comparative law and legal reform transplanting legal systems



... Likosky: Law, Infrastructure and Human Rights Maughan & Webb: Lawyering Skills and the Legal Process McGlynn: Families and the European Union: Law, Politics and Pluralism Moffat: Trusts Law: Text and ... Introduction to European Law Ward: Shakespeare and Legal Imagination Zander: Cases and Materials on the English Legal System Zander: The Law- Making Process Globalisation and the Western Legal Tradition ... systems specifically accepted by Tamanaha as law are state law, customary law, religious law, international law, transnational law, indigenous law and natural law (pp 224–30) Tamanaha, General Jurisprudence,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

378 1,1K 2
Criminal law, tradition and legal order pptx

Criminal law, tradition and legal order pptx

... Criminal law, tradition and legal order Criminal law, tradition and legal order Crime and the genius of Scots law, 1747 to the present Lindsay Fanner Birkbeck ... Acknowledgements page x The boundaries of the criminal law: criminal law, legal theory and history The genius of our law: legality and the Scottish legal tradition 21 The judicial establishment: the ... The genius of our law: legality and the Scottish legal tradition Introduction A condition of the Treaty of Union between Scotland and England in 1707 was that the Scottish legal system, together...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

219 230 0
a contrastive analysis of professional titles in legal systems in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu đối chiếu các chức danh trong hệ thống luật pháp trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

a contrastive analysis of professional titles in legal systems in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu đối chiếu các chức danh trong hệ thống luật pháp trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... how to pronounce two sounds /e/ and / ổ / and how to use Wh- questions and gerunds and to infinitive.Ok, now keep silent and look at the two columns in the textbook and listen to the tape twice ... teaching and learning materials and equipment, limited teaching and learning time, unvaried teaching techniques and few chances for students to practice in class bring about trouble in teaching and ... learners and it is often pronounced as /e/ With the consonants/ / and //, students often pronounce them as /t/ and /d/ in Vietnamese Similarly, the sounds // and / / are pronounced as /z/ and /s/...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:17

70 567 0
Global administrative law and EU administrative law relationships, legal issues and comparison

Global administrative law and EU administrative law relationships, legal issues and comparison

... Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law Edoardo Chiti  Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella Editors Global Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law Relationships, Legal Issues and Comparison ... EU administrative law and global administrative law? To which extent are EU administrations subject to EU law and to global law? And to which extent is global administrative law subject to the ... between EU administrative law and global administrative law The second and the third part look at the linkages and interconnections between global administrative law and EU law The last three parts...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2015, 01:54

424 750 0


... the key ethical and legal issues and considerations, codes and statutes, and the key legal opinions (case law) and key ­legislation ix RT53227.indb 10/9/06 9:54:38 AM Introduction and regulations ... ethical or legal issues or an explanation of a legal statute or case law, they search through a general law resource guide or text only to find that general law dictionaries and general legal reference ... practice Parts II and III provide the reader with a concise description and guidelines for the most common ethical and legal issues and considerations Because the language of ethics and law tends to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

292 1,3K 1
Illegal births and legal abortions – the case of China pot

Illegal births and legal abortions – the case of China pot

... morals and laws may be hazy, and social and legal control may be hard to distinguish from one another Population targets, widespread family planning information, easily accessible services and increased ... abortion law abolished most restrictions, and set 28 weeks of gestation as the upper limit for legally performing abortions [37] Some provinces have made their own laws stipulating the place and performer ... complicated and is not a formality The Chinese family planning regulations not include the concept of an "illegal child" (i.e a child born out of an "illegal pregnancy"), and the law prohibits...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

8 867 0
The impact of and responses to HIV/AIDS in the private security and legal services industry in South Africa potx

The impact of and responses to HIV/AIDS in the private security and legal services industry in South Africa potx

