... Strings As Class Members A User-Defined String Type The Standard C++ string Class Defining and Assigning string Objects Input/Output with string Objects Finding string Objects Modifying string Objects ... C-Strings C-string Variables Avoiding Buffer Overflow String Constants Reading Embedded Blanks Reading Multiple Lines Copying a String the Hard Way Copying a String the Easy Way Arrays of Strings ... Pointers and Functions Passing Simple Variables Passing Arrays Sorting Array Elements Pointers and C-type Strings Pointers to String Constants Strings As Function Arguments Copying a String Using...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20
... Lafore has been writing books about computer programming since 1982 His best-selling titles include Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC, C Programming Using Turbo C++, C++ Interactive Course, ... range into new objects in range by applying operator first1, last1, first2, first3, Combines objects in range operator and range into new objects in range by applying operator Replaces all objects ... of main() To support getch(), insert the line #include <conio.h> at the beginning of your program Debugging In Chapter 3, Loops and Decisions, we suggest using a debugger to provide an insight...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20
Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Fourth Edition ppt
... string Class 302 Defining and Assigning string Objects 302 Input/Output with string Objects 304 Finding string Objects 305 Modifying string Objects 306 Comparing ... 577 Inputting Numbers 578 xiii xiv OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C++, FOURTH EDITON Too Many Characters 579 No-Input Input 579 Inputting Strings and Characters ... Lafore has been writing books about computer programming since 1982 His bestselling titles include Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC, C Programming Using Turbo C++, C++ Interactive Course,...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20
object-oriented programming in c++
... string Class 302 Defining and Assigning string Objects 302 Input/Output with string Objects 304 Finding string Objects 305 Modifying string Objects 306 Comparing ... 577 Inputting Numbers 578 xiii xiv OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C++, FOURTH EDITON Too Many Characters 579 No-Input Input 579 Inputting Strings and Characters ... Lafore has been writing books about computer programming since 1982 His bestselling titles include Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC, C Programming Using Turbo C++, C++ Interactive Course,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:36
Chương 5: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism doc
... reference commissionEmployee to invoke methods ToString and Earnings // invoke ToString and Earnings on base class object // using base class variable Console.WriteLine( "{0} {1}:\n\n{2}\n{3}: {4:C}\n", ... ToString with base class reference", "to base class object" , commissionEmployee.ToString(), "earnings", commissionEmployee.Earnings() ); // invoke ToString and Earnings on derived class object ... Employee information public static string GetString( Employee worker ) { return worker.ToString() + " earned " + worker.Earnings().ToString( "C" ) + "\n"; } Definition of method GetString, which...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 09:20
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc
... are merged into a single indivisible thing an object s Close match between objects in the programming sense and objects in the real world Object Oriented Data and Functions of an Object Data: ... Session Objectives s Discuss the following: • The Object- Oriented approach • Drawbacks of traditional programming • Object- Oriented programming s Discuss basic Object- Oriented concepts such as: • Objects ... object3 = object1 .function1 (object2 ); s Passing and returning of objects is not very efficient since it involves passing and returning a copy of the data members Object Oriented Object- Oriented...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 5 Inheritance pptx
... than "is a" Object Oriented Constructors in container classes class engine{ private: int num; public: engine(int s) {num = s;} }; class jet{ private: int jt; engine eobj; //declaring an object here ... Destructors under inheritance Describe how to call Member Functions of the Base Class and Derived Class Describe Container Classes Object Oriented Single Inheritance To maintain and reuse class objects ... from an existing one allows redefining a member function of the base class and also adding new members to the derived class • The base class remains unchanged in the process Object Oriented Base...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Chapter 9 - Object-Oriented Programming Inheritance docx
... std::cout; using std::endl; #include "point.h" // Point class definition int main() { Point point( 72, 115 ); Create a Point object // instantiate Point object // display point coordinates cout ... coordinate pair #ifndef POINT_H #define POINT_H Outline point.h (1 of 1) class Point { public: Point( int = 0, int = ); // default constructor void setX( int ); int getX() const; // set x in coordinate ... 9.5: point.cpp // Point class member-function definitions #include point.cpp (1 of 3) using std::cout; #include "point.h" Outline // Point class definition // default constructor Point::Point(...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 06:20
Chapter 10 - Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism pdf
... point and circle using static binding cout
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 06:20
Chapter 4 Object - Oriented Programming
