... D.: Defining the cloud computing framework Cloud J (2009) 13 Zhen, J.: Five key challenges of enterprise cloud computing Cloud Comput J (2008) 14 Schubert L.: The future of cloud computing Expert ... roadmap Cloud Comput J (2009) 40 Linthicum, D.: Cloud computing? Thank SOA www.thecloudtutorial.com /cloud- computingsoa.html (2010) Accessed 28 Sept 2010 41 Mhatre, R.: Top trends for enterprise cloud ... fp7/ict/ssai/docs/executivesummary-forweb_en.pdf (2010) Accessed 28 Sept 2010 15 Amrhein, D., Quint, S.: Cloud computing for the enterprise: part 1: capturing the cloud, understanding cloud computing and related...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:01
... Policy Management for Cloud Computing; 6) Cloud Monitoring In this paper, we adopt the idea of [3]’s layered framework and focus on the cloud monitoring layer A widely used method for cloud monitoring ... Experts Define Cloud Computing , SYS-CON Media Inc, http://cloudcomputing.sys-con.com/read/612375_p.htm, 2008 [2] Foster, I and Yong Zhao and Raicu, I and Lu, S., "Cloud Computing and Grid Computing ... development of cloud computing, issues related with the core of cloud are coming into notice heavily Considering and completing every aspects of cloud computing is the prerequisite for the new paradigm...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:43
A User Identity Management Protocol for Cloud Computing Paradigm
... Issues of Cloud Computing Despite the beauty of Cloud computing application service, as mentioned earlier, Cloud service subscribers, particularly for larger enterprises with corporate information ... Source: Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group Figure Cloud computing architecture Copyright © 2011 SciRes IJCNS 154 S ELUDIORA ET AL 1.2 Delivery Models and Security Issues of Cloud Computing ... Private Cloud A private cloud offers many of the benefits of a public cloud computing environment, such as being elastic and service based The difference between a private cloud and a public cloud...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:43
an entity-centric approach for privacy and identity management in cloud computing
... satisfied by cloud providers The nature of cloud computing has significant implications for the privacy of personal, business and governmental information Cloud SPs can store information at multiple ... issues for adopting such an approach for cloud computing are: (i) the trusted third party (it could be a cloud service located at the cloud provider) and the service provider may be the same Therefore ... responsible for his privacy in cloud computing The owner needs technical controls supporting this challenging task Cloud computing requires an entity-centric model where every entity’s request for any...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:43
Efficient Identity-Based Key Management for Configurable Hierarchical Cloud Computing Environment
... http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/800-145/Draft-SP-800-145 _cloud- definition.pdf [5] H Li, Y Dai, L Tian, and H Yang, “Identity-based authentication for cloud computing, ” in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing, ser CloudCom ... Cost comparison for communications Scheme SECURITY AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IBHMCC Proposed A Performance Analysis Before expressing our performance analysis, there are notations for computation ... 1) CBM: the cost for computing bilinear map ê 2) Ccmp: the cost for comparing two content texts 3) Ch: the cost for hash function 4) Cxor: the cost for XOR We discuss the performance analysis...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:44
identity management and trust services foundations for cloud computing
... recordkeeping systems that may be sources of information for the identity management system These source systems look for Figure A Model Framework for an Identity Management System Policy and Governance ... information in real time using standards such as SAML, developed by Internet2 through the efforts of the higher education community and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information ... of the policies and procedures for the identity management system and may be overseen by the information security officer for the institution Alternatively, the information security officer may...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:44
Privacy preserving digital identity management for cloud computing
... trail of personal information that, if not properly protected, may be misused Therefore, the development of digital identity management (IdM for short) systems suitable for cloud computing is crucial ... to establish their identity each time they use a new cloud service, usually by filling out an online form and providing sensitive personal information (e.g., name, home address, credit card number, ... crucial An important requirement is that users of cloud services must have control on which personal information is disclosed and how this information is used in order to minimize the risk of...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:45
Six Questions for Consumer Goods Executives to Ask About Cloud Computing doc
... 32% Other 1% Cloud computing has no potential for our organization 1% Total Responses: 673 Source: Global Cloud Computing Survey, Accenture Institute for High Performance, 2010 For the consumer ... The Cloud Stack Process Cloud End-to-end process enabled and provided through the Cloud Applications Cloud Applications designed to be run on Clouds—elastic, distributed and modular Platform Cloud ... performance and create a global platform for collaboration Performance anatomy With the cloud s elasticity, computing power is scaled up and down as needed This contributes to the flexibility for...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo y học: "Searching for SNPs with cloud computing" ppt
... for large-scale computations is cloud computing Instead of owning and maintaining dedicated hardware, cloud computing offers a 'utility computing' model, that is, the ability to rent and perform ... utility computing service In addition to high scalability, the use of both standard software (Hadoop) and standard hardware (utility computing) affords reusability and reproducibility The CloudBurst ... Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) [21] utility computing service Version 0.1.3 of the Crossbow software is also provided as Additional data file Results Crossbow harnesses cloud computing to efficiently...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:21
Báo cáo y học: "The case for cloud computing in genome informatics" pot
