... The else Clause r q Example: The Form of an if Statement Example: Using the if Statement in a Program The switch Statement r Example: Using the break Statement Correctly r Example: Using the ... supply the arguments required by the method These arguments are based on the coordinates at which you want to draw the shape For example, the following code example draws a straight line ... 200, 230}; int numPts... surrounded by parentheses You follow the parentheses with the statement that you want executed if the logical expression is true For example, look at this if statement:
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
... source is a string Example: Reading a File There are many ways to read files using Java' s I/O classes The most basic, however, is to read a file byte -by- byte Suppose, for example, you wanted ... Wrappers❍ Example: Using the Data-Type Wrappers❍ The System Class❍ Example: Getting System Properties❍ The Math Class❍ The String Class❍ Example: Using the String Class❍ ● The io Package Example: ... program run by using the -classpath option, like this: java -classpath path FileName In the preceding line, path is the path you want to include, each separated by a semicolon. For example, assuming
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 9 ppt
... Applications q The Simplest Java Application r r q Example: Building an Application Example: Getting an Application's Arguments Windowed Applications r Example: Changing an Applet to an Application ... byte-code file using Java' s interpreter You compile the program exactly as you would an applet, using javac The following http://www.ngohaianh.info example describes the entire process Example: ... Example: Loading More Than One Applet at a Time r Running the Debugger from Appletviewer q Using HotJava q Using Java' s Documentation Creator r Javadoc Tags r Example: Using Doc Tags r Example:
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 8 ppt
... compile the source code into byte-code form Just like a normal class, the byte-code file... element being separated by a dot The use of the different names separated by the dots illustrates the ... word java followed by a package... r Example: Using the New Package r q Creating Your Own Packages Example: Extending the Package Interfaces r The Basic Interface r Example: Creating an ... displays the string returned by the Exception object's getMessage() method. (Not all Exception objects return message strings. Test your program by generating a divide -by- zero error, which will
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 7 docx
... http://www.ngohaianh.info [...]... Loop r r q Example: Using a while Loop Example: Using a while Loop in a Program The do-while Loop r Example: Using a do-while Loop r Example: Using a do-while Loop in ... Consider, for example, a disk... CLASSES folder, naming the file Applet8 .java (You can copy the source code from the CD- ROM, if you like, and thus save on typing.) 2 Compile the source code by typing ... Run the applet by typing, at the MS-DOS prompt,... accessed outside of that block Changing the Increment Value The previous example of a for loop increments the loop counter by 1 But suppose
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 6 pps
... (represented by the float keyword) and integer (represented by the int keyword). Java has eight different data types, all of which represent different kinds of values in a program. These data types are byte, ... For example, your computer can move a byte value, which consumes only eight bits of memory, much faster than an int value, which, in Java, is four times as large. In Java, you declare a byte ... positive numbers.) The first integer type, byte, takes up the least amount of space in a computer's memory. When you declare a constant or variable as byte, you are limited to values in the
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 4 pot
... For example, by using the size returned by the getSize() method, you can properly space the lines of text Sometimes, though, you want to know more about the font you're using For example, ... CONTNETS Checkboxes Example: Creating Nonexclusive Checkboxes❍ Checkbox Groups❍ Checkbox Methods❍ Example: Handling Checkboxes in an Applet❍ Responding to a Checkbox Event❍ Example: Handling ... after you create the TextField object, you add it to the applet by using the add() method. Example: Creating a TextArea Control As an example, suppose that you need to create a TextArea control that'll
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 3 pot
... You'll... left aligned by the FlowLayout manager Figure 22 .3 : These buttons are center aligned by the FlowLayout manager Figure 22.4 : These buttons are right aligned by the FlowLayout manager ... Canvas Controls CONTENTS q Scrollbars r Example: Creating a Scrollbar r Responding to a Scrollbar r Example: Using a Scrollbar in an Applet r Canvases r Example: Using a Canvas in an Applet q ... controls, which are represented by the Scrollbar and Canvas classes Using a scrollbar,... the applet in the normal way, by calling the add() method: add(panel); Example: Creating and Using Panels
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 2 pdf
... event, which is handled by the mouseEnter() method, is sent when the mouse pointer enters the area owned by an applet or component. ● MOUSE_EXIT-This event, which is handled by the mouseExit() method, ... Windows and Menu Bars CONTENTS q Displaying a Window r r Example: Creating a Window Class r q Example: Displaying a Window in an Applet Example: Adding Components to a Window Using Menu... the ... value by comparing the result with 0 http://www.ngohaianh.info Example: ... important that you know how to handle these devices in your applets Maybe most of your applets will work fine by
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 1 ppsx
... Operators The Addition Operator Example: Using the Addition Operator❍ Example: Multiple Additions❍ ● The Subtraction Operator Example: Using the Subtraction Operator❍ Example: Multiple Subtractions ... Operator● Example: Using Mathematical Calculations in an Applet How Applet5 Works❍ ● The Order of Operations Example: Order of Operations❍ Example: More Order of Operations❍ Example: Still ... Expressions● Comparison Operators Example: Using Comparison Operators❍ ● Logical Operators Example: Using Logical Operators❍ Example: Using Multiple Logical Operators❍ Example: Combining Different
