catheterrelated infections in pediatric patients with cancer

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 2) doc

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 2) doc

... splenectomized patients and patients living in endemic areas, including college Should be administered to splenectomized patients and patients living in endemic areas, including college ... meningococcal conjugate d Should be administered to splenectomized patients and patients living in endemic areas, incl uding college Should be administered to splenectomized patients ... Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 2) A similar problem can affect patients whose lymph node integrity has been disrupted by radical surgery, particularly patients who...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

6 392 0
Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 3) pdf

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 3) pdf

... eliminating bacterial infections in CLL patients with hypogammaglobulinemia. Patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and all cancer patients ... bacteria. Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 3) The level of suspicion of infections with certain organisms should depend on the type of cancer diagnosed (Table 82-3). ... neutropenic patients i.e., those with <500 functional polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)/à Land patients with impaired blood or lymphatic drainage may develop infections with unusual organisms. Innocent- looking...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 319 0
Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 4) pdf

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 4) pdf

... found on the skin (Chap. 119). Although cellulitis tends to be circumscribed in normal hosts, it may spread rapidly in neutropenic patients. A tiny break in the skin may lead to spreading cellulitis, ... aeruginosa Non-aeruginosa Pseudomonas spp. a Enterobacter spp. Serratia spp. Acinetobacter spp. a Citrobacter spp. Gram-positive bacilli Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with ... pain and erythema; in the affected patients, signs of infection (e.g., purulence) are often lacking. What might be a furuncle in a normal host may require amputation because of uncontrolled infection...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 258 0
Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 5) ppsx

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 5) ppsx

... commonly used in cancer chemotherapy and are prone to infection (Chap. 125), they pose a major problem in the care of patients with cancer. Some catheter-associated infections can be treated with antibiotics, ... Recommende d Treat with antibiotics to which the organism is sensitive, with duration based on the clinical setting. The incidence of metastatic infections following S. while in others the ... associated with herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and is distinct from Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which is associated with drugs and tends to have a more widespread distribution. Since cancer patients...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

6 255 0
Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 6) pot

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 6) pot

... Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 6) More common than tunnel infections are exit-site infections, often with erythema around the area where the line penetrates the skin. Most ... Similarly, many clinicians remove catheters associated with infections due to P. aeruginosa and Candida species, since such infections are difficult to treat and bloodstream infections with these ... candidiasis (Chap. 196) results from seeding of the liver (usually from a gastrointestinal source) in neutropenic patients. It is most common in patients being treated for acute leukemia and usually...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 328 0
Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 7) ppt

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 7) ppt

... System Infections in Patients with Cancer Underlying Predisposition Findings on CT or MRI Prolonged Neutropenia Defects in Cellular Immunity a Mass lesions Aspergillus brain abscess ... disease resulting from viral encephalitis is expanded in immunocompromised patients. A predisposition to infections with intracellular organisms similar to those encountered in patients with AIDS ... listerial infection. As noted previously, splenectomized patients are susceptible to rapid, overwhelming infection with encapsulated bacteria (including S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and N. meningitidis)....

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 309 0
Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 8) pdf

Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 8) pdf

... Chapter 082. Infections in Patients with Cancer (Part 8) Brain Masses Mass lesions of the brain most often present as headache with or without fever or neurologic abnormalities. Infections ... present as single or multiple mass lesions of the brain. A biopsy may be required for a definitive diagnosis. Pulmonary Infections Pneumonia (Chap. 251) in immunocompromised patients may ... neutrophils. Bacterial pneumonia in neutropenic patients may present without purulent sputum—or, in fact, without any sputum at all—and may not produce physical findings suggestive of chest consolidation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 256 0
Fertility Sparing Treatments in Young Patients with Gynecological Cancers: Iranian Experience and Literature Review pptx

Fertility Sparing Treatments in Young Patients with Gynecological Cancers: Iranian Experience and Literature Review pptx

... Pacic Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 12, 2011 1887 Fertility Sparing Treatments in Young Patients with Gynecological Cancers Asian Pacic J Cancer Prev, 12, 1887-1892 Introduction In 2005 there ... Abstract With increase in the marriage age some women experience gynecological cancers before giving birth. Thus fertility sparing in these patients is an important point and much work ... tumors. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 37, 290-4. Gotlieb WH, Beiner MR, Shalmon B, et al (2003). Outcome of fertility sparing treatment with progestin in young patients with endometrial cancer. Obstet...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

