case study eurex clearing and the clearing corporation

Tài liệu Research evaluation of economic, social, and ecological implications of the programme for commercial tree plantations: case study of rubber in the south of Laos PDR pptx

Tài liệu Research evaluation of economic, social, and ecological implications of the programme for commercial tree plantations: case study of rubber in the south of Laos PDR pptx

... communications land, cultural land, national defence land, national peace and security land, and construction land The area of land in Lao PDR includes the soil, the ground, the mountains, the islands and ... including the development of the meaning of “land”, the history of the land concessions, from the first beginnings to the present, rights and powers in the management and use of land, and the process ... land The study found that 90% of the households in the case study areas had temporary land rights certificates issued under the Land and Forest Allocation Programme of the 1990s Over 80% of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

135 709 0
Comparing Len Dong ritual of Vietnamese and Gut of Korean (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul) = So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn Quốc (Trường hợp ở Hà Nội và Seoul)

Comparing Len Dong ritual of Vietnamese and Gut of Korean (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul) = So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn Quốc (Trường hợp ở Hà Nội và Seoul)

... characteristics of the Mother The characteristics of the Mother is manifest in grades god, as the Au Co Mother of the Vietnamese, the Trung sisters, Y Lan Under the background of Goddess worship and Mother ... Gut and SenamGut CHAPTER 2: THE DIFFERENT AND SIMILAR BETWEEEN THE RITUAL OF LEN DONG AND GUT (THE CASE IN SEOUL AND HANOI) 2.1 The way and purposes of the "ra Dong”, “moi Dong”, “di Gut” and ... Mother - the Creator, sponsor for the survival and growth of the universe, human nature and worship Mother belief is seen as a template layer to The Holy of Mother and development The...

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2014, 16:09

18 813 0
Comparing Len Dong ritual of Vietnamese and Gut of Korean (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul) = So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn16211020150227

Comparing Len Dong ritual of Vietnamese and Gut of Korean (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul) = So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn16211020150227

... living in the mountains, the worship of the mountain, the people living in the sea, the sacrifices and worship of the dragon in the sea In some areas of the southern of Korea, the presence of the village ... RITUAL OF LEN DONG AND GUT (THE CASE IN SEOUL AND HANOI) 2.1 The way and purposes of the "ra Dong”, “moi Dong”, “di Gut” and “moi Gut” 2.1.1 The way and purposes of the "ra Dong" and "di Gut" ... dong ritual and the origins of the Mother Goddess regilion By the year 60 - 80 of the twentieth century the study of religious beliefs and especially research the Mother Goddess regilion and len...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:55

106 507 0
The potential environmental risks of pharmaceuticals in vietnamese aquatic systems  case study of antibiotics and synthetic hormones

The potential environmental risks of pharmaceuticals in vietnamese aquatic systems case study of antibiotics and synthetic hormones

... assessment of these pollutants The extensive use of antibiotics and synthetic hormones in Vietnam could cause the discharge and accumulation of these contaminants in the aquatic systems and potentially ... (OFL), and lomefloxacin were below the detection limit The levels of CIP and NOR in Vietnam were generally in the same order of magnitude as in Switzerland The removal of the analyzed FQs from the ... sources, with emphasis on the aquatic systems in Vietnam The published information and collected data on the usage and occurrence of antibiotics and synthetic hormone in effluents and aquatic systems...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 18:05

11 812 2
Case study 10  organization and role of HR THE ROLE OF HR AT INTERNATIONAL AID

Case study 10 organization and role of HR THE ROLE OF HR AT INTERNATIONAL AID

... essentially a fundraiser The result was that the organization was not presenting itself adequately to the Government and the international funding organizations or the public at large ● The Director of ... Personnel The reaction of the Trustees to this proposal was on the whole favourable They grumbled that there seemed to be a lot of new posts, but the Chief Executive made a persuasive business case ... it seemed that they were inadequately trained or prepared for their duties (the responsibility, oddly enough of the Director of Operational Planning) To deal with these problems the Chief Executive...

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2016, 15:55

4 476 0
Case study 11  organization and role of HR THE HR FUNCTION AT CONRAD VALVES

Case study 11 organization and role of HR THE HR FUNCTION AT CONRAD VALVES

... technical and operative recruits is worrying and may have contributed to the quality problems ● Training – there is no formal training; people are recruited with, it is hoped, the required skills and ... high-quality standards ● Pay – operatives were paid the local going base rate (no payment by results) and staff were paid whatever it was believed necessary to recruit and retain them – there was ... quality assurance and control systems in place It also depends on having people with the skills and the motivation to make these systems work This is a human capital issue But a business case has still...

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2016, 15:55

4 1,1K 4
Báo cáo khoa học: "Dialect MT: A Case Study between Cantonese and Mandarin" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Dialect MT: A Case Study between Cantonese and Mandarin" pdf

... coverage than the Cantonese ~e~(gwatl) In addition to the Cantonese ~t~, the Mandarin also includes the fruits Cantonese refers to as ~I~ (gaml) and ~(caang2) On the other hand, the Cantonese ... Cantonese, the most popular and the most influential dialect in South China and overseas, and Mandarin, the lingual franca of China Linguistic Consideration of Dialect MT Most differences among the ... covers the Mandarin ~ (go, walk) and ~ (row) Translation at the sound or pinyin level has to deal with another kind of ambiguity: the homophones of a word in the source dialect may not have their...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

