... and daily number of mites was counted Preparation of aqueous and methanolic leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum Coarsely ground leaves (250g) of O sanctum were soaked in 250 litre of distilled water ... the effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts of leaves of tulsi (Ocimum sactum) for management of this pest of tomato Materials and Methods Under in vitro conditions, bio-efficacy of aqueous ... and 3rd day of spray, the number of mites decreased to 9.07 and 8.67 mites; showing non significant decrease with each other Bioefficacy of aqueous and methanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 01:40
... meat seems likely Contribution of aroma compounds to the overall aroma quality of the raw and thermally processed snail meats Fig. 3 Comparative aroma profiles of raw, boiled and fried snail ... (Z,Z) A comparative analysis of the aroma profiles of raw and boiled snail meats revealed a significant number of thermally generated odorants in the boiled snails Some of the identified odorants ... respectively Results revealed significant differences in the aroma profiles of the raw and thermally processed snail meats Whilst the aroma profile of the raw snail meat was dominated with the floral-like
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 12:59
Báo cáo sinh học: " Estimation of variance components of threshold characters by marginal posterior modes and means via " pptx
... densities of the uj and the <7,! simplify to products of the f(u j la J ), the density of the MVN (0; A!Q! ), and products of the f (a?) 3 or prior densities of the ... mode of heritability was computed by a grid search of the Rao-Blackwell estimate (eg, Gelfand et al, 1990) of the marginal posterior density of a2 and a change of variable ... autocovariance structure of the sample of heritabilities. This entailed calculating an effective sample size as the ratio of variance of samples to the variance of the sample mean
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22
Báo cáo y học: " A global survey identifies novel upstream components of the Ath5 neurogenic network" pdf
... the power of the technol- ogy to obtain an enriched set of true-positive regulators from an unbiased collection of full-length cDNAs. Discussion The identification of the components of GRNs is ... activity of a DNA-binding pro- tein fused to an activating or repressing domain. Recently, the use of bacterial hybrid-screening technology and oligo arrays have overcome some of the limitations of ... the generation of fusion proteins and only allow testing of a lim- ited number of protein-DNA interactions. Initial attempts have been made to overcome these limitations by the use of luciferase-reporter
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Components of prolificacy in hyperprolific Large White sows compared with the Meishan and Large White breeds" ppsx
... permitted the creation of a hyperprolific line of boars used for artificial insemination (L EGAULT & G RUAND , 1976). The components of prolificacy of their daughters were ... rate of HLW was significantly higher than that of LW (-!- 5.3) and MS (+ 5.7). The ovulation rate of HLW daughters was higher by 2.1 corpora lutea compared to that of ... information was available about the components of litter size of these hyperprolific sows themselves ; on the other hand, it seemed of great interest to compare them to
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22
báo cáo khoa học: "Innovation in mental health services: what are the key components of success?" pot
... University of Manchester. DP (BSc, MSc, MPsychol, PhD) is Professor of Mental Health Policy at University of Central Lancashire and Honorary Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool. ... aims of the evaluation of the 11 projects were as follows: Aims The aims of our evaluation were: 1. To provide a rich picture of the 11 projects. 2. To understand the extent of success of each ... learned from an evaluation of 11 mental health innovation projects. The focus has not been on the degree of success of the individual projects, but on the production of a model of conducive and impeding
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20
báo cáo khoa học: "In Medicago truncatula, water deficit modulates the transcript accumulation of components of small RNA pathways" pptx
... acids characteristic of the AGO proteins were identified aligning the PIWI domain sequences of M truncatula and the known amino acid positions of A thaliana AGO1 protein The identification of the ... relations and characteristics of Medicago truncatula DCLs (A) Evolutionary relationship of M truncatula and A thaliana (At) DCLs The complete protein sequences were aligned using the T-Coffee software ... algorithms BLASTn and tBLASTn were used to search the nucleotide sequence of the genes of interest, using a cut-off E-value of e-20, in the NCBI database [36], in the DFCI M truncatula Gene index
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo y học: " General and Specific Components of Depression and Anxiety in an Adolescent Population" pdf
