characteristics and associated weather of hurricane sandy

Theoretical modeling of combustion characteristics and performance parameters of biodiesel in DI diesel engine with variable compression ratio

Theoretical modeling of combustion characteristics and performance parameters of biodiesel in DI diesel engine with variable compression ratio

... S.K Bhatti, Effect of soybean oil biofuel blending on the performance and emissions of diesel engine using diesel-rk software, International journal of engineering science and technology, 4539-4555, ... Canakci, ‘Determination of performance and combustion characteristics of a dieselengine fueled with canola and waste palm oil methyl esters’, Int journal of Energy Conversion and Management, volume.52, ... completeness of combustion and its equal to 6.908, m is a parameter characterizing the rate of combustion The small value of m means a high rate at the beginning of combustion, while a large value of m

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

12 666 2
tóm tắt luận án study on the biological characteristics and induced spawning of spotted scat

tóm tắt luận án study on the biological characteristics and induced spawning of spotted scat

... weight of gonad, maturation indexes, female and male ratios, phases of development of gonad and diameter of eggs The relationship among the development of gonads, maturation rate of fish and fat ... capacity, diameter of eggs, development of embryos, size of egg yolk, size of mouths, length of fries 2.2.2 The study on physiological characteristics of spotted cat The collected samples of spotted ... 30-day-old of fry to determine the quantity and quality of phytoplankton and zooplankton Based on the frequency of occurrence of each species of planktons in the samples to clarify the food section and

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2015, 22:02

37 474 0
Essays on management quality, IPO characteristics and the success of business combinations

Essays on management quality, IPO characteristics and the success of business combinations

... bidding and the role of the medium of exchange in acquisitions”, Journal of Finance 44:1, 41-57, 1989 Garner, J and B Marshall, "Unit IPOs: The who, when and why of warrant amendment", Journal of ... Randolph P and Ritter, Jay R., “Investment Banking, Reputation, And The Underpricing Of Initial Public Offerings.” Journal of Financial Economics 15:1/2, 213-232, 1986 Benveniste, Lawrence M and ... determine the offer price and allocation of new issues.” Journal of Financial Economics 24:2, 343-362, 1989 Bradley, J.D and Jordan, B.D., “Partial adjustment of public information and IPO underpricing.”

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 09:46

101 204 0


... Submitted To the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University, College of Health Sciences, School of Public Health in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in Public ... Results…………………………………………………………………………………………….19 4.1 Socioeconomic characteristics of respondents…………………………………………………19 4.2 Sanitation characteristics of respondents……………………………………………………….20 4.3 Household characteristics of respondents…………………………………………… ... SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES PREVALENCE AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS OF ACUTE LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION AMONG UNDER FIVE CHILDREN, YEKA SUB CITY, ADDIS ABEBA, ETHIOPIA BY BASHAW WOGDERES (BSC) School of

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 16:47

66 207 0
Exploring in determinants and associated risks of substance abuses between private and public high schools students in addis ababa the case of selected schools

Exploring in determinants and associated risks of substance abuses between private and public high schools students in addis ababa the case of selected schools

... AND ASSOCIATED RISKS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSES BETWEEN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC HIGHSCHOOLS STUDENTS IN ADDIS ABABA: THE CASE OF SELECTED SCHOOLS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF ... 31 Presentation and Analysis of Data 31 iii 4.1 Characteristics and Background of the Research Participants 31 4.2 Analysis and Interpretation of the Data on Students‟ ... every time and whose blessings have made me who I am today None of this would have been possible without the love and patience of my fiancé and siblings They have been a constant source of love,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 16:57

112 243 0
Summary of chemistry doctoral thesis: Study on synthesis, characteristics, and adsorption properties of toxic organic substances in the water environment of mesoporous carbon materials

Summary of chemistry doctoral thesis: Study on synthesis, characteristics, and adsorption properties of toxic organic substances in the water environment of mesoporous carbon materials

