collecting compute and cell server diagnostics using the sundiag sh utility

Tài liệu Retrieve Results from SQL Server by Using the DataTable Object docx

Tài liệu Retrieve Results from SQL Server by Using the DataTable Object docx

... introduced in the first How-To in this chapter The data table is then filled, and then the DataSource, DisplayMember, and ValueMember properties of the ListBox control are assigned Comments Using the data ... data table sets up the scene for using the list box in retrieving data in the next How-To Remember: By using the DataTable object, you can assign both the display value and the data item to be ... that will be used and storing it in strSQL, the data adapter called odaCust is created The odtCust data table is then filled using odaCust Last, the DataSource, DisplayMember, and ValueMember properties...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20

3 352 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Bridging the gap between in silico and cell-based analysis of the nuclear factor-jB signaling pathway by in vitro studies of IKK2 ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Bridging the gap between in silico and cell-based analysis of the nuclear factor-jB signaling pathway by in vitro studies of IKK2 ppt

... wells and the plates left to incubate for 15 The plates were inverted to remove the detergent after the 15 incubation period and the wells were washed twice with wash buffer by inverting the plates ... Sasha Sreckovic and Matthew Strawbridge with help in growing and analyzing the A549 cells and nally BBSRC for the award of a CASE studentship to AECI References Chakraborty AK, Dustin ML & Shaw ... into the wells and left to incubate for 10 The plates were inverted to remove detergent solution and 100 lL of wash solution dispensed into the wells The plates were inverted to remove the wash...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20

13 475 0
External Debt and Economic Growth Relationship Using the Simultaneous Equations doc

External Debt and Economic Growth Relationship Using the Simultaneous Equations doc

... may affect the GNP in the following ways: the higher the level of indebtedness, the larger the country’s leverage, the more limited the external sources of credit, and the greater the number ... country does, therefore, depend upon how the country uses the resources it has borrowed On the other hand, the results show that there is a two-way relationship between debt service and growth It ... function The random shocks are positive residuals of one standard deviation unit in each equation in the system The idea is to calculate the response of the variables in the system to a shock of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

45 622 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " The role of single N-glycans in proteolytic processing and cell surface transport of the Lassa virus glycoprotein GP-C" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " The role of single N-glycans in proteolytic processing and cell surface transport of the Lassa virus glycoprotein GP-C" ppt

... to draft the manuscript and revised it critically WG designed the study, participated in the analysis of the results and helped to draft the manuscript All authors read and approved the final ... S169A and T226A has no influence on GP-C cleavage (Fig 2A, lanes 5, and 8, lower panel) In contrast, the lack of N-glycan attachment of the GP-1 mutants T81A, S91A, S101A and S121A abolished the ... 2B, lanes and 5, lower panel), whereas no cleavage of the glycoprotein was observed within the mutants S367A and S375A (Fig 2B, lanes and 3, lower panel) Due to the high resolution of the acrylamid...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

7 363 0
Báo cáo y học: "Unraveling transcriptional control and cis-regulatory codes using the software suite GeneACT" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Unraveling transcriptional control and cis-regulatory codes using the software suite GeneACT" potx

... site and change the range of the location Furthermore, in moving the cursor over individual binding sites, additional information, such as the binding site sequence pattern and the location of the ... of the co-expressed genes may share a common subset of these elements, and the observed frequency of these elements in the upregulated or downregulated gene set should be greater than in the ... detecting the occurrences of miRNA binding sites In this case, the 3'-UTRs, defined as the region between the stop codon and the polyA signal, were extracted from the genome assemblies, and we employed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22

16 262 0
AN0892   fail safe monitoring and clock frequency switching using the PIC16F684

AN0892 fail safe monitoring and clock frequency switching using the PIC16F684

... HARDWARE Restarting The Primary Oscillator The application uses a LCD display to show whether the device is running from the primary or secondary oscillator and the frequency that the secondary oscillator ... of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the ... used to select of the possible internal oscillator frequencies, based on the result of the A/D conversion The code snippet in Example demonstrates the Timer0 and A/D Interrupt handler routines...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 14:35