6 392 1
 Báo cáo y học: "he Association Among Lipoprotein-associated Phospholipase A2 Levels, Total Antioxidant Capacity and Arousal in Male Patients with OSA"

Báo cáo y học: "he Association Among Lipoprotein-associated Phospholipase A2 Levels, Total Antioxidant Capacity and Arousal in Male Patients with OSA"

... levels were increased in patients above median arousal and TAC was reduced in these subjects. Other demo- graphic and laboratory findings were comparable in two groups. According to the arousal ... performed and arousal index was obtained. Lp-PLA2 concentrations were measured in serum samples with the PLAC Test. Total antioxidant capacity in patients was determined with Antioxidant Assay ... from sleep that occur in OSA may contribute to the increased risk of de- veloping hypertension [1, 8], with the mediating fac- Ivyspring International Publisher Int. J. Med. Sci. 2011,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

8 508 0
 Báo cáo y học: "Replacement of cisplatin with nedaplatin in a definitive 5-fluorouracil/ cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy in Japanese patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma"

Báo cáo y học: "Replacement of cisplatin with nedaplatin in a definitive 5-fluorouracil/ cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy in Japanese patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma"

... morn- ing [21-24], being consistent with the findings of this study. However, in the NDP group, the pattern of circadian rhythm in 5-FU pharmacokinetics was cer- tainly different from that in ... Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved Research Paper Replacement of cisplatin with nedaplatin in a definitive 5-fluorouracil/ cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy in Japanese patients ... replacing cisplatin (CDDP) with cis-diammineglycolatoplatinum (nedaplatin, NDP), a second-generation platinum complex, on the pharmacokinetics of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) were investigated in Japanese...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:53

7 531 0
Cytokines Genes Polymorphisms in Iranian Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis doc

Cytokines Genes Polymorphisms in Iranian Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis doc

... group. In the present study the genotype frequencies of a number of polymorphic genes coding for cytokines or for cytokine receptors have been investigated in a case control study including a ... Methods: In the present study the genotype frequencies of a number of polymorphic genes coding for cytokines or for cytokine receptors have been investigated in a case control study including a ... al. have investigated IL-1 cluster gene in a group of Gambian PTB patients and suggested that susceptibility to tuberculosis in Gambian patients may be partly determined by a region in the IL-1...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

5 238 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Time-course of sFlt-1 and VEGF-A release in neutropenic patients with sepsis and septic shock: a prospective study" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Time-course of sFlt-1 and VEGF-A release in neutropenic patients with sepsis and septic shock: a prospective study" pptx

... observed between patients with and without septic shock, with increased sFlt-1 concentrations in patients with septic shock (116.0 pg/ml, range 42.7-208.4 pg/ml) compared to patients with non-complicated ... also in co ntrast with the observation of higher sFlt-1 and VEGF-A levels in non-neutropenic patients with sepsis at “early” time points. Again, we believe that rather than a difference in the kinetics ... sFlt-1 and VEGF-A levels in FN. Serum sFlt- 1 and VEGF-A levels in patients with FN. Box plots representing serial concentrations of sFlt-1 and VEGF-A in patients with FN with non-complicated sepsis...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

8 491 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Soluble HLA measurement in saliva and cerebrospinal fluid in Caucasian patients with multiple sclerosis: a preliminary study" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Soluble HLA measurement in saliva and cerebrospinal fluid in Caucasian patients with multiple sclerosis: a preliminary study" pdf

... concentrations in the CSF and saliva of MS patients were further analyzed by subgroup- ing them into those with enhancing lesions vs. those with- out enhancing lesions on brain MRI, with the understanding ... L, Paolino E, Tola MR, Granieri E, Baricordi OR: Beneficial effect of interferon-beta 1b treatment in patients with relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis is associated with an increase in serum ... levels, in MS has been reported [14]. Fainardi et al [15] reported a decrease in sHLA-I con- centrations during exacerbations in MS, but an increase in CSF sHLA-I was observed in patients with lesional...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

7 326 0