o'reilly - java reference library 1.2
... http://localhost /java/ javaref/javanut/ch 00_ 02.htm (1 of 2) [ 20 /12 / 20 01 10: 57:33] Related Books [Preface] Changes Since the First Edition http://localhost /java/ javaref/javanut/ch 00_ 02.htm (2 of 2) [ 20 /12 / 20 01 ... of the Java 1. 1 API and the new language features in Java 1. 1 Part III: Programming with the Java 1. 1 API http://localhost /java/ javaref/javanut/ch 00_ 01 . htm (1 of 2) [ 20 /12 / 20 01 10: 57:32] Preface ... (1 of 2) [ 20 /12 / 20 01 10: 57:34] Java Fundamental Classes Reference Chapter 15 : The java. net Package Chapter 16 : The java. text Package Chapter 17 : The java. util Package Chapter 18 : The java. util.zip...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:45
... rectangular region from) a larger image 10 July 200 2 22:26 902 CROPIMAGEFILTER Class Definition public class java. awt. image.CropImageFilter extends java. awt. image.ImageFilter { // Constructors ... alpha, red, green, and blue component parts 10 July 200 2 22:26 INDEXCOLORMODEL 9 21 Class Definition public class java. awt. image.IndexColorModel extends java. awt. image.ColorModel { // Constructors ... abstract class java. awt. image.RGBImageFilter extends java. awt. image.ImageFilter { // Variables protected boolean canFilterIndexColorModel; 10 July 200 2 22:26 RGBIMAGEFILTER 9 41 protected ColorModel...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
... 23. 21 ScrollbarPeer java. lang.Object java. awt. Component java. awt. Scrollbar java. awt. Adjustable Description ScrollbarPeer is an interface that defines the basis for scrollbar components 10 July 200 2 ... } See Also ContainerPeer 23. 20 10 July 200 2 22:27 PopupMenuPeer # SCROLLBARPEER java. lang.Object 969 java. awt. MenuComponent java. awt. MenuItem java. awt. Menu java. awt. PopupMenu Description PopupMenuPeer ... setFilenameFilter (FilenameFilter filter); 10 July 200 2 22:27 958 FILEDIALOGPEER java. lang.Object java. awt. Component java. awt. Container java. awt. Window java. awt. Dialog java. awt. FileDialog } Interface Methods...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 14:15
Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 22:Troubleshooting mod_perl
... Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 200 4 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc All rights reserved 669 ,ch22.25 617 Page 6 70 Thursday, November 18 , 200 4 12 :46 PM This way, when the real problem happens, ... Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 200 4 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc All rights reserved 667 ,ch22.25 617 Page 668 Thursday, November 18 , 200 4 12 :46 PM Global symbol “$foo” requires explicit ... Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 200 4 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc All rights reserved 663 ,ch22.25 617 Page 664 Thursday, November 18 , 200 4 12 :46 PM Invalid command ‘PerlHandler’ Here’s...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 15:15
LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Pride and Prejudice -Jane Austen -Chapter 22
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
Gián án Chapter 22 Chemistry of the Nonmetals
... Scale 10 0. 5 Electrical Conductivity, (µΩ•cm) -1 ~ 10 -11 7.3 x 10 -4 Thermal Conductivity, W/cm•K 23 20 () Melting Point, °C ~3 700 ~3 800 800 sublimes Heat of Formation (kcal/mol) 0. 4 0. 0 9 .08 Refractive ... combustion Ca3(PO4)2 (apatite) + SiO2 + 10 C → P4(g, wh) + CaSiO3 + 10 CO tetrahedron with small angles 60 red phosphorus formed by heating white P to about 300 °C in absence of air amorphous ... Allotropes of Carbon Buckminsterfullerene Sublimes between 800 °C Insoluble in water Soluble in toluene Stable in air Requires temps > 10 00 °C to decompose High electronegativity Reacts with alkali...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 01:12
Tài liệu Thị trường tài chính và các định chế tài chính_ Chapter 22 pptx
... returns and high risk Impact of the September 11 Crisis September 11 caused businesses to cut their expansion plans and reduce their need for loans 11 Captive Finance Subsidiaries A captive ... more than 1, 00 0 offices in the U.S., Canada, Germany, and the U.K Finance companies enter foreign countries to enter new markets and to reduce their exposure to U.S economic conditions 20 ... stipulations The numbers of CFSs grew rapidly between 19 46 and 19 60 as a result of liberalized credit policies and a need to finance growing inventories 12 Captive Finance Subsidiaries (cont’d) A CFS:...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 23:15
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Physics exercises_solution: Chapter 22 docx
... parallelepiped: 1 AE1 cos 60 (0. 0 500 m) (0. 0 600 m)(2. 50 10 N C) cos 60 37.5 N m C AE2 cos 12 0 (0. 0 500 m) (0. 0 600 m)(7 .00 10 N C) cos 60 10 5 N m C So the total flux is 1 ... a) | E | 22 .16 : a) EA q / 0 q 0 EA 0 (1. 40 10 N C) (0. 0 6 10 m ) 7.56 10 8 C b) Double the surface area: q 0 (1. 40 10 5 N C) (0 .12 2 m ) 1. 51 10 7 C 22 .17 : E q πε ... (q1 q2 ) 0 ((4 .00 7. 80) 10 9 C) 0 429 Nm C d) S4 (q1 q ) 0 ((4 .00 2. 40) 10 9 C) 0 723 Nm C e) S5 (q1 q2 q3 ) 0 ((4 .00 7. 80 2. 40) 10 9 C) 0 15 8...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 03:16