5 439 0
A Case Study of Milk Processing: The Idara-e-Kissan Cooperative ppt

A Case Study of Milk Processing: The Idara-e-Kissan Cooperative ppt

... characterize the successes and the remaining challenges is the public-private good paradigm The successes have been in areas where, on the one hand, the benefits were private and could be captured by the ... channels is the price received by the farmers As a rule of thumb, the longer the supply chain and the less the competition (especially by non-traditional marketing intermediaries), the lower the price ... developed and pre-tested in the field One questionnaire was for IK member farmers and the other for non-members The latter served as the control group The IK members were selected from village Vander...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

42 404 0
brazil case study tucurui dam and amazon tocantins river basin

brazil case study tucurui dam and amazon tocantins river basin

... the Northeast and the South-Southeast system The latter connection was initiated in 1999 connecting the North-Northeast system with the SouthSoutheast system via and greatly expanding the potential ... to assess the impact of the Tucuruí hydropower project as a whole Rather the WCD case study focus is on the impacts of Phase I and the assessment of decision-making and compliance as they relate ... groups living in the region, the Parakanã, Asurini and the Parkatêjê groups were living in the area affected by the construction of the dam and the flooding of the reservoir As with the colonist...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 11:50

224 1,1K 0
The reasons for your study of English and the waysyou have been learning it doc

The reasons for your study of English and the waysyou have been learning it doc

... books on traveling and learn more vocabulary on different aspects Standing before one of my historical vestiges, how can I tell my tourists about the history of my country and the courageous struggles ... each subject has its own vocabularies The more subjects I read in English the more words I can acquire to express my ideas and thoughts with great ease and satisfaction I have dreamed of becoming ... vitality and lucidity Thanks to these characteristics, English has been used in all important meetings and conferences or in summit talks between leaders of powerful countries To acquire correct and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:20

6 546 1
Báo cáo y học: " Collaborative Care for patients with severe borderline and NOS personality disorders: A comparative multiple case study on processes and outcomes" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Collaborative Care for patients with severe borderline and NOS personality disorders: A comparative multiple case study on processes and outcomes" pps

... article, and for the development, organization and implementation of the study BvM and BK have contributed to the design and the development of the CC Program The supervisors AB, AK, BK and BvM ... heterogeneity among the cases (more heterogeneity requires more cases) and is therefore arbitrary To take into account the variety in presentation of the disorder and the variety of problems, this study will ... elucidates the content of the Collaborative Care Program in more detail Acknowledgements The study is funded by VU University Medical Center and GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Inholland...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

10 478 0
Determinants of student's learning case study in macroeconomics at the university of econommics-Ho Chi Minh city  Luận văn thạc sĩ

Determinants of student's learning case study in macroeconomics at the university of econommics-Ho Chi Minh city Luận văn thạc sĩ

... designing the survey and collecting data for the thesis 11 ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is to fmd out the determinants that influence the performance of studying macroeconomics and their ... CITY - VIETNAM THE HAGUE -THE NETHERLANDS THE VIETNAM- NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER ... reliability and validity The relationships and hypotheses then have been tested by using a Two Stage Least Square method The main findings are the significant impacts of aptitude and efforts on studying_...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 08:46

63 576 0
Case Study: chinas resource and environment performance index

Case Study: chinas resource and environment performance index

... (g/x) and the whole country (G/X) n: the number of types of consumed resources or pollutants discharged * The larger the number, the higher the REPI, and the higher the performance of the country ... Roadmap for Asia and the Pacific : Case Study - China’s Resource and Environment Performance Index Results With the integration of the goal of a REEF society and introduction of the REPI in its ... Growth Roadmap for Asia and the Pacific : Case Study - China’s Resource and Environment Performance Index macro framework, policy instruments and strategies were developed at the micro level, including...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 15:52

5 177 0
A case study of factors affecting the transfomation

A case study of factors affecting the transfomation

... research, the analysis of the case company’s HRM provides a good comparison point and places the study in the appropriate context Secondly, the study aims to identify success factors and barriers ... To evaluate and understand the context of the case company, an analysis of the case company’s HRM was conducted For all strategic change projects, it is essential for the CEO and the management ... SHRM and HRM transformation literature is presented In the research method section the case company and research methods are introduced In the findings section all the results gathered from the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2016, 15:54

76 406 0
Information and the modern corporation james cortada

Information and the modern corporation james cortada

... with other fellow experts both inside and outside their firms, and to let it be known they are SME s They train and participate in their enterprise’s skills certification programs and in other ... differently, on the basis of four things: the shape and size of the digital technologies, their costs relative to those of other options (including older computing devices), their ease of use, and the value ... airplane tickets, outstanding education and training, laptop computers, the Internet, and broadband and wireless communications Their role was most importantly shaped by what they In the most advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2016, 09:39

174 335 0
the implementation and adopting of activity based costing in manufacturing vietnamese companies a case study of samsung vina corporation

the implementation and adopting of activity based costing in manufacturing vietnamese companies a case study of samsung vina corporation

... analyses the opportunities and threats when using ABC in Vietnam, therefore, the companies can minimizing the risk for themselves by solving the problems based on the theory of this method The failure ... for the research by theories and models, how the data can be collected and analyzed, the result of the above data, information will be conducted in chapter four, it also supported by the case study, ... the aim of study, chapter two will about the general view of Activity Based Costing, the traditional costing system and the comparison between two these methods to helping for the analyzing the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

64 1,4K 3


... is theory of connected marketing In the name of space, the thesis studies the real status and problem within the project of FPT Corporation Time for studying the content of thesis ... understand According to the theory of behavior of Maslow, people have five levels of demand Out of them, it is the demand of safety Imitating the others’ behavior or trying something the others ... effect on the others that generates the faith of the other customers on the product, service Amongst thousands of message that customers receive daily, which of them gets the interest and then establish...

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2015, 09:41

117 546 0