o'reilly - java reference library 1.2
... Package Chapter 22 : The java.awt.peer Package Chapter 23 : The java.beans Package Chapter 24 : The java.io Package Chapter 25 : The java.lang Package Chapter 26 : The java.lang.reflect Package Chapter 27 : ... http://localhost/java/javaref/javanut/ch00_ 02. htm (1 of 2) [20 / 12/ 2001 10:57:33] Related Books [Preface] Changes Since the First Edition http://localhost/java/javaref/javanut/ch00_ 02. htm (2 of 2) [20 / 12/ 2001 10:57:33] [Preface] ... (2 of 3) [20 / 12/ 2001 10:57: 32] Java in a Nutshell Copyright © 1996, 1997 O'Reilly & Associates All Rights Reserved http://localhost/java/javaref/javanut/index.htm (3 of 3) [20 / 12/ 2001 10:57: 32] ...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:45
... wheel wheel 5 12 7 928 20 9 1163 27 1 741 108 4 82 unixref.mm,v v4.16 (20 03/04/ 02 06:41 :29 ) Dec Oct Jul Jan Jan Feb Jan Jan 20 23 26 31 31 19 31 31 14:36 12: 01 07:11 20 02 20 02 2001 20 02 20 02 CVS Makefile ... this feature unixref.mm,v v4.16 (20 03/04/ 02 06:41 :29 ) April 20 03, 17:00:47 The Complete FreeBSD (unixref.mm), page 127 127 Chapter 7: The tools of the trade foo[ 127 ] In older versions, invalid ... fvwm2, you start an xterm from the left mouse menu, as shown above unixref.mm,v v4.16 (20 03/04/ 02 06:41 :29 ) April 20 03, 17:00:47 The Complete FreeBSD (unixref.mm), page 122 Getting a shell 122 ...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 16:15
... different countries? 07/10 /20 13 Lecturer: Nguyễn Thị Minh Hà 10 OVERVIEW ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS 1 .2. 2.3 Commercial Law 20 05 Chapter II, Article 27 .1.: International purchase ... Note: 1MT = 1000 kg; LT = 22 40 pounds (1016 kg); ST = 20 00 pounds (907 kg) 07/10 /20 13 Lecturer: Nguyễn Thị Minh Hà 27 DRAFTING CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS 3 .2 Methods to denote quantity ... the international sale of goods 07/10 /20 13 Lecturer: Nguyễn Thị Minh Hà OVERVIEW ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS 1 .2. 2 Vietnam Law 1 .2. 2.1 Temporary Regulation on concluding...
Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2014, 04:19
Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 3) pptx
... completely normal, asymptomatic individual The diagnosis is confirmed by placing a drop of dilute (0. 125 %) pilocarpine into each eye Denervation hypersensitivity produces pupillary constriction in ... flashlight in the left eye compared with the right eye (From P Levatin, Arch Ophthalmol 62: 768, 1959.) Subtle inequality in pupil size, up to 0.5 mm, is a fairly common finding in normal ... diplopia With practice the examiner can detect an ocular deviation (heterotropia) as small as 1 2 with the cover test Deviations can be measured by placing prisms in front of the misaligned eye...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21
Gián án Chapter 22 Chemistry of the Nonmetals
... + Cl2 → COCl2 (phosgene) – CO + S → COS (fungicide) Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 34 Carbonates • solubility of CO2 in H2O due to carbonate formation CO2 + H2O ⇔ H2CO3 H2CO3 + H2O ⇔ ... of a cation Albite = ¼ of Si replaced by Al; Na(AlO2)(SiO2)3 Anorthite = ½ of Si replaced by Al; Ca(AlO2 )2( SiO2 )2 Chemistry, Julia Burdge, 2nd e., McGraw Hill 10 Silicates Made of Individual ... HCO3− HCO3− + H2O ⇔ H3O+ + CO 32 • washing soda = Na2CO3⋅10H2O doesn’t decompose on heating • all carbonate solutions are basic in water due to CO 32 + H2O ⇔ OH− + HCO 32 • baking soda...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 01:12
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Neuronal growth-inhibitory factor (metallothionein-3): evaluation of the biological function of growth-inhibitory factor in the injured and neurodegenerative brain pdf
