 Introduction Process control in spreading, pattern making and cutting Process control in sewing Causes of damage to the fabric during sewing Control of fusing and pressing operations,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2015, 01:53

22 195 0
Process Control in Textile Manufacturing. Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles

Process Control in Textile Manufacturing. Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles

... Order Information Please verify that the product information is correct Product Name: Process Control in Textile Manufacturing Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles Web Address: ... (Hard Back): USD 231 + USD 29 Shipping/Handling * Shipping/Handling is only charged once per order Contact Information Please enter all the information below in BLOCK CAPITALS Title: First Name: ... Please refrain from using free email accounts when ordering (e.g Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL) Ms Prof Page of Payment Information Please indicate the payment method you would like to use by selecting the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2015, 01:53

4 197 0
Contributions in statistical process control for high quality products

Contributions in statistical process control for high quality products

... SPC tool, control charts are widely used for maintaining stability of the process, establishing process capability, and estimating process parameters Deming [21] stressed that the control chart ... the sampling inspection are studied, considering the correlation between items within a sample A chain control scheme is proposed in order to monitor the process fraction nonconforming In Part ... limits and thus, the alarm signal is issued In the control charting process, the control chart can indicate whether or not statistical control is being maintained and provide users with other signals...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 05:45

186 569 0
Application of statistical process control in injection mould manufacturing

Application of statistical process control in injection mould manufacturing

... graphite milling machine, radial drilling machining, grinding machine, EDM die-sinking, EDM wire-cut, and so on In a mould company, there may be a number of machines available of the same machine type, ... SPC in the manufacture of injection mould consists of two main parts – SPC planning and SPC implementation SPC planning involves defining and identifying SPC processes, forming and identifying ... An injection moulding machine then injects molten plastic resin into the mould, and ejects the formed parts The entire moulding processes involve the mouldfilling phase, packing phase, holding...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 13:49

121 164 0
Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

... Within APEC little is known on the introduction of marine pests  Little practical information on measures to prevent introductions  Lack of knowledge in what individual countries are doing ... enhance the effectiveness of existing instruments within APEC  Institutional arrangements for managing the marine environment is fragmented in most economies  Baseline surveys to identify IMP are ... Conclusions, including the results of the November 2001 Workshop Management Framework - Introd uced Marine Pests Management capabilities and approaches  APEC and the MRCWG have a role in liaising with...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 11:15

10 584 0
Practical process control for engineers and technicians

Practical process control for engineers and technicians

... he received his training in Europe, he ended up being one of Australia’s most outstanding instructors in industrial process control and inspired IDC Technologies into running his course throughout ... Terminal wire Process pressure Foil grid pattern Diaphragm Reference pressure Strain gauge windings (R1 and R2) Spring element Insulating layer and bonding cement Posts Strain gauge windings ... The process itself reacting to this signal, and changing its state or condition Disturbance inputs Controller Control input Setpoint + – Control action Actuator Output Process Measurement Process...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 20:28

304 515 4
iec 60534-3_1 industrial process control valves - dimensions

iec 60534-3_1 industrial process control valves - dimensions

... ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards IEC 60534-1:1987, Industrial -process control valves – Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations Definitions ... the/a: purchasing agent librarian researcher design engineer safety engineer testing engineer marketing specialist other Q3 Q7 I work for /in/ as a: (tick all that apply) manufacturing consultant ... be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Electrotechnical...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 11:08

22 805 5
Tài liệu Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization pptx

Tài liệu Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization pptx

... commonly used criteria for evaluating process plans include shortest processing time and minimum processing cost Since the detailed information on tool paths and machining parameters is not available ... crossover of two strings Input: Output: string-1 and string-2 offspring-1 and offspring-2 Determine a cut point randomly from all the positions of a string Each string is divided into two parts, ... and decomposed into individual volumes, called machining features (e.g., holes and slots), which can be removed by a certain type of machining process (e.g., drilling and milling) Operations...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15

27 515 0
A course in robust control theory 3

A course in robust control theory 3

... resisting torque d This so-called servomechanism problem is common in many applications, for instance we could think of moving a robot arm in an uncertain environment We begin by writing down ... Preliminaries in Finite Dimensional Space One of the major objectives of this section is to develop tests for determining when two subsets of V not intersect In addition to being disjoint, we ... move on to discussing convexity 1.2.2 Convex sets Let us begin by de ning the line segment that joins two points in V Suppose that v1 and v2 are in V , then we de ne the line segment L(v1 v2...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 17:41

380 402 0
A real time approach to process control  2ed

A real time approach to process control 2ed

... is increasingly obvious that the importance of process control has grown to the point where it is the single biggest leverage point for increasing manufacturing capacity and efficiency The process ... gain is explained in greater detail in Chapter K controller K transmitter K process K valve = (2.6) For a given set of controller settings, the controller gain and the sensor/transmitter gains ... the pressure in the vessel In 1745, Edmund Lee [1] attached a fantail at right angles to the main sail of a windmill, thus always keeping the main windmill drive facing into the wind It was not...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 17:44

327 548 0
Practical instrumentation for automation and process control 2

Practical instrumentation for automation and process control 2

... your training needs IDC Technologies Technology Training that Works Customized Training In addition to standard on-site training, IDC specializes in customized courses to meet client training specifications ... benefits to companies in using training is reflected in the increased efficiency of their operations and equipment Training Contracts IDC also specializes in establishing training contracts with ... Programming for Industrial Control – using (IEC 1131-3;OPC) Practical SCADA Systems for Industry Practical Boiler Control and Instrumentation for Engineers and Technicians Practical Process Instrumentation...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 21:15

374 453 3
Tài liệu Open-source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook ppt

Tài liệu Open-source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook ppt

... Control Interfaces .149 4.8 Infra-Red Remote Control in Linux Using LIRC .175 4.9 Introduction to Machine Vision Using Video4Linux .189 4.10 Customizing Your BIOS—The Structure of a ... than spending time on creating a toolchain, configuring and compiling a compatible kernel, and working out the minutiae of interfacing the peripherals we need to use Our development process is ... offering single-board x86-Linux-compatible computers based around processors ranging from the 80386 (in the form of the Intel i386EX embedded controller) all the way up to high-end multiprocessor...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 17:20

255 1,4K 0
Tài liệu IELTS Essay, topic: Computers in our life ppt

Tài liệu IELTS Essay, topic: Computers in our life ppt

... becoming increasingly dependent on computers They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers ... temperatures in the morning are about 22 to 25 degrees The condition for running is excellent in these temperatures In these reasons, I get up early in the morning I think it is natural for human beings ... open casinos They think that casinos can bring money to prefectures Pachinkoes and horse races are legal To bet officially in soccer games is already admitted, too They think admitting casinos is...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 15:20

48 661 5