... thorough understanding of the economic sectors, and their skills and demographic profiles, is fundamental to an understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS on various sectors and the demand and supply ... African males and females reported significantly higher use of condoms (46.0% and 49.8% respectively) than did white and coloured males (23.8% and 23.3% respectively) and white and coloured females ... behavioural and social risk factors (classified as distal, proximal and person factors) and HIV/AIDS itself; other influences, which impact on the demand and supply of employees, the recruitment and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

192 478 0


... issues about the ethical and legal dimensions of such research and the norms and policies that have traditionally governed its conduct The ability of both researchers and their subjects to assume ... professional and online communities, research institutions, and government agencies Participants were drawn from OPRR and an array of fields, including social science, ethics, law, and computer ... great lengths and take considerable pride in protecting their anonymity And given the present social and economic disparity, both domestically and internationally, in Internet access and usage,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

20 311 0
Epistemology and Methodology of Comparative Law docx

Epistemology and Methodology of Comparative Law docx

... International & Comparative Law Quarterly 817 P Legrand, ‘European Legal Systems are not Converging’, (1996) 45 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 52, 60–1 Epistemology and Comparative Law 37 ... what makes comparative legal history so vital Only an understanding of legal culture and legal tradition can illuminate and explain the interrelations between one system and another, and the fundamental ... Tradition Alan Watson Legal Cultures and Legal Traditions H Patrick Glenn Legal Epistemology and Transformation of Legal Cultures Marek Zirk-Sadowski Epistemology and Comparative Law: Contributions...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

408 464 2
the truth about the music business a grassroots business and legal guide

the truth about the music business a grassroots business and legal guide

... Music Business: A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide law is a jealous mistress, and to master the ins and outs of entertainment law requires a great deal of time and effort That doesn’t leave much ... stadiums, and, unfortunately for many musicians, the frequent full-circle right back to roadside bars and nightclubs Having a plan for the business and legal needs and fully understanding who ... barristers This is especially true in Canada and the United The Truth About the Music Business: A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide Kingdom, and in legal systems that model themselves after those...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:19

652 298 0
Tài liệu tiếng Anh thương mại quản lý Chapter 17 Contract formation and legal issues

Tài liệu tiếng Anh thương mại quản lý Chapter 17 Contract formation and legal issues

... voidable 17-19 Legality of Purpose • A contract whose purpose is illegal is automatically illegal and void • A contract whose primary purpose is legal, but whose ancillary terms is illegal, may be ... basic legal considerations » Interpretations of laws may vary significantly » Supply professionals should seek legal counsel whenever potential legal problems arise or the opportunity to prevent legal ... Commercial Law • Basic Legal Considerations • The Purchase Contract • Letters of Intent 17-2 Key Concepts • Special Legal Considerations » Inspection Rights » Rights of Rejection » Title and Risk...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 22:38

40 740 0
reasons of identity a normative guide to the political and legal assessment of identity claims nov 2009

reasons of identity a normative guide to the political and legal assessment of identity claims nov 2009

... interpreting and assessing identity claims developed in this book It examines the meaning and ambiguities of identity in political and scholarly debates, and the widely held position that identity and ... declarations, and conventions have emerged at the national and international levels, and many existing ones have been reformed to address claims for the protection of cultural, religious, and linguistic ... Brubaker and Cooper 2000: 9), or as an idea (ed.), L’identite ‘without which certain key questions cannot be thought at all’ (Hall 1996: 2).11 In legal scholarship and even legal cases, identity and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 21:25

197 386 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Midwifery tutors’ capacity and willingness to teach contraception, post-abortion care, and legal pregnancy termination in Ghana" doc

báo cáo sinh học:" Midwifery tutors’ capacity and willingness to teach contraception, post-abortion care, and legal pregnancy termination in Ghana" doc

... Policy to include PAC and the provision of CAC as permitted by law [11] The 2006 GHS Reproductive Health Standards and Protocol provide guidelines for interpreting the law and these are consistent ... abortion care and legal pregnancy termination Specifically, this study focuses on the capacity and willingness of midwifery tutors to teach contraception, post abortion care and legal termination ... Ghanaian abortion Law and GHS policies This technically limits access to abortion care since providers who not understand the abortion law in the country may refuse to provide legal abortion services...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

