common and proper nouns worksheets for grade 2

Tài liệu TEST FOR GRADE 12 (2) pdf

Tài liệu TEST FOR GRADE 12 (2) pdf

... TEST FOR GRADE 12 (2) Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences. 1) Lan: “Are you American?” ... c) getting d) to be getting 10) ___________ of health makes us miserable, and a burden to ourselves and our friends a) Lose b) Loss c) Losing d) Being lost 5) Do you mind ___________the ... c) getting d) to be getting 10) ___________ of health makes us miserable, and a burden to ourselves and our friends a) Lose b) Loss c) Losing d) Being lost ĐÁP ÁN : 1)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 20:20

5 712 0


... and what to do with listening task 22 % 67% 11% They hate listening because it is too difficult 22 % 22 % 56% They are interested because they want to self-listen to others: news, songs, and ... 45% 22 % True/false 100% Do extra-listening tasks 18% 56% 24 % Play games related to listening 32% 44% 24 % Listen for entertainment (music/films/ news) 11% 67% 22 % ... listening lessons? 1 – always 2 - often 3-sometimes 4 – rarely 5 – never 1 2 3 4 5 Listen to and transcribe word by word 33% 67% Getting main ideas 22 % 56% 22 % Note down missing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

53 1.2K 7
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations from Noisy Parallel Corpora" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations from Noisy Parallel Corpora" doc

... = 1) Pr(V1) L freq(V2[i] = 1) Pr(V2) = L freq(Vl[i] V2[i] - 1) Pr(VI,V2) = L where L = dim(V1) = dim(V2) 24 0 A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations ... 20 , 27 , 41, 47,193, 321 ,360. The Chinese trans- lation for prosperity is ~!. Its position vec- tor is (1955,5050, ,88048). Its binary vector is V2[i] = 1 where i = 14, 29 , 41, 47,193 ,27 5, 321 ,360. ... 98586, 98809) and text2 is segmented by the points (10,131, , 90957, 9 325 1). For the nouns we are interested in finding the translations for, we again look at the position vectors. For example,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 22:20

8 426 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acids at the N- and C-termini of human glutamate carboxypeptidase II are required for enzymatic activity and proper folding pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acids at the N- and C-termini of human glutamate carboxypeptidase II are required for enzymatic activity and proper folding pptx

... 3.4.17 .21 ). (Received 26 March 20 04, revised 3 May 20 04, accepted 7 May 20 04) Eur. J. Biochem. 27 1, 27 82 27 90 (20 04) Ó FEBS 20 04 doi:10.1111/j.14 32- 1033 .20 04.0 420 9.x of a stop codon, and consequently, ... Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Flemingovo n. 2, 166 10 Praha 6, the Czech Republic. Fax: + 420 2 20183 25 7, Tel.: + 420 2 20183 21 8, E-mail: Abbreviations: ... activity. Purification and immunologic characterization. J. Biol. Chem. 26 5, 21 297 21 301. 27 90 C. Bar ˇ inka et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 27 1) Ó FEBS 20 04 Amino acids at the N- and C-termini of human...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

9 414 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of B¢¢-subunits of protein phosphatase 2 A in Xenopus laevis oocytes and adult tissues Evidence for an independent N-terminal splice variant of PR130 and an extended human PR48 protein pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of B¢¢-subunits of protein phosphatase 2 A in Xenopus laevis oocytes and adult tissues Evidence for an independent N-terminal splice variant of PR130 and an extended human PR48 protein pot

... (Human PR70). (Received 27 August 20 02, revised 14 November 20 02, accepted 25 November 20 02) Eur. J. Biochem. 27 0, 376–387 (20 03) Ó FEBS 20 03 doi:10.1046/j.14 32- 1033 .20 03.03398.x search with XN73 ... laevis oocytes is required. At the moment, two PP2A C (a and b) [20 ], one PR65/A [21 ,22 ], one PR55/B [22 ] and two PR61/B¢ subunits [23 ,24 ] have been cloned from X. laevis. It has been shown that ... Structure and expression of a 72 kDa regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. Evidence for different size forms produced by alternative splicing. J. Biol. Chem. 26 8, 1 526 7–1 527 6. 26 . Voorhoeve,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

12 507 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Example-Based Metonymy Recognition for Proper Nouns" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Example-Based Metonymy Recognition for Proper Nouns" pot

