client side programming with javascript

Client Side Reporting with Visual Studio in S Sharp

Client Side Reporting with Visual Studio in S Sharp

... CHAPTER s WHAT IS CLIENT- SIDE REPORTING? Summary In this chapter, we discussed the architecture of client- side reporting We also looked at the typical users of client- side reports, the client applications ... Is Client- Side Reporting? Reporting Dynamics Client- Side Architecture Client- Side ... Data Report Designer With the introduction of Reporting 8547CH01final.qxd 8/30/07 4:15 PM Page CHAPTER s WHAT IS CLIENT- SIDE REPORTING? Services (RS) at the client- side with VS 2005, Microsoft...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:42

494 842 3
Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery ppt

Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery ppt

... 11:12:57 AM Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery 40718ffirs.indd 12/1/09 11:12:57 AM 40718ffirs.indd 12/1/09 11:12:57 AM Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery ... with it Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery ISBN: 978-0-470-22779-4 With this unique, project-oriented book, author Richard York teaches even the most novice of JavaScript users ... and create seamless client- server communication without intermediaries such as Java or hidden frames You’ll explore the components that make up a JavaScript implementation, with specific focus...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20

484 928 1
wiley professional xmpp programming with javascript and jquery (2010)

wiley professional xmpp programming with javascript and jquery (2010)

... authentication for clients Typically authentication is done with a simple password Each component becomes a separately addressable entity within the server and appears to the outside world as a ... arbitrary connections to clients from the outside world XMPP connections are firewall and NAT friendly because the client initiates the connection on which server-to -client communication takes ... puzzle is making this easy to from JavaScript, the Web’s native programming language The Strophe library was created to make programming XMPP applications in JavaScript as easy as in any other...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 17:08

458 592 0
The Microsoft AJAX Library - Making Client-Side JavaScript Easier

The Microsoft AJAX Library - Making Client-Side JavaScript Easier

... LIBRARY: MAKING CLIENT- SIDE JAVASCRIPT EASIER The Microsoft AJAX Library contains three core JavaScript files that deliver clientside functionality for your web pages These three JavaScript files ... 9/9/07 5:24 PM Page 48 CHAPTER ■ THE MICROSOFT AJAX LIBRARY: MAKING CLIENT- SIDE JAVASCRIPT EASIER Within your client- side JavaScript, you can check whether or not your class implements the IStickShift ... AJAX Library option contains just the client JavaScript components that are included in the full ASP.NET AJAX installation On the other hand, besides the client JavaScript components, the ASP.NET...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

24 322 1
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 3: Learning HTTP- P3

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 3: Learning HTTP- P3

... If-Modified-Since, et al To accommodate client- side caching of documents, the client can use the IfModified-Since header with the GET method When using this option, the client requests the server to send ... content for the best effect For example, sites with JavaScript content would like to know whether you're a JavaScript- capable client, and serve JavaScript- enhanced HTML when possible There isn't ... Transfer-Encoding header with the chunked parameter When a client is involved in a client- pull/server-push operation, it may be possible that there is no end to the entity-body For example, a client program...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

27 522 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P1

... mode and map a client' s incoming request to a file handle After a client request has been accepted, all subsequent communication with the client is referenced through the file handle with sysread( ... cease communication between the client and server, call close( ) Since this book is primarily about client programming, we'll talk about the socket calls used by clients first, followed by the ... Socket Calls Function socket( ) connect( ) sysread( ) Usage Both client and server Client only Both client and server syswrite( Both client ) and server Purpose Create a generic I/O buffer in the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

26 491 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P2

... by your client In the event of a redirection, will your client handle it? Does it examine the Location header? The answers to these questions depend on the purpose of the client Does the client ... your client not to send authorization information unless it is requested Otherwise, the client may expose its authentication to an outside organization This opens up the user's account to outsiders ... to these tags For example, if your client sends form data, it may want to check all the parameters Otherwise, your client may send data that is inconsistent with what the HTML specified e.g.,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

26 463 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P1

... that are useful for client programming The LWP Module The LWP module, in the context of web clients, performs client requests over the network There are 10 classes in all within the LWP module, ... module describes client requests, server responses, and dates, and computes a client/ server negotiation  The LWP module is the core of all web client programs It allows the client to communicate ... invoked with no arguments, the timeout( ) method returns the timeout value of a request By default, this value is three minutes So if the client software doesn't hear back from the server within...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15

27 401 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P2

... URI with certain characters replaced with % followed by two hexadecimal digits The first parameter can be a text string, like "", or an object of type URI::URL When invoked without ... invoked with no parameters, this returns the user for the URL defined in the object When invoked with a parameter, the object's user is assigned to that value $url->password( ) When invoked with ... invoked with a parameter, the object's password is assigned to that value $url->host( ) When invoked with no parameters, this returns the hostname in the URL defined in the object When invoked with...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15

