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Tài liệu People Make the City,’’ Executive Summary - Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq pdf

Tài liệu People Make the City,’’ Executive Summary - Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq pdf

... research and development center sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense ... THREE Observations and Insights: Understand 13 Observations and Insights: Understand 15 need to consider both the consequences of these effects and their speed of transmission. e potential immediacy and broad ... infrastructure; the doctors, nurses, and other staff who render the health services in medical care facilities; and the men and women who operate the equipment that enables the infrastructure. is...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

86 409 0
Tài liệu Cities for All Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City docx

Tài liệu Cities for All Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City docx

... reinvent the city and reinvent itself within the city. 18 Cities for All The section on public policy and planning demonstrates how these tools can be counteractive to the right of the city and ... Countering the Right to the Accessible City: The Perversity of a Consensual Demand Yves Jouffe The right to the city constitutes a fundamentally anti-neoliberal concept: put the city to work for the ... unconventional alliances. From the Right to the City to the Right to Access Through the right to the city, inhabitants can exercise their rights to produce, transform, and to use the city. An initial simplification...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 01:20

326 398 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Caenorhabditis elegans metallothionein isoform specificity – metal binding abilities and the role of histidine in CeMT1 and CeMT2 potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Caenorhabditis elegans metallothionein isoform specificity – metal binding abilities and the role of histidine in CeMT1 and CeMT2 potx

... ions. Overall, the differences between Zn(II)–CeMT1 and Zn(II)–CeMT2 suggested a higher Zn binding capacity of the former, reflected both in the stoichiometry and the homogeneity of their preparations. These ... characterization of the recombinant preparations of the Zn complexes yielded by CeMT1, CeMT2, their N-term and C-term moieties and the DHisCeMT2 mutant. ESI-MS data comprise theoretical and experimental ... CtCeMT2. These results Fig. 3. Comparison between the CD spectra of recombinant CeMT1 and CeMT2 (black), NtCeMT1 and NtCeMT2 (red) and CtCeMT1 and CtCeMT2 (green) synthesized in Zn- and Cd-supplemented...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

17 600 0
A Concise History and Directory of the City of Norwich for 1811 pptx

A Concise History and Directory of the City of Norwich for 1811 pptx

... Blomfield mentions several of these one in the time of Alfred the Great, about the year 872; another in the early part of the reign of Athelstan about the year 925, and several others; besides three coins ... improved many parts, and will when finished, add greatly to the beauty of the city, and to the convenience and comfort of the inhabitants and occasional visitors. The act for paving the streets, &c. ... coats and red caps, and altogether educated and maintained upon the foundation; and one for 24 girls, who where clothed in blue gowns, and educated and maintained upon the foundation. The original...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

116 532 0
A Companion to the City Edited by Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.. pot

A Companion to the City Edited by Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.. pot

... the way cities are formed and lived. Here we pursue two themes which organize thinking on the relationship between the city and the imagination: how the city affects the imagination and how the ... constraining. Imagination and the city are mutually constitutive and interwoven in countless ways and, as we have seen, the membrane between specific sites of the city and memory and the imaginary is ... production of cityspace. There has been a long debate among urban scholars concerning the spatial specificity of urbanism, hinging on the question of whether the city and cityspace can be the specific...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 08:20

658 2.6K 0


... change and adaptation from its period as an ‘imperial city , as the Second City of Empire and the Athens of the North, to its latter day reinvention as the City of Culture and Second City of ... — proud of the enthusiasm, passion and wisdom of the people who contributed to it, the time and energy they gave to it, and the seriousness and reection alongside the humour and fun. Glasgow ... cold to the bone and went to stand at the Underground’s entrance. It panted the same hot breath, same THE DREAMING CITY GLASGOW 2020 AND THE POWER OF MASS IMAGINATION —10— THE DREAMING CITY GLASGOW...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 08:20

122 455 0
Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the twenty-third day of January, two thousand and two potx

Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the twenty-third day of January, two thousand and two potx

... consideration the size and nature of the business of the accounting firms they supervise and the size and nature of the business of the clients of those firms. The standards applied by the Board under ... Act and the rules of the Board and the Commission issued under this Act, in the same manner and to the same extent as a public accounting firm that is organized and operates under the laws of the ... reports and the obligations and liabilities of accountants with respect thereto, by registered public accounting firms and associated persons thereof; and (7) set the budget and manage the operations...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

66 369 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structure of the parasite inhibitor chagasin in complex with papain allows identification of structural requirements for broad reactivity and specificity determinants for target proteases pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structure of the parasite inhibitor chagasin in complex with papain allows identification of structural requirements for broad reactivity and specificity determinants for target proteases pptx

... FEBS enzyme into the R and L lobes along the catalytic groove, defined by the Ca atoms of three papain resi- dues, I40e, Y67e and W177e (or their equivalents in other enzymes), and the other (b) created ... of two factors: (a) the overall similarity of the enzy- matic part, and (b) the variability of the angle of approach of the inhibitor relative to the catalytic cleft of the enzyme. The latter factor ... )12.7°, and the inhibitor molecule is inclined towards the L domain of the enzyme. The difference in the angles of approach between chagasin and cystatin B is 18.5°. It is also of note that the sequential...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

14 518 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Hybrid reuteransucrase enzymes reveal regions important for glucosidic linkage specificity and the transglucosylation / hydrolysis ratio pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Hybrid reuteransucrase enzymes reveal regions important for glucosidic linkage specificity and the transglucosylation / hydrolysis ratio pptx

... synthesis. Conclusions The N-termini of the catalytic domains of the GTFA and GTFO reuteransucrases are the main determinants for glucosidic linkage speci city. Within these N-ter- mini, the ... a) 8 barrel with the three catalytic resi- dues (Fig. 1C), determine the types and ratios of glu- cosidic linkages synthesized (Table 1). The A1 ⁄ O1 and A2 ⁄ O2 regions within the N-termini of the catalytic ... sequencing), both p15-GTFA-dN-RS and p15-GTFO-dN-RS were digested with XbaI and SalI, SalI and SacI, and SacI and KpnI, and corresponding fragments were exchanged, yielding the six constructs p15-GTFA-O1-dN-RS,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

9 359 0
Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City docx

Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City docx

... quality of the business, the risk management in the business; the second, it is the quantum of bonus that is paid and making sure that is in line with the relative success of the business and the ... corporate governance and pay in the City 7 banks and Banking Crisis: dealing with the failure of UK banks. We shall consider the public regulatory framework and the role of the tripartite authorities ... governance and pay in the City 2 Remuneration in the banking sector Introduction 6. The banking crisis has propelled the issue of remuneration practices in the banks to the top of the public...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:20

118 479 0
Sustainable Urban Development and the Chinese Eco-City pptx

Sustainable Urban Development and the Chinese Eco-City pptx

... Development and the Chinese Eco -City 29 lution and the resulting implications for health and well being. Urbaniza- tion itself affects the people who live in the peri-urban and rural areas through the ... cultural centers. And because the authorities control the instruments of zoning, employment, housing, wage levels and physical layout, they can bend the environment to the city. These urban planners ... independence and strength, but they are distinctive from the government and NGOs in that they straddle and sometimes bridge the worlds of governmental agencies and NGOs. Although they were creations...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:20

93 325 0
Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the sixth day of January, two thousand and nine docx

Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the sixth day of January, two thousand and nine docx

... after the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall report to the Congress on the actions of the Administrator in implementing the authorities established in the ... may consider the following fac- tors: ‘‘(1) The viability of the project without guarantees. ‘‘(2) The availability of other Federal and State incentives. ‘‘(3) The importance of the project ... at the end the following: ‘‘(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of law or any rule, regulation, or order of the Administration, for purposes H. R.1—45 of sections 410, 411, and 412 the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

407 312 0