8 124 0
Using the Oracle oradebug Utility Debugging Oracle applications docx

Using the Oracle oradebug Utility Debugging Oracle applications docx

... MONOGRAPH USING THE ORADEBUG UTILITY Using Debug In order to use oradebug, for most commands, you must first tell oradebug what SPID you wish to execute the debug commands against You see, the oradebug ... another Oracle utility, tkprof, to format the output into human readable output The 'raw' Trace File is the opposite of the tkprof'd version, in that it shows you the exact sequence in which the ... particular instance First, run the "ipcs -b" command to show the memory and semaphore listings for the Unix box An example output from the ipcs -b command on an HPUX system is shown in Figure 13 gpsp083:/dwqpkg/orasw...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

42 283 0
Using JavaTM ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone pdf

Using JavaTM ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone pdf

... arguments are the commandType and the CHAPTER ■ USING MIDLETS Simpo priority The commandType should be a static field code such as Command.BACK or Command.HELP that allows standard types of commands to ... STARTED The MIDlet-1 (and MIDlet-2, and so on) property gives the name of the MIDlet, the location of the MIDlet’s icon, and the fully qualified name of the MIDlet class to run (see the section ... that the emulator assigns to the Command of type Command.EXIT, so the Exit command was mapped to that one The Commands of type Command.SCREEN had to fight over what was left Then, to respond to the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

422 346 0
Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are featured in using a complex

Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are featured in using a complex

... through the induction of apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation of gastric cancer cells However, further clinical trials in humans are needed to examine the pharmacokinetics and the therapeutic ... USA) unless otherwise specified Cell culture Human gastric carcinoma cell line (MKN-28) was purchased from RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) Cell Bank, Japan Cells were cultured ... visualize the PCNA-positive cells Finally, they were counterstained with Mayer’s hematoxylin The total number of proliferating cells in a total of ten fields (x 400) across and perpendicular at the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:54

9 713 0
Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

... Langmuir isotherm, the value is shown in Table It can be seen that Langmuir isotherm also fits with equilibrium data for both LA and AC-Fe as shown in the values of the regression coefficient r2 Therefore, ... onto LA and AC-Fe may be described by Langmuir isotherm and the adsorption capacities were 0.48mg/g and 1.18mg/g, respectively, as shown in the value of q0 of Langmuir isotherm Figure and Figure ... solute (arsenic anions) in the bed is decreased resulting to shorter contact between the feed and the adsorbent In addition, the higher the flow rate, the smaller the film resistance, implying...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 530 0
Using the SQL Server OPENXML() Function

Using the SQL Server OPENXML() Function

... remove the XML document from memory EXECUTE sp_xml_removedocument @XmlDocumentId OPENXML() reads the XML from the document specified by the handle @XmlDocumentId and returns the rows to the INSERT ... - prepare the XML document EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @XmlDocumentId OUTPUT, @MyCustomersXmlDoc - read the customers from the XML document using OPENXML() - and insert them into the Customers ... customers using OPENXML() and to insert two new rows into the Customers table using the values from that XML data Listing 16.15 shows a script named AddCustomersXml.sql that creates the AddCustomersXml()...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:15

4 441 0
Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

... wouldn’t be the end of the world if the receipt wasn’t dispensed Apply the rule to the other Use Cases, and you’ll find that really, none of them describe the goal of the user The goal of the user ... part of the consortium, including Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and Oracle The UML was adopted by the OMG2 in 1997, and since then the OMG have owned and maintained the language Therefore, the UML ... and Design using the UML Chapter An Overview of the UML Before we begin to look at the theory of the UML, we are going to take a very brief run through some of the major concepts of the UML The...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

123 747 2
systems with hysteresis. analysis_ identification and control using the bouc–wen model

systems with hysteresis. analysis_ identification and control using the bouc–wen model

... piston The product of the piston velocity and the post-yield plastic damping coefficient The product of the piston position and the factor that accounts for the accumulator stiffness and the MR ... relationship between the model parameters and the shape and size of the hysteresis loop Chapter presents a novel result of the authors where, using a simple but rigorous mathematical framework, the hysteresis ... mi is the mass of the ith floor, ¨ B is the ground acceleration and qi is the ith restoring force, including viscous damping The quantities ui are the relative displacement of the ith and the i...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:41

