chemistry and physics of cement paste

Sulfate Attack on Concrete - Chapter 3 pot

Sulfate Attack on Concrete - Chapter 3 pot

... of one of several varieties of rust, followed by expansion and delamination of concrete (see Figure 3.3) High concrete porosity and high concentration of cracks reaching the depth of reinforcement ... dissolution of paste components The most common phenomenon in this category is the dissolution of the cement paste constituents, in particular portlandite, Ca(OH)2, present in cement paste primarily ... design and structural design), through processing, to maintenance; proper use of the existing knowledge in development of standards and test methods; and adherence to the standards, codes, and other...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 10:23

12 325 0
Electrical equipment handbook troubleshooting and maintenance

Electrical equipment handbook troubleshooting and maintenance

... The direction of the force is given by the right-hand rule If the index finger of the right hand points in the direction of vector l, and the middle finger points in the direction of the flux density ... Sketch of an ideal transformer (b) Schematic symbols of a transformer IP ᎏ ϭ ᎏ IS a The phase of angle VP is the same as the angle of VS, and the phase angle of IP is the same as the phase angle of ... strength, and hardness are similar to those of iron and steel Figure 2.11 shows a comparison of the NdFeB magnet characteristics with those of other common magnets The energy product [product of B...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 13:18

496 644 15
PLC startup and maintenance  industrialtext  WW

PLC startup and maintenance industrialtext WW

... specifications Placement of PLC Components The placement of the major components of a specific controller depends on the number of system components and the physical design or modularity of each component ... exist when: a–60% of the inputs are ON at one time b–60% of the outputs are ON at one time c–60% of the inputs and 30% of the outputs are ON at one time d–40% of the inputs and 60% of the outputs ... Text and Video Company Published by Industrial Text and Video Company All rights reserved Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 21:20

57 471 0
Tài liệu Carrier-Class CATV Networks Maintaining Signal Connectivity During Configuration Changes and Maintenance docx

Tài liệu Carrier-Class CATV Networks Maintaining Signal Connectivity During Configuration Changes and Maintenance docx

... downtime and maintain signal transmission Reconfiguration of existing low-bandwidth nodes and amplifiers with new broadband models introduces a brief service outage during the replacement process ... subscriber and provided entertainment and information only—vital “lifeline” telephony or data services were not offered The assurance of uninterrupted service was a distant priority Repairs, replacements, ... replacements, and upgrades were performed at the convenience of the operator System outages were common, and generally tolerated, if limited to short periods of time The inclusion of advanced services...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 11:20

8 338 0
Tài liệu Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 5:Web Server Control, Monitoring, Upgrade, and Maintenance doc

Tài liệu Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 5:Web Server Control, Monitoring, Upgrade, and Maintenance doc

... benefit of prepackaged upgrades Instead of doing all the upgrades by hand, which could potentially involve dozens or even hundreds of files, preparing a package can save lots of time and will ... may not be pressing, the handlers and scripts being used at a site may need regular tweaks and changes, and new ones may be added quite frequently Of course, the safest and best option is to prepare ... server, and both machines must have an identical software base (i.e., the same versions of the operating system, Apache, any software that Apache and mod_perl depend on, mod_perl itself, and all...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20

71 352 0
Tài liệu Performance-Based Management Systems Effective Implementation and Maintenance docx

Tài liệu Performance-Based Management Systems Effective Implementation and Maintenance docx

... Stuart S Nagel 54 Handbook of Regulation and Administrative Law, edited by David H Rosenbloom and Richard D Schwartz 55 Handbook of Bureaucracy, edited by Ali Farazmand 56 Handbook of Public Sector ... 90 Handbook of Public Quality Management, edited by Ronald J Stupak and Peter M Leitner 91 Handbook of Public Management Practice and Reform, edited by Kuotsai Tom Liou 93 Handbook of Crisis and ... Handbook of Health Administration and Policy, edited by Anne Osborne Kilpatrick and James A Johnson 72 Handbook on Taxation, edited by W Bartley Hildreth and James A Richardson 73 Handbook of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 20:20

302 1,2K 0
Tài liệu Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Operating and Maintenance Considerations docx

