... Program the 8051 for interrupt-based serial communication ♦ Define the interrupt priority of the 8051 ©2002 MuDer Jeng Six interrupts in the 8051 ©2002 MuDer Jeng Step in enabling an interrupt ©2002 ... Outlines ♦ Contrast and compare interrupts versus polling ♦ Explain the purpose of the ISR ♦ List the interrupts of the 8051 ♦ Explain the purpose of the interrupt vector table ... Jeng PROGRAMMING TIMER INTERRUPTS ©2002 MuDer Jeng Roll-over timer flag and interrupt JNB TF, target ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng Programming...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 09:20
... useful in determining the MMF caused by distributed windings Second, it will be used to determine how much flux links a winding Third, the winding function will be instrumental in calculating winding ... of the winding function using a continuous description of the winding In this case, instead of being a function of the tooth number, 66 Distributed Windings in ac Machinery the winding function ... 2.2-8. Winding arrangements (a) Concentric winding arrangement; (b) consequent pole winding arrangement; (c) lap winding arrangement; (d) wave winding arrangement 64 Distributed Windings in ac...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:45
Chapter 11 Advanced Topics in Windows Forms
... Windows users fall into two general categories: use the keyboard use the mouse Drag and drop: same as cutting and pasting using keyboard 11.1 Drag-Drop (P523) Sequence of events Dragging is initiated ... Drag-Drog in Treeview treeView1_ItemDrag treeView1_DragEnter treeView1_DragDrop treeview1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); treeview1.GetNodeAt(apoint); Clone node; } Xform Xcontrol Point_form(Xform,Yform) ... Chapter 12 Using User Assistance Controls and Components The ProgressBar Control Visually indicate progress for a timeconsuming operation Maximum, Minimum, Value, Step progressBar1.Minimum = 0;...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 12:19
... Jeng Finding values to be loaded into the timer Assuming XTAL =11.0592MHz from Example 9-10 1.Divide the desired time delay by 1.085μs 2.Perform 65536-n, where n is the decimal value we got in Step ... register ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng Mode programming 1.Loaded value into TL and TH 2.”SETB TR0” for timer ;”SETB TR1” for timer 3.If TF (timer flag) = ... ©2002 MuDer Jeng ©2002 MuDer Jeng Mode Like mode except that it is a 13-bit timer Mode Programming 1.Loaded value into TH (8-bit timer) 2.”SETB TR0” for timer ;”SETB TR1” for timer 3.If TF (timer...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 19:15
Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems - Chapter 11 docx
... linked to reproductive impacts in fish living downstream of outfalls.6–8 Since the initial link between trace contaminants (sub-µg/L) in wastewater effluents and ecological impacts in receiving ... chlorine were initially prepared in deionized (DI) water at 1200 mg/L Chlorine was dosed directly into 1-L bottles containing the source water Chlorine doses were determined based upon the chlorine ... Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems TABLE 11.6 Emerging Contaminants in U.S Drinking Water (n = 20) Compound DEET Atrazine Meprobamate Dilantin Ibuprofen Iopromide Caffeine...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Wastewater Purification: Aerobic Granulation in Sequencing Batch Reactors - Chapter 11 ppt
... (figure 11.11) These findings imply that the beta-linked PS are located mainly in the outer shell of the granule In fact, a similar distribution of beta-linked PS was also observed in anaerobic granules; ... indicating a limiting number of live bacteria in the core part of the aerobic granule Similar observation was also reported by Toh et al (2003) and McSwain et al.(2005) In the study by McSwain ... basically biodegradable In view of the total amount of PS determined in the aerobic granule, it appears that the alpha- or beta-linked PS may not be the dominate constitution of EPS in aerobic granules...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... on atomizing a solution containing the precursors A good conditioning of the aerosol is necessary to improve our strategy of reducing the defects that can profoundly affect the sintering The application ... short, thus resulting in information that is particularly useful in the case of amorphous materials The radial distribution functions around an excited atom are obtained by extracting5 the modulus ... cations in samples selected during zirconia synthesis by an atomization route An in situ structural approach is developed in association with zirconia (ZrO2) powder processing X-RAY ABSORPTION Interest...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Climate Change and Water Resources in South Asia - Chapter 11 (end) pdf
... occur due to a heavy rainfall in the neighboring hills and mountains in India as well as in Bangladesh The normal period of flash flooding is late April to early May Riverine floods are caused ... departments The forecasting and warning information is also available on the internet (www.ffwc.net) During the 1998 flood, forecasting and warning was found to be effective in reducing loss of lives ... mechanism in place in Bangladesh for drought forecasting Drought occurs for three main reasons: low residual soil moisture as a result of inadequate rainfall in the monsoon; low or no rainfall in summer...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Heavy Metals in the Environment: Using Wetlands for Their Removal - Chapter 11 ppt
... discounting/income capitalization formula is given in Appendix A11 METHODS The first step in valuing the work of the wetland in retaining lead was to quantify the amount of lead actually held in the ... Consulting Engineers Inc (1985) Values for unit processes are shown in Table 11.9 The sum of these processes were updated to present costs using the Engineering News-Record (ENR) Building Cost Index ... energy processing in the swamp in 1991 (line in Table 11.2) Remote sensing information from a previous study (Lynch, 1981) was used to estimate the energy flows and transformations in the local...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Radionuclide Concentrations in Foor and the Environment - Chapter 11 pot
