chức năng định vị toàn cầu của iphone

Cách phân biệt iphone 4s nhái và iphone 4s hàng xịn

Cách phân biệt iphone 4s nhái và iphone 4s hàng xịn

... Cách phân biệt iPhone 4s nhái và iPhone 4s hàng xịn, Phân biệt iPhone 4s chính hãng và hàng dựng Cách phân biệt iphone hàng dựng và iphone hàng xịn, Cách phân biệt iPhone 4s hàng xịn với ... với iPhone 4 thật, không cần ghi chú bạn cũng có thể nhận ra. Cách phân biệt iPhone 4 nhái và iPhone 4 hàng xịn, Phân biệt iPhone 4 chính hãng và hàng dựng Cách phân biệt iphone hàng dựng và iphone ... iPhone chính hãng Apple Cách phân biệt iphone hàng dựng và iphone hàng xịn, Cách phân biệt iPhone 4 hàng xịn với hàng nhái, Cách phân biệt iphone hàng dựng và iphone chính hãng: Tuy không giống

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 08:43

19 752 0
Learn the Coding Secrets of Master iPhone Designers and Developers iPhone Cool Projects potx

Learn the Coding Secrets of Master iPhone Designers and Developers iPhone Cool Projects potx

... Learn the Coding Secrets of Master iPhone Designers and Developers iPhone Cool Projects Gary Bennett | Wolfgang Ante | Mike Ash | Benjamin Jackson ... WOLFGANG ANTE MIKE ASH BENJAMIN JACKSON NEIL MIX STEVEN PETERSON MATTHEW “CANIS” ROSENFELD iPhone Cool Projects iPhone Cool Projects Copyright © 2009 by Gary Bennett, Wolfgang Ante, Mike Ash, Benjamin ... delayed to... covering the daunting but important task of multithreading The CPUs in the iPhone and iPod touch won’t be mistaken for those of the Mac Pro, but they pack enough power

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 08:20

234 346 0
beginning iphone 3 development exploring the iphone sdk phần 3 doc

beginning iphone 3 development exploring the iphone sdk phần 3 doc

... rotates the iPhone from portrait to landscape or vice versa. You’re probably well aware that many iPhone appli- cations change their displays based on the way the user is holding the iPhone, and ... can’t get to the tem- plate images that are used in other applications on your iPhone or the ones used by the iPhone OS, so you have to make sure that any images you need are in your application’s ... provided a bunch for you. You can get them from the iPhone sample application called UICatalog, available at: /iphone/ library/samplecode/UICatalog/index.html Alternatively,

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

58 435 0
beginning iphone 3 development exploring the iphone sdk phần 7 pdf

beginning iphone 3 development exploring the iphone sdk phần 7 pdf

... different spot on your iPhone or iPod touch, but it’s always available. Figure 10-2. The Settings application The Settings application acts as a common user interface for the iPhone? ??s User Defaults ... show you to how to collect preferences from the user right in your application and store those in iPhone? ??s User Defaults. The AppSettings Application We’re going to build a simple application in ... from the File menu. When the new project assistant comes up, select Application from under the iPhone heading in the left pane, and then click the Utility Application icon before clicking the

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

58 440 0
beginning iphone 3 development exploring the iphone sdk phần 9 pot

beginning iphone 3 development exploring the iphone sdk phần 9 pot

... interact with the iPhone? ??s multitouch screen and contain information about the touch or touches that occurred. The term touch, obviously, refers to a finger being placed on the iPhone? ??s screen. ... they aren’t too close to each other, iPhone can recognize and track them all. Now, there aren’t many useful five-finger gestures, but it’s nice to know the iPhone can handle one if it needs to. ... of the available multitouch functionality unless you run them on an iPhone or iPod Touch. If you’ve been accepted into the iPhone Developer Program, you have the ability to run the programs

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

58 502 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 1 ppsx

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 1 ppsx

... iPhone SDK Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touch Maher Ali, PhD Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Publication iPhone SDK Programming iPhone ... Publication iPhone SDK Programming iPhone SDK Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touch Maher Ali, PhD Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Publication ... affiliates in the United States and/or other countries, and may not be used without written permission iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc All other trademarks are the property of their