Tài liệu Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Operating and Maintenance Considerations docx

... Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure D-2 Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure D-3 Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure D-4 Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure ... Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure D-6 Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure D-7 Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure D-8 Estimated repair and replacement cycles Figure ... standby, running and disassembly inspections The standby inspection is performed during off-peak periods when the unit is not operating and includes routine servicing of accessory systems and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

52 414 1
Pollution Prevention Guidelines Works and maintenance in or near water: PPG5 ppt

Pollution Prevention Guidelines Works and maintenance in or near water: PPG5 ppt

... option and must be discussed with us at the planning stage of your project Concrete and cement Fresh concrete and cement are very alkaline and corrosive and can cause serious pollution Concrete and ... of plant on site can generate silt and oil contaminated water Sources of silt such as plant and wheel washing and site roads and river crossings carry a high risk of causing pollution Plant and ... use of appropriate pump rates – to avoid disturbance of bed or bank the maximum rate should be set after consideration of the flow of the river, the location of the discharge and the risk of erosion...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

16 543 0
The Selection, Use and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) potx

The Selection, Use and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) potx

... Department and location of the piece of equipment; • Particulars of the equipment; • Date of examination/test; • Signature of the person who carried out the test; • Description of the condition of the ... responsibilities of various individuals within the University STATUS OF THIS CODE This Code of Practice and standards is part of the University’s arrangements for bringing into effect the Health and Safety ... Standards for different RPE and these standards (the BS EN numbers) will give guidance on the hazards different types of RPE will protect against and protection factors Examples of British Standards...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 13:20

30 516 1
The Gravity of Weight A CLINICAL GUIDE TO Weight Loss and Maintenance pdf

The Gravity of Weight A CLINICAL GUIDE TO Weight Loss and Maintenance pdf

... Albert J Stunkard, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, and founder and Director Emeritus of the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine—who has been ... intricate system of mind and brain and body, that is, this system of neural and biochemical connections, within the context of the environment, that makes the whole notion of weight control and maintenance ... of Dietary Supplementation The Advantages and Perils of High-Protein Diets and Their Relationship to Low Carbohydrate and High Fat Intake The Advantages and Perils of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

519 3,8K 1
Báo cáo khoa học: The occurrence of riboflavin kinase and FAD synthetase ensures FAD synthesis in tobacco mitochondria and maintenance of cellular redox status docx

Báo cáo khoa học: The occurrence of riboflavin kinase and FAD synthetase ensures FAD synthesis in tobacco mitochondria and maintenance of cellular redox status docx

... mitochondrial and the extramitochondrial amounts of Rf, FMN and FAD in the acid-extractable fractions were measured via HPLC and compared to the amounts of avin cofactors in whole protoplasts and plastids ... proteinligand, proteinprotein and proteinsurface interaction: development of integrated experimental and computational approaches to the study of systems of pharmaceutical interest and from ` ... (B) Dependence of the rate of FMN synthesis on Rf concentrations (C,D) Time courses of FAD synthesis and Rf appearance after addition of either lM or 50 lM FMN Values are the mean of three replicates...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

13 355 0
National vehicle repair and maintenance campaign pdf

National vehicle repair and maintenance campaign pdf

... number of industry employers Australia-wide for an audit of their pay slips and time and wage records In August 2012, we analysed the results and this showed that that we had finalised 759 audits and ... (with the exception of Tasmania and Northern Territory) The monetary contraventions that we identified included the non-payment of allowances, payment of overtime and underpayment of hourly rate In ... undertake, and shares information through industry association and union communication channels This report covers the background, methodology and results of the National vehicle repair and maintenance...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

18 222 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Rule-based Acquisition and Maintenance Lexical and Semantic Knowledge" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Rule-based Acquisition and Maintenance Lexical and Semantic Knowledge" doc

... feature STEM-CHANGE and for both Spanish and English in the features ALLOFLAG and IRREGULARS Verbs and adjectives contain features for subcategorization (TRANS, COMP-TYPE) and features for syntactic-semantic ... Currently the process of adding or modifying database entries and running A-COOL and M-COOL requires the user to understand both the internM representation of the lexical items and how to run the ... selected for generation is "go off" rather than "work" Related Work Most of the effort in developing software tools for NLP has focused on user interfaces and acquisition of lexical databases from...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

