coli biosensors for detecting and characterizing antibacterial compounds

insider computer fraud an in depth framework for detecting and defending against insider it attacks

insider computer fraud an in depth framework for detecting and defending against insider it attacks

... creation and use of the data definition table for capturing data and metadata using the Forensic Foto Frame process Application and System Journaling and the Software Engineering Process: a Understanding ... Understanding the Information Security Governance Process 30 Cyber-Security Risk Governance Processes for Web-Based Application Protection (Understanding the External Risks and Internal Information ... security design and procedural patterns for problem identification and solutions; determining the strategic, legal, and operational risk assessment; and developing strategies for implementing...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:10

506 688 0
Báo cáo y học: "Statistical methods for detecting and comparing periodic data and their application to the nycthemeral rhythm of bodily harm: A population based study" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Statistical methods for detecting and comparing periodic data and their application to the nycthemeral rhythm of bodily harm: A population based study" ppsx

... modeled as a sum of sine and cosine oscillations and a Fourier transform is performed In our case the Fourier transform equals an ordinary least squares All frequencies are tested for significance The ... match: For Poisson random variable the mean equals the variance and we assume a oscillating number of crimes So the residuals will not automatically be homoscedastic and are afterwards tested for ... week show different nycthemeral rhythms of bodily harm Data handling and calculations were performed by Microsoft Excel ® , Matlab ® and R Significance level was set to 0.05 In the following, the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20

10 467 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of rapid screening and pre-emptive contact isolation for detecting and controlling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in critical care: an interventional cohort study" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of rapid screening and pre-emptive contact isolation for detecting and controlling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in critical care: an interventional cohort study" doc

... TATs for MRSA screening and work up were recorded for study phases I and II (weekends and public holidays excluded) with the help of computerized laboratory databases and stored in a log file for ... JS and DP had the idea for the study and wrote the manuscript SH and CMA developed the study design, drafted the protocol and coordinated its implementation CMA, CA and GR collected the data and ... patients per year for close observation and treatment after multiple trauma and major surgery for a mean duration of 4.0 days The medical ICU has 18 beds, 1,700 admissions and an average length...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

8 320 0
Báo cáo y học: "An improved method for detecting and delineating genomic regions with altered gene expression in cancer" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "An improved method for detecting and delineating genomic regions with altered gene expression in cancer" ppsx

... broad and relevant intervals (Materials and methods) For each set of parameters, we generated a series of artificial chromosomes and assessed the detection performance, delineation performance and ... algorithm, designed and performed the experiments and wrote the manuscript MJ participated in designing the algorithm and co-authored the manuscript AH, SN and TF oversaw the experiments and co-authored ... [24] Microarray data and preprocessing Performance assessment measures To assess the performance of the different algorithms, we calculated ROC curves and breakpoint maps for all combinations...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

15 259 0
In silico methodologies for selection and prioritization of compounds in drug discovery

In silico methodologies for selection and prioritization of compounds in drug discovery

... Results and Discussion 31 2.3.1 Performance of Random Forest Clustering, Decision Stump versus µ+3σ Method using 14 descriptors 31 2.3.2 Performance of Random Forest Clustering ... Dataset 4: a) S/N values for compounds in the L4 array based on Configuration 2; b) S/N values for R1, R2 and R3 of Configuration c) S/N values for R1, R2 and R3 of Configuration and the predicted optimal ... Assignment of levels for each substitution site; S/N ratios of the prescribed compounds b) S/N ratios of the prescribed compounds; c) S/N ratios for R1, R2 and R3 positions and the predicted optimal...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 22:12

185 380 0
Báo cáo y học: "MALDI-TOF MS Combined With Magnetic Beads for Detecting Serum Protein Biomarkers and Establishment of Boosting Decision Tree Model for Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer"

Báo cáo y học: "MALDI-TOF MS Combined With Magnetic Beads for Detecting Serum Protein Biomarkers and Establishment of Boosting Decision Tree Model for Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer"

... without anticoagulation and allowed to clot at room temperature for up to hr; the samples were then centrifuged at 4℃ for at 10000 rpm The sera were frozen and stored at -80℃ for future analysis ... examination of the colon remains to be the gold standard for diagnosis, which is however invasive, unpleasant and carries associated risk of morbidity and mortality Identification of high-risk patients ... differentially expressed proteins was advocated for biomarkers of diagnosis for colorectal cancer Materials and methods Patients Experiment was performed in Taizhou Municipal Hospital, Zhejiang,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18

