... Zeuthen, T., Chandy, G., and Wright, E M (1996) Cotransport of water by the Na+/glucose cotransporter Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93: 133 67– 133 70 Nobel, P S (1999) Physicochemical and Environmental ... –0. 732 MPa Yw = –0. 732 MPa Yp = 0.488 MPa Ys = –0. 732 MPa Yw = –0.244 MPa 0 .3 M Sucrose solution Cell after equilibrium Cell after equilibrium Yp = MPa Ys = –0. 732 MPa Yw = –0. 732 MPa Yw = –0. 732 ... Web Topic 3. 3.) The reference state used to define water potential is pure water at ambient pressure and temperature Let’s consider each of the terms on the right-hand side of Equation 3. 3 Solutes...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20
... shippers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS, and creating customized shipping rates Chapter 11 covers the walk-through of fulfilling an order and discovering options for handling order fulfillment, by ... upon the type of product and the purchaser's location Chapter focuses on adding products to your store with detailed descriptions, images, and inventory information Chapter focuses on the customization ... your own Chapter focuses on presenting related products to your shoppers, offering products for sale in sets, and giving your customers options such as size, color, manufacturer, and more Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 18:13
Bài tập MS projec phần 3 - Sorting and Filtering data
... Tables p dụng thử cho vài bảng khác Quay trở lại Gantt View 32 33 34 CHỌN SCHEDULE TA ĐƯC: 35 CHỌN COST TRONG RESOURCE SHEET, TA ĐƯC: 36 BÀI TẬP 8: Tạo Custom Table ... Name Thay đổi width sang 30 Click vào dòng thứ hộp thoại ‘Fied name’ Chọn Resource Group Chuyển đến ‘Title field’, gõ vào Group Thay dổi width sang 20 n OK n Apply 37 38 39 BÀI TẬP 9: View vài ... Trong Value field gõ vào “Internal” n OK Chọn Highlight Apply Quan sát danh sách short 27 28 29 30 31 BÀI TẬP 7: Thay đổi Table View Chuyển sang Task Sheet: View / More Views/ Task Sheet n...
Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2014, 18:39
Chapter 3 SQL and QBE transparencies
... both vendors and users Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Used as the basis for other standards ANSI and ISO standard is now the defining language for relational databases ©Pearson ... ©Pearson Education 2009 Data Manipulation – Main Statements SELECT to query data in the database INSERT to insert data into a table UPDATE to update data in a table DELETE to delete data from a table ... Education 2009 33 Using the SQL Aggregate Functions Aggregate functions can be used only in SELECT list and in HAVING clause If SELECT list includes an aggregate function and there is no...
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 02:10
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -Stack Applications pdf
... of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? 36 We will see a lot of interesting problems involved backtracking and usage of Stack ADT while studying recursion, trees, and graphs 37 ... exists 8 What kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? 32 Queens problem Determine how to place the Queens on the chessboard so that no queen can take onother 33 Four Queens problem ... all solutions if exists • What kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? 30 Knight’s tour Problem The knight is placed on the empty board and, moving according to the rules of...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
Chapter 3 Data and Signals pptx
... understanding of how to decompose signals 3. 33 Figure 3. 9 A composite periodic signal 3. 34 Figure 3. 10 Decomposition of a composite periodic signal in the time and frequency domains 3. 35 Example 3. 9 ... has only five spikes, at 100, 30 0, 500, 700, and 900 Hz (see Figure 3. 13) 3. 40 Figure 3. 13 The bandwidth for Example 3. 10 3. 41 Example 3. 11 A periodic signal has a bandwidth of 20 Hz The highest ... frequency must be at 40 kHz and the highest at 240 kHz Figure 3. 15 shows the frequency domain and the bandwidth 3. 44 Figure 3. 15 The bandwidth for Example 3. 12 3. 45 Example 3. 13 An example of a nonperiodic...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:20
Book Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data By Wooldridge - Chapter 3 ppt
... lemma and Lemma 3. 8 [with R CðyÞ to get equation (3. 8) Problems 3. 1 Prove Lemma 3. 1 3. 2 Using Lemma 3. 2, prove Lemma 3. 3 3. 3 Explain why, under the assumptions of Lemma 3. 4, gðxN Þ ¼ Op ð1Þ 3. 4 ... 36 3. 2 Chapter Convergence in Probability and Bounded in Probability definition 3. 3: (1) A sequence of random variables fxN : N ¼ 1; 2; g converges ... for Op ð1Þ pffiffiffiffi ffi Example 3. 3: If z is a random variable, then xN N z is Op ðN 1=2 Þ and xN ¼ op ðN d Þ for any d > lemma 3. 2: If wN ¼ op ð1Þ, xN ¼ op ð1Þ, yN ¼ Op ð1Þ, and zN ¼ Op ð1Þ, then (1)...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
... zero) 39 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 3. 3 Issues in data mining with decision trees Practical issues in learning decision trees include determining how deeply to grow the decision tree, handling ... (Figure 3. 3) 45 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Figure 3. 3 T2.5 Visualization of large decision trees 3. 5 Strengths and Weakness of Decision Tree Methods 3. 5.1 The strengths of decision tree ... basic ID3 algorithm that address them ID3 has itself been extended to address most of these issues, with the resulting system renamed C4.5 and See5/C5.0 [12] 3. 3.1 Avoiding over-fitting the data...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:21
