... compared with something • Time-trend analysis – Used to see how the firm’s performance is changing over time – Internal and external uses • Peer-group analysis – Compare with similar companies or within ... how you compute specific ratios within each category? • What are the major determinants of a firm’s growth potential? • What are some of the problems associated with financial statement analysis? ... Working with financial statements Chapter Key concepts and skills • Know how to standardise financial statements
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 03:11
... Pragma header was used with the value no-cache to tell caching proxies and clients not to cache the document Under HTTP 1.1, the Cache-Control header supplants Pragma, with several caching directives ... can use the IfModified-Since header with the GET method When using this option, the client requests the server to send the requested information associated with the URL only if it has been modified ... document If the document is newer, the server will send it along with a 200 (OK) code Servers may also include a Last-Modified header with the document, to let the user know when the last change
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P2
... markup in Example 3-9 is the rules for the nesting of elements within a listbox structure. The number of columns needs to be set, each with a <listcol> element, and all have to be wrapped in ... cell within an <treerow> to the column in the tree and is optional. Tying the concepts presented in this section together allows us to present Example 3-11 , which shows a multilevel tree with ... elements in Mozilla's XPFE toolkit. In this section, we look at list boxes, trees, and grids. With the exception of the tree, these elements are not limited in regard to the content they can
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Dive Into Python-Chapter 7. Regular Expressions doc
... Chapter 7. Regular Expressions Regular expressions are a powerful and standardized way of searching, replacing, and parsing text with complex patterns of characters. If you've used regular expressions ... that can help keep your expressions maintainable 7.5 Verbose Regular Expressions So far you've just been dealing with what I'll call “compact” regular. .. same regular expression as the ... to do this with something called verbose regular expressions A verbose regular expression is different from a compact regular expression in two... multi-line string instead of within your
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Chapter 1:Introduction- Web Client Programming with Perl doc
... Web Client Programming with Perl So what does Web client programming mean, and what do you need to learn to do it? A web client is an application that communicates with a web server, using ... Netscape Navigator, or Internet Explorer. With a browser, you can download web documents and view them formatted on your screen. When you request a document with your browser, you supply a web address, ... HTTP, you can request documents from a server without needing to go through your browser. Similarly, you can return documents to web browsers without being limited to the functionality of
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 3: BeOS API Overview doc
... BLocker class Application Kit The classes of the Application Kit communicate with the Application Server and directly with the kernel Every program must create a single instance of a class derived ... the newer BeOS kits, and is incomplete as of this writing Working with the OpenGL classes requires some previous experience with OpenGL Game Kit Like the OpenGL Kit, the Game Kit is incomplete ... most other classes, the use of operators with objects doesn’t make sense, so there’s no need to overload any For instance, the BWindow and BView classes with which you’re becoming familiar don’t
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 3 Function Overloading and References ppt
... argument names. Possible to call a function without specifying all its arguments. Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 3/ 5 of 35 Functions with default arguments The function declaration ... Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 3 / 1 of 35 Function Overloading and References Session 3 Object Oriented Programming with C++/ Session 3/ 2 of 35 Session Objectives ... a class without requiring membership. A non-member function that is allowed access to the private part of a class is called a friend of the class. Object Oriented Programming with C++/
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Chapter 16 - Web Programming with CGI ppt
... ,- • Common Gateway Interface (CGI) – Enables applications to interact with Web servers • Indirectly interact with clients/Web browsers – Can make decision based on user input – Dynamic ... Location... value of environment variable • Tables in XHTML – table row start • Ends with – new table cell • End with • My data © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... information tier, presents to client – Client tier (top tier) • User interface (users act directly with this tier) • Requests middle tier to get data from information tier 2003 Prentice Hall,
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 20:21
... public does not trade these— preferring to stick with something that they can trade through their regular stock broker $OEX options can be traded by a regular stock broker, so they remain the market ... we must buy There are a number of contrary indicators in technical analysis Most of them have to with measuring sentiment among the majority of the trading or investing public The public tends ... theory is isolating the opinions of the “uninformed” public We not want to distort the statistics with noise, such as arbitrage trading or institutional hedging strategies Those are not market opinion
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 19:20
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 3 ppsx
... $schema2->createDatabase($schema->getDefinitionFromDatabase()); Summary In this chapter you were presented with an introduction to the MDB2 database abstraction layer. You saw the challenges faced with database abstraction and how they are handled ... rows of the table are dened by <tr> tags. Within the rows of the table reside the cells. The cells can either be data cells (enclosed with <td> tags) or header cells (enclosed in ... HTML tables can be very tedious. Even working with PHP and looping through your data to create the table quickly becomes messy, as we have to deal with the HTML tags directly, calculate when