9 530 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Functional dissection of Escherichia coli phosphotransacetylase structural domains and analysis of key compounds involved in activity regulation potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Functional dissection of Escherichia coli phosphotransacetylase structural domains and analysis of key compounds involved in activity regulation potx

... notably higher affinity of E coli Pta for both CoA and acetyl-CoA Thus, E coli Pta Km values for CoA and acetyl-CoA are 2.4-fold and 7.3-fold lower than the Km values for S enterica Pta, respectively ... coli K-12 AG1 for pCA24N–Pta; E coli BL21(DE3) for pET28–F1 and pET28–F2; and E coli M15 for pQE30–F3 Construction of the E coli acs pta deletion strain The E coli acs pta deletion strain (FB22) ... of the recombinant E coli Pta and Pta-F3 in the acetyl-CoA (Ac-CoA)-forming or acetyl phosphate (Ac-P)-forming directions (A) The activities of Pta and Pta-F3 in the forward and reverse reactions...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20

10 507 0
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 1 pptx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 1 pptx

... ValleeBelisle and Plaxco 2010; Plaxco and Soh 2011) In general there are some advantage and limitations for these type of biosensors (Table 1) 5 Fluorescent Biosensors for Protein Interactions and Drug ... Process Manager Ms. Mirna Cvijic that accomplished its mission with professionalism  and dedication.   Editor   Pier Andrea Serra   University of Sassari   Italy  Part Biosensor Technology and Materials Fluorescent Biosensors for Protein Interactions and Drug Discovery Alejandro ... IX Part Biosensor Technology and Materials Chapter Fluorescent Biosensors for Protein Interactions and Drug Discovery Alejandro Sosa-Peinado and Martín González-Andrade Chapter AlGaN/GaN High...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 461 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 2 docx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 2 docx

... recent awareness of cancers and the benefits of early detection have increased 38 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity early detection tests for prostate cancer and they have grown to ... Zheng and Lieber 2006a, Patolsky, Zheng and Lieber 2006b, Patolsky et al 2007, Han et al 2005), or Si or GaN FETs look promising for fast and sensitive detection of anibodies and potentially for ... treatment and transport of drinking water (Taylor and Hong 2000, Walker, Hall and Hurst 1990, Cook and Miles 1980, Elsheimer 1987, Verma and Parthasarathy 1996, Graule et al 1989, Kumar, Venkatesh and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 436 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 3 pot

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 3 pot

... available biosensors for clinical analyses that detect redox reactions The electrochemical platform is suited for enzyme-based and DNA/RNA sensors, field monitoring applications (e.g handheld) and ... care setting and to underserved populations Cancer biomarkers identified from basic and clinical research, and from genomic and proteomic analyses must be validated Ligands and probes for these ... biological recognition system and a transducer, for signal processing, to deduce and quantity a particular analyte (Hall, 1990) Biosensors provide advanced platforms for biomarker analysis with...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 469 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 4 potx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 4 potx

... that could be the 100 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity promising matrices for enzyme immobilization which can enhance the selectivity and sensitivity of the biosensors Among the ... the 104 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity substrate concentration for all the phenolic compounds tested: phenol, catechol, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid and protocatechualdehyde ... to fabricate urea biosensors However, there is an ongoing demand for new types of electrode materials that can provide the Urs enzyme with better stability and performance for in vitro urea measurement...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 402 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 5 pptx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 5 pptx

... magnetoresistive biochip for DNA detection and HPV genotyping Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24, 99–103 7 Label-free Biosensors for Health Applications 1Institute Cai Qi1, George F Gao2,3 and Gang Jin4 ... of biosensors to offer a convenient, hygienic, rapid, and compact method for personal monitoring Biosensors offer enormous potential for detecting a wide range of analytes in the health care and ... transducer will need to be arrayed, and each spot will have to be read out separately, and reach the same 146 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity sensitivity and specificity as the monofunctionalized...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 409 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 6 docx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 6 docx

