clays clay minerals and soil shrink swell behavior

Clays, clay minerals and soil shrinkswell behavior

Clays, clay minerals and soil shrinkswell behavior

... Introduction • Volume and pore space of swelling clayey soils vary with hydration state • Shrink- swell phenomena affect many mechanical and engineering properties of soils and clay liners • Constitutive ... Copyright© Markus Tuller and Dani Or2002-2004 Clay Minerals – building blocks ● Distinguish between clay size

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 14:28

32 176 0
Rocks minerals and soil

Rocks minerals and soil

... Identify the Minerals Time to Play a Game… How many minerals can you find in the kitchen? (click on refrigerator) Types of Soil Clay Sandy soil Potting soil Loam ClayClay is smooth when dry and sticky ... sticky when wet Soils high in clay content are called heavy soils Clay also can hold a lot of nutrients, but doesn't let air and water through it well Sandy Soil • When you rub sand, it feels ... edges Sand doesn't hold many nutrients Loam • Loam is a mixture of different types of soils Loam soils feel smooth and spongy when rolled into a ball Potting Soil • Potting soil is soil mixture...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 08:06

31 351 0
Rocks minerals and soil

Rocks minerals and soil

... Identify the Minerals Time to Play a Game… How many minerals can you find in the kitchen? (click on refrigerator) Types of Soil Clay Sandy soil Potting soil Loam ClayClay is smooth when dry and sticky ... sticky when wet Soils high in clay content are called heavy soils Clay also can hold a lot of nutrients, but doesn't let air and water through it well Sandy Soil • When you rub sand, it feels ... edges Sand doesn't hold many nutrients Loam • Loam is a mixture of different types of soils Loam soils feel smooth and spongy when rolled into a ball Potting Soil • Potting soil is soil mixture...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 16:37

31 222 0


... silica; potter's clay, not as pure as pipe clay; sculptor's clay, or modeling clay, a fine potter's clay, sometimes mixed with fine sand; brick clay, an admixture of clay and sand with some ferruginous ... clays are used for making pottery of all kinds, bricks and tiles, tobacco pipes, firebricks, and other products The commoner varieties of clay and clay rocks are china clay, or kaolin; pipe clay, ... to redyellow tropical ferruginous soils and savannah grassland with scattered trees and woody shrubs The soils in the upland areas are rich in red clay and sand but poor in organic matter In...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20

326 441 0
DSpace at VNU: Clay dispersion and its relation to surface charge in a paddy soil of the Red River Delta, Vietnam

DSpace at VNU: Clay dispersion and its relation to surface charge in a paddy soil of the Red River Delta, Vietnam

... critical flocculation concentration Soil Sci Soc Am J 56, 1762–1766 Goldberg, S., Forster, H S (1990): Flocculation of reference clays and arid-zone soil clays Soil Sci Soc Am J 54, 714–718 Goldberg, ... and iron oxides and organic matter on flocculation and dispersion of arid soils Soil Sci 150, 588–593 Gu, B., Doner, H E (1993): Dispersion and aggregation of soils as influenced by organic and ... (106°1′12″ E and 20°19′48″ N) The soil sample was taken from the puddled horizon (0–25 cm depth) The sample was air-dried and passed through a mm sieve The clayloam soil (sand: 22%, silt: 45%, clay: ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 06:36

10 175 0
Chromium speciation in municipal solid waste: Effects of clay amendment and composting

Chromium speciation in municipal solid waste: Effects of clay amendment and composting

... 18 G HO and L QIAO incubators The heavy metal leachability, plant availability and the total metal content in the artificial compost was determined by CaClz and DTPA extraction and acid digestion ... mobility of metals in wastes or soils depends on metal concentration, speciation, pH, organic content and redox potential of the substrate The high alkalinity, CEC and Fe and Al oxides content in red ... through metal precipitation as hydroxides and carbonates, adsorption onto oxides and mineral surfaces and chemisorption or complexation with inorganic ligands The ratio of soluble/exchangeable metal...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 14:48

