chapter 9  remote method invocation and object serialization

Lập trình mạng 9 RMI Remote Method Invocation

Lập trình mạng 9 RMI Remote Method Invocation

... RemoteObject class RemoteObject  RemoteObject class  Các đối tượng từ xa thể lớp RemoteObject  RemoteServer class  lớp lớp RemoteObject;  lớp cha lớp UnicastRemoteObject  UnicastRemoteObject ... giao tiếp Remote  Phương thức exportObject (Object) : làm cho máy ảo Java nhận diện đối tượng Object UnicastRemote Server Object RemoteServer UnicastRemote Object UnicastRemote Server Remote Java ... Giới thiệu  Local method Invocation: mã lệnh hàm (hay thủ tục) nạp thẳng vào nhớ thực thi máy cục Muốn nạp nội dung hàm hay đối tượng máy gọi chúng từ máy khác?  Remote Method Invocation (RMI)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 00:56

93 868 1
Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

... box until all dirt and rough lines that may have scanned in disappear and the line art looks how you’d like it to be Click the Move and Transform tab and resize, reposition, and rotate your image ... collection of trees, skies and clouds, and mountains • Pattern: Tones that you can use for the background of a scene These are random types of patterns (animals, flowers, and so on), and you can use them ... collection of trees, skies and clouds, and mountains • Pattern: Tones that you can use for the background of a scene These are random types of patterns (animals, flowers, and so on), and you can use them...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

39 755 0
Java RMI - Remote method invocation

Java RMI - Remote method invocation

... Modula-3's Network Objects concept of object reference counters RMI places an object reference counter into each object Every time another object talks to the remote object, the object reference ... application and keep tabs on the process by communicating with it Figure 5-1 illustrates the differences between local and remote object invocation Figure 5-1 Invocations on remote objects appear ... client are: Get the client object from the Naming Service Process the object and ready it for invocation Invoke the object RMI Remote Classes RMI's Remote class is a standard interface that you...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 08:20

41 995 1
Tài liệu Chapter 9: Center of Mass and Linear Momentum docx

Tài liệu Chapter 9: Center of Mass and Linear Momentum docx

... Collisons Consider two colliding objects with masses m1 and m2 , r r r r initial velocities v1i and v2i and final velocities v1 f and v2 f , respectively Both linear momentum and kinetic energy are conserved ... Kinetic Energy in Collisions Consider two colliding objects with masses m1 and m2 , r r r r initial velocities v1i and v2i and final velocities v1 f and v2 f , respectively r If the system is isolated ... Kinetic energy conservation: + = + 2 2 We have two equations and two unknowns, v1 f and v1 f (eqs.1) (eqs.2) If we solve equations and for v1 f and v1 f we get the following solutions: m1 − m2 2m2 v1...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:16

22 568 0
Chapter 9 - Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets doc

Chapter 9 - Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets doc

... Identifying and profiling distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and preferences – Market targeting: Selecting one or more market segments to enter – Market positioning: Establishing and ... Market Targeting Strategies  Evaluating and selecting market segments requires assessing the segment’s overall attractiveness in light of company’s objectives and resources  Five patterns of target ... Objectives  Learn how companies identify the segments that make up a market  Understand the criteria companies use to choose the most attractive...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 18:20

17 890 2
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) pps

RMI (Remote Method Invocation) pps

... DỰNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TRÊN MÁY SERVER //thông báo diện đối tượng cho máy ảo Java UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject (c); //đăng ký đối tượng với quản lý rmi Naming.bind(“rmi://localhost/Mycalculator”,c); ... xây dựng Định nghĩa giao tiếp từ xa (remote interface) server Xây dựng đối tượng từ xa (remote object) cách Hiện thực giao tiếp từ xa (remote interface) Xây dựng chương trình phía Server Xây ... cục Vậy có cách nạp nội dung hàm hay đối tượng máy gọi chúng từ máy khác hay không? • RMI (Remote Method Invoke –có nghĩa gọi phương thức từ xa) cách thức giao tiếp đối tượng Java có mã lệnh cài...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:21

29 615 0


... charge Q, its velocity v, and the flux density B, and to the sine of the angle between the vectors v and B The direction of the force is perpendicular to both v and B and is given by a unit vector ... two forces, F1 at P1 and F2 at P2 , having lever arms R1 and R2 extending from a common origin O, as shown in Fig 9.5b, are applied to an object of fixed shape and that the object does not undergo ... F, and of the sine of the angle between these two vectors The direction of the vector torque T is normal to both the force F and lever arm R and is in the direction of progress of a right-handed...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23

48 635 3
Chapter 9 investments behavioral finance and technical analysis

Chapter 9 investments behavioral finance and technical analysis

... weak at providing solutions to these problems 9-8 9.2 Technical Analysis and Behavioral Finance Attempts to exploit recurring and predictable patterns in stock prices to gene rate superior investment ... • Three types of trends, only two are important • Every stock has price peaks and troughs but if a series of peaks and troughs are rising, it is a buy signal especially if volume is heavier during ... Difficulty in identifying common price patterns One of these patterns is real and one of these is computer simulated with random price changes Can you tell which is which? 9-15 9-16 ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2015, 14:12

