comets a manifesto and a dialogue

Tài liệu Sexual and Reproductive Health of HIV Positive Women and Adolescent Girls: A Dialogue on Rights, Policies and Services ppt

Tài liệu Sexual and Reproductive Health of HIV Positive Women and Adolescent Girls: A Dialogue on Rights, Policies and Services ppt

... especially women and young people, as well as a training package for sexual and reproductive health programme managers and providers Both publications are slated for publication by UNFPA and EngenderHealth ... In April and May of 2005, UNFPA and EngenderHealth, in collaboration with the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW), Ipas and the Program on International Health and Human ... policy makers, programme managers, health workers, advocates, and activists The principal writer Amy Shire, with major contributions from ICW Members, Shahira Ahmed, and Maria de Bruyn UNFPA and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

33 537 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Descriptive Framework for Translating Speaker''''s Meaning Towards a Dialogue Translation System between Japanese and English" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Descriptive Framework for Translating Speaker''''s Meaning Towards a Dialogue Translation System between Japanese and English" pot

... multiple analyses are disambiguated (3-3), the surface analysis of (3-2), is analyzed as (4-5) This enables an adequate English translation (4-8) instead of an inappropriate literal translation ... syntactically by m e a n s of predicateinternal collocation, adjunction, tense, and modal information An IFT-Schema consists of a goal whose value is a partial description of a deep IFT, and a ... that is a modification of the former for dealing with Japanese On the basis of a unification parser developed at ATR (Kogure et al 1988), the grammar has been written and proven capable of analyzing...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

8 329 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Adaptivity in Question Answering with User Modelling and a Dialogue Interface" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Adaptivity in Question Answering with User Modelling and a Dialogue Interface" pptx

... References E Alfonseca, M DeBoni, J.-L Jara-Valencia, and S Manandhar 2001 A prototype question answering system using syntactic and semantic information for answer retrieval In Text REtrieval Conference ... Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementation Morgan Kaufmann I H Witten, G W Paynter, E Frank, C Gutwin, and C G Nevill-Manning 1999 KEA: Practical automatic keyphrase extraction ... many books for kids and adults, including: “The Witches”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Fac- UM-BASED FILTERING Language Models User Model Reading Level SEMANTIC SIMILARITY Ranked Answer Candidates...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

4 292 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "MIMUS: A Multimodal and Multilingual Dialogue System for the Home Domain" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "MIMUS: A Multimodal and Multilingual Dialogue System for the Home Domain" doc

... Unification–based Multimodal Parsing Coling–ACL 624–630 Staffan Larsson and David Traum 2000 Information State and dialogue management in the TRINDI Dialogue Move Engine Toolkit Natural Language Engineering, ... impression, making the system more appealing to use and approachable References Adam Cheyer and David Martin 2001 The open agent architecture Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi–Agent Systems, ... sonalization, personification, and voice activation Ambrosio will remain inactive until called for duty (voice activation); each user may name their personal assistant as they wish (Personalization);...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20

4 283 0


... various applications The dialogue manager operates as a controller of resources for parsing, instantiation, generation and database access :The design of the dialogue manager is based on the analysis ... the architecture The dialogue manager The dialogue manager (DM) is the kernel in the natural language interface, see figure It directs the dialogue, assists the instantiator and deep generator and ... system and can be modified for each new application We use a lexicon for general and domain-specific" vocabulary and a grammar with knowledge of syntactic constructions and their semantic impact...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:21

6 374 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system" doc

... Johanna Moore, Myroslava Dzikovska, and Elaine Farrow 2009 Using natural language processing to analyze tutorial dialogue corpora across domains and modalities In Proceedings of 14th International ... Umarani Pappuswamy 2006 Understanding complex natural language explanations in tutorial applications In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scalable Natural Language Understanding, ScaNaLU ’06, pages ... Riccardi, and Mazin Gilbert 2006 The AT&T spoken language understanding system IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing, 14(1):213–222 Pamela W Jordan, Maxim Makatchev, and Umarani...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

