chitosan chitosan derivatives as carriers and immunoadjuvants in vaccine delivery

Báo cáo khoa học: Cloning, characterization and localization of a novel basic peroxidase gene from Catharanthus roseus potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Cloning, characterization and localization of a novel basic peroxidase gene from Catharanthus roseus potx

... Preprotein sequences are shown in italics, conserved residues are indicated by w, and amino acids forming buried salt bridge are indicated by r The amino acid side chains involved in Ca2+-binding ... polypeptide sequence of CrPrx contains eight conserved cysteine residues forming disulfide bridges, two Ca2+-binding ligands, and distal and proximal heme-binding domains, in FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1290–1303 ... organ-specific and stress-inducible as well as MJ-inducible expression Accordingly, we assume its involvement during stress regulation and developmental processes in C roseus The possibility of using CrPrx...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 09:21

14 347 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Cloning and expression of a tomato cDNA encoding a methyl jasmonate cleaving esterase pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Cloning and expression of a tomato cDNA encoding a methyl jasmonate cleaving esterase pdf

... this was a result of Fig Tomato methyl jasmonate esterase cDNA and deduced protein sequence Peptides determined by sequencing of the purified protein are boxed and the names of the peptides are indicated ... out using the Vector NTI Software (Informax) Thereby, a modified N-terminus of the encoded protein was created in which Glu and Lys in positions and 3, respectively, were replaced with a single ... where they act as autocrine and paracrine signals However, neutrophils are also capable of taking up leukotrienes for intracellular catabolism, thereby locally restricting and terminating the signal...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

8 458 1
Báo cáo khoa học: cDNA cloning and characterization of a novel calmodulinlike protein from pearl oyster Pinctada fucata potx

Báo cáo khoa học: cDNA cloning and characterization of a novel calmodulinlike protein from pearl oyster Pinctada fucata potx

... The calcium binding and conformational changes of oyster CaLP and CaM were further investigated by monitoring intrinsic phenylalanine and tyrosine fluorescence Intrinsic phenylalanine fluorescence ... similarity in predicted aminoacid sequence between oyster CaLP and CaM, it is possible that these proteins share potential binding sites or target proteins Potential CaLP binding and CaM binding proteins ... temperature was increased to 58 °C DNA and protein sequence and analyses The recombinant oyster CaM was obtained as described by Li et al [29] For expression and purification the oyster CaLP protein in...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 23:20

12 375 0
Báo cáo Y học: Cloning and expression of two novel aldo-keto reductases from Digitalis purpurea leaves potx

Báo cáo Y học: Cloning and expression of two novel aldo-keto reductases from Digitalis purpurea leaves potx

... filters was obtained on X-OMAT AR films (Kodak) using an intensifying screen at )80 °C Expression and purification of recombinant DpAR proteins The cDNAs were cloned as a SphI/BglII fragment into pQE70 ... from contaminant proteins The elution of the His-tagged proteins was carried out using buffer C (buffer A containing 250 mM imidazole) Enzyme assays Enzyme activity was determined in a 1-mL reaction ... reaction was initiated by the addition of the protein, and monitored at 25 °C using a Uvicon 930 spectrophotometer (Kontron Instruments, Germany) The activity was determined by measuring NADPH,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:20

9 570 0
Báo cáo Y học: Identification and characterization of a novel activated RhoB binding protein containing a PDZ domain whose expression is specifically modulated in thyroid cells by cAMP pot

Báo cáo Y học: Identification and characterization of a novel activated RhoB binding protein containing a PDZ domain whose expression is specifically modulated in thyroid cells by cAMP pot

... for Rho as the serine-threonine kinase protein kinase N Science 271, 648–650 12 Vincent, S & Settleman, J (1997) The PRK2 kinase is a potential effector target of both Rho and Rac GTPases and regulates ... blotting in response to three main signal transduction pathways in dog thyrocytes in primary culture [thyrotropin/cAMP, EGF–HGF/MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) and PMA/PKC (protein kinase ... encoding p76RBE has been cloned by PCR-based methods As shown in Fig 1, the human protein has 87% identity with the dog protein Between amino acids 35 and 122, p76RBE contains an HR1-Rho-binding...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

9 394 0
Cloning and characterization of a novel kelch like gene in zebrafish

Cloning and characterization of a novel kelch like gene in zebrafish

... following two washing steps were performed at 65°C for 20 minutes each Pre-warmed wash solution was used and the incubator was preset at 65°C A final stringent wash was carried out using a final wash ... polymerase and µl template DNA The cycling condition was as follows: 94 °C/5 min, 30 cycles of 94 °C/30 sec, 55 °C/1 min, and 72 °C/1 min, and finally 72 °C/5 The amplification was carried out in ... was inoculated with a single fresh colony of Escherichia coli strain DH5α and incubated at 37°C with 250 rpm shaking overnight The following morning, 0.5 ml of the culture was re-inoculated into...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 20:57