16 784 3
Chapter 9 net present value and other investment criteria

Chapter 9 net present value and other investment criteria

... compute internal rates of return (standard and modified) and understand their strengths and weaknesses • Be able to compute the net present value and understand why it is the best decision criterion ... Key Concepts and Skills • Be able to compute payback and discounted payback and understand their shortcomings • Understand accounting rates of return and their shortcomings • Be ... against long-term projects, such as research and development, and new projects 9-14 Discounted Payback Period • Compute the present value of each cash flow and then determine how long it takes to...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2015, 15:50

50 1,3K 1
code Remote Method Invocation

code Remote Method Invocation

... gọi server.callServerMethod() đối tượng chủ, phương thức máy chủ lại sử dụng gọi ngược lại phương thức client.callClientMethod() đối tượng chạy trình khách Trước gọi callClientMethod() trình chủ ... gọi server.callServerMethod() đối tượng chủ, phương thức máy chủ lại sử dụng gọi ngược lại phương thức client.callClientMethod() đối tượng chạy trình khách Trước gọi callClientMethod() trình chủ ... gọi server.callServerMethod() đối tượng chủ, phương thức máy chủ lại sử dụng gọi ngược lại phương thức client.callClientMethod() đối tượng chạy trình khách Trước gọi callClientMethod() trình chủ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 10:53

49 361 0
Bài giảng lập trình mạng  java remote method invocation   GV  nguyễn xuân vinh

Bài giảng lập trình mạng java remote method invocation GV nguyễn xuân vinh

... Terminology  A remote object is an object on another computer  The client object is the object making the request (sending a message to the other object)  The server object is the object receiving ... Java makes RMI (Remote Method Invocation) fairly easy, but there are some extra steps  To send a message to a remote “server object, ”  The “client object has to find the object Do this by looking ...  You can send messages to a Remote object and get responses back from the object  All you need to know about the Remote object is its interface  Remote objects don’t pose much of a security...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 15:17

26 311 0
Radio Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment - Chapter 9 pdf

Radio Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment - Chapter 9 pdf

... 2004 1:43 PM 250 Radio Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment The first summand describes the soil radiation attenuated by absorption in the atmosphere, and the second one describes the ... B ± ( ν) , and the method of consecutive approximations is one to solve them It is especially effective in the case of a thick layer, when zd >> 1, when the integral terms are small and can be ... ν d ν (9.87) It is easy to see that the first summand in the written solution satisfies Equation (9.86) on the right-hand side The two other summands define the solution of the homogeneous transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

34 384 0
Environmental Modelling with GIs and Remote Sensing - Chapter 9 pps

Environmental Modelling with GIs and Remote Sensing - Chapter 9 pps

... suspension, and clogging might occur as they are re-deposited and less permeable layers would evolve (Chorley 1977) Overland flow is often divided into Hortonian overland flow and saturated overland ... fAPAR and fAPAR to LA1 using equation 9.5 Data from NOAA AVHRR Vegetation class Evergreen broadleaf forest Closed shrublands Open shrublands Woody savannahs Savannahs Grasslands Croplands Cropland ... Copyright 2002 Andrew Skidmore Environmental Modelling with CIS and Remote Sensing 174 on vegetation and surface conditions available from high-resolution remote sensing (e.g Landsat and Spot) However,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

34 456 0
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 9

Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 9

... bi-directional slip and independent torque capacities for the two directions of rotation It requires two springs, one right-handed and one left-handed, for coupling the input, intermediate and output ... faster Edges of the clutch bands carry the entire load, and there is also a compound action of one band upon another As the torque builds up, each band pushes down on the band beneath it, so each ... requirements of MIL-E-5400, class and MILK-3926 specifications Applications were seen in counter and reset switches and controls for machines and machine tools, radar systems, and precision potentiometers...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26

46 411 0
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 9, 10 & 11

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 9, 10 & 11

... water and steam flow rates and temperatures and water level in the boiler The operator also checks for smoke and checks burner and flame pattern The operator maintains good housekeeping and unit ... the trap and comes into contact with the bellows Condensate causes the bellows to contract and open Steam causes the bellows to expand and close Bellows traps can handle condensate and noncondensable ... Furnaces Broken Supports and Guides Broken supports and guides tend to fall to the furnace floor and result in sagging or bowing tubes The falling supports and guides can also hit and damage a burner...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2013, 10:47

72 606 1
Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 9: Messages and Threads

Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 9: Messages and Threads

... an object of the BLooper class or an object of a BLooper-derived class, such as the application object or a window object The handler is an object of the BHandler class or an object of a BHandler-derived ... BHandler *message, *handler, *replyHandler = NULL) The first parameter, message, is the BMessage object to post The second parameter, handler, names the target handler—the BHandler object to which ... time of the mouse button click) A BView object is a handler, so it can be the recipient of a passed message A handler object in general, and a BView-derived object in particular, has its own hook...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

37 542 0
Tài liệu Dive Into Python-Chapter 5. Objects and Object-Orientation ppt

Tài liệu Dive Into Python-Chapter 5. Objects and Object-Orientation ppt

... accessing attributes and methods often and don't want to type the module name over and over, use from module import  If you want to selectively import some attributes and methods but not others, ... methods This is where special class methods come in: they provide a way to map non -method- calling syntax into method calls 5.6.1 Getting and Setting Items Example 5.12 The getitem Special Method ... cmp method can be compared with == And if your class represents something that has a length, don't define a GetLength method; define the len method and use len(instance) While other object- oriented...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

32 365 0

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