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION VIETNAM ACADEMY OF AND TRAINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NGUYEN THI HONG HOA STUDY ON SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERISTICS AND ... similar to that of SBA-15 and MCF Figure 3.11 TEM images of CMQTBC(SBA-15) and CMQTBC(MCF) The structure of CMQTBC(SBA-15) and CMQTBC(MCF) samples have a hexagonal structure and uniform pore ... on the surface of materials in the highly dispersed Fe2O3 and FeO forms, favorable for adsorption and decomposition of methylene blue, enhance the ability of regeneration, reuse and not cause

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 15:17

28 44 0
Summary of chemistry doctoral thesis: Structural characteristics and biological activities of fucoidans extracted from selected vietnamese brown seaweeds

Summary of chemistry doctoral thesis: Structural characteristics and biological activities of fucoidans extracted from selected vietnamese brown seaweeds

... pages of overview, 21 pages of research methods, 15 pages of experiment, 79 pages of result and discussions, pages of conclusions and recommendations, pages of publication list, and 12 pages of ... mud, sand and other substances and then air-dried at room temperature and milled to fine powder The samples used for extraction and purification of fucoidan 3.2 Extraction and purification of fucoidan ... extraction process of fucoidan from the method of Bilan et al to study the structure and biological activity of fucoidans 4.2 Content of fucoidan and of some water soluble polysaccharides of 06 brown

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 15:33

26 22 0
Summary of the thesis for the degree of doctor of public health: Situation and associated factors of toxocara canis infection in mo duc district, quang ngai province in 2016, and

Summary of the thesis for the degree of doctor of public health: Situation and associated factors of toxocara canis infection in mo duc district, quang ngai province in 2016, and

... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HYGIENE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY BUI VAN TUAN SITUATION AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS OF TOXOCARA CANIS INFECTION ... raising of dogs and cats, less frequent or no deworming of dogs and cats, carrying cats and dogs, eating raw vegetable, playing with soil, and no handwashing after playing with soil 1.3 Control of ... conducted as a contribution to seek for the understanding of the distribution and associated factors of toxocariasis, and to propose timely and appropriate intervention measures, so as to help

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 10:02

27 65 0
Organic geochemical characteristics and depositional environment of Lower-Middle Miocene Küçükkuyu Formation, Edremit Gulf, NW Turkey

Organic geochemical characteristics and depositional environment of Lower-Middle Miocene Küçükkuyu Formation, Edremit Gulf, NW Turkey

... in the region and shallow intrusive rocks (Evciler and Kestanbol granites and granodiorites, Birkle and Satır, 1995; Karabiga and Kuỗayr granites and granodiorites, Delaloya and Bingửl, 2000; Ilıca-Şamlı ... Rock-Eval pyrolysis Rock-Eval pyrolysis results of shale samples from north and south of the Edremit Gulf are given in Tables and The TOC content of 44 shale samples from north of the Edremit Gulf ... and Welte, 1978) The HI values of the Kỹỗỹkkuyu shales from the north and south of the Edremit Gulf are in the range of 8–606 and 21–712 mg HC/g TOC (average: HI 238.95 and 309.10 mg HC/g TOC),

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 19:42

23 17 0
Summary of chemistry doctoral thesis: Structural characteristics and biological activities of fucoidans extracted from selected vietnamese brown seaweeds

Summary of chemistry doctoral thesis: Structural characteristics and biological activities of fucoidans extracted from selected vietnamese brown seaweeds

... pages of overview, 21 pages of research methods, 15 pages of experiment, 79 pages of result and discussions, pages of conclusions and recommendations, pages of publication list, and 12 pages of ... mud, sand and other substances and then air-dried at room temperature and milled to fine powder The samples used for extraction and purification of fucoidan 3.2 Extraction and purification of fucoidan ... extraction process of fucoidan from the method of Bilan et al to study the structure and biological activity of fucoidans 4.2 Content of fucoidan and of some water soluble polysaccharides of 06 brown