7 684 0
Adsorption of heavy metal inons on soils and soil constituents

Adsorption of heavy metal inons on soils and soil constituents

... fine-grained soil fraction contents soil particles with large surface reactivities and large surface areas such as clay minerals, iron and manganese oxyhydroxides, humic acids, and others and displays ... sinks for Cu in soils are Fe and Mn oxides, soil organic matter, sulfides and carbonates while clay minerals and phosphates are of lesser importance [157] Adsorption maxima among soil constituents ... factor governing Zn concentration in soils and is influenced by several factors, such as pH, clay mineral content, CEC, soil organic matter, CEC, and soil type Clay minerals show variations in their...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:09

18 974 1
Effect of sludge processing mode, soil texture and soil ph on metal mobility in undisturbed soil columns

Effect of sludge processing mode, soil texture and soil ph on metal mobility in undisturbed soil columns

... polyethylene tub A soil sample was then taken, preweighed masses of sludge were added and the soil and sludge were thoroughly mixed The soil/ sludge mixture was then returned to the soil column and ®rmly ... fragments (all soils were largely free of stones and pebbles), and stored in polyethylene bags Soil pH was determined in 1:1 soil/ distilled water suspensions, mixed at and 0.5 h and measured at ... Pollution 109 (2000) 327±346 Fig Old site Hudson (OS) and Hudson control (H) soil column percolate and soil pH, plotted by soil type and initial soil pH: *, OS5; *, OS7; !, OS natural; !, OS>7; &,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07

20 489 0
Effects of nutrient supply and soil cd con

Effects of nutrient supply and soil cd con

... approx 200 dm3 and depth 0:9 m) [16] Soil columns consisting of approximately 0:25 m topsoil and 0:50 m subsoil were built up in the lysimeters (Table 1) using an arable clay soil (Eutric Cambisol) ... exchangeable Cd (NH4 NO3 ) and carbon content in topsoil and subsoil used in the lysimeters Soil type pH Total Cd ( g kg−1 ) Exchangeable Cd ( g kg−1 ) C (%) Topsoil Subsoil 6.7 6.9 296 231 4.9 ... weight basis) and total Cd amount per plant in leaves (L), stems (S), cuttings (C) and roots (R) for each clone (81090 and 78183), nutrient level (N1 and N2) and soil Cd concentration (Cd0 and Cd1)...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07

12 469 0
Heavy metal contamination in soils of urban highways (comparision between runoff and soil concentration

Heavy metal contamination in soils of urban highways (comparision between runoff and soil concentration

... soil, especially for Pb, Zn and Cu They reported exchangeable percentages of Pbdust : 13%, Pbsoil: 2%; Zndust : 10%, Znsoil: 3%; Cudust : 11%, Cusoil: 2%; Cddust : 27%, Cdsoil: 19% Hamilton and ... mainly in the strongly bound organic and residual phases Hewitt and Candy (1990), examined levels of Pb, Cd and Zn in soil and dust samples collected in and around the city of Cuenca, Ecuador ... contamination of soils along highways, with the main emphasis on Pb For example, Vandenabeele and Wood (1972), who worked on highway soil samples in Utah, found 180 to 215 ppm Pb in surface soil and 65...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:25

22 518 0
Stop, Think, Go, Do: How Typography and Graphic Design Influence Behavior

Stop, Think, Go, Do: How Typography and Graphic Design Influence Behavior

... formally and informally interact and inter- of dog, and other cautionary missives are designed to ensure sect with a message in such a way that the audience’s behavior health and well-being of one and ... alphabets—or so we masters of Each, in its own way, demands attention and commands behavior: letterforms want to believe When manipulating (or influencing) behavior of any kind through print, on signs, ... typographic and pictorial decrees sending you overt and covert messages, often through media and warnings designed to either regiment, protect, or otherwise designed to control your behavior (and now...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:27

225 451 0
Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders - Southern Central Coast " pdf

Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders - Southern Central Coast " pdf

... T and Mutert, E 2001 Soil Fertility Kit Potash and Phosphate Institute: Singapore FAO 1976 Framework for land evaluation Soils Bulletin No 32 FAO:Rome Landon, J.R (ed.) 1984 Booker Tropical Soil ... 1500-1700 mm; and • Southern Ca Pass (Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan): < 600 mm The landforms of the Southern Central Coast comprise: (i) mountains and midlands, (ii) river deltas, and (iii) coastal sand dunes, ... rivers and streams Table Areas of major soil groups in the South Central Coast of Vietnam Soil type Ferralitic grey soils (Ferric Acrisols) Acidic alluvial soils (Dystric Fluvisols) Grey soils...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

