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Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Administration pdf

Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Administration pdf

... 9 designedtoletyouconcentrateonafewareasofemphasis(suchasmanagement,mar- keting,businessinformationtechnology,oraccountingandtaxation)lateron,ortopur- sueageneralistprogram.Sinceourschoolisrelativelylarge,itoersyouthechance toselectfromaverybroadrangeofcoursesandareasoffocus. 1.Mastersdegreeprograms OnceyouhaveearnedabachelorsdegreeinBusinessAdministrationatFreieUniversitọt Berlin,youareeligibleforadmissiontovarioussubsequentacademicprogramsallover theworld.Withinourownschool,weoerthefollowingacademicmastersdegreepro- gramsintheeldofBusinessAdministration,opentocandidateswhoholdaBachelor ofSciencedegreeinBusinessAdministration: 1.MasterofScienceinManagement&Marketing 2.MasterofScienceinFinance,Accounting,Taxation&Supplements(FACTS) Amastersdegreeprogramtypicallylastsfoursemesters.Theseprogramsareprimarily research-orientedandleadtothedegreeofMasterofScience(M.Sc.).Thesubject-spe- cicconcentrationsoftheprogramsoeredatFreieUniversitọtareaspecialfeature withintheGermanhighereducationlandscape. Thebusinessspecialistswithintheschoolarealsoinvolvedinanothergraduatepro- gram:themastersdegreeprograminGender&Diversity,whichisoeredincoopera- tionwiththeDepartmentsofPoliticalScienceandLaw. Inadditiontotheabovementionedconsecutivemastersdegreeprograms,theSchool ofBusinessandEconomicsalsooersacontinuingeducationprogramforworking professionals:theExecutiveMasterofBusinessMarketingprogram.Thisprogramis tuition-basedandrequiresatleastthreeyearsofprofessionalexperience.TheExecu- tiveMasterprogramincludesbothmodernmarketingandsalesskillsandfundamen- talsofcontrolling,strategy,andmanagement.Forfurtherinformation,pleasevisitthe website 2.Whataboutanacademiccareer? GraduatesofMasterofScienceprogramsatFreieUniversitọtBerlinnotonlypos- sessexcellentprofessionalqualications,theyarealsoeligibletoapplytodoctoralpro- gramsatuniversitiesinGermanyandabroad. Ingeneral,adoctoralprogramishostedbyagraduateschool.Studentswishingto V.ConceptbehindthebachelorsdegreeprograminBusiness Administration(B.Sc.program) 1.Generalprogramobjectives ThebachelorsdegreeprograminBusinessAdministrationwithinourschooloersa solideducationinBusinessAdministrationandaninitialdegreethatqualiesgradu- atestoenteraprofession,allgenerallywithinjustsixsemesters.Itincludes: ... AsGermany’scapitalcityandamajorcenterofinternationalacademia,Berlinoers studentsawealthofpotentialemployersandinternshipopportunities.Representatives frompolitics,the business sector,academia,associations,andfoundationsfromGer- manyandabroadcometogether in Berlintoshareinformationandideas,whichma- kesBerlinanoutstandingenvironmentforstudentstonetworkandmakeconnections. VI.Structureandorganizationofthebachelor’sdegree program in Business Administration Thebachelor’sdegreeprogram in Business Administrationistaught in German! Theprogramcanbedividedintotwosegments: 1.thecoresubject(Kernfach)of Business Administration(150ECTS) 2.generalprofessionalpreparation(GPP)(Allgemeine ... 9 designedtoletyouconcentrateonafewareasofemphasis(suchasmanagement,mar- keting,businessinformationtechnology,oraccountingandtaxation)lateron,ortopur- sueageneralistprogram.Sinceourschoolisrelativelylarge,itoersyouthechance toselectfromaverybroadrangeofcoursesandareasoffocus. 1.Mastersdegreeprograms OnceyouhaveearnedabachelorsdegreeinBusinessAdministrationatFreieUniversitọt Berlin,youareeligibleforadmissiontovarioussubsequentacademicprogramsallover theworld.Withinourownschool,weoerthefollowingacademicmastersdegreepro- gramsintheeldofBusinessAdministration,opentocandidateswhoholdaBachelor ofSciencedegreeinBusinessAdministration: 1.MasterofScienceinManagement&Marketing 2.MasterofScienceinFinance,Accounting,Taxation&Supplements(FACTS) Amastersdegreeprogramtypicallylastsfoursemesters.Theseprogramsareprimarily research-orientedandleadtothedegreeofMasterofScience(M.Sc.).Thesubject-spe- cicconcentrationsoftheprogramsoeredatFreieUniversitọtareaspecialfeature withintheGermanhighereducationlandscape. Thebusinessspecialistswithintheschoolarealsoinvolvedinanothergraduatepro- gram:themastersdegreeprograminGender&Diversity,whichisoeredincoopera- tionwiththeDepartmentsofPoliticalScienceandLaw. Inadditiontotheabovementionedconsecutivemastersdegreeprograms,theSchool ofBusinessandEconomicsalsooersacontinuingeducationprogramforworking professionals:theExecutiveMasterofBusinessMarketingprogram.Thisprogramis tuition-basedandrequiresatleastthreeyearsofprofessionalexperience.TheExecu- tiveMasterprogramincludesbothmodernmarketingandsalesskillsandfundamen- talsofcontrolling,strategy,andmanagement.Forfurtherinformation,pleasevisitthe website 2.Whataboutanacademiccareer? GraduatesofMasterofScienceprogramsatFreieUniversitọtBerlinnotonlypos- sessexcellentprofessionalqualications,theyarealsoeligibletoapplytodoctoralpro- gramsatuniversitiesinGermanyandabroad. Ingeneral,adoctoralprogramishostedbyagraduateschool.Studentswishingto V.ConceptbehindthebachelorsdegreeprograminBusiness Administration(B.Sc.program) 1.Generalprogramobjectives ThebachelorsdegreeprograminBusinessAdministrationwithinourschooloersa solideducationinBusinessAdministrationandaninitialdegreethatqualiesgradu- atestoenteraprofession,allgenerallywithinjustsixsemesters.Itincludes: ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

