careful be clear and be code

Business Writing Clear and Simple

Business Writing Clear and Simple

... ability, and you will succeed! BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE Introduction 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07 2:36 PM Page xiii Business Writing Clear and Simple 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) ... BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE 13 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07 2:36 PM Page 14 GET TO THE POINT WORDS OF WISDOM If you want to be clear and authoritative with your prose, never begin a statement ... a matter and affect people Pinpoint your goals and write them down clearly and concisely Then edit yourself and be sure you have the exact information you need in each letter—no more and no less...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:45

234 392 5
Organizing, Annotating, and Quoting Code

Organizing, Annotating, and Quoting Code

... sparingly and with great caution, because it can quickly make code difficult to understand and maintain In F# optional compilation is supported by the compiler switch define FLAG and the command #if ... thing to be divided by 10 121 7575Ch06.qxp 122 4/27/07 1:11 PM Page 122 CHAPTER I ORGANIZING, ANNOTATING, AND QUOTING CODE ... Prog this is an explanation You can then process...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

18 280 0
Tài liệu Security and Unmanaged Code pdf

Tài liệu Security and Unmanaged Code pdf

... native code for the platform, and they execute in their own unmanaged process spaces In order to effect communication between the managed code in your XML web service and the unmanaged code in ... managed by the Windows operating system and must be registered in the Windows Registry ý B, C, and D Answer B, C, and D are incorrect because the component must be locally registered P:\010Comp\CertPrs8\653-6\ch08.vp ... account, you must clear the check box beside User Must Change Password At Next Logon Click Create, and the user account has been created Create the following user accounts: User1, User2, and User3 Set...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

48 481 0
Control and scheduling codesign flexible resource management in real time control systems   feng xia  you xian sun

Control and scheduling codesign flexible resource management in real time control systems feng xia you xian sun

... increasing interest in codesiga of control and scheduling Some of the efforts will be briefly outlined with respect to integrated control and computing and integrated control and communication, respectively, ... ions' bandwidth requirements Bai, et al [BAI05] present a jitter-dependent optimal bandwidth scheduling algorithm to make tradeoffs between bandwidth usage and system performance Tipsuwan and Chow ... some information may need to be exchanged between different control loops; there may be multiple sub-tasks within a control loop that must be implemented separately and be coordinated; more than...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 18:47

256 404 1
Tài liệu Debugging C and C++ code in a Unix environment ppt

Tài liệu Debugging C and C++ code in a Unix environment ppt

... terminal, and go to the cafetaria and some serious caffeine and sugar intake while reading (and annotating) your code carefully Tools In this section a number of tools relating to debugging and analysing ... interested in it Chapter Aspects of debugging C and C++ code Debugging C and C++ code entails noticing, localising, understanding and repairing bugs Noticing and localising a bug You might think that ... screen and stop this program’ Also automatically generated code often 23 Chapter Aspects of debugging C and C++ code contains dead code The GNU CC does not give warnings for unreachable code However,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20

29 466 1
Business Conduct and Ethics Code pot

Business Conduct and Ethics Code pot

... laws and following the policies in our Code Authority In addition to knowing and understanding this Code, each of us must understand the level of authority included in our job We must all be careful ... dignity and respect and promote diversity in the workplace •• Understanding and obeying local laws and acting consistently with Chevron’s policies and procedures •• Security: We protect personnel and ... public, would I be comfortable? compliance or ethical issue our Business Conduct and Ethics Code And never John Watson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Business Conduct and Ethics Code |  Values...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20

31 302 2
asynchronous approvals of gm products and the codex annex what low level presence policy for vietnam

asynchronous approvals of gm products and the codex annex what low level presence policy for vietnam

... the Codex Plant Guideline by the authorizing Codex member should be made available 14 Gruere This information may be provided by the product applicant or in some cases by Codex members 40 October ... trade values and volumes for all the GM producers of maize and soybeans between 2005 and 2009 We then identify for each year the GM producing countries, and differentiate the GM price and non-GM ... The difference between the two is a premium, of which we take the average value between 2005 and 2009 For instance we find average premia of 26.1% for maize, 25.8% for soybeans and and 24% for soymeals,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 14:08