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 10:02

26 55 0
Prevalence and associated factors of pediatric emergency mortality at Tikur Anbessa specialized tertiary hospital: A 5 year retrospective case review study

Prevalence and associated factors of pediatric emergency mortality at Tikur Anbessa specialized tertiary hospital: A 5 year retrospective case review study

... diarrhea within last year, and around 26.9% had history of malnutrition Page of 10 Table Distribution of socio-demographic characteristics and clinical presenting features of study participants in ... a reflection of the severity of illness and the quality of treatment of patients in pediatric emergency departments The risk factors associated with the mortality of pediatric age groups in developing ... strength of association Ethical consideration Ethical clearance and approval were obtained from the Ethical Committee of the Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Health Science, School of Medicine,

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 04:01

10 48 0
Clinical characteristics and risk factors of 47 cases with ruptured neuroblastoma in children

Clinical characteristics and risk factors of 47 cases with ruptured neuroblastoma in children

... chemotherapy and surgery [7] According to the biological features of the tumor, patients received or cycles of chemotherapy, which consisted of reduced doses of carboplatin and etoposide (CBVP) and cyclophosphamide, ... Vanillylmandelic acid Acknowledgments Not applicable Authors’ contributions Study concept and design: HMW, XLM and SY Acquisition and interpretation of data: WH, WY and HYC Drafting of the manuscript: ... and cases of combined local and distant metastatic progression), while experienced tumor recurrence (4 cases of local recurrence, one case of distant metastatic recurrence, and cases of combined

Ngày tải lên: 17/06/2020, 11:21

10 32 0
Abstract of the thesis for medical doctor: Assessment the forensically histopathologic characteristics and identification method of drowning victims

Abstract of the thesis for medical doctor: Assessment the forensically histopathologic characteristics and identification method of drowning victims

... examination and the tracheostomy, 104 cases examinated inside and outside of body 3.3.1 Signs and lesions in the trachea and bronchi Table 3.20 List of signs and lesions in the trachea and bronchi Characteristics ... victims” aims to: Description of the pathologic signs and characteristics of drowning victims Application of DNA analysis in identification of drowning victims The need of the thesis The thesis is ... question regarding of pathologic characteristics of drowning and proposes the DNA analysis for identification method The description study concluded the valuable pathologic signs and characteristics

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2020, 13:06

27 14 0
Characteristics and risk factors of children with sleep-disordered breathing in Wuxi, China

Characteristics and risk factors of children with sleep-disordered breathing in Wuxi, China

... allergy information such as diagnosis of asthma, diagnosis of eczema, diagnosis of urticaria and diagnosis of rhinitis In addition, data were collected on sleep characteristics, namely pillow material, ... number of “yes” answers was calculated, and was divided by the total number of answers Children with a score of > 0.33 were considered to be at high risk of SDB [17] To remove the bad inference of ... questionnaire data, and the quality of these data was checked by a third member of the staff Coding and double entry of the questionnaire data were independently carried out by two professional data-entry

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2020, 23:21

10 16 0
Wear characteristics and material composition of austempered ductile iron (Fe: 84.33 %, C: 5.30 %) rotavator blades

Wear characteristics and material composition of austempered ductile iron (Fe: 84.33 %, C: 5.30 %) rotavator blades

... surface characteristics of blades varied strongly affecting the wear characteristics of rotavator blades Results and Discussion The outcomes of the study are presented and discussed in this part of ... composition and wear pattern of rotavator blades were carried out for 100 hours of operation at a time interval of 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 and 100 hours Materials and Methods Specification of rotavator ... of blade for total 100 hours of operation gave the cumulative wear of rotavator blade As the energies of the X-rays are characteristic of the difference in energy between the two shells and of