16 363 0
Student Handbook for the Master of Science Programs in: Business & Management pdf

Student Handbook for the Master of Science Programs in: Business & Management pdf

... Specialization in International Economics 20 2.3 MSC IN FINANCE & ACCOUNTING (MFINA) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 22 2.3.1 Specialization in Accounting & Financial Management 22 2.3.2 Specialization in ... ASSOCIATION (SASSE) 12 1.10 STUDENT INSURANCE 12 2 OVERVIEW OF THE MSC PROGRAMS IN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT, ECONOMICS, AND FINANCE & ACCOUNTING 13 2.1 MSC IN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT (MBM) ... taking the examination are to check that the right examination with that day's date is included with the examination cover. In general, students taking an examination can keep the information...

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Tài liệu The Law ( In plan English) for the small Business pdf

Tài liệu The Law ( In plan English) for the small Business pdf

... Considerations Small Business for Small Business LAW LAW The Law (In Plain English) đ for Small Business helps you keep an eye toward the future by examining the unique issues of— No matter what stage your business ... Law for Small Business Organize Your Business ã Develop a Business Plan Finance a New Business ã Work with Contracts Hire Employees ã Collect Overdue Accounts đ THE (IN PLAIN ENGLISH) đ DuBoff EAN UPC S PHINX đ P UBLISHING AN ... affecting your small business. All the basic tools needed to begin operations are included such as— Starting a small business is easy. Doing it right is not. ã Succession Planning ã eBusiness...

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Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf

... are. …they earn. in front of other people. at a bus stop, in a shop, etc. …walking along the street. …for an informal party. …when they have invited you for drinks, dinner, etc. …without asking them ... Searle. She's in maternity. Nurse: tigisinV ruhos are from nine in the morning until six in the evening, but if you can't make those times, we can arrange something for you. 11. Ms ... Are you committing an offence if you are driving a vehicle and are involved in a hit-and-run? 11. If you are involved in an accident (even a minor one) with another vehicle, what information should you...

