... of Combined models should be appropriately expanded, not just presented with the AHP and DEA hybrid models 4 Fuzzy Models in Supplier Assessment and Selection Supplier assessment and selection ... Methods for supplier assessment and selection, individual and integrated approaches (extended by authors based on [18]) The developed and proposed model for – Methods for supplier assessment and ... fuzzy set theory (10%) and analytical network processes (ANP) (5%) Summarized, Existing analytical methods for decision models in supplier assessment and selection, are based on: 1) Single models:
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2022, 15:02
... study on Structural Change and Patterns of Development was to investigate and understand the relationship between changes in the economic structure of developing countries and the patterns of ... capital and facilitating structural transformation for sustained economic growth Understanding Development Dynamics: The study deepened the understanding of how economies evolve over time and shed ... Trang 1FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYHO CHI MINH CITY CAMPUS -*** -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MID-TERM REPORT Major: International Business Economics STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT THEORY AND
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2024, 20:04
Mathematical theory and numerical methods for boseeinstein condensation
... and geometric optics Mathematical theory and numerical methods for dipolar BEC 8.1 GPE with dipole-dipole interaction 8.2 Dimension reduction 8.3 Theory for ground states 8.4 Well-posedness for ... confinement: Formal asymptotics and numerical experiments, Math Models Meth Appl Sci., 15 (2005), 767–782 [39] W Bao, L Pareschi and P A Markowich, Quantum kinetic theory: modeling and numerics for Bose-Einstein ... different λ, and Fig 9.3 depicts similar results when β = 100 and λ = 0, −5 for different δ 10 Perspectives and challenges So far, we have introduced mathematical results and numerical methods for ground
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2017, 14:46
The theory and the practice of translation eugene a nida
... più possibile i libri, approfittando delle enormi possibilità che ci offrono al momento attuale internet e le nuove tecnologie, appropriandocene, liberandole e liberandoci dai limiti imposti dal ... multinazionali e grandi gruppi economici, che pur di tutelare i loro guadagni sono disposti a privatizzare le idee, a impedire l’accesso alla ricerca e a qualsiasi contenuto, tagliando fuori dalla ... Libreremo Questo libro è il frutto di un percorso di lotta per l’accesso alle conoscenze e alla formazione promosso dal CSOA Terra Terra, CSOA Officina 99, Get Up Kids!, Neapolis Hacklab Questo
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2018, 16:13
Addressing Inquiries about History An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Opendomain Chatbot Consistency
... - ĐHQGHN KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Addressing Inquiries about History: An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Open-domain Chatbot Consistency BÁO CÁO MÔN KHAI PHÁ DỮ LIỆU Ngành: Công ... báo nhóm em giao phân tích có tên “Addressing Inquiries about History: An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Open-domain Chatbot Consistency” , công bố Hội nghị Quản lý thông tin ... Giới thiệu tác giả Theo công bố báo“Addressing Inquiries about History: An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Open-domain Chatbot Consistency”, nghiên cứu liên quan thực tác giả,
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2022, 11:54
Covid 19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity mindsponge 3d knowledge management theory and conceptual framework
... knowledge management and production processes Informed consent Informed consent is not available for this type of study Additional information Correspondence and requests for materials should ... administration, and distribution of modified vaccines and vaccination campaigns S Information processes throughout the Covid-19 pandemic The 3D creativity management theory is a conceptual framework ... containment and mitigation strategies was a significant challenge for governments worldwide Therefore, governments had to monitor, control, and manage the multiplex and tremendous amount of information
Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2022, 11:04
Institutional Innovations to Improve the Viability of Equity Sharing Review of Literature and Conceptual Framework for BASIS CRSP research
... Literature and Conceptual Framework for BASIS CRSP1 research by Michael Roth and Mike Lyne September 2003 Subset of Land Reform Central Asia and Southern Africa are undergoing political and economic ... transition, the former from state and collective farm ownership to private groups and individuals, and the latter to redress the apartheid and colonial heritage of a racially biased and unequal landownership ... right to manage land and have the right to inherit land granted by the state for the purpose of living on it and using it These reforms proved very popular In places where the land was still farmed
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 19:10
A Design and Research Framework for Learning Experience
... improving outcomes and effectiveness and effecting social change – goals very much in line with efforts to understand learning experience in real environments Activity theory is an existing framework ... Experience A Design and Research Framework for Learning Experience Introduction Recent literature in a variety of design fields has called for a shift in focus from products and usability, and from effectiveness ... school and healthcare reforms have gained efficiencies and accountability; in other respects they have reduced the role of professional judgment and concern for the broader experience of students and
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 03:10
evolving the theory and praxis of knowledge translation through social interaction a social phenomenological study
... and its implications for practice; identifying opportunities for change; using the evidence and personal knowledge of their work and context to formulate strategies for change; implementing and ... them to mutually confront barriers and optimize facilitators, and to integrate real and perceived responsibilities and accountabilities for science push and demand pull through social interaction ... praxis of structuration theory Applying structuration theory to the theoretical understanding of KT afforded by the PARiSH framework adds 'how to' to the 'what' of KT theory and praxis The PAKT model
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 09:23
algorithms and a framework for indoor robot mapping in a noisy environment using clustering in spatial and hough domains
... Emaru and Yukinori Kobayashi: the inrobot changes using it’s Clustering direction (i.e., a change in θ), Algorithms and a Framework for Indoor Robot Mapping a Noisy Environment in Spatial andfor ... end for end if end for end for / ∗ Find Max V (ρi , θi ) ∗ / Tρ,θ ← for ∀ρi ∈ Vi for ∀θi ∈ Vi if Tρ,θ < Vρi ,θi then Tρ,θ ← Vρi ,θi ; end if end for end for / ∗ Extract line f rom Tρ,θ ∗ / for ... scanned point and a corresponding line technique [? ] for the data without line the robot changes it’s direction (i.e., for a change in θ), sinsegmenting Dfa extractionDfor = itsrrobustness and speed
