Manufacturing and the data conundrum
... traditional manufacturing, and then traditional manufacturing into smart manufacturing “We have every science and engineering discipline working for GE in research Of course, Manufacturing and the data ... for manufacturing companies into realtime controls and rapid responses to production variations “Ultimately, the goals of decades of work on inspection and quality control boil down to understanding ... and quality data Companies wrestle with efficiency and quality-improvement data from so many sources that confusion and applesto-oranges comparisons are easily made The number-one source of data, ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:13
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
... briefly discussed and conclusions are made 12.2 Manufacturing Process Monitoring and Control In this chapter, we will treat the problems associated with monitoring and control of manufacturing processes ... to the rapid changes and solving the complex problems that occur in various manufacturing steps The monitoring and control of manufacturing processes is one of the important manufacturing step ... cost and higher productivity This stringent situation has created an issue of growing importance in the manufacturing community and evoked a necessity for reliable and robust monitoring and control...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Add, Edit, and Delete Data Using the DataGrid Control doc
... OnUpdateCommand="dgRegion_UpdateCommand" OnCancelCommand="dgRegion_CancelCommand" OnEditCommand="dgRegion_EditCommand" OnDeleteCommand="dgRegion_DeleteCommand" >
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20
DATA HANDLING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -VOLUME 4 Advanced scientific computing in BASIC with applications in chemistry, biology and pharmacology potx
... DATA HANDLING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -VOLUME Advanced scientific computing in BASIC with applications in chemistry, biology and pharmacology DATA HANDLING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ... with Applications in Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacology by P Valk6 and S.Vajda DATA HANDLING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -VOLUME Advisory Editors: B.G.M Vandeginste, O.M Kvalheim and L Kaufman Advanced ... HIE REM DATA I88 RE! (VECTOR DIHENSION, NUHBER O VECTORS) F 118 DATA 5, 112 DATA 2,-1, 2,-2, 1, 114 DATA I, Z,-l, 1, 2, I16 DATA -1,-2, 3,-5, 1, 118 DATA 3, 1, l,-l, 3, 128 DATA 1,-3, 5,-7,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
stochastic modeling of manufacturing systems advances in design, performance evaluation, and control issues - g. liberopoulos
... implications of and for the manufacturing and IE profession and curriculum are that multi-criteria and multi-objective programming are essential methodological concepts and algorithmic tools in manufacturing ... configuration of machines and servers and a certain budget for storing items In Chapter 11, Van Nyen, Bertrand, van Ooijen, and Vandaele present a heuristic that minimizes the relevant costs and satisfies ... the manufacturing and IE curriculums have been discussed, since FDPs pose a microcosm and synthesis of many of the activities manufacturing and IEs profess Dilemmas in factory design: paradox and...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:26
fundamentals of semiconductor manufacturing and process control
... FACTORY CONTROL MARKETING, SALES PROCESS SIMULATION WORK IN PROCESS ORDERS, SHIPMENTS DESIGN DATABASE & DATABASE & DATABASE LOCAL AREA NETWORK EQUIPMENT CONTROL & DATABASE DATA COLLECTION & DATABASE ... migrate through the fabrication Supervisory Control Run-by-Run Control Real-Time Control Run-by-Run Control Real-Time Control Run-by-Run Control Real-Time Control Process A Process B Process C wafer ... architecture includes embedded controllers that provide real-time control and analysis of fabrication equipment These controllers consist of personal computers and the associated control software dedicated...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:09
Joint modelling of survival and longitudinal data under nested case control sampling
... study and the real data application The first method that we discussed was based on a paper by Tseng and Liu [19] and uses observed data from all cohort subjects For selected cases and controls, ... thesis and models involved in the joint model will be described Chapter and illustrates the application of our approach using a simulated dataset and a published dataset respectively The dataset ... fixed slope and random intercept for our trajectory function: 22 The random intercept is denoted by b0i and is generated from a normal distribution with mean and variance σb2 The random error...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:15
Sampled data analysis and control of DC DC switching converters
Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 17:54
Sampled data analysis and control of DC DC switching converters