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... (covering new techniques or applications in named companies), and if possible should download up-to-date thinking via suitable search engines on the Internet. ABE Diploma in Business Administration ... Leadership appointed in the United Kingdom. Predominantly interested in military history, Adair used his research to formulate a theory which would also have valuable spin-offs as a training vehicle. ... workers and those living in the vicinity. Other stakeholders in this respect are the education and training providers, such as schools and colleges, who expect the business to provide information on...

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Tài liệu McEnery - Swearing in English pdf

Tài liệu McEnery - Swearing in English pdf

... swearing in English, for example, it does not begin to provide an explanation for anything that we see within the corpus. Description in tandem with explanation is a powerful combination in linguistics. ... produce an over-arching theory, they are forcing a separation between what may be intertwined Swearing in English 4 2 ‘So you recorded swearing’ Bad language in present-day English 48 Bad ... while once again the intention to some degree is to insult, Swearing in English 26 there is also an imperative involved, typically with a demand being made that the target go away. In a Gen utterance,...

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... (people in business, talking about your company, and company facts and figures), preparing a trip (choosing a hotel, flying out, arriving) , away on business (finding your way, going out, and eating ... Vocabulary in Business English I.3.1. Business English Vocabulary Ellis Mark and Johnson Christine (1996) state that “ Business English courses often focus 40 PART 3. CONCLUSION In this ... “words” In Michael McCarthy’s view (1990), words are defined as “ free- standing items of language that have meaning. For example: the word “eating” is freestanding in itself, and that within it...

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42 1.3K 3
Tài liệu VOCABULARY LIST - Business English Certificate (BEC) Preliminary pdf

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... (n) business (n) ã He runs a business. (n) ã company business (n) ã do business (v) ã be in/ on business (v) ã get down to business (phr v) ã go into business (phr v) ã go out of business ... v) ã set up in business (phr v) business card (n) business hours (n) business plan (n) business school (n) busy (adj) but (conj) button (n) ã The on/off button isnt working properly. ... mineral (adj) mineral water (n) min (abbrev) minimum minimum (adj & n) minor (adj) minus (conj) min (abbrev) minute minute (n) minutes (n & pl) the minutes of the meeting misc (abbrev)...

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... Cooperation in Business: Managing Dilemmas in the 21st Century, we take the first steps in exploring this emerging field of knowledge and practice, looking for ways to think about two key business ... knowledge. These forces will accelerate a shift in business strategy from solving concrete business problems to manag- ing complex business dilemmas, which in turn will require a broader set of strategic ... The foundation of our business is identifying emerging trends and discontinuities that will transform the global marketplace and providing our members with insights into business strategy, design...

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Tài liệu The Law (In Plain English) ® for Small Business ppt

Tài liệu The Law (In Plain English) ® for Small Business ppt

... you in creating your business plan. can use it. If the name is already in use, you could be liable for trade name or trademark infringement. Description of the Business In describing the business, ... obtain advice on corporate taxation. 12 ã The Law (In Plain English) đ for Small Business The Law (In Plain English) đ for Small Business Second Edition Leonard D. DuBoff Attorney at Law SPHINX đ PUBLISHING AN ... appropriate. 18 ã The Law (In Plain English) đ for Small Business Business Organization Checklist 3 CHAPTER As discussed in the previous chapter, there is a host of business forms available for...

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Tài liệu Praise for Business in the Cloud pdf

... autonomous business units Coordination requires everybody to know what the strategy is and have authority to act. Enterprise Coordinator Business Unit A Business Unit B Business Unit C Business ... markets. Instead of letting one original business unit get larger and larger as it grows its business and enters new markets, that original business unit takes on the role of the enterprise coordinator ... Coordinator Business Unit Business Unit Business Unit Business Unit New Coordinator Business units become new coordinators to support expansion into new market. Each business unit has its own sales...

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