... specific sub-domains of depressive and anxious psychopathology which specify the unique components of both disorders over and above a general underlying distress factor Both components are needed ... distress factor distinguished from more specific components of depression and anxiety These specific components account for the unique influence of the specific domains over and above the general ... errors of measurement were computed from the inverse of the square root of the information function and were plotted using graphics commands These graphs are important to provide an indication of
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21
Báo cáo y học: " Antioxidant components of naturally-occurring oils exhibit marked anti-inflammatory activity in epithelial cells of the human upper respiratory system" pdf
... activation of Nrf2 in that dose range was associated with activation mechanisms unrelated to cellular toxicity Activation of Nrf2 by components of the oil preparation Translocation of Nrf2 to ... results of the screening of mixed oil preparation components, presented in Table 2, indicate that orange oil was the apparent single source of Nrf2 activation within the preparation of antioxidant ... Effects Assessment Laboratory (HEAL) in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences of the Bloomberg School of Public Health The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that oil treatment
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo y học: " Asthma and genes encoding components of the vitamin D pathway" potx
... cohort of 16,320 children born in the province of Mani- toba, Canada, between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1995. Parents of these children were first survey by mail in 2002. A subset of children ... for this study. Figure 1 is a cartoon of the vitamin D pathway that illustrates the implication of each gene selected. Briefly, genes encoding key components of the vitamin D pathway were chosen, ... total of 83 SNPs were tested for association with asthma and atopy. Additional file 2 shows the exon-intron structure of each gene and the loca- tion of genotyped SNPs. The overall distribution of
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo y học: "Effect of different components of triple-H therapy on cerebral perfusion in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: a systematic review" docx
... statistical power of 80% with an a of 0.05. Conclusions This review of the literature gives a quantitative sum- mary of the effect of triple-H and its components on CBF, the intended substrate of this ... or World Federati on of Neurological Societies (WFNS) [11] score) on admission, and clinical outcome; Characteristics of the intervention: type and composition of triple-H components, prophylactic ... Federation of Neurological Surgeons score [11] Dankbaar et al. Critical Care 2010, 14:R23 http://ccforum.com/content/14/1/R23 Page 4 of 10 Characteristics of the Intervention The details of the intervention
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:21
Báo cáo y học: "A global view of gene expression in lithium and zinc treated sea urchin embryos: new components of gene regulatory network" pot
... animal sides of the embryos is located towards the top Annotated images of additional stages can be found in the WISH database [22] expressed by one of the other types of neurons of the apical ... region of other animals and the vegetal pole of sea urchin For example, in all cases this is the site of gastrulation as well as the source of axial specification signals that are capable of reorganizing ... by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for To determine the expression of a specific gene, SpZ12-1 amplification for normalizing measurements of the absolute number of transcripts of the gene
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21
Báo cáo y học: "Conservation and divergence of gene families encoding components of innate immune response systems in zebrafish" pdf
... of human immunity, knowledge of components of immune defense systems in the zebrafish would also aid our understanding of the evolution of immunity Zebrafish are a member of the large group of ... remaining sequences represent a set of characteristic compositions of motifs found in the amino-terminal part of this family of proteins (a) Overview of the alignment with characteristic sequence motifs ... Figure 15 Structure of the amino-termini of the new zebrafish NLR proteins Structure of the amino-termini of the new zebrafish NLR proteins ClustalW alignment of the set of 70 predicted NLR proteins
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Using the realized relationship matrix to disentangle confounding factors for the estimation of genetic variance components of complex traits" pdf