... ClassName (parameterList) { } Slide 10 Instantiating an object To instantiate an object, using the new keyword ClassName object = new ClassName (…); ClassName object; object = new ClassName (…); Example: ... Review concepts in OOP Write classes in C# Interface Inheritance Polymorphism Relationships between objects Slide Review concepts in OOP Review concepts in OOP class object field ... concepts in OOP Write classes in C# Interface Inheritance Polymorphism Relationships between objects Slide 22 Inheritance (p.194) Inheritance enables to create a new class that extends an existing...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 11:30
aliasing in object oriented programming
... aliasing in object- oriented programming Since that paper was published in 1992, several workshops have been devoted to this topic, including the Intercontinental Workshop on Aliasing in Object Oriented ... Parkinson, M., Bierman, G.: Separation Logic for Object- Oriented Programming In: Clarke, D., Noble, J., Wrigstad, T (eds.) Aliasing in Object- Oriented Programming LNCS, vol 7850, pp 366–406 Springer, ... access the object enclosing the domain—they are considered part of the object s interface In contrast, objects in a private domain are encapsulated inside the enclosing object Public domains express...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:39
CRC.Press A Guide to MATLAB Object Oriented Programming May.2007 Episode 1 Part 5 pdf
... needs deeper indexing was assigned into varargout by the first dot-reference operation, and index(2:end) contains the remaining indices Passing the initial value and the remaining indices into subsref ... expand a range that includes the keyword end In line 4, a colon range causes a string to be written into the cell In the remaining lines, multidimensional indices are packaged in a cell array with ... structures Objects can still be inserted into cell arrays, and indeed, cell arrays are very important for object- oriented programming The syntax for creating cell arrays of objects is nothing special...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21
CRC.Press A Guide to MATLAB Object Oriented Programming May.2007 Episode 2 Part 5 potx
... MATLAB Object- Oriented Programming % switch which case 'get' % ACCESSOR % input: index contains any additional indexing as a substruct % input: varargin empty for accessor do_sub_indexing = true; ... warning('OOP:incompleteFunction', 'The function definition is incomplete'); % /\ /\ /\ /\ case 'set' % MUTATOR % input: index contains any additional indexing as a substruct % input: varargin ... template as a convenient starting point % if isempty(index) % No more indexing requested, assign input % [this.Color] = deal(varargin{:}); % else % deeper indexing requested, use subsasgn to...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21
Chapter 33: Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts s sThe object table itself is not mentioned in the pps
... static void main(String[] args) { try { int input=Integer.parseInt(args[0]); while (input < 7) { double result=area(input); System.out.println(result); input++; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ... method is automatically executed The main method takes the string provided as input and parses it as an integer into the input variable: int input=Integer.parseInt(args[0]); There are at least two ... AreaOfCircleWhile In this listing, the area method and the exception handling blocks are unchanged from the prior example The change is in the main method: int input=Integer.parseInt(args[0]); while (input...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20
A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming phần 5 pps
... +set (in this : cShape, in index : substruct, in set_val : untyped) : cShape +set (in this : cShape, in index : string, in set_val : untyped) : cShape +set (in this : cShape, in index : string) ... +subsasgn (in this : cShape, in index : substruct, in set_val : untyped) : cShape +get (in this : cShape, in index : substruct) : untyped +get (in this : cShape, in index : string) : untyped +get (in this ... using any number of input arguments As you examine the listing, note the complete absence of class-specific commands Class-specific information is obtained in line by calling ctor_ini Code Listing...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Object Oriented Programming using Java phần 5 ppsx
... we begin GUI programming. ) 5.1 Interfaces Some object- oriented programming languages, such as C++, allow a class to extend two or more superclasses This is called multiple inheritance In the ... belongs to the containing class (When working inside the class, the object “this” is used implicitly.) The inner class object is permanently associated with the containing class object, and it has ... player, independent of a particular poker game 5.2.1 Anonymous Inner Classes In some cases, you might find yourself writing an inner class and then using that class in just a single line of your...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Object-Oriented Programming with PHP 5 phần 2 ppsx
... other objects retaining some of its behaviour Inheritance: The key process of deriving a new object by extending another object is called inheritance When you inherit an object from another object, ... object oriented programming In PHP4 you can create objects but you can't feel the real flavour of an object there In PHP4 it was almost a poor object model One of the main differences of OOP in PHP4 ... coupling Coupling is a very important concern for designing better objects Design Patterns: First invented by the "Gang of Four", design patterns are just tricks in object oriented programming...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21