certificate amended type certificate and service bulletin

Marketing plan for certificate authority service of Viettel Telecom = Kế hoạch Marketing cho dịch vụ chứng thực chữ ký số của công ty viễn thông Viettel

Marketing plan for certificate authority service of Viettel Telecom = Kế hoạch Marketing cho dịch vụ chứng thực chữ ký số của công ty viễn thông Viettel

... of Certificate Authority service and current marketing activities of Viettel for Viettel – CA service, and then built the marketing plan for this service Scope The thesis concentrates on the Certificate ... Marketing: Promoting and selling your services online People People are the most important element of any service or experience Services tend to be produced and consumed at the same moment, and aspects ... order - Customer Service Many products, services and experiences are supported by customer services teams Customer services provided expertise (e.g on the selection of financial services), technical...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 15:13

103 2,4K 12


... Installation Services Commissioning and Integration Provisioning Decommissioning and Removals MAINTENANCE SERVICES • • • • • • • • • Program and Project Management Service Call Center and Dispatch ... multitechnology, multiservice solutions makes ADC the ideal choice for projects that require an in-depth, hands-on understanding of simple to complex network environments PLANNING SERVICES • Program and Project ... • Network and Inventory Audit • Engineering DEPLOYMENT SERVICES • • • • • • • • • Program and Project Management Engineering Material Services Preconfigured Equipment Solutions Power Services...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15

2 344 0
iec 60439-1 low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - type-tested and partially ty

iec 60439-1 low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - type-tested and partially ty

... SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR ASSEMBLIES Part 1: Type- tested and partially type- tested assemblies General 1.1 Scope and object This International Standard applies to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear ... SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR ASSEMBLIES Part 1: Type- tested and partially type- tested assemblies FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization ... operation and maintenance 49 Service conditions 51 6.1 Normal service conditions 51 6.2 Special service conditions 55 6.3 Conditions during transport, storage and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 11:00

212 889 10
Tài liệu PTSD in Women Returning From Combat: Future Directions in Research and Service Delivery doc

Tài liệu PTSD in Women Returning From Combat: Future Directions in Research and Service Delivery doc

... health disorders The language and attitudes of commanders can significantly impact a service member’s willingness to seek and comply with mental health treatment Service members need to be able to believe that getting mental health care won’t  ... depression, sleep disturbances, increased use of tobacco and alcohol, and increased family violence and conflict A 2004 study found that returning OIF/OEF service members were significantly more likely ... as these can contribute to, compound, and/ or complicate the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD in women Prevention and Treatment of PTSD in Theater When a service member or contractor is diagnosed...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

16 448 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: TMPRSS13, a type II transmembrane serine protease, is inhibited by hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 1 and activates pro-hepatocyte growth factor pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: TMPRSS13, a type II transmembrane serine protease, is inhibited by hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 1 and activates pro-hepatocyte growth factor pdf

... Kunitz -type serine protease inhibitor J Biol Chem 272, 6370–6376 Lin C-Y, Anders J, Johnson M & Dickson RB (1999) Purification and characterization of a complex containing matriptase and a Kunitz -type ... infection and multiplication of the HPAI virus were detected in the transfected cells [13] MSPL and TMPRSS13 are expressed in a variety of tissues, and predominantly in lung, placenta, pancreas and ... conditions and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue The incubation generated two main bands of  60 and 32 kDa (Fig 4A) The sizes corresponded 4892 Fig Proteolytic conversion of pro-HGF by TMPRSS13 and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 01:20

13 641 0


... The Order-preserving Type- raising Rule: X ~ TI(TIX) (T) The implications of the present formalism for the type- raising rules are less obvious Type raising rules are unary, and probably lexical, ... REFERENCES [1] Curry, I-Iaskell and Robert Feys: 1958, Combinatory Logic, North Holland, Amsterdam [2] Dowry, David: 1988, Type raising, functional composition, and non-constituent coordination, ... Grammar, Unification Grammar, and Parsing [9] Zeevat, Henk: 1988, 'Combining Categorial Grammar and Unification', in U Reyle and C Rohrer (eds.), Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20

8 386 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: ADVOCACY FOR MENTAL HEALTH ppt

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: ADVOCACY FOR MENTAL HEALTH ppt

... of the Governments of Australia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Social Responsibility, ... Planning and Budgeting to Deliver Services for Mental Health Legislation and human rights Mental Health Context Research and evaluation Financing Child and adolescent mental health Organization of Services ... development, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of services Counselling, mediating and defending other consumers and families through service utilization and treatment decision processes Developing...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20

67 731 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: THE MENTAL HEALTH CONTEXT pdf

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: THE MENTAL HEALTH CONTEXT pdf

... of the Governments of Australia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Social Responsibility, ... health service by means of the standards document and accreditation procedures - Step 5: Integrate quality improvement into service management and service delivery - Step 6: Reform or improve services ... Planning and Budgeting to Deliver Services for Mental Health Legislation and human rights Mental Health Context Research and evaluation Financing Child and adolescent mental health Organization of Services...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20

58 671 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: MENTAL HEALTH FINANCING docx

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: MENTAL HEALTH FINANCING docx

... of the Governments of Australia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Social Responsibility, ... different service populations and different services Ultimately, two perspectives have to be related, viz how the money flows and how and where consumers gain access to services An understanding ... Planning and Budgeting to Deliver Services for Mental Health Legislation and human rights Mental Health Context Research and evaluation Financing Child and adolescent mental health Organization of Services...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20