9 373 0
Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders - South East Region " pptx

Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders - South East Region " pptx

... 2.500 Red soils (Ferralsols) Grey soils (Acrisols) Acid sulphate (Fluvisols) Black soils (Luvisols) Alluvial soils (Fluvisols) Colluvial soils (Fluvisols) Sandy soils (Arenosols) Skeletal soils (Leptosols) ... P.W., Phan Thi Cong, Legrand, J and Nguyen Quang Chon 2008 A framework for identifying soil constraints to the agricultural productivity of tropical upland soils Soil Use and Management 24, 148-155 ... the focus provinces, and document the specific soil requirements of these crops/cropping systems • link soil constraints to the soil requirements of the major upland crops and develop management...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

11 476 0
Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders - Gia Lai Province" doc

Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders - Gia Lai Province" doc

... Highlands are Ferralsols and Acrisols These soils are contrasting in terms of position in the landscape, drainage, texture and clay mineralogy and it was expected that a wide range of perceived soil ... the soil To facilitate the interpretation of upland soil properties for identifying soil constraints and appropriate management strategies, a decision support framework Soil Constraints and ... CEC) of the soil C: Root crops such as cassava are not suited to clayey soils because of harvesting difficulties Clayey soils are unsuitable for crops that not tolerate prolonged soil wetness...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

17 433 0
Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils of Gia Lai Province, Vietnam, and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders " ppt

Dự án nông nghiệp " Major Cropping Soils of Gia Lai Province, Vietnam, and Soil Constraints to Productivity of Major Upland Crops Grown by Smallholders " ppt

... in Gia Lai Province, and document the specific soil requirements of these crops/cropping systems link soil constraints to the soil requirements of the major upland crops and develop management ... occurring on the basaltic plateaus and gently to rolling uplands These soil groups comprise about 49% of the land surface of the province (Table 1, line 1) Soil Constraints and Management Practices for ... CEC) of the soil C: Root crops such as cassava are not suited to clayey soils because of harvesting difficulties Clayey soils are unsuitable for crops that not tolerate prolonged soil wetness...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

10 353 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 1,2 pot

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 1,2 pot

... uneven distribution of runoff, soil erosion and high costs of the structure required 10 Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Soils and soil fertility management Soils in the cultivated area ... into the soil Part II ends with Chapter describing ways to reduce evaporation of water from the soil and measures to optimize the use of soil moisture Introduction: why water harvesting and soil ... makes use of and even induces surface runoff (Figure 1), soil moisture retention aims at preventing runoff and keeping rainwater in the place where it falls as Water harvesting and soil moisture...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

12 288 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 3,4 ppsx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 3,4 ppsx

... loam type of soil or loamy soil; a soil which consists of mainly fine sized, clay particles (a fine textured soil) is called a clay type of soil or clayey soil You will often find that soils are ... example the sandy loam soil of Table consists of an equal mixture of sand and silt particles Table 1: Typical infiltration rates (Brouwer et al, 1986) Soil type sand sandy loam loam clay loam clay Infiltration ... mainly large sand particles (a coarse textured soil) is called a sand type of soil or sandy soil; a soil which consists of mainly medium sized, silt particles (a medium textured soil) is called...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

20 273 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 5,6 potx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 5,6 potx

... rehabilitating barren, crusted soils and clay slopes, where infiltration is limited and tillage is difficult These soils are rock hard and usually generate a high amount of runoff The soil does not need ... Rainfall: Soil: Slope: Topography: 350 - 700 mm Good results on silty loam to clay loam soils On heavier, more clayey soils they are less effective because of the lower infiltration rate Heavy and ... freestanding systems 51 Figure 20: Closed micro-catchment on sloping land Figure 21: Closed micro-catchment on flat land Conditions Rainfall: 52 150 mm per year and above Water harvesting and soil...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

29 257 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 7,8 pptx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 7,8 pptx

... should be combined with other measures such as (tied-)ridging and mulching On soils where infiltration is difficult (clay soils and soils with a crust), it is better to combine strip cropping with ... broad-bed and furrow system is to increase the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil and that is stored in both bed and furrow It also makes heavy soils more workable by improving drainage and ... beds 68 Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Figure 30 shows a narrow bed and furrow and two variations of a broad-bed and furrow It is clear that the broad-bed and furrow system makes...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

15 230 0