cisco router as a remote vpn server using sdm configuration example

Using Linux As A Router

Using Linux As A Router

... setup. IPADDR="" NETMASK="" NETWORK="" BROADCAST="" # GATEWAY="" # ppp will handle gateway # /sbin/route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1 Using Linux as a Router Jonathan Feldman Linux ... routing table? In two ways: statically and dynamically. Static routes are added by you, in a known, and sometimes tedious, fashion. Typically, default routes are static routes. Dynamic routes are ... we wanted to run. The first thing to do was to modify the kernel to act as a packet forwarder. Slackware came with many excellent precompiled kernels, but IP forwarding was not an option. Apparently,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

7 460 0
Configuring Ubuntu Server As a VPN Server

Configuring Ubuntu Server As a VPN Server

... Server nkkp<iah6+ap_+klajrlj +a] ou)no]*+^qeh`)gau)oanraniah Cajan]pejc]-,.0^epNO=lner]pagau *****'''''' **************************************************'''''' snepejcjaslner]pagaupk#iah*gau# ))))) Ukq]na]^kqppk ^a ]oga`pkajpanejbkni]pekjpd]psehh ^a ej_knlkn]pa` ejpkukqn_anpebe_]panamqaop* Sd]pukq]na]^kqppkajpaneosd]peo_]hha`]@eopejcqeoda`J]iakn]@J* Pdana]namqepa]basbeah`o^qpukq_]jha]raokia^h]jg Bknokiabeah`opdanasehh ^a ]`ab]qhpr]hqa( Ebukqajpan#*#(pdabeah`sehh ^a habp^h]jg* ))))) ?kqjpnuJ]ia$.happan_k `a% WJHY6 Op]paknLnkrej _a J]ia$bqhhj]ia%WJ>Y6 Hk_]hepuJ]ia$ac(_epu%WNkkoaj`]]hY6 Knc]jev]pekjJ]ia$ac(_kil]ju%Wo]j`anY6 Knc]jev]pekj]hQjepJ]ia$ac(oa_pekj%WY6 ?kiikjJ]ia$ac(ukqnj]iaknukqnoanran#odkopj]ia%WiahY6 Ai]eh=``naooWi]eh<o]j`an*bnY6 Lha]oaajpanpdabkhhksejc#atpn]#]ppne^qpao pk ^a oajpsepdukqn_anpebe_]panamqaop =_d]hhajcal]ooskn`WY6 =jklpekj]h_kil]juj]iaWY6 Qoejc_kjbecqn]pekjbnki+ap_+klajrlj +a] ou)no]+klajooh*_jb ?da_gpd]ppdanamqaopi]p_daopdaoecj]pqna Oecj]pqnakg PdaOq^fa_p#o@eopejcqeoda`J]iaeo]obkhhkso _kqjpnuJ]ia6LNEJP=>HA6#JH# op]paKnLnkrej_aJ]ia6LNEJP=>HA6#J># hk_]hepuJ]ia6LNEJP=>HA6#Nkkoaj`]]h# knc]jev]pekjJ]ia6LNEJP=>HA6#o]j`an# _kiikjJ]ia6LNEJP=>HA6#iah# ai]eh=``naoo6E=1OPNEJC6#i]eh<o]j`an*bn# ?anpebe_]paeopk ^a _anpebea`qjpeh=qc.0,360260..,-4CIP$/21,`]uo% Oecjpda_anpebe_]pa;Wu+jY6u ... GAU[@EN Ej_na]oapdeopk.,04ebukq ]nal]n]jke`*Pdeosehhohks `ksjPHOjackpe]pekjlanbkni]j _a ]osahh]opdakja)peia@Dl]nio cajan]pekjlnk_aoo* atlknpGAU[OEVA9-,.0 Ejdksi]ju`]uoodkqh`pdankkp?=gauatlena; atlknp?=[ATLENA9/21, Ejdksi]ju`]uoodkqh`_anpebe_]paoatlena; atlknpGAU[ATLENA9/21, Pdaoa]napda`ab]qhpr]hqaobknbeah`o sde_dsehh ^a lh] _a` ejpda_anpebe_]pa* @kj#pha]ra]jukbpdaoabeah`o^h]jg* atlknpGAU[?KQJPNU9QO atlknpGAU[LNKREJ ?A9 ?= atlknpGAU[?EPU9O]jBn]j_eo_k atlknpGAU[KNC9Bknp)Bqjopkj atlknpGAU[AI=EH9ia<iudkop*iu`ki]ej After ... Critical Parameters from server. conf nkkp<iah6+ap_+klajrlj_]poanran*_kjb lknp 50 lnkpkq`l `arpqj _]+ap_+klajrlj+gauo+_]*_np _anp+ap_+klajrlj+gauo+oanran*_np gau+ap_+klajrlj+gauo+oanran*gau ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20