125 604 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Identification, sequencing, and localization of a new carbonic anhydrase transcript from the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Identification, sequencing, and localization of a new carbonic anhydrase transcript from the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila docx

... shown in black and grey, respectively Histidine residues involved in zinc binding in the catalytic site are indicated by a ‘Z’; important amino acids involved in the hydrogen bond network are indicated ... remain stable and alkaline relative to the surrounding environment thus maintaining an inward CO2 gradient [4,6,8] Kochevar and Childress [7] also measured high CA activities in the trophosome Indeed, ... residues (named H94, H96 and H119 in reference to positions 94, 96 and 119 in CAII from Homo sapiens) which are directly involved in binding the zinc cofactor, are conserved in the two R pachyptila...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20

14 591 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Detection and characterization of a novel extracellular fungal enzyme that catalyzes the specific and hydrolytic cleavage of lignin guaiacylglycerol b-aryl ether linkages pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Detection and characterization of a novel extracellular fungal enzyme that catalyzes the specific and hydrolytic cleavage of lignin guaiacylglycerol b-aryl ether linkages pdf

... highmolecular mass lignins into low-molecular mass lignins that retain benzene rings Such lignins would have enormous biomass and be useful as an industrial material Therefore in this study, ... Biochem 270) In our current studies, we have focused on b-aryl ether linkages in lignin Such linkages account for more than 50% of the intermolecular linkages in lignin In Shingomonas paucimobilis ... b-aryl ether linkages in high-molecular mass materials in vivo because it acts at the intramolecular level and cannot gain access to the b-aryl ether linkages in highmolecular mass lignins [12] If...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 03:20

10 671 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Proteome analysis of a rat liver nuclear insoluble protein fraction and localization of a novel protein, ISP36, to compartments in the interchromatin space pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Proteome analysis of a rat liver nuclear insoluble protein fraction and localization of a novel protein, ISP36, to compartments in the interchromatin space pptx

... interchromatin space In prophase, ISP36 staining was partly lost in the interchromatin regions but accumulated in a limited area (Fig 9, panel 5) In prometaphase and metaphase, ISP36 staining was excluded ... no in the NCBI protein database proteins Filamentous proteins listed in Table 1, i.e lamin B1, lamin A, lamin C, vimentin, keratin types and and actin, were all included in this group Lamins ... Herschman HR (2000) Protein-arginine methyltransferase I, the predominant protein-arginine methyltransferase in cells, interacts with and is regulated by interleukin enhancer-binding factor J Biol Chem...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20

12 400 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

... (2) and h(a ; y ) = max {CWT x mmg (k , a; y )}, k∈K baseline (3) where Kbaseline are the samples corresponding to the baseline MMG signals and γ is the threshold-scaling factor The scaling-factor ... baseline MMG signals at each scale The baseline includes MMG recorded during rest, blink and head movement A contraction is detected if the CWT coeffi- Alves and Chau Journal of NeuroEngineering ... eyebrow, above the inside corner of the right eye Once the sensor was affixed, participants performed 30 s of 'baseline' activities such as blinking, talking, smiling and moving their head Scale-specific...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

10 501 0
báo cáo hóa học: "Initial development and testing of a novel foam-based pressure sensor for wearable sensing" doc

báo cáo hóa học: "Initial development and testing of a novel foam-based pressure sensor for wearable sensing" doc

... foam was carried out using a number of methods as described in [4] It was found that increasing the weight placed upon the PPy-PU foam or shortening the overall length of the foam resulted in a ... in a proportional decrease in the electrical resistance measured across the foam in a linear fashion Results from tests carried out using the Instron™ tensile testing instrument, courtesy of ... weave, and the inner layer was a 100% acrylic satin weave The collar was 80% nylon, 20% elastine jersey knit The structure of the garment was crucial to the quality of data obtained, as its textile...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

7 748 0
Báo cáo y học: "The identification and characterization of a novel protein, c19orf10, in the synovium" docx

Báo cáo y học: "The identification and characterization of a novel protein, c19orf10, in the synovium" docx

... devoid of c19orf10 staining (g) Intense staining of a hyperplastic RA synovial lining cell layer This staining was typical of most areas of RA synovium where the lining was hyperplastic (h) An area ... limited intermittent staining of a subset of cells In addition, areas of synovial hyperplasia show variable staining patterns In some cases, areas of hyperplasia are positive for c19orf10 staining ... (Polysciences, Inc., Warrington, PA, USA) in PBS for 15 minutes The cells were then washed and, in some cases, permeabilized using 0.2% Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich) in PBS for minutes and washed again The...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

9 490 0
báo cáo khoa học: " The isolation and mapping of a novel hydroxycinnamoyltransferase in the globe artichoke chlorogenic acid pathway" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: " The isolation and mapping of a novel hydroxycinnamoyltransferase in the globe artichoke chlorogenic acid pathway" pptx