... names, Markert and Nissim distinguished between place -for- people, place -for- event and place -for- product. For the organi- zation names, the most frequent metonymies are organization -for- members and organization -for- product. ... names (Markert and Nissim, 20 02b) and organization names (Nissim and Markert, 20 05). All these words were annotated with a semantic label — either literal or the metonymical cate- gory they belonged to. For ... and its grammatical and seman- tic context was investigated by Markert and Nis- sim (20 02a) and Nissim and Markert (20 03; 20 05). The key to their approach was the in- sight that metonymy recognition...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

8 374 0
SIEMENS - simatic standard software for S7-300 and S7-400 standard functions part 2 ppt

SIEMENS - simatic standard software for S7-300 and S7-400 standard functions part 2 ppt

... FALSE OUT_VAL [2, 15] DBX61.7 = FALSE S_MASK [2, 0] DBX 92. 0 = FALSE S_MASK [2, 1] DBX 92. 1 = TRUE S_MASK [2, 2] DBX 92. 2 = TRUE S_MASK [2, 3] DBX 92. 3 = TRUE S_MASK [2, 4] DBX 92. 4 = TRUE S_MASK [2, 5] DBX 92. 5 = ... be between 27 648 and 27 648, therefore, K1 = 27 648.0 and K2 = +27 648.0 • UNIPOLAR: The input integer value is assumed to be between 0 and 27 648, therefore, K1 = 0.0 and K2 = +27 648.0 If the ... W#16#1111 DW2 = W#16 #22 22 DW4 = W#16#3333 DW6 = W#16#4444 After execution: START DW0 = W#16# 123 4 DW2 = W#16#1111 DW4 = W#16 #22 22 DW6 = W#16#3333 Figure 3-1 Word Shift Register (WSR) Error Information Example Shift...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20

106 1.3K 0
IBM Systems Director for IBM i Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide Version 6.1.2 ppt

IBM Systems Director for IBM i Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide Version 6.1.2 ppt

... I/O Server Version 2. 1.0.10, fix pack 20 .1 and later fix packs, and Version 2. 1.1 and later, for Common- Agent managed system systems and Agentless-managed systems Note: The Common Agent is installed ... Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide numbers that you specified for the Web server to use. The default ports for the Web server are 8 421 and 8 422 . If you use port 8 422 , make sure that you ... Enterprise, Standard, and Datacenter x64 Editions with Hyper-V role enabled (supports Service Packs 1 and 2) Notes: 1. Only IBM Systems Director 6.1 .2 Common Agent and 6.1 .2 Platform Agent supportWindows...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

124 679 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Time and frequency domain methods for quantifying common modulation of motor unit firing patterns" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Time and frequency domain methods for quantifying common modulation of motor unit firing patterns" pot

... yy if 12 12 2 10() () ( ) τ πτ = −∞ ∞ ∫ S yy 12 SfSfe xx xx if xx 12 12 12 () () () = − θ S xx 11 θπτ xx ff 12 211 0 () ( )= S yy 12 S xx 12 RHfSfedf Sfe yy xx if f xx i 12 12 0 12 2 22 0 2 12( ) ... df f f xx f Wf S f e Wf S f df 12 12 0 1 2 11 1 2 2 2 = − ∫ ff xx f f Wf S f df 2 22 1 2 2 18 ∫∫ () () () wt t t () cos ()= +                  <≤ 1 2 1 2 0 0 19 π τ τ elsewhere Wf ... level is given by [24 ,3] E α = 1 - (1 - α ) 1/(N-1) (3) γ xx xx xx xx f Sf SfS f 12 12 11 2 2 12 1 () = () () ()     / () S xx 12 S xx 11 S xx 22 Cf f xx xx 12 12 2 () = () γ ˆ () * Cf XfXf Xf...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

12 479 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article The Shrinking Projection Method for Common Solutions of Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems and Fixed Point Problems for Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article The Shrinking Projection Method for Common Solutions of Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems and Fixed Point Problems for Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings" ppt

... μ n Cx n  , Journal of Inequalities and Applications 21 F 2  v n ,2 ,v 2   ϕ  v 2  − ϕ  v n ,2    A 2 x n ,v 2 − v n ,2   1 r 2  v 2 − v n ,2 ,v n ,2 − x n  ≥ 0, ∀v 2 ∈ E, . . . F M  v n,M ,v M   ϕ  v M  − ... v n,1 ,v n,1 − x n  ≥ 0, ∀v 1 ∈ E, F 2  v n ,2 ,v 2   ϕ  v 2  − ϕ  v n ,2    A 2 x n ,v 2 − v n ,2   1 r 2  v 2 − v n ,2 ,v n ,2 − x n  ≥ 0, ∀v 2 ∈ E, . . . F M  v n,M ,v M   ϕ  v M  − ... p   2 ≤ α 1 n   x n − p   2  α 2 n   y n − p   2  α 3 n   z n − p   2  α 4 n   u n − p   2  α 5 n   v n − p   2 . 3 .25  Substituting 3 .21 , 3 .22 , 3 .23  ,and 3 .24 ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