... monitoring Addition to inventory Interim storage Security of facility during receipt and interim storage Preparation and use Transport to worksite User training Protective equipment Engineering ... PREEXPOSURE CONTROLS A guiding principle of radiation protection practice involves minimizing or preventing radiation exposure before laboratory work begins This could include consideration of ... waste containers This important training initiative generally results in lower radiation doses for new laboratory workers by minimizing the time around radiation sources and improving process...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
10 Minute Guide to Investing in Stocks Chapter 11 pptx
... goal when entering the investment arena, rather than depending on indefinite guidelines or, worse yet, jumping in and hoping for the best For example, during my first year as an investor, I made ... lowest inflation risk of any type of investment CAUTION The risk of inflation means that your investment will not maintain its initial purchasing power because it is not growing as fast as the inflation ... original amount you put into the investment Notice the qualifier "original amount." As a rule, if you lose all your profits and wind up back with the original amount you invested, for investing...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:20
MBA In A Day Chapter 11 doc
... According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), 74 percent of all projects fail The projects can fail from a processes standpoint (initiation, planning, executing, controlling, or closing), ... considered true, real, or certain during the planning process and that will be more rigorously examined in the risk analysis phase of project planning The scope planning phase includes the scope statement ... to the budgeting process The first thing to think about is the internal labor costs One of the biggest oversights that occur during the budgeting process is leaving out the cost of internal staff...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 22:20
... scarcely finished Applying himself, heart and soul to his work, the painter, Lebrun, covered with perspiration, stained with paint, pale from fatigue and inspiration, was putting the last finishing ... thirty million livres in the fountains of his gardens, in the crucibles of his sculptors, in the writing-desks of his literary friends, in the portfolios of his painters; vainly had he fancied ... moment for the artist; it was an unhappy one for M Percerin, who was walking behind Fouquet, and was engaged in admiring, in Lebrun’s painting, the suit that he had made for his Majesty,- a perfect...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 09:20
... capital gain Thus, an investor with high taxable income could be offered short-term pass-through tax losses with a nice long-term gain waiting in the wings In those days, long-term capital gain was ... donee’s investment income except in very large loans In the corporation/stockholder situation, the lender incurs interest income and has no compensating deduction as its deemed return of the interest ... a period of time during which it could earn him additional income with no offsetting expense In a sense, he would be receiving his salary in advance while not paying any income tax until he earned...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 13:20
Chapter 002. Global Issues in Medicine (Part 11) pps
... sobering to note that increasing obesity levels have not been successfully reversed in any population, including those of high-income countries with robust diet industries Nonetheless, in Mauritius, ... in developing countries Today, 80% of the world's 1.2 billion smokers live in low- and middle-income countries, and, while tobacco consumption is falling in most developed countries, it continues ... most developing countries have continued to take a passive approach to the control of smoking Environmental Health In a recent publication that examined how specific diseases and injuries are...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Chapter 003. Decision-Making in Clinical Medicine (Part 11) docx
... little or no supporting evidence and, thus, reflect the expert consensus of the guideline panel In part to protect against errors by individual panels, the final step in guideline construction is ... an ACE inhibitor Routine measurement and reporting of such quality indicators can produce selective improvements in quality, since many physicians prefer not to be outliers Conclusions In this ... [PMID: 12052127] Del Mar C et al: Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision Making Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 Grimes DA et al: Refining clinical diagnosis with likelihood ratios...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Research Techniques in Animal Ecology - Chapter 11 pps
... to classify land in homogeneous categories In other words, species-specific habitat mapping is increasingly incorporating independent environmental databases processed using information on the ... Sensing 54: 1415–1421 Modeling Species Distribution with GIS Skidmore, A K and B J Turner 1992 Assessing map accuracy using line intersect sampling Photographic Engineering and Remote Sensing ... terrain model Photographic Engineering and Remote Sensing 55: 1449–1464 Skidmore, A K 1989b Unsupervised training area selection in forests using a nonparametric distance measure and spatial information...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 11 ppt
... #include #include using namespace std; int main() { float x, y; cout > y; cout
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21
Chapter 11 - Threading in C# pps
... threadContext) { int threadIndex = (int)threadContext; Console.WriteLine("thread {0} started ", threadIndex); _fibOfN = Calculate(_n); Console.WriteLine("thread {0} result calculated ", threadIndex); ... Synchronizing Work Between Threads 11.3 Using ThreadPool Microsoft 11.1 Threading in C# and NET By default, a C# program has one thread This thread executes the code in the program starting and ... • In server applications to fulfill incoming requests without waiting • Microsoft for the previous request to be completed To perform "background" tasks in desktop applications so that the main...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 09:20