community based approaches to reduce pediatric obesity

Asset based approaches to poverty reduction moser 2

Asset based approaches to poverty reduction moser 2

... paper provides a brief introduction to asset -based approaches to poverty reduction in a globalized context The aim is to show the added value of asset -based approaches, in terms of both better ... Asset -based research approaches Carter, May; Hoddinott ; Adato Asset -based assessments BASIS CRSP Tools to identify poverty traps Asset building Sherraden; Ford Foundation Asset building and community ... Georgetown University, Washington DC Amy Liu, Deputy Director, Metropolitan Policy, Brookings, Asset -based Approaches to Katrina Disaster and Reconstruction 34 Lilianne Fan, Advocacy Coordinator,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:21

41 404 1
Community Economic Development to Reduce Womenís Poverty and Improve Income pptx

Community Economic Development to Reduce Womenís Poverty and Improve Income pptx

... generation to the same, young women told us they want to work to build a better future for themselves and those around them We spoke to 50 young women in inner-city Winnipeg, Manitoba Located ... the community, and is guided by the community in a long term strategy to reduce poverty This research was developed with community workers who identified the need for more analysis on how to support ... they already access can start to work with young women as individuals to prepare them to enter into the waged economy If young women are to share equally in efforts toward CED, the gendered implications...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

20 366 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Paragraph-, word-, and coherence-based approaches to sentence ranking: A comparison of algorithm and human performance" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Paragraph-, word-, and coherence-based approaches to sentence ranking: A comparison of algorithm and human performance" ppt

... baseline 2.2 Word -based approaches Word -based approaches to summarization are based on the idea that discourse segments are important if they contain “important” words Different approaches have ... was done to control for the effect of paragraph information on human sentence rankings 4.1 Materials for approaches the coherence -based In order to test the tree -based approach, we took coherence ... tree- and non-tree based In order to illustrate both data structures, consider (9) as an example: (9) Example text Susan wanted to buy some tomatoes She also tried to find some basil The basil would...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

8 415 0
white - accepting the invisible hand; market-based approaches to social-economic problems (2010)

white - accepting the invisible hand; market-based approaches to social-economic problems (2010)

... she may be too lazy to enroll in a 401(k) when she really wants to, and she may just as well be too lazy to choose not to enroll when she has a very good reason not to enroll But regulators not ... reason represented her interests To assume otherwise—or worse, to act coercively on that assumption—would be to fail to respect her dignity and autonomy, and to treat her as less than a full ... order to align their actions with those of consumers and create the miracle of economic coordination that enables them to provide the desired shirt to a customer who happens to walk into a particular...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 17:55

214 137 0
Community based adaptation to climate change in settlement development programmes among the urban poor a case study of metro manila

Community based adaptation to climate change in settlement development programmes among the urban poor a case study of metro manila

... Brookside's community  history  as  told  by  its’  residents 336 Table  36  Sitio  Pajo's community  history  as  told  by  its’  residents 337 Table  37  PSHAI's community  history  as  told ...  Tagumpay's community  history  as  told  by  its’  residents 338 Table 39 Sub-Urban's community  history  as  told  by  its’  residents 338 Table 40 Masagana's community  history  as  told  by ... the development community and is leading to more purposeful efforts to incorporate adaptation responses into development initiatives One such response is Community- Based Adaptation to Climate Change...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:07

379 372 0
Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 5

Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 5

... minimized non-specific binding of proteins to the glass surface, rendering it possible to eliminate the blocking step using BSA In addition, a novel fluorescence -based approach for quantitative detection ... antiphosphotyrosine antibodies was developed Due to its sensitivity, high specificity and the short incubation time needed to detect phosphorylation, this antibody -based approach presents obvious advantages ... site-specific immobilization of proteins is even more critical since their active site needs to be accessible to the substrates By arraying C-terminal biotinylated proteins on avidin functionalized...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:14