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2022, 15:03
Climate change impacts and adaptation options for the greek agriculture in 2021 2050: a monetary assessment
... allows for a comprehensive simulation and assessment of the impact of climate variability and climate change on crop growth and yield, and for the assessment of potential adaptation options For ... duration for each year of the climatic periods examined 3.2 Crop modelling for impact assessment For the assessment of climate change impacts on crops, agronomic simulation models and regression models ... climatic models For some crops (cereals, vegetables, pulses, grapevines), changes in future agricultural yields are assessed by means of agronomic simulation models, while for the rest crops changes
Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:42
(TIỂU LUẬN) addressing inquiries about history an efficient and practical framework for evaluating open domain chatbot consistency
... - ĐHQGHN KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Addressing Inquiries about History: An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Open-domain Chatbot Consistency BÁO CÁO MÔN KHAI PHÁ DỮ LIỆU Ngành: Công ... báo nhóm em giao phân tích có tên “Addressing Inquiries about History: An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Open-domain Chatbot Consistency ” , công bố Hội nghị Quản lý thông tin ... Giới thiệu tác giả Theo công bố báo“Addressing Inquiries about History: An Efficient and Practical Framework for Evaluating Open-domain Chatbot Consistency”, nghiên cứu liên quan thực tác giả,
Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2022, 13:58
The Translation of Hospital Management Models in European Health Systems: A Framework for Comparison
... the former, editing rules will be far more prescriptive in specifying new management models for hospitals, offering actors at the policy and local level far less room for interpretation and translation ... (Veronesi and Keasey, 2012) The command and control structure of the NHS (with professionals directly employed) has also made it easier for governments to legislate and enforce these changes, ... this model before legislation was introduced (Harrison and Pollitt, 1994) However, a more important driver for change has been top-down regulatory demands from governments responsible for the bulk
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2019, 17:07
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Rainfed Farming Systems: A Modeling Framework for Scaling-Out Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
... climate change, as inputs to many recent climate change vulnerability and impact assessments For the assessment of climate change impact on agricultural productivity and yield, several models ... relationships and deficit irrigation, Ky values of 1.25 for Maize, 0.9 for Sorghum and 0.95 for Sunflower were adopted from [36] 4.3 Risk, Resilience and Reliability of Rainfed Agriculture To understand ... for high vigilance in developing and preserving the raw materials for food production, specifically through land and water management [2] Faced with imperatives of increased food production and
Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 16:20
Towards an uncertainty reduction framework for land-cover change prediction using possibility theory
... the land-cover maps for years 2006 and 2011 and the predicted land-cover map for 2025 racy and the performance of the proposed approach Second, the process of LCC is conducted to predict land-cover ... land-cover maps for years 1987 and 2014 and the predicted land-cover map for 2025 Table Comparaison between real changes and changes prediction for the proposed approach and the proposed approach ... of change of the five landcover types (water, urban, bare soil, forest, and non-dense vegetation) It shows the difference between real changes, predicted changes of the proposed approach, and changes
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2020, 02:32
Information Technology (IT) Security Essential Body of Knowledge (EBK): A Competency and Functional Framework for IT Security Workforce Development ppt
... of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards, the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) role-based training standards, and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, ... skills, and abilities to perform forensic activities Validate the effectiveness of the analysis and reporting process, and implement changes where appropriate Review and recommend standard validated ... procedures for performing incident handling and reporting Create incident response exercises and penetration testing activities Develop specific processes for collecting and protecting forensic...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Products of all elements in a loop and a framework for non-associative analogues of the Hall-Paige conjecture" potx
... squares, we provide references for any non-trivial results that we employ For standard references on latin squares consult D´nes and Keedwell [7, 9] and for loops Bruck [2] and Pflugfelder [16] e the ... Q′ } and therefore aQ′ = b|Q | Q′ Since aQ′ = Q′ and b2 ∈ Q′ , it follows that aQ′ = bQ′ and |Q′ | is odd Since P (G) = {1Q′ }, by Lemmas 6.1 and 6.2 there is N G such that |N| is odd and G/N ... I thank Michael Kinyon and Petr Vojtˇchovsk´ for their helpful conversations regarde y ing this material and Anthony Evans and Ian Wanless for sharing several articles and preprints related to...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21
Báo cáo y học: "Evolving the theory and praxis of knowledge translation through social interaction: a social phenomenological study" doc
... and its implications for practice; identifying opportunities for change; using the evidence and personal knowledge of their work and context to formulate strategies for change; implementing and ... them to mutually confront barriers and optimize facilitators, and to integrate real and perceived responsibilities and accountabilities for science push and demand pull through social interaction ... praxis of structuration theory Applying structuration theory to the theoretical understanding of KT afforded by the PARiSH framework adds 'how to' to the 'what' of KT theory and praxis The PAKT model...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
Mathematical theory and numerical methods for gross pitaevskii equations and applications
... proving uniform convergence rates for CNFD and SIFD, independent of the perturbation We overcome the difficulties and obtain uniform error bounds for both CNFD and SIFD, in one, two and three dimensions ... step τ and mesh size h for ill-prepared and well-prepared initial data, respectively, for both CNFD and SIFD in the l2 -norm and discrete semi-H norm In addition, our error bounds are valid for ... results for ground states and dynamics 20 Proof: Follow the analogous proof for a BEC without dipolar interaction [117] and we omit the details here for brevity 2.2.2 Analytical results for dynamics...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54