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 280 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 2 potx

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 2 potx

... 4 Anatomy of an iPhone Application This chapter discusses the basic steps needed to build a simple iPhone application Section 4.1 demonstrates the basic structure of a simple iPhone application ... Interface Builder This will Anatomy of an iPhone Application Figure 4.1 Choosing a template for a new project Figure 4.2 Naming a new project 109 110 iPhone SDK 3 Programming Figure 4.3 The Groups ... in the previous section Anatomy of an iPhone Application Figure 4.4 Choosing a template for a new file Figure 4.5 Naming the new UIView subclass 111 112 iPhone SDK 3 Programming Figure 4.6 The

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 286 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 3 pdf

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 3 pdf

... [[[myDatePicker date] description] cString]); } } 170 iPhone SDK 3 Programming 6.9 Summary In this chapter, we covered the topic of controls in the iPhone OS We started by presenting the base class ... chapter, you learn about the available view controllers that are provided in the iPhone SDK Although you can build iPhone applications without the use of these view controllers, you shouldn’t As ... UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait indicates that the iPhone is in portrait orientation where the home button is on the bottom • UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown indicates that the iPhone is in portrait orientation

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 246 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 4 doc

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 4 doc

... Below, we show the code generated for the search term "iPhone" : document.getElementById(’anchor’).href= " =iPhone" ; We also update the innerHTML as shown in the example ... important and widely used graphical user interface object in the iPhone OS Understanding table views is essential to writing iPhone applications Fortunately, programming table views could not ... process of being moved to the first position Figure 7.8 shows the state just after the move 186 iPhone SDK 3 Programming Figure 7.9 The state of the tab bar after moving the R&R item to the beginning

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 289 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 5 ppsx

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 5 ppsx

... on the simulator: /Users/ali/Library/ Application Support /iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/ F9CC3A49-997D-4523-9AFA-B553B5AE41EA 306 iPhone SDK 3 Programming On the device, it is: /var/mobile/Applications/F1C43BD0-1AB4-494B-B462-5A7315813D1A ... /Users/ali/Library/Application Support/ iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/ BCE1C2BE-FAF0-47C2-A689-C20F630604E2/ tmp/directory created successfully! Directory /Users/ali/Library/Application Support/ iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/ ... alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"simpsons"] autorelease]; 254 iPhone SDK 3 Programming Figure 9.1 Available cell styles The row styles from top to bottom are

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 290 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 8 ppsx

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 8 ppsx

... numbers "]; [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1]; if([progress isCancelled]){ self.progress = nil; 456 iPhone SDK Programming return; } [self updateUIWithProgress:0.8 andMessage:@"Almost done!"]; [NSThread ... 17.5 addresses the topic of push notification Section 17.6 discusses sending email from within your iPhone application Finally, Section 17.7 summarizes the chapter 17.1 Determining Network Connectivity ... determine network connectivity in general Listing 17.1 shows the declaration of the category 460 iPhone SDK Programming Listing 17.1 A category on UIDevice for network connectivity @interface UIDevice

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 213 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 2 ppsx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 2 ppsx

... debugging it once it’s running ƒƒ The iPhone Simulator lets you test your application on your Mac without needing a real device getting started Match each iPhone development item to its description ... Item Description IBOutlet A typical iPhone plan that is different from most other mobile phones Functions of Xcode Xcode, Instruments, Interface Builder, and the iPhone Simulator Unlimited data usage ... are here 4   31 who does what solution SOlUTion Match each iPhone development item to its description Item Description IBOutlet A typical iPhone plan that is different from most other mobile phones

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 366 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 3 potx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 3 potx

... and I don’t actually have to talk out loud about my feelings At all Ever 82   Chapter iPhone app patterns iPhonecross Puzzle Untitled Header Info Header Info etc Flex your vocab skills with this ... app is this? What are the main concerns in the HIG about this app type? 84   Chapter iPhone app patterns iPhonecross Solution Untitled Puzzle Header Info Header Info etc Flex your vocab skills ... it's a This is sent between objects _ management is important for iPhone apps 128   Chapter objective-c for iPhone Your Objective-C Toolbox CHAPTER You’ve got Chapter under your belt