3 128 0
Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 4

Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 4

... protein, which may interfere with proper folding of the protein.20 Furthermore, avidin is known to be toxic to cells, making the expression of avidin-fused proteins a difficult task.21 4.1.3 Intein-Mediated ... chemical synthesis The intein -based purification protocol has found wide applications in protein engineering where the expressed protein ligation (EPL) strategy is utilized to incorporate non coded ... sequences into a protein sequence (Figure 4.2 a).24,25 This strategy has been extended to modifications of proteins at their C-termini with a number of chemical tags.26 Recently, Tolbert et al...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:14

17 147 0
Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 3

Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 3

... Chapter 3.1.2 Microarray -Based High Throughput Kinase Study More recently, peptide -based microarrays have also been developed for screening of kinase activity.9,10,11,12 Compared to the SPOT technology, ... ligand-receptor interaction and so on.13,14 However, the development of these technologies is still in its infancy since some issues remain to be addressed For efficient kinase assay to be performed, ... serious threat to human health.9,10 Furthermore, the long exposure time (usually hours to days) needed for sensitive detection of 32 P upon substrate phosphorylation does not lend itself to high-throughput...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:14

33 129 0
Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 2

Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 2

... etched into the substrate in a dilute HF/NH4F bath Because the photoresist used to mask wet etches does not adhere well to glass, a sacrificial layer that adhere well to both glass and photoresist ... with sacrificial layer Photoresist Photoresist coated UV light photomask Photoresist exposed Photoresist and sacrificial layer removed in mask pattern Glass etched Photoresist and sacrificial ... positive photoresist is spin-coated on top of the substrate, and the channel design is transferred to the substrate using a photomask Following exposure and development of the photoresist, the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:14

43 171 0
Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 1

Microfluidics and microarray based approaches to biological analysis 1

... can efficiently be transferred to the microchip format in which case capillaries need to be derivatized to remove the electroosmotic flow to allow for efficient size based separation of nucleic ... techniques together with the separation step onto a single chip is not taken into account and often one or several of the steps are still performed off-chip Chapter 1.1.4 Limitations, Issues to Be ... organisms The goal is not simply to provide a catalogue of all the genes and information about their function, but to understand how the components work together to direct cells and organisms Among...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:14

21 188 0
Corpus based approaches to english language teaching

Corpus based approaches to english language teaching

... how to evaluate and present corpus patterns to language learners; how to manage decontextualized data; and how to connect surface forms to meaning English subject curricula should take into account ... general corpora -based EFL textbooks, such as the volumes published in CUP’s Touchstone series (e.g McCarthy et al 2005) According to CUP’s promotional description for the series, Touchstone draws ... corpus -based approaches to language teaching (Wichmann et al 1997; Burnard and McEnery 2000; Granger et al 2002; Kettemann and Marko 2002; Aston et al 2004; O’Keefe et al 2007; Aijmer 2009, to name...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2016, 15:53

300 738 0
Báo cáo y học: "Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention" pptx

... things together) is believed Page of 15 to reduce stress in children (unpublished IDEFICS data) Based on face -to- face discussions with the intervention centres, it was therefore decided to address ... appeared to be a long process that needs to be done systematically Sufficient time, human resources and finances need to be planned in advance to be able to develop an intervention that is evidence -based ... local and relevant community members (local municipality, social services and welfare sector, private actors) had to be represented Special emphasis was placed on the inclusion of community members...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

15 341 0
Tài liệu Community Approaches to Child Health in Malawi: Applying the Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI) Framework docx

Tài liệu Community Approaches to Child Health in Malawi: Applying the Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI) Framework docx

... Participatory research methods and community- based monitoring and evaluation efforts are important tools for communities to learn about and assume responsibility for these behaviors Ibid Community Approaches ... to get to the nearest health facility 10 Community Approaches to Child Health in Malawi management and supervision of health services by community committees, and collaboration on community- based ... cost-effective way to improve 15 Community Approaches to Child Health in Malawi community access to essential drugs and treatment Under the first project, DRF volunteers were community- based volunteers...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

33 556 0


... price to encourage a switch to lower-fat milk, it may be possible to provide vouchers to mothers of young children to enable them to obtain it at the lower, pre-tax price This would be costly to ... reducing obesity will depend on the extent to which it encourages people to reduce consumption of fatty food, and the extent to which fatty foods and snacks have contributed to the rise in obesity ... to change production processes to reduce fat content in order to reduce the tax liability their products would face One possible argument in favour of the tax is that consumers are unlikely to...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