11 381 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Dialogue System with Contextually Appropriate Spoken Output Intonation" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Dialogue System with Contextually Appropriate Spoken Output Intonation" docx

... Demo-abstract The 40th Annual Meeting of the ACL, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia [Larsson and Traum to appear] Staffan Larsson and R Traum, David to appear Information State and Dialogue ... the European Chapter of the ACL forthcoming [Larsson and Ericsson2002] Staffan Larsson and Stina Ericsson 2002 GoDiS - Issue-Based Dialogue Management in a Multi-Domain, Multi-Language Dialogue ... information, as well as a ToBI-based intonation markup MARY (SchrOder and Trouvain, 2001) is a TTS System developed by the DFKI language technology lab and the Institute of Phonetics at Saarland University...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

4 340 0
A dialogue (Pierre Bourdieu)

A dialogue (Pierre Bourdieu)

... might regard as old-fashioned The campaign against your novel, Too Far Afield, was mounted on the pretext that it was out of date as literature In much the same way that, by a now standard inversion, ... But a utopia in which we have a part to play For example, social movements in France are a good deal less potent now than they were a few years ago Traditionally, our movements have had a strongly ... established name has virtually no access to the public realm Only consecrated figures can break the circle, but alas they are typically consecrated just because they are satisfied and silent, and to...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2016, 09:04

16 281 0
A Dialogue on Memory Virtualization

A Dialogue on Memory Virtualization

... view that it has a large contiguous address space to put its code and data into; thus, as a programmer, you never have to worry about things like “where should I store this variable?” because the ... virtual address space of the program is large and has lots of room for that sort of thing Life, for a programmer, becomes much more tricky if you have to worry about fitting all of your code data ... 2 A D IALOGUE ON M EMORY V IRTUALIZATION Student: OK, I think I can remember that (to self) every address from a user program is virtual, every address from a user program is virtual, every...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2016, 21:33

2 504 0
Part II Concurrency A Dialogue on Concurrency

Part II Concurrency A Dialogue on Concurrency

... people who wish to eat them Let’s say we did it this way: each eater first identifies a peach visually, and then tries to grab it and eat it What is wrong with this approach? Student: Hmmm seems ... have many people grabbing for peaches all at once, which is faster But in my way, we just go one at a time, which is correct, but quite a bit slower The best kind of approach would be fast and ... you and peaches? Professor: Ever read T.S Eliot? The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock, “Do I dare to eat a peach”, and all that fun stuff? Student: Oh yes! In English class in high school Great...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 18:13

4 538 0
A Dialogue on Persistence

A Dialogue on Persistence

... it your way, I guess Student: (stares blankly) Professor: Anyhow, you pick a peach; in fact, you pick many many peaches, but you want to make them last for a long time Winter is hard and cruel ... else Let me explain Imagine you are outside, in a field, and you pick a — Student: (interrupting) I know! A peach! From a peach tree! Professor: I was going to say apple, from an apple tree Oh ... But what is persistence, oh fine and noble professor? Professor: Actually, you probably know what it means in the traditional sense, right? As the dictionary would say: a firm or obstinate continuance...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 18:43

4 497 0
A Dialogue on Distribution  System

A Dialogue on Distribution System

... 2 A D IALOGUE ON D ISTRIBUTION Professor: Yes, it is amazing And that’s despite all of those failures taking place! Those companies build a huge amount of machinery into their systems so as ... ensure that even though some machines have failed, the entire system stays up and running They use a lot of techniques to this: replication, retry, and various other tricks people have developed ... detect and recover from failures Student: Sounds interesting Time to learn something for real? Professor: It does seem so Let’s get to work! But first things first (bites into peach he has been...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 19:08

