... birds? Yes, I Practice Do you like dogs? Yes, I Practice Do you like cats? Yes, I II/ Pattern Do you like rabbits? No, I don’t Practice Do you like birds? No, I don’t III/ Practice.(Pairwork) Do ... Do you like flowers? Yes, I Do you like dolls? No, I don’t Do you like books? Yes, I Do you like cars? No, I don’t III/ Consolidation T asks some Ss ,Ss answer IV/ Homework ... Let’s go 1B January, 2010 Unit 8: Let’s Learn Some More A.Warm up and review Two Ss go to the BB and look at the pictures.S1 puts question,S2 answers...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:20
Reporting yes or no questions
... asked the boy if he could not that himself Stay on top of your writing! Download our grammar guide from www.englishgrammar.org to stay up-to-date Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) ...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 20:45
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2017, 11:05
Đề tài " Reducibility or nonuniform hyperbolicity for quasiperiodic Schr¨odinger cocycles " ppt
... Reducibility or nonuniform hyperbolicity for quasiperiodic Schr¨dinger cocycles o ¨ By Artur Avila* and Raphael Krikorian Abstract We show that for almost every frequency α ∈ R\Q, for every C ω ... in the dynamics of the renormalization operator itself, in a spirit close to works in one-dimensional dynamics (see for instance [Ly], [Y], [S]) ¨ REDUCIBLE OR NONUNIFORMLY HYPERBOLIC SCHRODINGER ... intervals (3) After introducing the notion of renormalization of cocycles, we interpret item (2) as “a priori bounds” (or precompactness) for a sequence of renormalizations (αnk , A(nk ) ) (4)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20
The financial reporting framework may not provide specific guidance for inclusion or exclusion of a docx
... requirements for separate opinions on components, thus indicating a need for lower materiality for the components Furthermore, certain procedures may be required to be performed by audit mandate or legislation, ... a basis for our qualified audit opinion Basis for Qualified Opinion The government’s expenditures for program XX is reported as USD 15 Millions in the consolidated income statement for the year ... Auditor P19 When communicating with the component auditor in accordance with paragraph 40 of ISA 600, public sector group auditors may find it relevant to provide the component auditors with information...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Distress or no distress, that''''s the question: A cutoff point for distress in a working population" pptx
... a cutoff point for distress can be helpful for the identification – and maybe even monitoring – of employees at risk for sickness absence and for the selection of cases for support like stress ... points) The factor score for distress ranges from 0–32, where a high scores indicates substantial distress The value for Cronbach's alpha for distress is 90 Page of (page number not for citation ... stressor Stressors can be the common cause for distress and depression or anxiety Under less favorable conditions, distress might be a precursor for more serious psychiatric disorders On the other...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Greenhouse production of nectarines for early harvest in France: a cultivation system with shallow rest or no rest" pps
... recorded as ’burst’ or ’not burst’ on Results Growth capacity of leaf buds (Fig 1) For all considered treatments, the registered MTB values never reached the ’peak’ values generally recorded for ... time lapse under normal conditions, using a sample of about 100 buds on 20 shoots, for each sampling date From 15 shoots about 100 flower buds were sampled, from which floral primordia were removed ... into the greenhouse on January 28th for H and on 20 jj February 4th for H and H 8’ , II 10 , II The leaf bud growth capacity was worked out using the ’one node cuttings’ method; it was quantified...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo y học: "Chiropractic care for children: too much, too little or not enoug" ppt
... might be seen as the starting point for the science of spinal manipulation The workshop produced a call for more research Since then further calls for more work have come from various quarters ... evidence to inform chiropractic care of children The chiropractic profession needs to be responsible for moving forward the evidence-base from which to inform chiropractic clinical practice for children ... The authors conclude that the more scientifically rigorous studies show conflicting results for chiropractic care for colic and the crying infant, and that there is little data to support or refute...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Estimation of genetic variability and selection response for clutch length in dwarf brown-egg layers carrying or not the naked neck gene" pdf
... means did not differ signicantly any more In G12, an acute failure in water distribution affected the mean performance much more severely for line L2 than for line L1, and more severely for both ... transformation Figure shows the data distribution of average clutch length before and after transformation The average clutch length was modied by a Box-Cox power transformation to reduce non-normality ... transformed scale, respectively The cumulative selection response (CSR) for line L2 increased faster than for line L1 until generation 11, by contrast, the CSR for line L1 increased faster than for...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo sinh học: "Probability statements about the transmitting ability of progeny-tested sires for an all-or-none trait with an application to twinning in cattle" pptx
... c for (26a and b) or (27 a and b) for p* and I respectively in (20) enables us either to determine for a given a probability level knowing m r r,, , o p ufl (or equivalently and !), p and n, or ... respect to distribution properties of TA predictors or those of prediction errors for which no formal statistical properties can be claimed own for Gilmour’s method Distribution properties Distribution ... theory (see for instance, formula 6a.23, page 386 in Rao, 1973) and knowing that: is also one has, given Assuming to a i a as in section II B that, a priori, the f-Li’S i -L f with is also normally...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20
english for baby stop and go yes and no
... No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior ... “un” before a word This is how we get unkind, u nable, an d rd u nh e a Often adding “dis” or “im” or sometimes even “non” will help you build an antonym with th ese beginnings on For example, ... antonym ! So, what is an antonym? o you know? ABOUT THE AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR BRIAN P CLEARY is the author of the Words Are Categorical™ and Math Is Categorical™ series, as well as Rainbow Soup:...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2015, 09:44
... Teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press Kramsch, C (1998) Language and culture Oxford: Oxford University Press Kramsch, C (2001) Language and Culture Oxford: Oxford University Press Krippendorff, ... in each module except for Writing and Revise and Check sections are regarded for the unit for analysis According to the data presented in the following table, a tiny minority (21%) of cultural ... writing an informal letter, describing a place you live, writing a formal email, or giving opinion Revise and Check sections give students opportunities to revise theories and practice more exercises...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 14:50
Making plans for free time or not
... ( Word Reader - Unregistered ) www.word-reader.com ...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 22:04