... continuous monitoring We strongly advocate further development of software aimed at capturing the frequency distribution of measured values during continuous monitoring and further research into the best ... of detail in the extended version The coding of these versions is such that more detailed coding can be collapsed into the basic version, thus facilitating comparison across studies The draft recommendations ... essential to facilitate sharing of results and to analyze data across studies Initial steps undertaken by the IMPACT study group towards development of standardization were integrated in the US into...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 19:20
the book of css3 - a developer's guide to the future of web design - by peter gasston
... border-box means the stated width value is the total width of the content, the padding, and the border—in other words, the entire box (without the margin) To illustrate this, let’s return to the previous ... new attribute selectors and one new combinator—that is, a selector that joins other selectors together, such as the child combinator (>) from CSS2 These are defined in the Selectors Level Module ... describes the width of the device that is rendering the page When dealing with web pages, the device width is the width of the screen that’s displaying the page rather than the width of the browser...
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 09:09