... tracer is indirect and the format could be classified as 184 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity sandwich, competitive or indirect (Tijssen, 1985) On the other hand, the impedimetric ... important for the reproducibility and stability of the device Preparation and Characterization of Immunosensors for Disease Diagnosis 185 Preparation and handling of electrodes Conventional gold and ... impediment For instance, when cysteamine (CYS) and CYS and glutaraldehyde (GA) are used to form SAMs on gold-based electrodes, the surface coverage is low, around 0.10 for CYS-SPE and 0.35 for GA-CYS-SPE,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 435 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 7 pot

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 7 pot

... 0.32 for CYS-SPE, 0.34 for GACYS-SPE, and 0.99 for Tc85 protein-GA-CYS-SPE For θ = 0.32, the radii of individual active regions, and of surrounding inactive regions, were estimated to be 17 and ... employing biosensors are the current demand to evaluate the risk factors for atherosclerosis Thus, the basic principles of the Biosensors for Detection of Low-Density Lipoprotein and its Modified Forms ... therefore, yields correspondingly varied results (Bard & Faulkner, 2001) Biosensors for Detection of Low-Density Lipoprotein and its Modified Forms 229 Fig Cyclic voltammetry waveform (a) and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 439 2
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 8 pot

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 8 pot

... 35 cycles at 98 C for 30 s, 55 C for 30 s, and 72 C for 30 s, and a final extension at 72 C for Products were then re-amplified with only the forward primers to generate ssDNA for allele-specific ... QCM and ELISA were 0.9913 and 0.9864 for the standards and serum samples, respectively This report illustrates an investigation of SAMs for the preparation of covalently immobilized antibody biosensors ... analyzed, and the formation of SAMs structure and antibody adsorption were also confirmed 266 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity Quantitation of HSA There are lots of methods for analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 311 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 9 potx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 9 potx

... were instructed beforehand to consume a sandwich and a juice at the time of alarm Figure 15 illustrates the procedure of a night experiment 288 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity ... of the filter bands are irrelevant for the overall performance of the algorithm, but all bands have been included here to give a better understanding of the importance of each band It should be ... development of HbA1c biosensors HbA1c biosensors integrated with personal glucose biosensors can greatly improve management and treatment of diabetes HbA1c biosensors 3.1 Biosensors based on Fructosyl...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 403 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 10 doc

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 10 doc

... and selectivity For rabbies detection, Figure presents the calibration of the developed biosensors for specific and non-specific detection It shows a dynamic range between 0.1 µg/ml and 328 Biosensors ... 166.67 to 570 ng/ml for hemoglobin and from 50 to 170.5 ng/ml for HbA1c Sensor sensitivity was also reported to be 40.42 μV/(ngmL-1) and 94.73 μV/(ngmL-1) for hemoglobin and HbA1c, respectively ... Canada (NSERC) and to one of the authors (PC) by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program References Alexander, C., Andersson, H S., Andersson, L...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 299 0
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 11 docx

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 11 docx

... Electrochemical Biosensors for Clinical Analysis Table Important domains for biosensors usage 371 372 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity Table Important domains for biosensors usage ... Enzymatic Electrochemical Biosensors for Clinical Analysis Table Important domains for biosensors usage cont’ 373 374 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity For a successful immobilization ... LAPS an outstand candidate among various cell-based biosensors LAPS show great potential for constructing miniaturized and integrated biosensors One promising solution is the LAPS array for integrated...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 449 1
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 12 pdf

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 12 pdf

... Research for advanced technologies, including highly efficient enzymes and immobilization strategies, based on new materials and improved electrodes continue to be performed 384 Biosensors for Health, ... where premicellar aggregates are formed and a massive increase in protein binding due to cooperative 402 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity ligand interactions takes place (Turro, ... ferricyanides, quinines and their derivatives, dyes, conducting redox hydrogels, nanomaterials (second-generation biosensors) 380 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity Enzyme E.C.

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 461 0
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 13 pot

Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 13 pot

... lipids and nucleic acids The oxidation of proteins can inactivate and target them for degradation; oxidative damage to DNA causes single and double strand-breaks, crosslink to other molecules and ... proteins, such as Bak/Bax and Bcl-2, can also induce mitochondrial failure and eventually cell death Additional information for drug development and safety, as well for toxicity assessments may ... Toxicol Lett 155 1: 41-50 432 Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity Boyland, E., & Boyland, M E (1936) Studies in tissue metabolism: The effect of fumarate and succinate on tumour respiration...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

35 280 1