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20
Environmental Modelling with GIs and Remote Sensing - Chapter 3 pot
... near-infrared spectral range with a 15 m spatial resolution, six bands in the short wave infrared with a 30 m spatial resolution, and five bands in the thermal infrared with a 90 m spatial resolution. ... launched, but actual image acquisition from space dates back to earlier times with various spy satellites. In 1972, with the launch of the earth observation land satellite Landsat 1 (renamed ... hand, pure commercial remote sensing systems, with no government funding, implies a high Copyright 2002 Andrew Skidmore 28 Environmental Modelling with GIS and Remote Sensing risk, especially
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22
Chapter 3: Programming with Windows Forms pps
... controls to Forms (runtime) Using Complex Controls Creating GUI Components Working with Menu Creating MDI applications with Windows Forms Deploying Windows Forms Applications What is Windows Forms ... main menu and individual items are MenuItem objects ContextMenu component is used to provide users with an easily accessible Pop-up menus that appear when you right-click a form or control MDI applications...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 21:20
Chapter 3 working with financial statements
... major categories of ratios and how you compute specific ratios within each category? • What are some of the problems associated with financial statement analysis? 3-31 Ethics Issues • Should ... through time – Internal and external uses • Peer Group Analysis – Compare to similar companies or within industries – SIC and NAICS codes 3-25 Real World Example - I • Ratios are figured using financial ... the company grows • They are also useful for comparing companies of different sizes, particularly within the same industry 3-9 Ratio Analysis • Ratios allow for better comparison through time or...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2015, 15:32
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 3: Learning HTTP- P1 pdf
... server will reply with a response line and headers, but no entity-body The headers returned by the server with the HEAD method should be exactly the same as the headers returned with a GET request ... practice, POST is used with CGI programs that happen to interface with other resources like network services and command line programs In the future, POST may be directly interfaced with a wider variety ... are discussed later in this chapter The server responds as follows: The server replies with a status line with the following three fields: the HTTP version, a status code, and description of the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 3: Learning HTTP- P2 pdf
... handle with the Accept header and a server could now declare its entity-body's media type with the Content-type header This allowed the client to know what kind of data it was receiving and deal with ... request Either something was wrong with the document, or something was wrong with the request itself By far, the server status code that web users are most familiar with is 404 (Not Found), the code ... Range) Occasionally, the error might be with the server itself or, more commonly, with the CGI portion of the server CGI programmers are painfully familiar with the 500 (Internal Server Error) code,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P3
... displayed is directly associated with the element using the src attribute You can also use list-style-image, which is a CSS2 property used to associate an image with an element To this, you need ... groups are useful UI controls that present the user with a choice of options in XUL In HTML, radio choices are represented by the element with the type attribute set to the value of radio, ... connect the tree view to the front end This connection ensures that the correct tree is associated with the view getCellText (row,column) Returns the text of a particular cell, or an empty string...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P4
... "broadcasting" element That broadcasting element can be an actual or a regular element that broadcasts its state with special attributes A common example of broadcasting is the disabling of ... Table 3-3 Button types Type Usage Description Menu integrated into the Menu type= "menu" button with small arrow icon Menu appears distinct Dual Menu type= "menu-button" from the button, in separate ... contextsensitive help Taking one of the button types in Table 3-3 as a mini-case study, you could use a button with the type menu-button to display more than one option at a time The default orientation for...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P1
... connection associated with that socket on a specified remote host and port The server uses the accept( ) call to intercept the incoming connection and initiate communication with the client Now ... applications must associate these characteristics with a newly created socket For example, in the following line, the SH file handle is associated with the newly created socket PF_INET indicates ... assigns $! with an error message Use die( ) after connect( ) to stop the program and report any errors Writing Data to a Network Connection To write to the file handle associated with the open...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P2
... use strict; use Socket; # include Socket module require 'tcp.pl'; # file with Open_TCP routine require 'web.pl'; # file with parseURL routine use vars qw($opt_h $opt_H $opt_r $opt_d); use Getopt::Std; ... on to the web server you specify This allows you to things like HTML form postings with POST, or a file upload with PUT, and selectively look at the results At this point, it's really all up to ... use strict; use Socket; # include Socket module require 'tcp.pl'; # file with Open_TCP routine require 'web.pl'; # file with parseURL routine use vars qw($opt_h $opt_i $opt_l); use Getopt::Std;...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P6
... you would in a regular web page, but with the addition of the namespace you declared: Go to Help page When you use a page with code in your ... in a base file: When an overlay is read with the content below, the previous line is replaced with that content: Overlay files are XUL files with a xul extension The content within that file has to be contained in an element, which is the root...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15