... Page 5 of 14 were estimated every 1000 rounds using REML, and the estimated variance components were stored to obtain the posterior mean of the estimates. We used a total of 100,000 rounds of MCMC ... between individuals of different pairs, i.e. relationship = k within each pair and relationship = 0 for individuals of different pairs. Because of this restriction, not all pairs of relationship ... estimation of genetic variance components of complex traits Sang Hong Lee* 1 , Michael E Goddard 2,3 , Peter M Visscher 1 and Julius HJ van der Werf 4 Abstract Background: In the analysis of complex
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo sinh học: " Estimation of crossbreeding parameters between Large White and Meishan porcine breeds. III. Dominance and epistatic components of heterosis on reproductive traits" pptx
... vector of records p = vector of fixed effects a = vector of random genetic effects of sows c = vector of random permanent environmental effects e = vector of random ... main reason why experimental studies of components of heterosis in animals are not... favour of LW for AWB and AW21 Grand-maternal effects were of little importance for all traits ... for the existence of any epistatic effects before making such predictions. The objective of this study was to estimate dominance and epistatic components of heterosis effects
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22
Báo cáo sinh học: " Inferences of betweenfamily components of variance and covariance among environments in balanced cross-classified designs" pps
... Department of Animal Science, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Cornell (Received August 1993; accepted 29 November 1993) Summary - Estimation and testing of homogeneity of between-family components of variance ... heterogeneity of between-family components of covariance among environments in only due to scaling of variances The aim of this paper is to extend that approach to the case of true genotype by environment ... variance-covariance structure of the residuals is assumed to be diagonal and heteroskedastic The testing procedure for homogeneity of family components is based on the ratio of maximized log-restricted
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22
Báo cáo sinh học: " Inference about multiplicative heteroskedastic components of variance in a mixed linear Gaussian model with an application to beef cattle breeding" docx
... sources of variation involved. A Bayesian extension of the estimation procedure of the dispersion parameters is presented which consists of determining the mode of their ... testing of meaningful sources of variation of such variances. The model for the variance components is described in the Model section. Model fitting and estimation of parameters ... [...]... heteroskedasticity of variances An interesting feature of this procedure is to assess, through a kind of analysis of variance, the effects of factors marginally or jointly
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20
List the components of a radio system
... • List the components of a radio system • Describe how different factors affect the design of a radio system • Explain the radio frequency spectrum Components of a Radio System • Components include: ... level of noise – Interference can take place • To reduce the interference of noise – Boost the strength of the signal – Use of filters when receiving the signal • Attenuation – A loss of signal ... is in the range of the highest sum and the lowest difference of the two frequencies – Sum and differences are known as the sidebands of the frequency carrier • Shield transmitted signal from “stray”...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52
MECA ELECTRONICS - Microwave Electronic Components of America
... assortment of rugged Jumper Cables to help simplify the connectivity of your projects Available in three of the most commonly used cable types in RG142, LMR240 and LMR400 with standard length of 3’, ... device made of magnets and ferrite material which is used to protect other RF components from excessive signal reflection MECA offers six N-Female isolators with average power ratings of watts The ... device made of magnets and ferrite material which is used to protect other RF components from excessive signal reflection MECA offers eight SMA-Female isolators with average power ratings of watts...
Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2013, 05:15
Xác định thành phần hoá học tinh dầu cây hương nhu tía (ocimum sanctum l ) ở nghệ an
... 70 Ocimum medium 71 Ocimum molle 72 Ocimum monachorum 73 Ocimum monadelphum 74 Ocimum nelsonii 75 Ocimum paniculatum 76 Ocimum petiolare 77 Ocimum sanctum Var hirsutum 78 Ocimum stamineum 79 Ocimum ... 60 Ocimum guineense 61 Ocimum hirsutum 62 Ocimum hispidulum 63 Ocimum hipidum 64 Ocimum incanescens 65 Ocimum indicum 66 Ocimum inodorum 67 Ocimum integerrimum 68 Ocimum kilimandscharicum 69 Ocimum ... hữu 42 Ocimum brachiatum 43 Ocimum bullatum 44 Ocimum cariophyllatum 45 Ocimum ciliatum 46 Ocimum citratum 47 Ocimum citrodorum 48 Ocimum coetsa 49 Ocimum cristatum 50 Ocimum dichotomum 51 Ocimum...
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 15:43