... EFFORT AND EXPENSE HAVE GONE INTO THE DEVELOPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION OF SAP2000. THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED AND USED. IN USING THE PROGRAM, HOWEVER, THE USER ACCEPTS AND UNDERSTANDS ... 1 - 2 Overview of the Program 1 Overview of the Program SAP2000 is a stand-alone finite-element-based structural program for the analysis and design of civil structures. It offers an intuitive, ... spans 60 feet, and has a width and height of 12 feet each. The supports are roll- ers at one end, and pins at the other. The trusses and cross members are to be constructed of 2L4X4’s, while...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:56
... shopping between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, between Finland and Sweden, between Austria and Germany, between Belgium and the Netherlands, and the Netherlands and Germany. (5) Many consumers ... between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, between Finland and Sweden, between Austria and Germany and between Belgium and the Netherlands. shopping by 5%. The results of the calculation show ... describes and analyses consumer shopping behaviour online and offline; ã Chapter 3 presents the use and the functioning of price comparison websites; ã Chapter 4 provides findings of a comparison of...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21
SAP2000® Linear and Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis and Design of Three-Dimensional Structures GETTING STARTED doc
... Dimensions and tolerances – merge, selection, and snap tolerances; font sizes; zoom increment; and others Design codes and their parameters Colors of objects and results for display and printing ... parameters, and more DISCLAIMER CONSIDERABLE TIME, EFFORT AND EXPENSE HAVE GONE INTO THE DEVELOPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION OF SAP2000. THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED AND USED. IN ... i.e., as data organized in a set of tables with specified table names and column headings. These data include the definition of the model and the results of analysis and design. Tabular data can...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 03:20
Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 08:07
Báo cáo y học: "Functional constraint and small insertions and deletions in the ENCODE regions of the human genome" ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing: 2002 doc
... cost of materials and value of shipment The aggregate of the cost of materials and value of shipments figures for industry groups and for all manufacturing industries includes large amounts of ... cost of materials and value of shipment The aggregate of the cost of materials and value of shipments figures for industry groups and for all manufacturing industries includes large amounts of ... ratio of materials, labor, and other processing costs of value of shipments, both among industries and within the same industry. Before 1962, cost of materials and value of shipments were not published...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20
gold and gilt pots and pins possessions and people in medieval britain apr 2005
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:23
Similarities and Differences - Compare and Contrast
... for you). – SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: COMPARE AND CONTRAST – 72 ■ As you go through your day, compare and contrast things around you. Compare and contrast, for exam- ple, your current job ... each of the things being compared and contrasted separately—first, all aspects of the gardener, then all aspects of the parent—rather than one aspect of the gardener, one of the parent; another of ... dormancy. – SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: COMPARE AND CONTRAST – 68 W e spend a good deal of our lives comparing and contrasting things. Whenever we want to explain something, for example, we often use comparison...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Theories of cognition, emotion and the social world - missing links in psychosis
... of power and control to the people persecuting them or responsible for their hallucinations (Birchwood, 2003; Green et al., 2006). Negative appraisals of symptoms, of self and of others are of ... Psychosis and Human Nature. London: Penguin. Bentall, R. P. and Kinderman, P. (1999). Self-regulation, effect and psychosis: the role of social cognition in paranoia and mania. In Handbook of Cognition ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 102, 8627–32. Cantor-Graae, E. and Selten, J. P. (2005). Schizophrenia and migration: a meta-analysis and review. American Journal of Psychiatry,...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20
... The present theories of the transmission of light and sound; of the production of winds, and sun-spots, and of the method of development and dissemination of heat, are in point of fact, unphilosophical ... St., NEW YORK. These theories throw new light upon the character and extent of the atmosphere of the moon and planets, and the consequent availability of those and other spheres for sustaining ... current of activity of the vito-magnetic force. It is therefore not due to a condition of incandescence at or near that body. It is cool and habitable, and emits no light. The brightness of the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 01:20
... efficient and tractable manner What is advocated here, therefore, is the development of a computational theory of iangoage processing derived through the study of language from the perspective of ... temporal distribution of various types of information in speech were different. The architecture we propose is developed from a study of the task of speech, unde:standing and, furthermore, is ... kinds of interaction which occur between component.% that is. none of them are based on any theory of what kind of interactions and eomrnunication will be needed in a SUS. The designers of tile...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20
Intersections of Mathematical, Cognitive, and Aesthetic Theories of Mind pptx
... of Mathematical, Cognitive, and Aesthetic Theories of Mind Leonid I. Perlovsky Harvard University New mathematical and cognitive theories of the mind are connected to psychological theories of aesthetics. ... have any more meaning and purpose than that piece of rock at the side of the road?”—most people will agree that the idea of the meaning and purpose of life might be vague and barely conscious, ... to as the beauty of a scientific theory as a first proof of its validity. This beauty of course requires novelty, and possibly even bewilderment related to novelty and misunderstanding; the positive...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20
... problem of avant-garde artworks and rescue aesthetic theories of art. An obvious reaction is to deny that works such as Fountain are in fact art. This serves to shrink the domain of art to that of ... interest in it. It is not this sort of interest we are concerned with when discussing properties relevant to the appreciation of objects as artworks. Aesthetic theories of art focus upon artworks necessarily ... the aforementioned propositions, proponents of the first solution accept (R) and (S) but simply deny (X). The second version of Shelley’s description of the first solution denies (X) but on different...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20
seager - theories of consciousness - introduction and assessment (routledge, 1999)
... Hacker 1993) and, I take it, philosophical grammar consists in setting forth a proper understanding of the nature and role (or use) of concepts. Of course, the proper understanding of Ryle and Wittgenstein ... ETHICS OF SCIENCE An Introduction David B. Resnik PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS An Introduction to a World of Proofs and Pictures James Robert Brown THEORIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS An introduction and assessment William ... perception of a cat has the cat as its object and the subject in such a state is conscious not of his state of consciousness but rather of the cat, that is, the intentional object of the state of consciousness....
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:09
theories of programming and formal methods
... consists of a set of system traces, each of which is a collection of functions of time, expressing the value of each machine variable over the duration of a system run. (In the case of HyEvBMch, in ... Communications of the ACM 15(10), 859–866 (1972) 16. Hoare, C.A.R., He, J.: Unifying Theories of Programming. Prentice-Hall Interna- tional (1998) 17. Jia, Y., Harman, M.: An analysis and survey of the development ... purpose of this paper is to present some set-theoretic mod- els of computation. This topic and its usefulness are clearly related to those presented in the book by Hoare and He: “Unifying Theories of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:14