Tài liệu Independent Component Analysis - Chapter 22: Brain Imaging Applications docx
... activity in the brain Neurons and potentials The human brain consists of approximately 10 10 to 10 11 neurons [2 30] These cells are the basic information-processing units Signals between neurons are ... Channels MEG 10 and MEG 60 are used in Fig 22.4 as representatives of one left-hemisphere and one righthemisphere MEG signal Each tick in the MEG sample corresponds to 10 0 ms, going from 10 0 ms before ... [ 50] A comparison of the two modes 414 BRAIN IMAGING APPLICATIONS MEG sample Left side Right side MEG25 MEG 10 (MEG-R) MEG 60 (MEG-L) MEG83 -1 Fig 22.3 Averaged auditory evoked responses to 200 ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 11:20
... disappointment for he was not twenty-five feet high, nor even anywhere in the neighborhood of it - 213 - A circus came The boys played circus for three days afterward in tents made of rag carpeting ... turned sadly away from the depressing spectacle He sought Ben Rogers, and found him visiting the - 214 - poor with a basket of tracts He hunted up Jim Hollis, who called his attention to the precious ... storms The next day the doctors were back; Tom had relapsed The three weeks he spent on his back - 215 - this time seemed an entire age When he got abroad at last he was hardly grateful that he had...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 20:20
... Theatres, In their Thrilling Tragedy of THE KING'S CAMELEOPARD, OR THE ROYAL NONESUCH ! ! ! Admission 50 cents Then at the bottom was the biggest line of all, which said: LADIES AND CHILDREN NOT ADMITTED...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Chapter 22. SSH, FTP, VPN, and Web Sharing pptx
... Internet Protocol.) An IP address is always made up of four numbers separated by periods, like 19 2 .16 8 .1. 104 Every computer on earth that's directly connected to the Internet has its own unique IP ... (Chapter 12 ), you can also put your Web pages into the main hard drive window's Library WebServer Documents folder This is your Mac's main Web site folder, and its address is simply http:/ /11 ... address; as noted in the box on Section 22 .1, that might be your router'sIP address, not your Mac's Your Mac Web site's address might be, for example, http:/ /11 (the number is your...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Chapter 22 Network Layer: Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing ppt
... send a packet with destination address 12 0 .14 .64 .0 to 12 0 .14 .12 7.255 to the regional ISP 22. 20 Figure 22.9 Hierarchical routing with ISPs 22. 21 Figure 22 . 10 Common fields in a routing table 22.22 ... address The result is 18 0 . 70. 65 .12 8, which does not match the corresponding network address The second mask (/25) is applied to the destination address The result is 18 0 . 70. 65 .12 8, which matches ... Table 22 .1 Routing table for router R1 in Figure 22.6 22 .12 Example 22.2 Show the forwarding process if a packet arrives at R1 in Figure 22.6 with the destination address 18 0 . 70. 65 .14 0 Solution...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20
Plant physiology - Chapter 22 Ethylene: The Gaseous Hormone ppt
... Gaseous Hormone 3 .0 1. 2 ACC (flooded) 2.5 2 .0 0.8 1. 5 0. 6 Ethylene (flooded) 0. 4 Ethylene (control) 0. 2 24 48 Hours flooded ACC (nmol h 1) Ethylene (nL g 1 h 1) 1. 0 527 1. 0 ACC (control) 0. 5 72 FIGURE ... not all of them respond to ethylene pL = picoliter = 10 12 L CO2 production (µL g 1 h 1) 30 10 0 Ethylene 20 15 50 10 CO2 Ethylene content (µL L 1) Ethylene Can Be Measured by Gas Chromatography ... high as 2 500 µL L 1 Young developing leaves produce more ethylene than fully expanded leaves In bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), young leaves produce 0. 4 nL g 1 h 1, compared with 0. 04 nL g 1 h 1 for older...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 22:20
delphi 5 - mastering delphi 5 - chapter 22 - graphics
... event handler: procedure TForm1.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Canvas.Ellipse (X - 10 , Y - 10 , X + 10 , Y + 10 ); end; The program seems to ... MainMenu1 object Image1: TImage Align = alClient end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu object File1: TMenuItem object Open1: TMenuItem object Exit1: TMenuItem object Options1: TMenuItem object Stretch1: ... TViewerForm.Stretch1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.Stretch := not Image1.Stretch; Stretch1.Checked := Image1.Stretch; if Image1.Stretch then Image1.Align := alClient else begin Image1.Align :=...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 22 docx
... species 50 Reference site 40 30 20 10 Contaminated site 04 24 –2 10 2– 10 51 51 6– Number of individuals per species 24 56 –2 25 1 28 12 –6 64 32 16 –3 16 8– 4– 2– 1 0 FIGURE 22.2 The predicted ... Percent mortality 80 s cie 4, e 60 Sp 1. 4 p slo ies c Spe 91 e= lop 3, s 40 20 Species 1, slope 0 10 20 30 40 50 Chemical concentration 40 pe = s 2, slo Specie 60 = 0. 08 70 FIGURE 22.7 Results of communitylevel ... measures, Am Nat., 10 6, 414 – 415 , 19 72 Simpson, E.H., Measurement of diversity, Nature, 16 3, 688, 19 49 © 200 8 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Clements: “3357_c022” — 200 7 /11 /9 — 18 : 31 — page 437 —...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20