2 502 0
A Dialogue on Labs

A Dialogue on Labs

... on assignments is important you know — and not something any professor takes lightly Student: Well, that is good to hear I guess we should see what these projects are all about Professor: OK And ... programming part, there is also a little tutorial about the U NIX and C programming environment Student: Sounds almost too useful to be true Professor: Well, take a look You know, classes are ... 2 A D IALOGUE ON L ABS Student: (sighing) Professors have all the control, it seems Professor: Oh, hardly! But that little control they get to exercise is one of the fun parts of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 19:19

2 496 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Segmented and unsegmented dialogue-act annotation with statistical dialogue models∗" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Segmented and unsegmented dialogue-act annotation with statistical dialogue models∗" ppt

... Programa Nacional de Tecnolog´as Inform´ ticas, ı a M´ laga, Spain a Marilyn A Walker, Diane Litman J., Candace A Kamm, and Alicia Abella 1997 PARADISE: A framework for evaluating spoken dialogue agents ... to obtain an automatic and accurate segmentation model that can be easily integrated in our statistical model The application of our statistical models to other tasks (like VerbMobil (Alexandersson ... VerbMobil (Alexandersson et al., 1998), Dihana (Alc´ cer et al., 2005)) a In all these studies, it is necessary to annotate a large amount of dialogues to estimate the parameters of the statistical models...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 387 0
the new physics and cosmology dialogues with the dalai lama mar 2004

the new physics and cosmology dialogues with the dalai lama mar 2004

... Hayward and Francisco J Varela Consciousness at the Crossroads: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brain Science and Buddhism Edited by Zara Houshmand, Robert G Livingston, and B Alan Wallace ... Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bstan-’dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935 – The new physics and cosmology : dialogues with the Dalai Lama / edited and narrated by Arthur Zajonc ... a classic Tibetan opera was underway Magnificently costumed singers and dancers performed in a style that seemed a strange combination of ancient fairy tale and classical Asian theater, with a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:43

263 425 0
The carnivalesque and cultural dialogues in jamaica kincaids writings

The carnivalesque and cultural dialogues in jamaica kincaids writings

... Edwards’ Understanding Jamaica Kincaid (2007) and Sabrina Brancato’s Mother and Motherland in Jamaica Kincaid (2005) offer insights from this perspective As an Antiguan American writer, Kincaid ... fertile, and yet each month I express confidence at its arrival and departure, and always I was overjoyed at the accuracy of my prediction” (176) Regarding Xuela and Philip’s affair, M Adjarian argues: ... representing two relative cultural strata Those are what I Amadiume calls African matriarchy and European patriarchy, which still exist and compete in neocolonial African and Caribbean societies One...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:36

106 159 0
lost and found dialogue

lost and found dialogue

... polka dots = zipper = Hello How can I help you? What does it look like? Is it plain with buttons? I’m sorry No one has found it yet Try again later Hi I lost my jacket Has anyone found it? It has ... later Hi I lost my jacket Has anyone found it? It has two pockets and a hood No, it isn’t It has white polka dots and a zipper Ok Thanks ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2016, 12:20

2 441 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Semantic Information and Derivation Rules for Robust Dialogue Act Detection in a Spoken Dialogue System" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Semantic Information and Derivation Rules for Robust Dialogue Act Detection in a Spoken Dialogue System" pptx

... Kashioka, and S Nakamura 200 9a Recent advances in wfst-based dialog system In Proc INTERSPEECH, pages 268–271 C Hori, K Ohtake, T Misu, H Kashioka, and S Nakamura 2009b Statistical dialog management ... noise-robust dialogue act detection using named entity classes, partial sentence trees, derivation rules, and entropy-based dialogue actderivation rule matrix is investigated Data-driven dialogue acts are ... information, and Ω = {A1 , , Aq } is the set of DAs Using the maximum approximation for summation, (1) can be written as A = arg max t A Ω h (A, Ht ) = P r(At = A | At−1 ) W W = arg max P r(W|Ut...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

6 556 0