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 464 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 4 doc

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 4 doc

... then Most iPhone apps have more than one view. We’ve written a cool app with one view, but anyone who’s used an iPhone knows that most apps aren’t like that Some of the more impressive iPhone apps ... anything beyond the initial table view Q: What built in apps on iPhone use the Navigation control? A: Contacts and Mail, which are both core iPhone apps, use this design It’s a good idea to get into ... Navigation title bars Table view Labels Keyboard UIScrollView you are here 4  133 sam needs two views iPhone UI Design Magnets Solution Using the components shown below, lay out the two views we’ll

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 400 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 5 docx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 5 docx

... CSI iPhone Use the debugger to investigate the crash We can reliably get DrinkMixer to crash, and it doesn’t seem to be our plist loading code Xcode has suspended our application right before iPhoneOS ... from another bartender and want to put it in my app To be continued you are here 4   235 iPhonedevcross iPhoneDevcross Untitled Puzzle Using all the stuff you’ve learned about how to work with ... force the user to interact with them before they can be dismissed you are here 4   237 iPhonedevcross solution iPhoneDevcross Solution Untitled Puzzle C C O O E I N S T A N T N O T N E A V I G A

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 365 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 6 ppsx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 6 ppsx

... We need to tell the sc with has less space to work  iPhone tells you about the keyboard, but doesn’t tinker with your views Just because iPhone knows that the keyboard is there, it doesn’t know ... sorting—to make it more useful for everyone In this chapter we’ll take a look at editing patterns in iPhone apps and how to guide users with the nav controller this is a new chapter   239 sam’s new ... with InstaTwit When Sam taps on a control, it gets focus (becomes the first responder) and asks iPhoneOS to show the keyboard Generally, that’s a good thing However When S Drink naam taps in

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 430 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 7 ppsx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 7 ppsx

... with them is that in order to be atomic, the iPhone has to read and write the whole file whenever something changes They’re not used too often on the iPhone The in-memory persistence store is a ... displayed in the view [SCROLLVIEW] 300   Chapter saving, editing, and sorting data CHAPTER Your iPhone Development Toolbox You’ve got Chapter under your belt and now you’ve added saving, editing, ... to your toolbox For a complete list of tooltips in the book, go to Scroll View Acts like a lens to show only the part of the view you need and scrolls the

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 452 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 9 potx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 9 potx

... for the iPhone or iPod Touch You may not use the same item more than once, and you won’t need to use all the items listed Your goal is to make a complete list of the functionality for the iPhone ... for the iPhone or iPod Touch You may not use the same item more than once, and you won’t need to use all the items listed Your goal is to make a complete list of the functionality for iPhone and ... that it can work on all devices that can run apps, which for now includes the iPod Touch and the iPhone Part of the approval process for apps is that they are checked for compatibility with the

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 449 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 10 pps

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 10 pps

... availability of, iPhone differences from iPod Touch, 448–451 differences from Simulator, 17 models of, differences between, testing apps on, 17, 504–506 iPhone Application Programming Guide, 44 iPhone ... the first generation iPhone didn’t have GPS, and neither does the iPod Touch That doesn’t mean that you’re out of options There area actually three ways available for the iPhone to determine your ... nitty gritty of the full process—for that you need to be a member of the iPhone Development Program and pay the $99 fee The iPhone the Xcode Development Guide in more good documentation has so can

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

63 354 0
iphone hacks pushing the iphone and ipod touch beyond their limits phần 2 doc

iphone hacks pushing the iphone and ipod touch beyond their limits phần 2 doc

... their blog at http://blog iphone- (Figure 2- 25) Figure 2- 24 iPhone Dev Team Portal 50 iphone hacks Download at Boykma.Com HACK # 2. 06 Figure 2- 25 iPhone Dev Team Blog Hackint0sh ... iPhone can connect to the many free mail servers, saving files and URLs is easier than it seems 58 iphone hacks Download at Boykma.Com HACK # 3.01 iPhone Email Support The iPhone ... is (Figure 2- 28), started and maintained by GeoHot (George Hotz), who was first to unlock an iPhone and who continues to make major breakthroughs on iPhone hacking

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

48 722 0