6 442 0
Ethical Choices and Legal Obligations_1 pot

Ethical Choices and Legal Obligations_1 pot

... working with lawyers; and, perhaps most important, the psychological costs and the stress of being under attack and of having some of your questionable conduct aired in public LEGAL RISK AND LAW S NORMATIVE ... understands about how law works When nonlawyers think about law, they typically talk about ‘‘obeying the law. ’’ Two ideas lurk behind this First, there’s the idea that the paradigm of legal trouble ... ‘‘breaking the law. ’’ Second, it’s easy to think the law is like a line in the sand Cross it and you’re in trouble Don’t cross it and you’re not When we think this way, we are looking at law through...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

23 65 0
Ethical Choices and Legal Obligations_3 potx

Ethical Choices and Legal Obligations_3 potx

... situations And, in a case like this, there is the possibility of a lawsuit—an expensive, time-consuming, and likely embarrassing lawsuit Judy’s problem, and Jim’s problem, is now your problem and the ... Discrimination, and Paramour Preference 87 was different Ted’s e-mail, in particular, would make a defense lawyer (and the company’s insurance company) cringe, and a plaintiff’s lawyer salivate ... heard the evidence, and agreed with White that Burlington had retaliated against her Retaliation raises key issues of law and ethics Because of the White case, law is now front and center, so we’ll...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

23 86 0
Ethical Choices and Legal Obligations_5 pot

Ethical Choices and Legal Obligations_5 pot

... who has worked a demanding job has any doubt about what these are and the real costs they impose But compromising ethics and values demands to achieve the goal of winning demands our serious attention ... means people who ‘‘know the laws of their country, industry, and company—both in letter and spirit and abide by them.’’8 I agree Incentive Compensation: Honesty, Greed, and Fraud 143 How could anyone ... of their status and power, are often likely to be in a position to avoid adhering to the standards and obeying the rules they impose on others Senior managers make the rules and enforce them...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

23 95 0
A-Z of the Environment Covering the scientific, economic and legal issues facing all types of organisation pdf

A-Z of the Environment Covering the scientific, economic and legal issues facing all types of organisation pdf

... keeping requirements and administration and enforcement respectively Animal and vegetable matter and food industries Animal by-products Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations ... Environmental Management Systems 225 ISO 14021 226 ISO 14031 xiv 213 226 THE A-Z OF THE ENVIRONMENT K Kyoto Protocol (US) 229 L Land Drainage Act 1994 233 Landfill sites 233 Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations ... Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 318 Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) 320 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 321 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

514 290 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Medical tourism and policy implications for health systems: a conceptual framework from a comparative study of Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Medical tourism and policy implications for health systems: a conceptual framework from a comparative study of Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia" pot

... workforce and health systems in India Health Policy and Planning 2010, 25:248-251 UNESCAP: Medical travel in Asia and the Pacific: challenges and opportunities Thailand, United Nations Economic and ... medical tourism and the patient protective argument Harvard Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper 2010, 10-08 28 Chee HL: Medical tourism and the state in Malaysia and Singapore ... Health and medical tourism: what they mean and imply for health care systems In Health and Ageing Volume 15 The Geneva Association; 2006 Carrera P, Bridges J: Globalization and healthcare: understanding...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

12 464 0

... Shakespeare and Legal Imagination Zander: Cases and Materials on the English Legal System Zander: The Law- Making Process An Introduction to Law and Regulation Text and Materials Bronwen Morgan and Karen ... Criminal Law Lewis: Choice and the Legal Order: Rising above Politics Likosky: Transnational Legal Processes Likosky: Law, Infrastructure and Human Rights Maughan & Webb: Lawyering Skills and the Legal ... McGlynn: Families and the European Union: Law, Politics and Pluralism Moffat: Trusts Law: Text and Materials Norrie: Crime, Reason and History O’Dair: Legal Ethics Oliver: Common Values and the PublicÀPrivate...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

373 1,2K 5