18 442 0
Lab Linux phan I, II Installing Linux as a Server

Lab Linux phan I, II Installing Linux as a Server

... Bạn có thể tìm kiếm danh sách các packages đã được cài đặt (Installed packages) cũng như danh sách các packages có thể dùng được cho bạn download (Available packages) ở tab Search. TRUNG ... Bạn có thể liệt kê danh sách các packages đã được cài đặt (Installed packages) cũng như danh sách các packages có thể dùng được cho bạn download (Available packages) ở tab List. ... ngh a c a từng options. - Tạo người dùng tên usera: - Kiểm tra usera trong /etc/passwd : - Kiểm tra usera trong /etc/shadow: usera đang bị tạm khoá. Do ch a được tạo passwd....

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:21

99 1K 6
Module 7: Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 as a Solution for Internet Connectivity

Module 7: Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 as a Solution for Internet Connectivity

... are based on LAN and demand-dial technologies that can be persistent or non-persistent. Public network segments that appear to Proxy Server as LAN interfaces are persistent, and the data rate ... provides a greater benefit than round robin DNS entries because Network Load Balancing automatically excludes servers that are unavailable. 44 Module 7: Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 as a Solution ... accessing Internet-based Web objects. Point out that active caching updates the cache when requested and also automatically updates the cache. Passive caching updates the cache only when...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15

62 359 0
Configuring Ubuntu Server As a Mail Server

Configuring Ubuntu Server As a Mail Server

... i]eh[j]ia$Q^qjpq% ^ebb9jk ]llaj`ejc*`ki]ejeopdaIQ=#ofk^* ]llaj`[`kp[iu`ki]ej9jk Qj_kiiajppdajatphejapkcajan]pa`ah]ua`i]ehs]njejco `ah]u[s]njejc[peia90d na]`ia[`ena_pknu9jk PHOl]n]iapano oipl`[pho[_anp[beha9+ap_+ooh+_anpo+ooh)_anp)oj]gakeh*lai oipl`[pho[gau[beha9+ap_+ooh+lner]pa+ooh)_anp)oj]gakeh*gau oipl`[qoa[pho9uao oipl`[pho[oaooekj[_]_da[`]p]^]oa9^pnaa6 ... should make sure that it is started as a real daemon that is available at all times. If not, Qpopper will suffer from bad performance. CHAPTER 10 N CONFIGURING UBUNTU SERVER AS A MAIL SERVER ... Ubuntu Server As a Mail Server Sending and Receiving Mail Easily O ne of the most common functions of a Linux system is to serve mail. Several Linux- based mail server programs are available...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20

32 380 0
Module 10: RADIUS as a Solution for Remote Access

Module 10: RADIUS as a Solution for Remote Access

... 2000–based servers. Access Web-based applications and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers. Run applications that are based on TCP/IP. IPX/SPX Administer NetWare-based servers. Access NetWare-based ... Internet Authentication Service (IAS). A remote access server is a RADIUS client, and a server running IAS is a RADIUS server. To design a strategy for providing remote access by using RADIUS, ... users are authenticated by using user accounts and passwords provided by the organization. 2. You are evaluating a remote access design for an organization. The organization has remote...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

50 442 0
Tài liệu Using a Web Service as a Data Source pdf

Tài liệu Using a Web Service as a Data Source pdf

... DataSet( ); SqlDataAdapter da; // Fill the Order table and add it to the DataSet. da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Orders", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataConnectString"]); ... orderDetailTable = new DataTable(ORDERDETAILS_TABLE); da.FillSchema(orderDetailTable, SchemaType.Source); da.Fill(orderDetailTable); ds.Tables.Add(orderDetailTable); // Create a relation ... OrderDetails table and add it to the DataSet. da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Order Details]", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataConnectString"]); DataTable...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20

4 369 0
Tài liệu Installing Linux as a server pptx

Tài liệu Installing Linux as a server pptx

... ọ   Biên soạn : Nguyễn Trí Thức Biên soạn : Nguyễn Trí Thức Tel: 38244041 Tel: 38244041 5   !"#$ ỗ ợ ứ   !"#$ ỗ ợ ứ  ' ... ()* ể ự ỗ ợ ứ   &)*- . 45   )-2()*ủ ự ệ   $678%9:;6%&%4((%ứ ... *+!ỏ  *+!ỏ 8 #'"("& ạ #'"("& ạ  - ( -)-2 ậ ạ  7$8  <  A !7$8  <7$8    & ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20