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
Tài liệu XML by Example- P1 pdf
... 1 Introduction The by Example Series How does the by Example series make you a better programmer? The by Example series teaches programming using... to learn what XML has to offer to ... limit yourself to publishing; XML by Example introduces... applications of XML, with examples; • the benefits of using XML when compared to HTML Where is XML better than HTML? Please ... 46290 BY EXAMPLE Benoît Marchal XXMMLL 01 2429 FM 11/12/99 1:00 PM Page i Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. XML by Example Copyright © 2000 by Que
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu XML by Example- P8 pdf
... different XML document The /shop URL is the list of merchants The /shop/xmli URL is the list of products for the XMLi merchant The /shop/xmli/1 is product number 1 from the XMLi merchant EXAMPLE ... <!ATTLIST reference href CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT quantity (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT time-material (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT price (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST ... indicators; attributes cannot. < ?xml version=”1.0”?> <entry> <name>John Doe</name> 341 Attributes Versus Elements EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 12 2429 CH10 2.29.2000 2:24 PM
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu XML by Example- P10 ppt
... description; this.toXML = product_toXML; } function product_toXML() { var attrs = “id=’” + this.id + “‘“, result = element(“name”,””,escapeXML(this.name)); result += element(“price”,””,escapeXML(this.price)); ... xmlCode += products[i].toXML(); xmlCode = element(“products”,attribute,xmlCode); form.xmldata.value = “< ?xml version=’1.0’?>” + xmlCode; } function resetAll(form,document) { priceList = null;... ... writer.write (xml) ; writer.close(); writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write(“Confirmation”); writer.write(“”); writer.write(“Your changes were saved as follow:”); XMLUtil.writeInXML(writer ,xml)
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 04:17
Tài liệu XML by Example- P12 ppt
... 184 XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 6 XML for Java, 237, 381, 460 XML- Data,... XMetaL, 37, 54, 184 XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 6 XML for Java, 237, 381, 460 XML- Data, 105 XMLi ... links in XML documents. XML? ??eXtensible Markup Language, a new markup language published by the W3C to address the limitations of HTML. XML- Data—A proposed replacement for DTD. See also DCD, DDML, ... XML. See also DOM. SGML—Standard Generalized Markup Language, the ancestor of both HTML and XML. SOX—Schema for object-oriented XML, a proposed replacement for DTD. See also DCD, DDML, DTD, XML- Data,
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 04:17
programming XML by Example phần 1 pptx
... SGML (a precursor to XML) to understand XML by Example You don’t need to limit yourself to publishing; XML by Example introduces you to all applications of XML, including publishing ... 11 /12 /99 1: 09 PM Page 1 Introduction The by Example Series How does the by Example series make you a better programmer? The by Example series teaches programming using the ... Why was XML developed and what is XML good at? Before we turn to how to use XML, we need to understand whether XML is an answer to your problems... behind XML: • which problems XML solves;
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21
programming XML by Example phần 2 ppt
... Frequently Asked Questions on XML 55 The following example uses a CDATA section to insert an XML. .. familiar XML syntax Listing 2. 8: A Channel Definition in XML < ?xml version=”1.0”?> Pineapplesoft ... 2.1. 47 A First Look at the XML Syntax EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 04 2429 CH02 11/12/99 1:00 PM Page 47 [...]... tool for XML developers, and it is used to better serve XML authors 04 24 29 CH ... Chapter 2: The XML Syntax What about those documents that have no declaration (since the... an XML document in an XML document CDATA sections are intended for these cases CDATA sections
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21
programming XML by Example phần 3 pptx
... use XML in your environment We will start by looking at how XML can simplify... development Increasingly, the W3C and other groups work on such reusable elements Two examples are XML ... (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT checking (%account;,fee)> <!ELEMENT savings (%account;,interest)> <!ELEMENT fee (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT interest (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT balance (#PCDATA)> ... but the same models can be used with XML. 92 Chapter 3: XML Schemas EXAMPLE 05 2429 CH03 2.29.2000 2:19 PM Page 92 An object model is often available when XML- enabling an existing Java or C++
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21
programming XML by Example phần 4 ppsx
... extract.xsl copy opening.tag index .xml for %%0 in (%files%) do copy index .xml /a + %%0.xtr ➥/a index .xml /a copy index .xml + closing.tag index .xml TIP Don’t pass an xml, html, or text argument ... the XML document with the appropriate processing instruc- tion for Internet Explorer 5.0. Listing 5.6: The XML Document Prepared for Internet Explorer 5.0 < ?xml version=”1.0”?> < ?xml- stylesheet ... Styling the Index EXAMPLE < ?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”ISO-8859-1”?> ... yellow, and aqua The following example paints the border in fuchsia: border-color: fuchsia URL EXAMPLE URLs are
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21
Tài liệu XML by Example- P2 pdf
... watermark. The following example uses a CDATA section to insert an XML example into an XML document: < ?xml version=”1.0”?> < ;example& gt; <[CDATA[ < ?xml version=”1.0”?> <entry> ... element: <!ELEMENT tel (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT email EMPTY> Note that CDATA sections appear anywhere #PCDATA appears. 72 Chapter 3: XML Schemas EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 05 2429 CH03 2.29.2000 ... subtitle))> because when the XML processor is reading the element <title> ;XML by Example& lt;/title> in <cover><title> ;XML by Example& lt;/title><author>Benoît Marchal</author></cover> it...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:15
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