9 201 0


... Subject 2-9-0 N N Landing Gear N FIGURE Landing Gear - Main Landing Gear - Twin Wheel FIGURE Landing Gear - Main Landing Gear Dimensions - Twin Wheel FIGURE Landing Gear - Main Landing Gear - Four ... AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING LOCATIONS FIGURE Landing Gear - Nose Landing Gear Dimensions Landing Gear Maintenance Pits CHG CODE N DESCRIPTIONS OF CHANGE ILLUSTRATION ADDED N FIGURE Landing ... ADDED/REVISED/DELETED Landing Gear Loading on Pavement R PART EFFECTIVITY ADDED/REVISED/DELETED FIGURE Landing Pavement FIGURE Landing Pavement FIGURE Landing Pavement FIGURE Landing Pavement FIGURE Landing...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

607 734 1
The Golf Course Planning, design, construction and maintenance ppt

The Golf Course Planning, design, construction and maintenance ppt

... caked, and should always be of a soft and yielding nature But not be in a hurry to cut and carve the turf of your inland course with bunkers and made tees Where the ground is parklike, and devoid of ... moulding land and producing artificial contours And yet the landscape architects of a century before had known all about that Golf course architecture was still purely an attribute of the game and of ... quoted and illustrated ever since But the ‘gun platform’ and ‘Bechers Brook’ type of green and bunker occupied only a small part of the total development of the game in small pockets and they are of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:21

226 405 1
MCTS Exam 70-432: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 — Implementation and Maintenance potx

MCTS Exam 70-432: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 — Implementation and Maintenance potx

... Introduction xxix Microsoft Certified Professional Program Microsoft certifications provide the best method to prove your command of current Microsoft products and technologies The exams and corresponding ... your mastery of critical competencies as you design and develop or implement and support solutions with Microsoft products and technologies Computer professionals who become Microsoft-certified ... experts and are sought after industry-wide Certification brings a variety of benefits to the individual and to employers and organizations MORE INFO LIST OF MICROSOFT CERTIFICATIONS For a full list of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20

661 4,6K 1
Equipment Risk, Training and Maintenance potx

Equipment Risk, Training and Maintenance potx

... operational and safety knowledge and skill requirements of your staff and students for operation of the equipment • Determine the complexity of these tasks required for the operation of the equipment, ... Page of Next Review: Oct 2007 Equipment Risk, Training and Maintenance 5.2.3 Evaluate the level of risk Evaluation is based on your knowledge of the hazards involved and the likelihood of something ... whereabouts of the Manufacturers manuals/ software • Being aware of equipment updates (including software) • Knowing OHS issues associated with the equipment and initiating review of documentation...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 12:20

7 241 0
hvac controls operation and maintenance (3rd edition)

hvac controls operation and maintenance (3rd edition)

... safety and for safety of the contents and the structure from injury and loss due to fire and smoke The fire code most often used in the United States is NFPA 90A, Installation of Air Conditioning and ... FUNCTIONS OF HVAC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Chapter Basic Functions of HVAC Systems and Control Systems T he purpose of a Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is to provide and ... knowledge and understanding of the interaction of HV AC equipment with the control systems which are applied to that equipment is necessary for a thorough understanding of this book SYSTEMS AND SUBSYSTEMS...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:35

355 1,2K 0
Gas Station Construction and Maintenance, Petroleum systems Contractor Nevada and Arizona_1 ppt

Gas Station Construction and Maintenance, Petroleum systems Contractor Nevada and Arizona_1 ppt

... pass through all valves and bends Keep accurate records of the time the scraper is started and quantity of fuel pumped to trace the progress of the scraper and find the time of its arrival at the ... pipeline and a series of pumping stations The pumping stations have pumps, strainers, pressure regulators, valves, scraper sand traps, and a sump tank to collect sludge and debris The number of pumping ... Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways, and API Std 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities 2.4.3 Operations In an emergency and at oversea commands, Air Force personnel may be...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

12 327 0