12 325 1
A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

... prose passages in dictation exercises. However, songs for this task must have quite easy language and sung at a low speed such as ‘ whatever will be will be’. To carry out this task, teacher can ... appendix 1- task 3) D, Vocabulary Learning. Active vocabulary learning is an activity that is seldom paid any attention in most language classrooms. It is here that songs can be of great help. ... to a question. After that they are asked to base on these answer to retell the story in the song. ( See appendix 1- task 4) F, Grammatical Review. In some songs particular grammatical features...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

39 1,1K 3
Tài liệu Using Proven Sales Techniques for Selling WorkKeys as a Solution to Business doc

Tài liệu Using Proven Sales Techniques for Selling WorkKeys as a Solution to Business doc

... Place your nametag on your right; it's easier to read when shaking hands (since most are right-handed). 4.  Actively greet others. 5.  Give a strong handshake. 6.  Prepare an “elevator ... belle loves and loses and loves again a slyly dashing war profiteer as she struggles to protect her family and beloved plantation. ã A pig raised by sheepdogs, learns to herd sheep with a little ... You probably come from a rich family, and like to wear nice things, and go to up-scale restaurants. You like to be pampered. You are a prima donna. There’s just no pleasing you! 26 Using Proven...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 14:20

48 482 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Using an Annotated Corpus as a Stochastic Grammar" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Using an Annotated Corpus as a Stochastic Grammar" ppt

... A may be 40 M. Marcus, 1991. "Very Large Annotated Database of America~ English". DARPA Speech and Naawal Language Workshop, ~ Grove, Morgan Kaufmarm. F. Pereira and Y. Schabes, ... trivial part of a natural language, .almost every input string of reasonable length gets an unmanageably large number of different analyses. Since most of these analyses are not perceived as ... probability can be computed as the product of the 39 Using an Annotated Corpus as a Stochastic Grammar Rens Bod Department of Computational Linguistics University of Amsterdam Spuistraat...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 10:20

8 393 0
Tài liệu Module 4: Configuring ISA Server as a Firewall ppt

Tài liệu Module 4: Configuring ISA Server as a Firewall ppt

... management of the server A set of predefined rules that you can enable or disable as required A default set of access rules applied to the ISA Server to enable management of the server A set of predefined ... to well-known attack methods and raises an alert when an attack is detected Detects well-known IP attacks Includes application filters for DNS and POP that detect intrusion attempts at the application ... Intrusion Detection? ISA Server ISA Server Alert the administrator Alert the administrator All ports scan attack All ports scan attack Port scan limit exceeded Port scan limit exceeded How to Configure...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 05:20

31 470 0
Therapeutic ultrasound as a potential male contraceptive: power, frequency and temperature required to deplete rat testes of meiotic cells and epididymides of sperm determined using a commercially available system doc

Therapeutic ultrasound as a potential male contraceptive: power, frequency and temperature required to deplete rat testes of meiotic cells and epididymides of sperm determined using a commercially available system doc

... couples [1,2]. Ultrasound’s potential as a male contraceptive was first reported by Fahim et al. [3]. In a series of publications, it was shown that a single application of ultrasound could result in a dramatic ... counts and motilities. Untreated, retired breeders served as untreated controls. Sham-treated animals underwent all preparations for ultrasound treatment as treated animals: anesthesia was administered ... GraphPad Prism version 5.0 d, GraphPad Software, San Diego California USA [6]. If data failed Bartlett’s test for equal variances, significance was evalu- ated usi ng the Kruskal-Wallis test and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

15 967 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Solving Relational Similarity Problems Using the Web as a Corpus" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Solving Relational Similarity Problems Using the Web as a Corpus" potx

... The same ap- proach is applied to classifying noun-modifier pairs: using the Diverse dataset of Nastase and Szpakow- icz (2003), Turney&Littman achieve F-measures of 26.5% with 30 fine-grained ... product, source, stative, whole) and QUALITY (container, content, equa- tive, material, measure, topic, type). For example, exam anxiety is classified as effect and therefore as CAUSALITY, and blue book ... for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, are taking the GRE test nowadays are familiar with an instance of this problem – verbal analogy ques- tions, which ask...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20

9 390 0
Fabrication of a porous polyimide membrane using a silicon nanowire array as a template

Fabrication of a porous polyimide membrane using a silicon nanowire array as a template

... membranes have many applications in biotech- nology and electronics for the separation and/or filtration of gases, biomolecules, and environmentally hazardous materials, and as in- sulating materials ... into a CVD reactor containing a silicon substrate at 850 °C using H 2 (10%) in Ar as a carrier gas. Silicon nanowires grew vertically from substrates. Polyimide solution (PI-2556) was purchased ... demonstrate that a porous polyimide membrane can be fabricated by curing liquid polyimide on a vertically oriented silicon nanowire array and selectively etching away the nanowire-array-template using xenon...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:10

4 350 0