commonly used english words with hindi meaning pdf

3000 commonly used english words [tvn center]

3000 commonly used english words [tvn center]

... lô gic logical (adj) /'lɔdʤikəl/ hợp lý, hợp logic 3000 English Commonly Used words 29 TVN Center 5 th Floor 292 Tay Son, Đong Đa, Ha Noi Tel: (84 ... (n) (especially NAmE) /´kuki/ bánh quy cool adj., (v) /ku:l/ mát mẻ, điềm tĩnh; làm mát, cope (with) (v) /koup/ đối phó, đương đầu copy (n) (v) /'kɔpi/ bản sao, bản chép lại; sự sao chép; ... confuse (v) làm lộn xộn, xáo trộn confusing (adj) /kən'fju:ziη/ khó hiểu, gây bối rối confused (adj) /kən'fju:zd/ bối rối, lúng túng, ngượng confusion (n) /kən'fju:ʒn/ sự lộn...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 09:50

89 523 0
Commonly used english part 1 pdf

Commonly used english part 1 pdf

... 1 Commonly- Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs What is the meaning of idioms? Words that come together and change the whole meaning of the statement like "it ... said that he was sorry but it was after the fact. He had already caused many problems. . against one's will - to be without a person's consent or agreement The police took the ... use it." according to (someone or something) - as said or told by someone, in agreement with something, in the order of something, in proportion to something According to our teacher,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 309 0
Commonly used english part 13 pdf

Commonly used english part 13 pdf

... different tune when his head salesman decided to quit. dance with death - to do something that is very risky The teenagers were dancing with death when they began to race their cars. dare (someone) ... boyfriend at the party. curry favor with (someone) - to flatter someone to get his or her help or friendship Our boss has been working hard to curry favor with the other members of the committee. ... same cloth and were similar in every way. cut no ice with (someone) - to have no influence on someone The excuses of the girl cut no ice with her teacher or the principal. cut off one`s...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 309 0
Commonly used english part 14 pdf

Commonly used english part 14 pdf

... business with someone The company is planning to deal with the late employee soon. deal with (something) - to be concerned with something, to take action about something We will deal with ... we first heard about him. do with (someone or something) - to be acquainted/involved/associated with someone or something I did not have anything to do with the meeting this year. ... principal was able to get the head teacher to do his bidding with the other teachers. do something rash - to take drastic action (usually without thinking) My friend is extremely angry and she...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 253 0
Commonly used english part 2 ppt

Commonly used english part 2 ppt

... bewilderment We were at a loss about what to do with the broken computer. at a loss for words - speechless, unable to speak I was at a loss for words when I met my friend after many years. ... have a weapon that may be used (usually used for a criminal) The criminal was armed and dangerous when the police arrested him. armed to the teeth - to be armed with many weapons The police ... for enough time to go to the stadium. along with (someone or something) - in addition to someone or something I went to the concert along with my friend. amount to (something) - to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 334 0
Commonly used english part 3 ppt

Commonly used english part 3 ppt

... about the new product. at loggerheads (with someone) - to be having a quarrel or disagreement with someone, to oppose someone We are at loggerheads with the company over their plans to build ... mother was at loose ends after her husband died. at odds (with someone) - in disagreement with someone The man has been at odds with his boss over his new sales territory. ... at first blush - when first seen, without careful study At first blush the man seemed like a good worker but later he had many problems. at hand - within reach, nearby I stopped working...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 302 0
Commonly used english part 4 potx

Commonly used english part 4 potx

... of where the man got the money. beg to differ with (someone) - to politely disagree with someone "I'm sorry but I beg to differ with you about what happened." begin to ... brunt of the tropical storm. bear with (someone or something) - to be patient with someone or something, to endure someone or something We had to bear with our teacher as she explained the ... constant lateness bore out the fact that he could never continue with one job for a long time. bear the brunt of (something) - to withstand the worst part or the strongest part of something The...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 251 0
Commonly used english part 5 pps

Commonly used english part 5 pps

... buying the old car to fix it up. beside oneself (with something) - to be very upset or excited about something The boy was beside himself with joy after winning the contest. beside the ... angry The customer blew his stack when they refused to exchange his purchase at the store. blow over - to die down, to calm down The problem with the lost invoices has blown over and everybody ... players to follow with his unique way of playing soccer. 48 bleep (something) out - to replace a word in a radio or television broadcast with a musical...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 314 0
Commonly used english part 6 ppsx

Commonly used english part 6 ppsx

... usually break up into small groups during our class. break up (with someone) - to end a relationship with someone My niece broke up with her boyfriend last June. . breath of fresh air ... speechless You can argue with him until you are blue in the face but you will never change his mind. bog down - to slow down, to become stuck I quickly became bogged down with all of the work ... bushy-tailed when we started out on the trip. brimming with (something) - to be full of some kind of happy behavior The children were brimming with energy on the morning of the festival. bring...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 310 0
Commonly used english part 7 pot

Commonly used english part 7 pot

... going to brush up on my English before my trip to New York. a brush with the law - a brief encounter or experience with the police because of a crime The man had a brush with the law when he ... mouse. burst with joy - to be full of happiness and feel that you will explode or burst My grandmother burst with joy when she saw her new baby granddaughter. burst with pride - to ... buy a pig in a poke - to buy something without seeing it or knowing if it will be satisfactory It is like buying a pig in a poke if you buy that car without first inspecting it. buy off...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 315 0
Commonly used english part 8 pptx

Commonly used english part 8 pptx

... 80 carry Idioms carry a lot of weight with (someone or something) - to be very influential with someone or a group of people The man's education and experience ... - with the use of something We were able to enter the old building by means of a small window in the back. by no means - absolutely not By no means will I permit my child to play with ... can't do anything with (someone or something) - to be unable to manage or control someone or something My sister is always complaining that she can't do anything with her daughter. ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 264 0
Commonly used english part 9 ppsx

Commonly used english part 9 ppsx

... caught up on some news. catch up with (someone or something) - to become even with someone (in a race or in schoolwork etc.) I think that it is too late to catch up with the rest of the class now. ... were almost identical. cast one's lot in with (someone) - to join with someone and accept whatever happens The woman cast her lot in with the company and worked hard to keep the business ... alarmed about something The soccer player caused a stir when he began to criticize the referee. cause eyebrows to raise - to shock people I caused eyebrows to raise when I decided not to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 295 0
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