... particular situation, and on the SBV‘s assessment of a variety of factors, including exchange rate misalignment, and exchange rate fluctuation and nature of shocks The SBV should implement a discretionary ... technical barriers, quality standards (SBS, TBT) to restrict imports and protect massive domestic market is still weak Besides, we need to implement the programs which stimulate domestic consumption, ... documents be amended to meet the market requirements and the surveillance systems be strengthened The derivative instruments as futures, options, is the useful tool eliminates operational risks in
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2017, 11:32
... NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS BACHELOR THESIS THE IMPACTS OF VIETNAM'S EXCHANGE RATE POLICY ON TRADE ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT ... flows also have arelationship with trade balance Thus, besides operating the exchange rate policy, other macro policies should also be weighed • The SBV should set hidden band for exchange rates ... understand aspects of exchange rate policy on trade balance activities, we must consider the study of various aspects of the economy Based on the above findings and analysis, it can be seen that
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2019, 14:10
TCQT4 exchange rate policy
... BWS (1971) The EEC countries members allowed their exchange rates to be determined solely by market forces Large and sudden changes in international competitiveness associated with exchange rate ... Private speculation is stablizing • Foreign reserves is unnecessary TS Nguyễn Phúc Hiền - ðại học Ngoại thương 22 (2) Flexible exchange rates E(USD/VND) Demand shock (Do-D1) S E* Eo D1 Do Qo Q* Q(USD) ... học Ngoại thương Exchange rate policy Concept Exchange rate policy is activities of the government (central banks) through a specific exchange rate regime and a system of tools to intervene to
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2019, 16:32
... interest rates Interest Rates: Changes in interest rate affect currency value and dollar exchange rate Forex rates, interest rates, and inflation are all correlated Increases in interest rates cause ... forward some possible recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of foreign exchange market in the last chapter The purpose of this study is to help address Vietnam’s exchange rate policy since ... increased This is also a prominent year when in the financial statements of many businesses, the cost of exchange rates increased sharply 14 Unpredictable fluctuations of the exchange rate are also reflected
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2020, 07:11
Exchange rate policy and macroeconomic stability in vietnam
... [6, 7] Studies on exchange rate pass-through to Vietnam’s prices in recent years have also appeared This relationship was studied through transmission channels of monetary policy, such as Huong ... 2001q1-2017q3 Source: Author’s synthesis Research results and discussion1234 3.1 Checking stationarity of the data series Stationarity is one of important conditions to consider when analyzing time series ... impact of exchange rate shocks on domestic prices, trade balance, output growth and possible interactions among these variables To form structural shocks, this paper uses Cholesky decomposition,
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:24
... interest rates Interest Rates: Changes in interest rate affect currency value and dollar exchange rate Forex rates, interest rates, and inflation are all correlated Increases in interest rates cause ... forward some possible recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of foreign exchange market in the last chapter The purpose of this study is to help address Vietnam’s exchange rate policy since ... increased This is also a prominent year when in the financial statements of many businesses, the cost of exchange rates increased sharply 14 Unpredictable fluctuations of the exchange rate are also reflected
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2021, 10:48
The management of exchange rate policy in vietnam in recent years
... reasons It makes sense in the context of Singapore being a small and open economy Singapore has no natural resources, and is almost completely dependent on imports for necessities such as food ... monetary policy, including re-financing, interest rates, exchange rates, compulsory reserves, open-market operations and other tools and measures as prescribed by the Government.” To that end, the State ... the State Bank of Vietnam’s interventions in FX markets - The graph illustrates Vietnam’s estimated interventions since 2016 based on valuation- and earnings-adjusted monthly changes in reserves
Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2022, 09:28
... confusions may see a depreciation in exchange rates Recession: When a country experiences a recession, its interest rates are likely to fall, decreasing its chances to acquire foreign capital As ... Recommendations 3.1 Effects of passed exchange rate policies and future market trend Since the US Federal Reserve has adjusted interest rates, the domestic foreign exchange market has been constantly ... the rise of raw material prices (mainly imported by businesses), and the competitiveness and profitability of enterprises For importers and domestic businesses, the increase in exchange rate will
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 10:05
Brazils foreign exchange rate policy and lessons to vietnam a research of the 2016 2022 period
... also aims to stablize the exchange rate like this, besides its monetary policy, which has been showing positive results during the period (v) Long-term policy consistency is crucial: Brazil has ... the SBV had actions of purchasing more USD from the market to their reserves, as a method to a buffer against external shocks, such as sudden changes in exchange rates or capital outflows Vietnam's ... dynamics, and policy objectives when considering any lessons from Brazil's exchange rate policy or other countries' experiences as well (i) Foster a stable macroeconomic environment: Ensuring stability
Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2023, 04:21
(Tiểu luận) brazils foreign exchange rate policy and lessons to vietnam a research of the 2016 2022 period
... has always pursued a stable and competitive exchange rate policy to support its export-oriented economy Brazil is one of Vietnam's major commercial partners Statistics from TradingEconomics show ... comes to foreign exchange reserves, Vietnam has also been seeing consecutive positive signs In 2012, Vietnam's foreign exchange reserves were around $24 billion USD, and by 2022, they had risen ... exchange rate, making this reference exchange rate more realistic and suitable This rate has also been updated on a daily basis, with a view to be able to make necessary changes daily Vietnam has also
Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2023, 05:44
group assignment international finance current exchange rate policy in vietnam
... 9Businesses and consumers are greatly affected when exchange rates increase, causing the prices of imported goods to also increase After the exchange rate increases, VND will lose value Prices ... can increase input costs for many industries, impacting profit margins and the final prices of products and services ● Impact on Business Competitiveness: ○ Rising Costs of Imported Goods: If the ... exchange rates or based them on the closing rates at the foreign exchange trading center Subsequently, rates were determined based on the closing rates in the interbank market of the most recent session,
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2024, 11:44
Can RMB exchange rate expectations explain the fluctuations of China’s housing prices?