... inefficiencies add up Cloud computing to the rescue Which brings us, at last, to cloud computing. ’ This is a general term for computation-as-a-service There are various different types of cloud computing, ... until it is needed again Cloud computing also creates a new niche in the eco system for genome software developers to package their work in the form of virtual machines For example, many genome ... on-demand compute clusters within the cloud, which have direct access to the sequencing datasets For the field of genome informatics, a key feature of cloud computing is the ability of service...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:21
Broker mediated multiple cloud orchestration mechanisms for cloud computing
... elastically Finally, Cloud Computing has an attractive utility computing based pay-as-you-go policy in which a user needs to pay only for the capacity that he/she actually uses Cloud Computing has several ... focuses on developing a comprehensive architecture for a Cloud Broker and devising strategies for various Cloud Broker service models for multiple Cloud orchestration mechanisms Our Broker architecture ... extensive performance evaluation, we study the effectiveness of these schemes under various cases and compare the performance with the current Cloud market without Cloud Broker for Cloud Service...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:21
Tổng quan về Cloud Computing
... cloud computing đời từ năm 2007, không ngừng phát triển mạnh mẽ thực nhiều công ty lớn giới IBM, Sun, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, SalesForce, … Hình Một số nhà cung cấp dịch vụ cloud computing ... service), PaaS (platform as a service), SaaS (software as a service) Hình Minh họa dịch vụ IV Các tầng tạo nên đám mây Các thông tin tham khảo Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Cloud computing cung ... Mọi thứ tập trung vào đám mây (Từ: http://infreemation.net /cloud- computing- linear-utility-or-complex-ecosystem/) III Các giải pháp Cloud Computing đời để giải vấn đề sau: Vấn đề lưu trữ liệu : Dữ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2013, 14:17
Báo cáo đề tài CLOUD COMPUTING
... khảo 29 CLOUD COMPUTING Phân công Nguyễn Anh Tài Chương Tổng quan Cloud Computing Nguyễn Phương Duy Chương Hiện thực Cloud Computing Phạm Thanh Phương Chương So sánh Cloud Computing Grid Computing ... cầu IV.Mô Cloud: xem xét ví dụ CloudSim viết R N Calheiro đồng nghiệp “CloudSim: A Novel Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Infrastructures and Services” 14 CLOUD COMPUTING ... khách hàng nhà cung cấp CLOUD COMPUTING Chương Hiện thực Cloud Computing I Hiện thực cloud computing: Các thông tin tham khảo Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Cloud computing cung cấp hạ...
Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2013, 17:00
... KHÁC NHAU GIỮA CLOUD COMPUTING VÀ GRID COMPUTING Sự khác Grid Computing Cloud Computing Grid computing Cloud computing Sức mạnh tính toán Tính toán mạnh Grid Sử dụng khả tính Computing; sử dụng ... hợp OpenID với Cloud Computing đến từ mô hình MarketOriented Cloud Computing Rajkumar Buyya[2] III CLOUD COMPUTING: ĐỊNH NGHĨA, TÍNH CHẤT VÀ MÔ HÌNH 3.1 Định nghĩa Thuật ngữ Cloud Computing xuất ... hình kết hợp Cloud Computing OpenID nhằm đem lại tiện lợi cho khách hàng việc quản lý tài khoản Cloud Computing Keywords: Cloud Computing, OpenID, Benefits of Cloud, Challenges of Cloud, Web 2.0,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 14:17
báo cáo cloud computing
... 1 VI SO SÁNH CLOUD COMPUTING VỚI GRID COMPUTING Sự khác Grid Computing Cloud Computing Grid computing Cloud computing Tính toán mạnh Grid Sử dụng khả tính toán Sức mạnh tính toán Computing; sử ... hình Hybrid Cloud Hình 6: Hydric Cloud Hybrid Cloud kết hợp Public Cloud Private Cloud Trong doanh nghiệp “out-source” chức nghiệp vụ liệu không quan trọng, sử dụng dịch vụ Public Cloud để giải ... HÌNH CLOUD COMPUTING Mô hình triển khai(Deployment Models): Phân loại cách thức triển khai dịch vụ Cloud Computing đến với khách hàng Hình 3: Mô hình triển khai a Public Cloud Hình 4: Public Cloud...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2013, 03:29
Assessing the Risks and Opportunities of Cloud Computing
... multi-tenant platforms Figure 2: Protocol Stack for Cloud Computing Identity Management Systems TABLE I CLOUD C OMPUTING IMMM B Protocol Stack What is missing from Cloud Computing security platforms today ... ensuring that information processing resources are immediately cut off and discontinued for malicious attacks underway on a SaaS or Cloud Computing platform (Ashford, 3) These three form the triad ... Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms In conjunction with the lack of a single security model across the hardware, software and services aspects of Cloud Computing there are also...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:43
Cloud Computing Identity Management
... credentials design for any cloud should be tailored to suit [10] SPML is used for XML based IDM LC the definition of that particular cloud and open This is extremely useful for an e-commerce to ... Authentication Mechanism and Technology Type of cloud the pattern is best suited for Private Cloud Can be used in public clouds since Huge Public Clouds over the credentials are always Multiple ... of this information existing authentication mechanism The third poses a challenge as the information needs to be type of cloud architecture is Infrastructure- exchanged among different cloud based...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:44
identity management in cloud computing –a review
... standards for the collection, maintenance, use, and disclosure of personal information that must be satisfied by cloud service providers The nature of cloud computing has significant implications for ... Privacy in cloud computing may be understood as the ability of a user to control what information it reveals about itself to the cloud, and the ability to control who can access that information ... management in cloud computing However, the work done in this area of cloud computing is still in its nascent stage, and the future scope of work will be towards building a framework for an even...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:44
Security and cloud computing inter cloud identity management infrastructure
... exists for home cloud A, step will not be performed (step 7): the attributes for authenticating home cloud A with foreign cloud C will be directly sent to the authentication module of the foreign cloud ... home cloud A back to the authentication module of the foreign cloud B A similar procedure will also be followed when home cloud A will try to authenticate itself with the foreign cloud C for accessing ... (subject) whereas cloud A could act as foreign cloud (relying party) In step 1, the authentication module of home cloud A starts the authentication toward the corresponding peer of foreign cloud B, providing...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:45