... relationships FEBS J 27 7, 29 12 29 20 28 Erickson JC, Hollopeter G, Thomas SA, Froelick GJ & Palmiter RD (1997) Disruption of the metallothionein- FEBS Journal 27 7 (20 10) 29 31 29 39 ª 20 10 The Authors ... randomised, placebo controlled phase I trial Lancet 3 72, 21 6 22 3 FEBS Journal 27 7 (20 10) 29 31 29 39 ª 20 10 The Authors Journal compilation ª 20 10 FEBS 29 39 ... neurite elongation [2, 24,31] Importantly, GIF inhibited regenerative sprouting following axonal FEBS Journal 27 7 (20 10) 29 31 29 39 ª 20 10 The Authors Journal compilation ª 20 10 FEBS 29 35 Function of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The 3¢-UTR of the mRNA coding for the major protein kinase C substrate MARCKS contains a novel CU-rich element interacting with the mRNA stabilizing factors HuD and HuR ppt
... 10, 24 97 25 05 23 Herget, T., Brooks, S.F., Broad, S & Rozengurt, E (1993) Expression of the major PKC substrate, 80K/MARCKS, 364 G Wein et al (Eur J Biochem 27 0) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ... & Rozengurt, E (19 92) The expression of 80K, a major substrate of PKC, is down-regulated through both, PKC-dependent and independent pathways J Biol Chem 26 7, 1 421 2–1 421 8 22 Brooks, S.F., Herget, ... eukaryotes Trends Genet 12, 171–174 Wilusz, C.J., Wormington, M & Peltz, S.W (20 01) The cap-totail guide to mRNA turnover Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2, 23 7– 24 6 Guhaniyogi, J & Brewer, G (20 01) Review: Regulation...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
Đề tài " (log t)2/3 law of the two dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process " pdf
... λ| 2 /2 (4 .26 ) C ≥C 2( a2 | log a2 |κ +b2 ) dq (λ + q)−1 | log(λ + q)|−κ /2 log(λ + 2a2 | log a2 |κ + 2b2 ) 1−κ /2 − 2 log | log λ| + log 1−κ /2 Since a2 + b2 ≤ | log λ|−4τ we have log(λ + 2a2 ... restriction on q, we have 2 ≥ a2 | log(λ + a2 + b2 )|κ ≥ a2 | log(λ + a2 + b2 + 2 )|κ Thus λ + b2 + 2 + a2 | log(λ + a2 + b2 + 2 )|κ −1 ≥ (1 /2) (λ + a2 + b2 + 2 )−1 The angle integration ... 2/ 3 = 0, κ2N = 2/ 3 + 1/3 = 1, κ2N 2 = 2/ 3 + 1/ 12, κ2N −1 = 2/ 3 − 1/6, · · · , 2 = 2/ 3 + 2 2N +2 /3 We first apply Theorem 3.1 to obtain −1 A∗ D2N +1 A+ ≤ C| log log λ |2 U2N ,τ + κ2N In order...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20
what the irs doesn’t want you to know a cpa reveals the tricks of the trade
... Federal Income Tax Withheld on Form 1099 Classroom Expenses for Teachers 22 3 22 3 22 3 22 4 22 4 22 4 22 5 22 5 22 5 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 7 22 7 22 7 Ten Ground Rules Never to Break to Win with the IRS Rule Always ... $29 5,316,108 $3,698,955, 821 $1,557, 729 ,043 $7,370,108,378 $40, 121 ,760 ,23 2 $114,434,633, 721 $519,375 ,27 3,361 $1,066,600,000,000 $2, 128 ,831,1 82, 000 $2, 016, 627 ,26 9,000 Source: Shelley L Davis, IRS ... TABLE 2. 1 Tax Revenues in Key Years Fiscal Year Gross Revenue Collected 17 92 1814 1866 1900 1918 19 32 1941 1944 1965 1980 1990 20 01 20 02 $20 8,943 $3,8 82, 4 82 $310, 120 ,448 $29 5,316,108 $3,698,955, 821 ...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:56
univ of minnesota press mechademia 3 limits of the human nov 2008
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 15:46
... * * $2, 060,677 (479,965) $8 12, 290 768, 422 $770,468 810 ,24 4 $3, 428 ,147 1 ,24 2,805 (87,331) $761, 129 (1,015 ,21 2) ($1,977) 1,977 ($1 ,29 2 ,25 5) 1 ,29 2 ,25 5 ( $2, 046) 2, 046 ($33,436) ( 12, 706) 46,1 42 ($3,396) ... $51 ,25 6 0 $2, 243 ,28 9 0 $ 328 ,26 3 0 ($1 02, 644) 62, 133 23 ,173 17,338 ($1,433,045) 4 92, 3 12 170 ,26 5 770,468 ($4 62, 313) 29 5 ,20 0 99, 023 68,090 Increase (Decrease) Provider Number Page ($51,388) 62, 133 23 ,173 ... 3, 624 ($4,691,8 62) 3, 428 ,147 1 ,24 2,805 20 ,910 Page ($64,368) 157,866 60,504 3, 624 * * * * ($87,331) * 3, 428 ,147 * 1 ,24 2,805 * 20 ,910 ($1, 925 ,684) ($1,015 ,21 2) * 873,753 873,753 * 29 0,8 02 290,802...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 03:20