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 3
... accompanying drawings of feed mechanisms Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 63 63 Sclater Chapter 64 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 64 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 65 SEVEN LINKAGES FOR TRANSPORT ... clutch-operating plunger 83 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:22 AM Page 84 Automatic Stopping Mechanisms (continued ) 84 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:22 AM Page 85 85 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:22 AM Page 86 ... sufficient time for the parts to fall in and out of the sector 53 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:19 AM Page 54 The circular parts feed down the chute by gravity, and they are separated by the reciprocating...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 3 & 4
... 43. 77 49.56 53. 52 65.42 73. 15 88. 63 107 .32 125.49 139 .67 160.27 52.65 52.25 51.07 49.74 49.00 48.50 46.92 46.00 44.04 41.66 39 .33 37 .52 34 .89 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 ... 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 188 218 250 37 5 500 875 1.125 1 .37 5 1.625 1.875 2.125 21.624 12.88 21.564 14.92 21.500 17.08 21.250 25.48 21.000 33 .77 20.250 58.07 19.750 73. 78 19.250 ... 38 55 37 84 36 01 35 53 3474 33 29 31 71 30 18 2819 26 73 2578 2 532 9. 93 13. 40 22 .36 24.70 28.55 35 .64 43. 39 50.95 60.71 67.76 72.42 74.69 24.06 23. 61 22.47 22.17 21.70 20.77 19.78 18. 83 17.59 16.68 16.10...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 15:29
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P2
... (listcol), the listbox header (listhead), and a list item (listitem) Example 3- 9 Listbox widget
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 3: DSP Fundamentals and Implementation Considerations
... follows: F ÀI 0, 3: 3:4a F I 1, 3: 3:4b F X 1, 3: 3:4c 91 INTRODUCTION TO RANDOM VARIABLES F X1 F X2 P X1 < x if X1 X2 , 3: 3:4d X2 F X2 À F X1 : 3: 3:4e The probability ... P X1 < x for all X I X ÀI ÀI 3: 3:6a f X dX 1, f xdx, X2 F X2 À F X1 3: 3:6b 3: 3:6c X2 X1 f X dX : 3: 3:6d Note that both F(X ) and f(X ) are non-negative functions ... distributed random numbers with mean and variance 1: xn 2*sqrt (3) *(rand À 0:5); For two random variables x and y, we have Ex y Ex Ey, 3: 3:15 i.e., the mean value of the sum of random...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 23:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P3
... examples in this chapter, you can see Example 3- 12 in action by adding the XML processing instruction at the top and surrounding the grid in a basic window root element 3. 5 Words and Pictures The ... gamma-corrected CSS color values and specified in both CSS1 and CSS2 3. 5 .3. 1 Images in other XUL elements Image display is not the sole province of the image element Using the list- style-image property, ... to be defined and placed in a set In Example 3- 12, the first column holds the labels and the second contains the text boxes These two columns are horizontal to each other and in rows...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P4
... ... has a command set that has its own commands and that pulls in a second set defined elsewhere (moreEditItems)
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P5
... flicker and UI wobbles when content is being shown and hidden intermittently 3. 9 .3. 2 Overflow A value of scroll or auto for the CSS overflow property ensures that a scrollbar appears and that ... Section 4.2.1 .3 in Chapter for information about how this attribute can make your application less modular and, for some, a better way to apply style to your XUL documents 3. 10 .3 Persistence ... when a user handles the and collapses the splitter, for example, and then quits the persist attribute preserves the splitter state and its visibility for the next session 3. 10.4 The...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P6
... provides a convenient launching point and is handled with dynamic overlays Chapter provides more information on this topic, in the section Section 6.2 .3. 3 3. 11.2 Content Positioning Content positioning ... deeper into the chrome layout and install issues, see Chapter 3. 12 The Extras Certain lesser-known elements and features are indispensable to the savvy XUL developer and can add that something extra ... direct content of the in Example 3- 22, and end up with the application shell shown in Figure 3- 12 See the section Section 3. 11 earlier in this chapter for more information about how to...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
Dive Into Python-Chapter 3. Native Datatypes
... into lists, and vice-versa The built-in tuple function takes a list and returns a tuple with the same elements, and the list function takes a tuple and returns a list In effect, tuple freezes a list, ... elements of that list to the original list Here you started with a list of three elements ('a', 'b', and 'c'), and you extended the list with a list of another three elements ('d', 'e', and 'f'), so ... leave it out, and is implied So li[ :3] is the same as li[0 :3] from Example 3. 8, “Slicing a List Similarly, if the right slice index is the length of the list, you can leave it out So li [3: ] is the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15