20 421 0
What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? docx

What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? docx

... contributed to tobacco prevention and control, pricing policies for food may be more complex to implement a Compared to tobacco and alcohol, it is more difficult to identify specific foods on which to ... policies to nutrients than to particular types of foods; however, defining, identifying, and assessing special taxes and prices on them may be difficult and costly to implement In contrast to tobacco ... seen to actually giving food to patients (54) Thus, while food provision appears to result in short-term weight loss, the 15 What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

25 552 0
Providing Clinicians with the Skills and Tools to Assess, Prevent and Treat Pediatric Obesity pdf

Providing Clinicians with the Skills and Tools to Assess, Prevent and Treat Pediatric Obesity pdf

... ETIOLOGY OF PEDIATRIC OBESITY To understand the epidemiology of childhood obesity in the US To review the underlying etiologies of childhood obesity EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY To review the role ... the assessment OF PEDIATRIC OBESITY and management of obesity in children THE EXPERT COMMITTEE CHILDHOOD OBESITY GUIDELINES THE 2007 2007 EXPERT COMMITTEE CHILDHOOD OBESITY To become familiar ... recommendations GUIDELINES from the Expert Committee To learn how to assess obesityOBESITY identify obesity- related morbidities ORAL HEALTH AND risk and To know the specific eating and physical activity...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 21:20

8 270 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Some solutions to protect and restore community based mangrove forests in Hau Loc Distric, Thanh Hoa rovince " pot

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Some solutions to protect and restore community based mangrove forests in Hau Loc Distric, Thanh Hoa rovince " pot

... the topic “Some solutions to protect and restore community based mangrove forest in Hau Loc, Thanh Hoa” to share experiences and discuss solutions to protect and restore the mangrove forest based ... and forest owners - District provides community with some fund to protect forest according to the law of the Government, to create opportunity for community to participate in forest plantation ... transferred to local people In addition, there is a need to assist community in developing a forest management system based on communities It is necessary to expand this model into other regions,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

9 400 1
Some solutions to protect and restore community based mangrove forests in Hau Loc Distric, Thanh Hoa rovince ppt

Some solutions to protect and restore community based mangrove forests in Hau Loc Distric, Thanh Hoa rovince ppt

... mangrove forests Some pictures of damages by storm in 7/2005 Farmer was worry about storms Objectives of Community Forest Management Environmental objectives To increase the area of mangrove forest, ... social evils Improve awareness of community to protect mangrove forest, protect the coastal landscape Strengthen agreement within the community, and contribute to retain security and defense Economical ... authorities, fish and sea food harvesters to discuss and comment on the plan to plant, tend and protect mangrove forests To mobilize participation of local people to promote their experience and creativeness...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

29 346 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Community-based knowledge transfer and exchange: Helping community-based organizations link research to action" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Community-based knowledge transfer and exchange: Helping community-based organizations link research to action" doc

... brings [Community- based participatory research] begins with a research topic of importance to the community with the aim of combining knowledge and action for social change to improve community ... methods of community- based research (CBR) and KTE; to compare the potential of CBR to link research evidence to action to those efforts more commonly discussed in the KTE literature; and to develop ... be used to determine strategic areas to help expand upon CBR to develop a strategy for communitybased KTE CBR provides several useful tools and strategies for linking research evidence to action...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:22

14 231 0
báo cáo khoa học: " A community based participatory approach to improving health in a Hispanic population" potx

báo cáo khoa học: " A community based participatory approach to improving health in a Hispanic population" potx

... Charlotte Hispanic community; to develop a community- based intervention that positively impacts the chosen condition and improves overall community health; and to disseminate findings to all stakeholders ... between community members and health providers An essential step to achieve these goals is the use of community- based participatory research (CBPR) within a practice -based research network (PBRN) to ... tools can also be used effectively to evaluate patterns of healthcare access and to define community service areas [39] GIS models of provider penetration into a community are robust enough to...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

11 354 0