... determination 42 CFR 413 .20 and 413 .24 CMS Pub 15-1, Sections 23 00, 23 02. 4 and 23 02. 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $21 , 626 44,117 16,454 12, 311 (21 , 626 ) $349,564 120 ,896 1,835,666 ( 62, 837) $3,394,711 1 ,23 0,099 ... $436,517 (118,774) $ 62, 133 23 ,173 17,338 (51,388) $4 92, 3 12 170 ,26 5 2, 058,700 (477,988) ( $2, 249) 2, 249 ($118,774) 118,774 ($18,016) (6,719) (5, 027 ) 29 ,7 62 ($1 42, 748) (49,369) (21 7,034) 409,151 Increase ... ( $21 , 626 ) ( 12, 827 ) (1,603) (7,196) 21 , 626 21 , 626 ($39,775) (10, 625 ) (34,063) 84,463 ( $29 ,847) (11,3 42) 41,189 ($3,751) 3,751 Increase (Decrease) Provider Number Page $0 31 ,29 0 14,851 5,115 21 , 626 ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis of the Tradeoff between Delay and Source Rate in Multiuser Wireless Systems" docx
... is [11] σ1 =E log2 + βγ 1.4 1 .2 − m2 ¯ = log2 (e) e1/(βγ) × 2 + g + 2g log 2 βγ −e1/(βγ) E2 1 + log2 βγ βγ (25 ) F3 [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2] , − βγ 0.6 0 .2 , mu = E log2 + βu γu log2 + βu γu 0.8 0.4 ... b·i E1 log (e) exp γu b · i βu βu (37) × − m2 u is log2 (e) e(1/βu )b·i γu b · i 2 1 b · i + ln2 b·i + g + 2g ln βu βu 2 b·i βu F3 [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2] , − b·i βu (38) The same evaluation example ... for BC Let us define Γmax : (−1)i·1 =− i∈S × is log2 (e) e(1/βu )q·i q·i 2 1 q · i + ln2 q·i + g + 2g ln βu βu 2 1 q · i F [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2] , − q · i βu βu u γu γu (40) (44) In Figure 5,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20
Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 12) ppt
... ominous sign of a dying nerve rather than an encouraging indication of resolving papilledema Figure 29 - 12 Papilledema means optic disc edema from raised intracranial pressure This obese young woman ... testing shows enlarged blind spots and peripheral constriction (Fig 29 -3F) With unremitting papilledema, peripheral visual field loss progresses in an insidious fashion ... Optic Disc Drusen These are refractile deposits within the substance of the optic nerve head (Fig 29 -13) They are unrelated to drusen of the retina, which occur in age-related macular degeneration...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21
Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 14) pps
... within the optic disc enlarges (Fig 29 -15) This process is referred to as pathologic "cupping." The cup-to-disc diameter is expressed as a ratio, e.g., 0 .2/ 1 The cup-to-disc ratio ranges widely ... intraocular pressures that apparently never exceed the normal limit of 20 mmHg (so-called low-tension glaucoma) Figure 29 -15 ... are acquired in a variety of genetic diseases, such as myotonic dystrophy, neurofibromatosis type 2, and galactosemia Radiation therapy and glucocorticoid treatment can induce cataract as a side...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21
Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 16) pps
... diabetes, retinal detachment, or trauma When visual acuity is reduced to the level of about 6 /24 (20 /80), vitrectomy and surgical peeling of the membrane to relieve macular puckering are recommended ... because of their vague resemblance to the spicules of cancellous bone, give the disease its name (Fig 29 -17) The name is actually a misnomer because retinitis pigmentosa is not an inflammatory process ... thioridazine) can produce visual loss from a toxic retinopathy that resembles retinitis pigmentosa Figure 29 -17 Retinitis pigmentosa with black clumps of pigment in the retinal periphery known as "bone...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21
Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 17) potx
... remains unknown after careful review of the history and thorough examination of the eye Figure 29 -18 Proptosis When the globes appear asymmetric, the clinician must first decide which eye is...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21