chemical composition of lignocellulosic materials

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Chemical composition of essential oil of Machilus Japonica Siebold & Zucc. (Lauraceae) from Vietnam " pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Chemical composition of essential oil of Machilus Japonica Siebold & Zucc. (Lauraceae) from Vietnam " pptx

... the chemical composition of essential oil of Machilus Japonica Siebold & Zucc. (Lauraceae) from Vietnam will be discussed. The essential oil composition of the different species of Lauraceae ... varieties are morphologically similar, but they show different chemical compositions of essential oil. Therefore, the chemical composition of _______ ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: 84-4-8583905 ... VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 81-83 81 Chemical composition of essential oil of Machilus Japonica Siebold & Zucc. (Lauraceae)...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 17:20

3 424 0
Chemical Composition of Vehicle-Related Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in Central California pdf

Chemical Composition of Vehicle-Related Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in Central California pdf

... that time due to the phase-out of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and other ethers in gasoline. 2 4. Conclusions The chemical composition of gasoline and of vehicle NMOC emissions changed ... only. Gasoline headspace vapor composition was calculated using the measured composition of liquid fuel samples and vapor-liquid equilibrium theory. As a result of California’s reformulated gasoline ... apportionment by chemical mass balance. Atmospheric Environment 35, 1567-1584. Zielinska, B., Fung, K.K. (1994). The composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in the range of C 2 to C 18 ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

44 474 0
Báo cáo " Chemical composition of the leaf oil of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. from Ha Tinh province " pptx

Báo cáo " Chemical composition of the leaf oil of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. from Ha Tinh province " pptx

... twigs of Litsea glutinosa were shown to exhibit significant cytotoxic activity against human Hela cell lines in vitro. Chemical examination of the BuOH extract of the leaves and twigs of Litsea ... of Spectral Data of Sesquiterpene Hydrocarbons. E. B. Verlag, Hamburg, 1998. [17] Tran Dinh Thang, Hoang Van Luu, Nguyen Xuan Dung, Chemical composition of the leaf oil of Canarium bengalense ... psychopharmacological actions of the essential oil of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob., Indian J. Physiol Pharmacol. 14(3) (1970) 92. [5] A. Kar, M.K. Menon, C.S. Chauhan, Effect of essential oil of Litsea...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

4 411 2
09 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of DDGS revisions.

09 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of DDGS revisions.

... 08 - Physical & Chemical Characteristics of DDGS 1 Physical & Chemical Characteristics of U.S. DDGS Physical and chemical characteristics of distiller’s dried grains with ... effectiveness of including 2% calcium carbonate in DDGS as a User Handbook Physical & Chemical Characteristics of DDGS Physical & Chemical Characteristics of DDGS 08 - Physical & Chemical ... (lightness of color) and b* (yellowness of color), with an increase in a* (redness of color). Similar results were also reported by Ganesan et al. (2005). Table 1. The Effect of the Rate of Solubles...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 10:03

8 749 0
 Báo cáo y học: " A Dietary Supplement Containing Standardized Phaseolus vulgaris Extract Influences Body Composition of Overweight Men and Women"

Báo cáo y học: " A Dietary Supplement Containing Standardized Phaseolus vulgaris Extract Influences Body Composition of Overweight Men and Women"

... study of the effects of chro- mium picolinate supplementation on body composition: a rep- lication and extension of an earlier study. Curr Ther Res, 1998; 59: 379-388. 34. Evans GW. The effect of ... of the researchers during the test period for any unexpected circum- stances. Upon completion of the study, the envelope was opened in the presence of a representative of the sponsor and of ... randomized participants will be less repre- sentative of the general population of patients. Be- cause the purpose of this trial was to measure efficacy of the agent under study, we chose to measure...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:12

8 740 1
Chemistry of nanostructured materials

Chemistry of nanostructured materials

... mesoporous materials [11-13]. A number of reviews dealing with different types of periodic mesoporous materials such as aluminophosphates [14], non-silica materials [15-17], inclusion materials ... exploration of AlPO 4 and MeAPO compositions, many other compositions have been investigated including gallophosphates and metal gallophosphates [13]. Of particular interest is the synthesis of a ... formation of these small structural units may have a substantial effect on the creation of extra-large pore materials. Figure 12. The three-dimensional framework of UCR-23 family of sulfides...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 14:23

386 576 1
The chemistry of nanostructured materials

The chemistry of nanostructured materials

... on the connectivity of tetrahedral atoms and is independent of chemical compositions, types of extra-framework species, crystal symmetry, unit cell dimensions, or any other chemical and physical ... of this book. A frequently used term in the field of microporous materials is “molecular sieves” [5] that refers to a class of porous materials that can distinguish molecules on the basis of ... synthesis of new crystalline microporous materials with novel compositional and topological characteristics promises new and advanced applications. The development of crystalline microporous materials...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 20:25

386 739 5


... know- ledge of the identities and quantities of pollutants and other chemical species in water, air, soil, and biological systems. Therefore, proven, state -of- the-art techniques of chemical analysis, ... calculated to show BOD as mg/L of O 2 . A BOD of 80 mg/L, for example, means that biodegradation of the organic matter in a liter of the sample would consume 80 mg of oxygen. 24.3. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ... capable of producing a signal three times the standard deviation of the noise. The lower level of detection (LLD) is the quantity of analyte that will produce a measurable signal 99 percent of the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2013, 20:57

25 793 0
Machining of Hard Materials

Machining of Hard Materials

... possible to obtain a surface finish of Ra about 0.3 àm. Typical applications of HB include finishing of a variety of internal profiles such as prismatic internal profiles, internal gear flanks, ... Hastelloy, Stellite and other exotic materials are clas- sified as hard-turned materials. Machining of Hard Materials 117 In the contact zone, the austenite temperature of the workpiece material is ... speeds of up to 42,000 rpm and finishing laser machining can be very profitable for hard part machining. The elimination of EDM operations and the use of laser shaping result in shortening of the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 03:15

30 390 0
Static properties of granular materials Philippe Claudin

Static properties of granular materials Philippe Claudin

... probably one of the issues that has been at the origin of the interest of many physicists for granular materials [359]. The last point of this subsection will be dedicated to the study of the stress ... horizontal position of the apex of the pile – also, changing the sign of x changes that of the shear σ xz . More generally, the stress state of the jammed grain packing is assumed to be of the form xx = ... properties of granular materials Fig. 14.6 Polar representation of the contact orientation distribution obtained in a numerical simulation of a granular layer prepared by a uniform ‘rain’ of grains [455]....

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

41 407 0