48 346 0
FAIR, CLEAR AND COMPETITIVE: The Consumer Credit Market in the 21st Century pot

FAIR, CLEAR AND COMPETITIVE: The Consumer Credit Market in the 21st Century pot

... world-class science and technology We protect the rights of working people and consumers And we stand up for fair and open markets in the UK, Europe and the world Fair, Clear and Competitive The ... increased choice and flexibility However, many of today’s products have become difficult for consumers to understand because they are so complex, and because there is a lack of standardised information, ... However, many of today’s products have become difficult for consumers to understand because they are so complex, and because there is a lack of transparency of standardised information, for example...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

149 358 0
comparing neural networks in neuroph, encog and joone - codeproject

comparing neural networks in neuroph, encog and joone - codeproject

... United States Member Hello, I am a student at Rutgers University I am in computer science and am learning about machine learning and AI Comments and Discussions messages have been posted for this ... riige.dEeetnw uevsdriiglmn (e dul[{,0,nwdul[{}) nw obe]1 } e obe]1); tannStadlmn(e SprieTannEeet riige.dEeetnw uevsdriiglmn (e dul[{,1,nwdul[{}) nw obe]1 } e obe]0); Next we create the neural network Neuroph ... about JOONE In both Neuroph and Encog, you create a neural network and then train it With JOONE, you must physically change the network to switch between training it and using it Here we are setting...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:10

8 478 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Towards Preserving Model Coverage and Structural Code Coverage" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Towards Preserving Model Coverage and Structural Code Coverage" doc

... These definitions are used to describe properties of structural code coverage and to preserve structural code coverage Program P Denotes the program before (P1 ) and after (P2 ) the transformations ... introduced formalism whether a code transformation disrupts structural code coverage We use a small sample code and show how a concrete code transformation changes the code We use a compact scheme ... The structural code- coverage criteria presented in Section 3.1 are typically applied to source code or machine code They have been developed already before model-based development became an issue...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

16 286 0
Algorithms for programmers ideas and source code ppt

Algorithms for programmers ideas and source code ppt

... ideas only very shortly and supply some (hopefully) useful code Sprache will partly go away: using/including the actual code from FXT will be beneficial to both this document and FXT itself The goal ... while some topics (e.g FFTs) need a clear and explicit introduction others (e.g the bitwizardry chapter) seem to be best presented by basically showing the code with just a few comments Still ... FXT will be better documented which it really needs As a consequence Sprache will only be used when there is a clear advantage to so, mainly when the corresponding C++ does not appear to be self...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

212 404 0
Become The Expert in Your Field Get Clear and On Track Today pptx

Become The Expert in Your Field Get Clear and On Track Today pptx

... what is possible and what is doable And, you can begin imagining yourself growing into being The Expert as you target and tackle each box Prioritizing Next Steps It’s my belief and my experience ... is… • Announcements Benefits of meaningful conversation: • Speaking and being heard • Listening and uncovering answers • Bonding and building relationships • Gaining respect and trust • Having ... It's today and you’re not feeling like The Expert in Your Field Now what? So far, I’ve created a structure for you to understand and think about what it means to be an expert Now let’s begin matching...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

10 381 0
13 Clarity and Maintainability CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE • Writing Clear and Maintainable potx

13 Clarity and Maintainability CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE • Writing Clear and Maintainable potx

... Clarity and Maintainability CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE Write Clear and Maintainable Code Now that you’ve made your code readable, does your easy-to-read code actually make sense? Can it be easily ... should be specialists They should the kinds of behaviors that a thing of that type should do, and no more So rather than having the Kitchen class include all the code for Refrigerator and Oven behaviors, ... assessment than it has been in the past, due in large part to their growth in popularity Handle Errors Appropriately You’ll be evaluated for appropriate and clear error-handling throughout your...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 02:20