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2016, 16:28
Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management - Robert Jacobs
... intentionally left blank CHAPTER Manufacturing Planning and Control The manufacturing planning and control (MPC) system is concerned with planning and controlling all aspects of manufacturing, including ... Manufacturing Planning and Control The MPC system should evolve to meet changing requirements in the market, technology, products, and manufacturing processes ▲ The manufacturing planning and control system ... Carolina and coauthor of previous editions of Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management Thomas E Vollmann was a professor at IMD and coauthor of previous editions of Manufacturing...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2016, 00:34
Vitual Basic dùng Control data
... Assign Full path database filename to Data1 Data1 .DatabaseName = AppFolder & "BIBLIO.MDB" ' Place controls in Browse Mode SetControls (False) End Sub Private Sub CmdEdit_Click() ' Place controls in ... computer database nằm folder E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98, computer khách database nằm folder C:\VB6\DataControl chẳng hạn Do đó, chương trình khởi động ta nên xác định lại vị trí database ... AppFolder & "\" ' Assign Full path database filename to Data1 Data1 .DatabaseName = AppFolder & "BIBLIO.MDB" End Sub Với cách code nói ta đảm bảo chương trình tìm thấy file database chỗ, không cần biết...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 13:43
Open distributed automation and control with iec 61499.pdf
... AND CONTROL WITH IEC 61499 Event and Data Interfaces Event and Data Interfaces Event inputs Event outputs Event flow Event flow Data flow Event /Data Associations JHC/2001-04-03 p 13 Data flow Data ... OPEN DISTRIBUTED AUTOMATION AND CONTROL WITH IEC 61499 Open Distributed Automation and Control Open Distributed Automation and Control with IEC 61499 with IEC 61499 • • • • ... 13 Data flow Data inputs Data outputs OPEN DISTRIBUTED AUTOMATION AND CONTROL WITH IEC 61499 Event-Driven Execution Control Event-Driven Execution Control Execution control function Algorithm...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:15
Creating and Management Data Base
... trợ giải pháp máy chủ standby RDBMS and Data Management/ Session 7/18 of 25 Nhóm tập tin ghi vết giao dịch Thêm tập tin ghi vết vào sở liệu Cú pháp: ALTER DATABASE database_name { } [;] ::= ... tạo Cú pháp: CREATE DATABASE database_snapshot_name ON ( NAME = logical_file_name, FILENAME = ‘os_file_name’ ) [ , n ] AS SNAPSHOT OF source_database_name [;] RDBMS and Data Management/ Session ... COLLATE collation_name ] ] [;] RDBMS and Data Management/ Session 7/15 of 25 Nhóm tập tin ghi vết giao dịch Thêm nhóm tập tin vào CSDL có: Cú pháp ALTER DATABASE database_name { ...
Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2012, 09:09
Introduction to logistics systems planning and control
... features, manufacturing process characteristics, as well as demand volume and variability MTO systems are more suitable whenever lead times are short, products are costly, and demand is low and highly ... inventories (Chapter 4); designing and operating warehouses and crossdocks (Chapter 5); planning and controlling long-haul and short-haul freight transportation (Chapters and 7) Finally, Chapter provides ... demand from local warehouses (replenished at low frequency) Coping with randomness in customer demand and lead times Inventories of finished goods (safety stocks) help satisfy customer demand...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 08:50
... are demanded to find out highly efficacious and inexpensive drugs and vaccines REFERENCES Aguado-Martinez, A., G Alvarez-Garcia, A Fernandez-Garcia, V Risco-Castillo, V MaruganHernandez, and L ... is sensible and plausible to restrict contact between dogs (and other definitive hosts) and cattle to reduce the transmission and prevalence of the infection as well Aborted fetuses and placenta, ... PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF N CANINUM INFECTION IN CATTLE Prevention and control of neosporosis base on the reduction of number of positive animals in the herds by decreasing the risk of both vertical and...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:14
Saving and Restoring Data
... XML for the data content of an existing DataSet instance, call its WriteXml method, passing an output file name C# DataSet infoSet = new DataSet(); // - Add tables, relations, and data, then ... format Reading XML Both the DataSet and DataTable classes include ReadXml and ReadXmlSchema counterparts to the XML-writing methods To use them, create a new DataSet or DataTable instance; then ... XmlReadMode.ReadSchema Reconstructs the DataTable members of the DataSet without loading in the data Chapter 7 Saving and Restoring Data 111 ■■ XmlReadMode.IgnoreSchema Loads in the data, ignoring any schema...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20