... SA SA NS NS NS NS NS SA NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA NS NS NS NS NS NS SA SA SA SA NS SA NS SA NS NS NS △ △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln ... △Ln slow fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow ... △ slow slow slow slow slow fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast slow NS △ slow NS △ slow NS SA SA SA SA SA NS NS NS △ △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln △Ln NS △ SA SA SA
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2020, 03:42
Tài liệu Research " Stabilization Programs, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Movements in Emerging Markets Economies " doc
... programs’ discontinuity, households’ consumption path is distorted Unrestricted access to the asset markets by all households is an important assumption for this conclusion It is only with assets ... consequences of temporary exchange rate-based stabilization programs The assumption that only a fraction of households participate in asset market transactions differentiates this analysis from ... finance, such as volatile and persistent real exchange rate movements, and the excess volatility of nominal exchange rates, Trang 18 However, it is possible for households without access to the
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
... country s exchange rate policy and forex market, as well as the sources of the data being used Section discusses the apparent preferences of Vietnamese authorities in conducting exchange rate policy ... disparate sources, such as short articles in trade journals, and undergraduate student dissertations or research papers (for examples of these, see Nguyen Tran Phuc 2009b) Reconciling and synthesizing ... three ways: (i) analysis of trends in exchange rates; (2) examination of public statements by senior officials; and (3) estimation of the volatility of exchange rates Trends in exchange rates Figure...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20
... fixed exchange rate policy • Three-tier ER system: official ER for foreign trading, non-trading ER and internal ER used in business relations between banks and other domestic business entities • ... Furthermore, domestic prices are under the “double” increased pressure because VND loses its value compared to USD while USD loses its value Powerpoint Templates compared to many hard currencies Page 15 ... a lot VND/USD exchange rate history Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Latest data: The graph below shows historical exchange rates between the Vietnamese Dong (VND) and the US Dollar (USD) between...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 01:21
The impact of exchange rate policy on trade balance and inflation in Vietnam = Tác động của chính sách tỷ giá hối đoái đối với cán cân thương mại và lạm phát ở Việt Nam
... This psychology was shown through a sluggish increase in savings in domestic currency while savings in foreign currencies increased quite fast, especially the residential savings Enterprises also ... uses a combination of research methodologies including literature study, qualitative analysis, comparative study, etc Besides, the thesis also investigates this isues using vector autoregression ... underlying unrealistic assumptions Empirical studies proved that the exchange rate pass-through in many cases does not reach perfect level Isards (1977) is one of the first people expressed his doubt on...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2015, 09:08
BIS Working Papers No 312 China’s high saving rate: myth and reality potx
... Chinese saving rate and highlights some of its most salient stylised facts 2.1 Data and measurement issues To lay a sound basis for discussion, we first clarify some of the confusions associated ... the Chinese saving rate and explores two policy initiatives, before Section concludes Measurements and stylised facts of Chinese saving This section summarises the main data issues in measuring ... balance of China s corporate sector and China s industrial profit Cash balance1 Industrial profit, by sector2 Cash/sales (lhs) Cash/assets (lhs) Cash/GDP (rhs) 22.5 State-controlled Foreign-invested...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
... nominal interest rate will rise immediately to satisfy UIP We investigate the consequences of Svensson s proposal if it is adopted during the severe recession and deflation scenario discussed in the ... will use for stochastic simulations is based on the estimated rules Thus, in the final section of the paper we report a sensitivity study that makes use of the estimated Taylor-style interest rate ... the short-term rate of interest Since prices of goods and services adjust more slowly than those on financial instruments, such a money injection reduces real interest rates and provides a stimulus...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
... effectiveness of the pollution levy in reducing environmental effluents Our first set of regressions addresses this objective and it also provides estimates (instruments) for the endogenous inputs to ... levels of abatement inputs Since substitution between abatement and non-abatement inputs affects output, measures of emissions serve as instruments for the endogenous abatement decisions of the ... the progress of China s reforms) as well as across classes of firms Therefore, we will disaggregate our eventual empirical evidence in order to examine differences between classes of firms and over...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20
Derivative Exposure and the Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks of U.S. Banks ppt
... and exchange rate risk betas across banks and across periods We interpret this as a result of different exposure positions of banks Changes in market conditions due to external policy shocks similarly ... exposure and derivative off-balance sheet exposures, while the subsequent discussion addresses the sources of these exposures Moreover, they also reveal that the interest rate and exchange rate ... interest rate betas have the same sign Still, the systematic exchange risk is significant for the system as well as individual banks, and currency derivatives are important sources of such risk...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20