... achieved using poly(dT)primer and M-MuLV RNaseH-RT (Finnzymes, Finland), following the manufacturer's instructions The PCR amplification of cDNA sequences was performed as described in Comino et ... fresh tissue using the "Trizol" reagent (Invitrogen, USA), following the manufacturer's instructions Final RNA concentration was determined by spectrophotometry, and its integrity was assessed by ... both in the supernatant and in the pellet fraction This protein was absent from the equivalent fractions of cultures of bacteria carrying an empty pET3A plasmid The recombinant enzyme was incubated...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

13 651 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Identification and characterisation of a novel anti-viral peptide against avian influenza virus H9N" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Identification and characterisation of a novel anti-viral peptide against avian influenza virus H9N" pps

... Interestingly, pre-treatment with increasing concentration of FP-P1 as well as the peptides increased the cell viability in dose dependent manner More than 100% increase in viability was observed ... FP-P1 as well as the peptides (both in linear as well as cyclic form) was capable of inactivating the virus or inhibiting the viral replication in vitro Antiviral activity of peptides and fusion ... [41] In vitro study of protein-protein interactions Construction of recombinant pC-HAt, pC-NA and pC-P1 and in vitro transcription and translation The HAt and NA gene of AIV strain H9N2 as well as...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21

12 288 0
Báo cáo y học: "Quantifying the major mechanisms of recent gene duplications in the human and mouse genomes: a novel strategy to estimate gene duplication rates" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Quantifying the major mechanisms of recent gene duplications in the human and mouse genomes: a novel strategy to estimate gene duplication rates" docx

... these, 8,312 in human and 8,105 in mouse are single-copy genes, and the remaining are clustered by Ensembl into 3,538 families in human and 3,600 families in mouse reviews Data compiling R158.10 ... genes in TAGs as a function of Ks were plotted in R [46] in both two-copy gene families and in the entire genome The interval of the data points in terms of Ks of the curves is 0.01 Because initially ... are singletons and the duplication direction in TAGs is unknown, the number of duplicated genes were calculated as the total number of genes in TAGs in each case minus the number of initial singleton...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

11 357 0


... leading to more extensive functional abnormalities Therefore, understanding and treating such injuries and disease during the acute phase (within week following injury) with the goal of stemming ... currently available Investigating cell-specific responses, including signal pathways and associated proteins, is important for understanding spinal cord and brain pathology and neuroprotection, ... conditions, including ischemic brain injury (Sas et al., 2007) Recent evidence suggests that the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) induced kinase-1 (PINK-1) is critical for mitochondrial activity and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 09:14

181 235 0
Development and evaluation of a novel nanoparticulate delivery system of arsenic sulfides

Development and evaluation of a novel nanoparticulate delivery system of arsenic sulfides

... ppm as As) (a) and orpiment (1.5 ppm as As) (b) respectively spiked with ppm iAsIII (upper line) and ppm iAsV (lower line) mM PDC/0.5 mM CTAOH BGE at pH 11.5; Usetting = − 30 kV and Isetting ... population occurs mainly through ingestion of arsenic existing in drinking water and food In freshwater systems, iAsIII and iAsV are major arsenic species, while minor amounts of MMAV and DMAV also ... skin conditions (psoriasis, dermatitis herpetiformism and eczema), stomatitis and gingivitis in infants, and Vincent’s angina It was also prescribed as a healthy tonic Since the 18th century,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:03

232 464 0
Identifcation and stablization of a novel 3d hepatocyte monolayer for hepatocyte based applications

Identifcation and stablization of a novel 3d hepatocyte monolayer for hepatocyte based applications

... donor livers as well as porcine hepatocytes In phase I of a study using human hepatocytes, the LSS was combined with a single-pass albumin dialysis (MARS), called MELS Both LSS and MELS have ... stable final-state From an engineering standpoint, this means that the process intrinsically knows what to The engineering challenge is trying to mimic the correct in vivo parameters in vitro ... ligands induce the clustering of integrin in the focal adhesion; the cells are attached onto the substratum The ECM-integrin interaction will induce a series of downstream signaling pathways and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:19

167 253 0
Identification and characterization of a novel heart  reactive autoantibody in systemic lupus erythematosus possible serological marker for early myocardial dysfunction

Identification and characterization of a novel heart reactive autoantibody in systemic lupus erythematosus possible serological marker for early myocardial dysfunction

... Iceland and Japan and highest in USA and France The overall prevalence was the lowest in Northern Ireland, UK and Finland, and the highest in Italy, Spain and Martinique The burden of SLE was ... disease susceptibility is supported by an increased sibling risk (as much as 20-fold) and by increased disease concordance in monozygotic twins (Alarcon-Segovia and Alarcon-Riquelme 2004; Wakeland ... SAP binds to extracellular matrix components, to C1q and to C4 binding protein, and shows specific binding activity to DNA, 23 Introduction nuclear chromatin and nucleic compounds released during...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 12:42

183 327 0