76 473 0
2013 DAILY RATES UPS Rate and SeRvice GUide pdf

2013 DAILY RATES UPS Rate and SeRvice GUide pdf

... Less-Than-Truckload Offering Description Trade Show Services –  ast and reliable day-definite standard package and freight service F –  ee-based and no fee guaranteed services apply for shipments destined ... contractual service domestically within and between all 50 states and Puerto Rico, and inter­ ationally within n or between defined service areas Setting Up Service for Hazardous Materials and Dangerous ... Ground Service only Service Restrictions   17 Choosing a Service Service Restrictions AIR FREIGHT For more information and additional service restrictions, refer to the “UPS Air Freight Terms and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

188 2,8K 0
2012–2013 Information and Registration - BULLETIN docx

2012–2013 Information and Registration - BULLETIN docx

... supplies the Service and the Score Data AS IS and with all faults All disclaimers, damage and remedy exclusions, and limitations and other provisions of the TOEFL Documents apply to the OSVS and the ... TOEFL Disability Services (see page 4) Also contact TOEFL Disability Services to request large-print versions of the Bulletin and Supplement Screen-reader versions of the Bulletin and Supplement ... policies and procedures explained in this Bulletin are effective only for the 2012-13 testing year and supersede previous policies and procedures The fees, terms and conditions in this Bulletin...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

27 477 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Differential interactions of decorin and decorin mutants with type I and type VI collagens pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Differential interactions of decorin and decorin mutants with type I and type VI collagens pptx

... wild -type decorin and decorin mutants with type I and type VI collagen and, for the first time, we analysed the formation of triple complexes consisting of type VI collagen, decorin and type I ... cells WT, Wild -type Type I collagen binding Type Type Type Type Fig Surface plasmon resonance measurement of immobilized pepsin digested type VI collagen (A) Interaction with wild -type decorin ... E180Q and DCN E180K bind to type I and to type VI collagen Ó FEBS 2004 Decorin interacting with type I and VI collagen (Eur J Biochem 271) 3395 Table Type VI collagen was digested with pepsin and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

10 458 0
Reproductive intentions and choices among HIV-infected individuals in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons for reproductive policy and service provision from a qualitative study ppt

Reproductive intentions and choices among HIV-infected individuals in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons for reproductive policy and service provision from a qualitative study ppt

... Clients’ knowledge and experience of reproductive health and HIV prevention and treatment services Contraception and barrier methods of infection prevention Men had little knowledge of services for ... health, STI services, HIV treatment, and TB and child health services This might reduce the stigma associated with clinics that previously only provided services for HIV-positive clients, and may ... policy, health service, and research recommendations: POLICY • There is a need for specific and overt policy that can help to ensure reproductive choice and improved access to contraception and other...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

6 553 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION & HUMAN RIGHTS potx

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION & HUMAN RIGHTS potx

... of the Governments of Australia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Social Responsibility, ... Planning and Budgeting to Deliver Services for Mental Health Legislation and human rights Mental Health Context Research and evaluation Financing Child and adolescent mental health Organization of Services ... rights to: equality and non-discrimination; dignity and respect; privacy and individual autonomy; and information and participation Mental health legislation is a tool for codifying and consolidating...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

63 820 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: MENTAL HEALTH POLICY, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES pot

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: MENTAL HEALTH POLICY, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES pot

... community-based service; a comprehensive, integrated service; a performance-driven service; an affordable service; adequate resources and decision-making power for those who plan and manage mental health services; ... Human Resources and Training for Mental Health Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research and Evaluation of Mental Health Policy and Services Workplace Mental Health Policies and Programmes Who ... strategies and time frames based on research and information collected Set indicators and targets Determine the major activities and how and by whom these will be implemented Determine the costs and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

122 329 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: ORGANIZATION OF SERVICES FOR MENTAL HEALTH pdf

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: ORGANIZATION OF SERVICES FOR MENTAL HEALTH pdf

... of the Governments of Australia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Social Responsibility, ... supervised services, home help and support services, and community-based services for special populations such as trauma victims, children, adolescents and the elderly Community mental health services ... detection and treatment of mental disorders in primary care settings; the competing needs and demands of general psychiatric services and specialist services - Secondly, more expensive specialist services...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

86 581 0


... budgeting to deliver services for mental health (Mental health policy and service guidance package) Mental health services - organization and administration Health services needs and demand Financial ... hospital and community services, and the balance between clinical services, clinical support services and non-clinical support services Task Evaluation > The final step in planning and budgeting ... of the Governments of Australia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Social Responsibility,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

123 414 0
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FOR MENTAL HEALTH potx

Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FOR MENTAL HEALTH potx

... and organizations of people with mental disorders and family members These organizations demand quality and excellence and monitor whether practice and implementation are of a high standard and ... (QA) involves the development of a set of service standards, and the comparison of current services with the established standards If standards are met, services are thought to be of adequate quality ... interactions of the service delivering system with the person with a mental disorder (e.g., types and amounts of service, medication types and amounts, hospitalizations) and outcomes quality...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

88 336 0
Environmental Technology and Service Opportunities In the Baja California Peninsula ppt

Environmental Technology and Service Opportunities In the Baja California Peninsula ppt

... regulations and standards and to collect water usage fines and fees from municipalities Currently only percent of all water regulations and standards are enforced To conserve existing watersheds and ... expansion and management (construction of potable water and sewage systems), and water desalination plants (both in construction and managing) There is a strong demand for equipment and technology ... in August 2002 and construction should begin toward the end of the year Page 18 Environmental Technology and Service Opportunities In the Baja California Peninsula Tecate water and wastewater...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

13 354 0