25 495 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Characterization and Optimization of LDPC Codes for the 2-User Gaussian Multiple Access Channel" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Characterization and Optimization of LDPC Codes for the 2-User Gaussian Multiple Access Channel" docx

... σ 2  = 1 √ π  +∞ −∞ e −z 2 log  1+e 2 √ μ+ (2/ σ 2 )z+μ +2/ σ 2 1+e 2 √ μ+ (2/ σ 2 )z−μ−6/σ 2  dz − μ, F +1,−1  μ, σ 2  = 1 √ π  +∞ −∞ e −z 2 log  1+e 2 √ μ+ (2/ σ 2 )z−μ 2/ σ 2 1+e 2 √ μ+ (2/ σ 2 )z+μ 2/ σ 2  dz + μ. (11) The ... 3 2. 306 721 e − 01 3 2. 3 128 04e − 01 3 1.305465e − 01 3 5.708851e − 03 4 5.059 420 e − 02 9 4 .24 1393e − 02 17 2. 50 823 7e − 02 20 1.817382e − 02 5 4 .22 9097e − 04 10 1.714436e − 01 18 2. 4 627 73e −01 21 1.891399e ... λ i i 2. 7 627 91e − 01 2 2.7 924 05e − 01 2 3.165084e − 01 2 4.388191e − 01 2 2. 321 906e − 01 3 2. 456371e − 01 3 2. 339989e − 01 3 1.303074e − 01 3 7.870900e − 02 9 1. 020 663e − 01 13 4 .28 5469e − 02 18...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 497 0
Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Cambridge, 2006) - Chapter 2 pptx

Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Cambridge, 2006) - Chapter 2 pptx

... forth. 1 1 .2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2 .2 2.4 2. 6 2. 8 3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 r N(500) Figure 2. 9. The bifurcation plot of N(500) versus r; see text for details. 42 Topics from ordinary and partial ... 3L 2 dL dt (2: 10) and if we use this equation in Eq. (2. 9), we see that 3L 2 dL dt ¼ L 2  cL 3 (2: 11) so that now if we divide through by 3L 2 , we obtain dL dt ¼  3  c 3 L (2: 12) and ... average and estimate the growth rate according to r  1 t ½logðlð0ÞÞ þ logðlð1ÞÞþþlogðlðt 1ÞÞ (2: 22) 0 –3 2 –1 0 Poor year Good year r (a) 1 2 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 λ (b) (c) Figure 2. 6. (a)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

60 424 0
Technology, Knowledge and the Firm Implications for Strategy and Industrial Change PHẦN 2 doc

Technology, Knowledge and the Firm Implications for Strategy and Industrial Change PHẦN 2 doc

... in holding and transferring information and knowledge, through, for example, encryption techniques and firewalls (Nonaka and Nishiguchi, 20 01), and those that help measure, control and diagnose ... al., 20 02) . 10. See the special edition of Research Policy ‘Codification of Knowledge: Empirical Evidence and Policy Recommendations’, 30 (9), 20 01, and Industrial and Corporate Change,9 (2) , 20 00. 11. ... Prentice-Hall. Dahl, D., A. Chattopadhyay and G. Gorn (20 01), ‘The Importance of Visualization in Concept Design’, Design Studies, 22 (1), 5 26 . Dodgson, M., D. M. Gann and A. Salter (20 02) , ‘The Intensification...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

30 573 0
Manual for Soil Analysis-Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation Phần 2 doc

Manual for Soil Analysis-Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation Phần 2 doc

... structure and organic matter storage. CRC/Lewis, Boca Raton, pp 21 3 26 2 ISO 10381–1 (20 02) Soil quality – Sampling – Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes ISO 10381 2 (20 02) Soil ... mayform the borehole in advance of the steel casing being pushed down the hole, e.g., in clay 1 Soil Sampling and Storage 43 for 1 2 years. Samples for rRNA analyses can be stored at –80 ◦ C for ... microbial carbon and nitrogen dynamics that can last for more than a month after the last stress (Fierer and Schimel 20 02) . Rewetting after drying causes bursts of respiration and growth of distinct populations...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

37 346 0
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