32 439 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P1

... categories are not set in stone It is possible to write a periodic client that also happens to be a recursive client Or a simple client might become periodic if the document indicates that the page ... behaviors that a client may exhibit The examples in this chapter all use a simple command-line interface In Chapter 7, Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk, we have some additional examples with a graphical ... graphical interface using the Tk extension to Perl Simple Clients Simple clients are programs that perform actions for users in real time, usually with a finite list of URLs to act upon In this section,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 15:15

41 469 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P2

... 1; } my $root_url=shift @ARGV; # if there's no URL to start with, tell the user unless ($root_url) { print "Error: need URL to start with\ n"; exit(-1); } # if no "output" options are selected, ... public interface The bad( ) method returns an associative array of any URLs that encountered errors Within the associative array, one uses the URL as a key, and the key value is a \n delimited error ... contains the content-type for the URL And finally, the ref( ) method is an associative array of URLs with values of referring URLs, delimited by \n So if the URL hash of "" has a value of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 15:15

34 329 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P1

... simple program that will just prompt for the word and go look it up without all that extra hassle Anyone familiar with the xwebster client for the X Window System will find xword to be vaguely familiar, ... $frame1->pack( -side => 'top', -expand => 'n', -fill => "x"); $frame2 = $mw->Frame; $frame2->pack( -side => 'top', -expand => 'yes', fill => 'both'); $frame3 = $mw->Frame; $frame3->pack( -side => 'top', ... $frame1->Label(-text => "Enter Word: ")->pack( -side => "left", -anchor => "w"); $entry = $frame1->Entry(-textvariable => \$word, -width => 40); $entry->pack( -side => "left", -anchor => "w", -fill =>...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

14 465 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P2

... we need to delimit it from the prior text (which we insert into our text widget with the flush_text( ) function) with a few returns Note that flush_text( ) takes the same arguments as any of our ... to call our function, do_search( ), with the URL we extracted from the HTML tag Then we insert the text for the link into the text widget, and associate it with the tag we just built Figure 7-2 ... every few minutes For this example, we'll interact with the Federal Express tracking page When you ship a package via FedEx, they keep track of it with a shipping number (also called an airbill number)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

18 420 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P3

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P3

... 0); $scroll->configure(-command => ['yview', $listbox]); $scroll->pack( -side => 'right', -fill => 'y'); $listbox->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 'yes', fill => 'both'); $listbox->insert('end', ... letter, it would scroll to the first entry starting with that letter Or you could put an additional entry, and search for any word starting with those characters: my $response_f = $mw->Frame; ... => 'w', -side => 'left'); my $response_txt = ""; $response_f->Label(-justify => 'left', -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'sunken', -textvariable => \$response_txt)>pack(-anchor => 'w', -side => 'left',...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

19 426 0
Tài liệu Java 3D is a client−side Java application programming interface (API) developed pdf

Tài liệu Java 3D is a client−side Java application programming interface (API) developed pdf

... application programming interface (API) developed at Sun Microsystems for rendering interactive 3D graphics using the Java programming language Java 3D is a client side Java API Other examples of Sun client side ... user However, with continued improvements in GC technology, faster hardware, and well−designed and implemented applications, such considerations are no longer prevalent The Java client side APIs, ... files\javasoft directory 3.1.3 Documentation Java 3D programming involves general Java programming, high−performance programming, 3D graphics algorithms, 2D graphics programming, UI design, and many other...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 11:15

352 389 0
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P4 docx

Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P4 docx

... \&exit_program)->pack (side => "right", -anchor => "e"); my $entry_f = $mw->Frame; $entry_f->pack( -side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', fill => 'x'); $entry_f->Label(-text => "URL: ")->pack( -side => 'left', ... "Start Automode", -command => \&do_automode); $automode_bttn->pack( -side => 'left'); $button_f->Label(-text => "Interval: ")->pack( -side => "left"); ## Create a psuedo pop-up menu using Menubutton ... $update_bttn->pack( -side => "left", -anchor => "w", -padx => 5); $del_bttn = $button_f->Button(-text => "Delete", -state => 'disabled', -command => sub { &delete_site }); $del_bttn->pack( -side => "left",...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

23 402 0
Tài liệu Chapter 1:Introduction- Web Client Programming with Perl doc

Tài liệu Chapter 1:Introduction- Web Client Programming with Perl doc

... a new page appeared Clients and Servers Your web browser is an example of a web client The remote machine containing the document you requested is called a web server The client and server communicate ... screen In practice, many clients can be using the same server at the same time, and one client can also use many servers at the same time (see Figure 1-2) Figure 1-2 Multiple clients and servers As ... from a server without needing to go through your browser Similarly, you can return documents to web browsers without being limited to the functionality of an existing web server HTTP programming...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

10 375 0
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P1 pdf

Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P1 pdf

... third line, beginning with the string User-Agent, the client identifies itself as Mozilla (Netscape) version 3.0, running on Windows NT The fourth line tells the server what the client thinks the ... obligation to stick around under HTTP 1.0, and disconnects after responding to the client' s request The behavior of the client and server depend on what version of HTTP is spoken (See the discussion ... multiple hostnames, the client indicates which hostname was used In this environment, a web server can have a different document tree for each hostname it owns If the client hasn't specified...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

15 525 1