223 525 1
Tài liệu Using the SQL Server FOR XML Clause ppt

Tài liệu Using the SQL Server FOR XML Clause ppt

... included in the returned XML The XML schema contains the name and type of the column attributes Listing 16.4 shows an example that uses the XMLDATA option to return the XML schema along with the ProductID, ... ➣ Execute, or by pressing the F5 key Figure 16.1 shows the result of running the script in Query Analyzer You'll notice that the XML is shown on one line, and that the line is truncated Figure ... row in the result set is returned as an XML element The name of the table is used as the name of the tag in the row elements Listing 16.2 shows an example SELECT statement that retrieves the top...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15

12 445 0
Tài liệu Module 8: Using the SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Site pptx

Tài liệu Module 8: Using the SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Site pptx

... dashboards The Home Dashboard The Categories Dashboard The Document Library Dashboard The Management Dashboard The Search Dashboard The Subscriptions Dashboard The Document Inspection Dashboard ... 8: Using the SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Site The Home Dashboard Topic Objective To present the default Home dashboard included in the SharePoint Portal Server dashboard site Lead-in The ... experience and increase productivity Module 8: Using the SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Site Using the SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Site Topic Objective To present the function of a SharePoint...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:15

64 381 0


... the observations=inputs and the parameter values The M-step involves system identification using the state estimates from the smoother Therefore, at the heart of the EM learning procedure is the ... outputs, and the conditional distributions over the hidden states For the model we have described, the parameters define the nonlinearities f and g, and the noise covariances Q and R (as well as the ... line shows a regular RBF fit to the centers of the four Gaussian densities, while the solid line shows the analytical RBF fit using the covariance information The dotted lines below show the support...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:16

46 491 0
Tài liệu Using the SQL Server Documentation doc

Tài liệu Using the SQL Server Documentation doc

... You can see the information shown in Figure 1.10 yourself by opening Contents ➣ Transact-SQL Reference ➣ SELECT ➣ SELECT...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17

2 358 0
Tài liệu Module 13: Using the Microsoft Exchange Server Event Service pptx

Tài liệu Module 13: Using the Microsoft Exchange Server Event Service pptx

... Exchange Server computer icon, and then click the Packages Installed folder Right-click the Exchange Server Scripting Agent package and then click Shut Down on the shortcut menu Module 13: Using the ... Running the Script Debugger on the Server Because the Script Debugger does not support remote debugging, you must run the debugger on the server computer where the script is executing For the Exchange ... creates and calls your COM object just as the Exchange Server Event Service would The harness should create and log on a CDO session, and then pass to your COM object the CDO session, along with the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

58 359 0
Tài liệu Using the Inter net and Other Networks pdf

Tài liệu Using the Inter net and Other Networks pdf

... another of the thousands of IRC channels.) IRC ops, on the other January 2002 13:14 126 Chapter 6: Using the Internet and Other Networks hand, are technical people in charge of the servers themselves; ... happening on the server and the channel; the bottom part (a single line) is where you type commands and text In between the two parts is a status line with the time of day, your nick, and other information ... by the system administrator January 2002 13:14 100 Chapter 6: Using the Internet and Other Networks Following are four sample ssh and rsh command lines (You may need to substitute rlogin for rsh.)...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 16:20

33 614 0
Tài liệu Using the LOCAL_PREF and MED Attributes pdf

Tài liệu Using the LOCAL_PREF and MED Attributes pdf

... issue the clear ip bgp * command on ISP1A Wait several seconds, and then use the show ip bgp command to view ISP1A’s BGP table Both paths should again be present in the table, but the best path should ... always-compare-med Issue the clear ip bgp * command on SanJose3, wait several seconds, and then check SanJose3’s BGP table with the command show ip bgp SanJose3 should have two paths to the network, ... Based on the output of this command, what is the local preference value of paths and 2? Your task is to configure ISP1A to apply a local preference value so that the router will use the other path...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20

3 365 0

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