17 247 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Disconnected vertex sets and equidistant code pairs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: " Disconnected vertex sets and equidistant code pairs" pdf

... equidistant code pairs This bound is not as accurate as Ahlswede’s result, but it is more general and it turns out to be sharp for some values of q, n and δ, and for q → ∞ for any fixed n and δ Disconnected ... A and take M ∈ M (G) Then clearly Pg M Pg ∈ M (G) and, by Rayleigh’s principle, |u Pg M Pg u| ≤ λ(M ) for every unit vector u orthogonal to Define M= Pg M Pg , |A| g∈A then clearly M ∈ M(G) and ... ≤ if i ≤ δ and q xi = if i > δ , and let B consist of the words (x1, , xn ) with < xi ≤ q if i ≤ δ and xi = for precisely δ − δ values of i > δ Then A and B form an equidistant code pair at...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

10 240 0
Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 1 pdf

Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 1 pdf

... ability, and you will succeed! BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE Introduction 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07 2:36 PM Page xiii Business Writing Clear and Simple 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) ... that has become worthy of a book in itself You will learn about international correspondence, and also how to properly begin and end a letter You will find sample resumes and cover letters, and everything ... reports), and also for writing a book You begin with the overall layout, BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE CHAPTER Basic Training 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07 2:36 PM Page and then emphasize...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

24 304 0
Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 3 doc

Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 3 doc

... cross the t’s eleventh hour few and far between first and foremost get a leg up on grin and bear it hand in glove hands-on handwriting on the wall heads will roll hem and haw hence heretofore hit ... to find may be maybe something may possibly be perhaps nuclear The word is pronounced “nuclear,” not “nuke-ular.” overdo overdue 40 Definition too much late BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE CHAPTER ... SUMMARY The message of this section is clear: In all your writing, be accurate, be original, be professional, and be sensible Study the lists of words and terms that take away from your writing...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

24 197 0
Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 5 ppt

Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 5 ppt

... make it a good glimpse Think first, write well, be thorough, be concise, be clear, be honest, and don’t be afraid to go for the gold! PA P E R AND ENVELOPES A blank page presents endless opportunities ... Remember that, in business, the bottom line is profit And you cannot enjoy long-term profit without professionalism and goodwill So, in all that you write, be professional, be clear, be tactful, be ... application, and extras” as the big three in a resume— that means education, work experience, and professional associations They have got to be there, and they have to be accurate Don’t embellish and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

24 282 0
Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 6 pot

Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 6 pot

... confusion, and state that you hope to clarify and remedy the situation with your new and improved version Remember there is no need to fall all over yourself in an apology Just be sincere and upbeat ... WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE 129 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07 2:36 PM Page 130 Of course, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have in the meantime Best regards, Nanda Navin Nanda ... to be made for things such as missed meetings, poor customer service, or misunderstandings All of these instances require an explanation and apology, so that future problems can be averted and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

24 220 0
Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 8 ppsx

Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 8 ppsx

... account (no 50231) and call me at the number below to confirm this reservation We have used your company before and found your company to be courteous and dependable I am sure this will be no exception ... company before and found your company to be courteous and dependable I am sure this will be no exception Thank you, Gillian Deresh Gillian Deresh 608-564-8090 160 BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE ... to just send a clear message And, the more you know about these tools, the better a writer you will be T Grammar CHAPTER BUSINESS WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE 171 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

24 224 0
Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 9 pot

Learning Express Business Writing Clear and Simple PHẦN 9 pot

... AMPERSAND (&) The ampersand, or and symbol, is often used in place of spelling out the word and in abbreviations, names, and titles Usually a single space is used before and after an ampersand, ... WRITING CLEAR AND SIMPLE 185 6023_BusinessWritingClear(fin) 8/16/07 2:36 PM Page 186 The first sentence uses the preposition on to relate the spatial relationship between the letter and the table ... after to describe the time relationship between tomorrow and the next day On the table and after tomorrow are prepositional phrases Here is a list of common prepositions: aboard behind from outside...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

24 184 0