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 01:07

12 38 0
Socio-economic characteristics and extension intervention of livestock farmer in Jalandhar district of Punjab, India

Socio-economic characteristics and extension intervention of livestock farmer in Jalandhar district of Punjab, India

... owned more than 10 acre of agriculture land and 20.00 percent farmer were having to 10 acres of land holdings and only 07.30percent of farmer fall in the category of landless farmers The reason ... aspects of livestock production Thus a vigilant study of the socio-economic status of livestock farmers is a prerequisite and need of the hour for the legitimate design and well-tuned execution of ... development of 3722 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(7): 3722-3731 rural economy and upliftment of poorer sections of the society Despite of rapid advances in the animal husbandry technologies and

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2020, 20:02

10 18 0
Effect of storage conditions on product characteristics and microbiological quality of self rising flour

Effect of storage conditions on product characteristics and microbiological quality of self rising flour

... of Storage Conditions on Product Characteristics and Microbiological Quality of Self Rising Flour Tejinder Singh, Arashdeep Singh, Baljit Singh and Savita Sharma* Department of Food Science and ... scores and overall acceptability of muffins and cakes as the cookies, muffins and cakes baked from fresh flour Storage of different combinations of flour at oC results in superior quality of the ... quality of dough and bread Cereal technologists commonly use empirical rheological and baking methods to predict end- product quality and these methods are often imitative of industrial processes and

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 12:59

14 18 0
Rootstocks effects on yield, fruit characteristics, and juice quality of the tunisian maltese half blood (citrus sinensis l  osbeck) an important citrus cultivar

Rootstocks effects on yield, fruit characteristics, and juice quality of the tunisian maltese half blood (citrus sinensis l osbeck) an important citrus cultivar

... Education and Scientific of Carthage, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific of Carthage, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific of Carthage, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ... Sour orange and C35 Citrange, which have a diameter of 0.54 ± 0.06 cm and 0.51 ± 0.04 cm, respectively (Table 1) On the other hand, the fruits of the combination of Maltese half-blood and Citrumelo ... physico-chemical characteristics of mandarin (common Mediterranean cultivar) Chiotiko (Citrus deliciosa Tenore) from Chios Island in Greece - evaluation of antioxidant capacity and flavonoid content of citrus

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 16:51

11 5 0
Influence of wp on Pod Characteristics and Agronomic Traits of Soybean Lines

Influence of wp on Pod Characteristics and Agronomic Traits of Soybean Lines

... Influence of wp on Pod Characteristics and Agronomic Traits of Soybean Lines D C Gay, J M Hegstad, P A Stephens, and C D Nickell UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Department of Crop Sciences AW-101 ... (Scharf and Alley, 1993) The field was divided into grids consisting of 18 units of approximately the same area Each unit was five or six plots deep and 16-18 rows wide Two rows of Chapman were randomly ... plants were tagged by flower color, and the total number of seeds and loculi of each pod were counted for each plant One hundred plants were selected from each of the seven families, based on total

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 19:11

10 1 0
31st annual meeting and associated programs of the society for immunotherapy of cancer (SITC 2016): part two

31st annual meeting and associated programs of the society for immunotherapy of cancer (SITC 2016): part two

... 13, and 17), or the combination of GMI-1359 and anti-mPD-L1 or antiKLH On day 15, tumors and spleens (n = 5/group) were excised and T cells (total CD4+ and CD8+, and CCR7+/CD62L+ subsets of each), ... domains of mouse Pdcd1 and Lag3 with the corresponding regions of hPD-1 and hLAG-3 and were used for testing antibody efficacy in a MC38.ova syngeneic tumor model Expression of humanized PD-1 and ... activating both the adaptive and innate immune systems Page 108 of 221 Methods To assess the effect of combined blockade of NKG2A/HLA-E and PD-1/PD-L1 in vivo, anti-mouse NKG2A and PD-1 antibodies were

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:35

115 0 0