career pathways in nursing and midwifery



... training program and offer a range of services, including newborn care, help initiating and sustaining breastfeeding, health advice for mother and child, and help with housework (Van Teijlingen ... Malin & Hemminki 1992) Despite this general similarity, maternal health policy in Britain, Finland, and Canada differs in significant ways In Britain and Finland, for example, strong state intervention ... discipline in medicine where something happens by itself, and, in most cases, with no intervention, everything ends well Thinking about this incident, Kloosterman concluded: “Obstetrics is wider and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

320 410 0
Faces and Places Group Portraits and Topographical Photographs in the Photo Albums of the Sugar Industry in Colonial Java in the Early Twentieth Century

Faces and Places Group Portraits and Topographical Photographs in the Photo Albums of the Sugar Industry in Colonial Java in the Early Twentieth Century

... photographers working in the colonies, for example Isidore van Kinsbergen, Walter Bently Woodbury and James Page in Java, G.R Lambert in Singapore and Malay Peninsula, John Thompson in mainland Southeast ... printing process in 1864, which allowed high production and high quality in the same time The printing process was widely used in England and Europe, see John Hannavy ed., Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century ... colonialist gaze in surveying lands and creating landscapes as well as classifying natives and illustrating tribes for the introduction of the colony to the British traders, explorers and school children...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 10:07

138 260 0


... because it has sent international cuisines into a dizzying state of flux The French style has declined in prominence in the face of international competition from Italian and (on the other side ... seasoning, it has been employed at least since the beginnings of agriculture in amulets to ward off disease Other uses have been to ease toothache and painful urination, subdue coughs, colds, and ... Canada, and Argentina account for the bulk of the world’s GM food crops (China and South Africa produce GM cotton) and have concentrated on modifying ripening characteristics, and developing resistance...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

12 478 0


... complete marriage Maintaining the distinction between a clandestine marriage and the contract per verba de praesenti is essential to an understanding of law and practice prior to 1754, since too often ... continental jurists automatically translated into legal and social practice in early eighteenth-century England (or indeed into social practice in twelfth-century England).19 In order to understand ... canon law; and Parker, Informal Marriage, who employs the term ‘informal marriage’ in a similar fashion At least in England and Wales, in contrast to the position in Scotland: see e.g., T C Smout,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

371 459 0
Behind the Postmodern Facade: Architectural Change in Late Twentieth-Century America pptx

Behind the Postmodern Facade: Architectural Change in Late Twentieth-Century America pptx

... Czarniawska-Joerges and Bernwald Joerges, Jim and Renate Fernandez, Anita Jacobsson-Widding, Walter Karsnaes, Uskali Maki, Sandra Mardones, Païvi Oinas, Hilary Rose, Bö Rothstein, and Kerstin Sahlins-Andersson ... the what, ignoring settings, focusing on fragments and ornamentsshells of ideasand failing to explain in any useful way how things came to be as they are Architectural history and much of the ... NYU, Yasmin Ergas and Leonard Groopman, Kathleen Gerson and John Mollenkopf, Molly Nolan, and Ingrid and George Rothbart have offered me generous hospitality and intelligent interest in my work...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

360 815 0
Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

... American informality discussed above in their greeting, in welcoming guests or in behaving as a guest, we have seen many informal practices in their dressing such as the Casual Friday in many ... in the world walking “lollingly in bare feet, beating tangled vines and bushes with long sticks” (Schorer, p.885), twitting each other in a swimming hole in the woods after playing truant from ... bother him And at this point, he said extremely irritatedly: “True culture is in the mind, the mind.” But his mother did not approve: “It’s in the heart and in how you things and how you things is...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

49 785 1
Tài liệu Noblewoman aristocracy and power in the twelfth century anglo norman realm pptx

Tài liệu Noblewoman aristocracy and power in the twelfth century anglo norman realm pptx

... sexuality and family relations, and analysed ideas and ideals of masculinity and femininity Yet gender history has not abandoned the original, inspirational project of women’s history: to recover and ... Emma and Edith had multiple bases, through land tenure and in ‘marriage and maternity’.4 Stafford is interested in explaining queenly power in terms of the impact of the female life cycle and ... 15 J Hudson, ‘Anglo-Norman land law and the origins of property’, in G S Garnett and J G H Hudson (eds), Law and Government in Medieval England and Normandy: Essays in Honour of Sir James Holt...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20

289 549 0
Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th – 21st Century docx

Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th – 21st Century docx

... those Spaniards living specifically in the United States Refreshingly clear in this regard are the terms are “Latino” and “Latin American” which, due to their intrinsic linguistic and territorial ... This mixing of Spanish and Latin American/American cultures and ethnicities (including caucasian, mulatto, mestizo, black and Amerindian) further redefines and blurs notions of the Spanish and the ... means to be Spanish in present day Spain and in the light of globalization while also dissipating stereotypical notions of Spain and Spanishness, since, as Fernando García explains, La imagen típica...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

30 623 0
Báo cáo " Reconstructing sedimentary environments of MR1 core and investigating facies’ geotechnical properties through the piezocone penetration test in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene periods in the Mekong River Delta " docx

Báo cáo " Reconstructing sedimentary environments of MR1 core and investigating facies’ geotechnical properties through the piezocone penetration test in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene periods in the Mekong River Delta " docx

... small changes in qt, fs, and u2 showed interbedded, faint laminae and discontinuous parallel laminae These are all features of the marsh facies Estuarine marine sand and sandy silt facies ... The unit contains an intercalated greenishgray clay and silt, greenish-gray sandy silt and fine to coarse sand in a coarsening-upward succession It is inhomogeneous, with several sandy layers of ... laminated greenish- and darkish-gray clayey silt, sandy silt and very fine to medium sand and shows parallel laminae, discontinuous parallel laminae, lenticular and wavy bedding The deposits from...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

13 865 0
From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

... uncertainty, according to Einstein, lay in our inability or lack of ingenuity in measuring the objective properties of such systems When Bohr and Einstein met at the Solvay conference in 1930, Einstein ... uncertainty in the time interval when the shutter is open In this way Heisenberg’s uncertainty was restored and Einstein’s thought experiment was refuted 20 From Certainty to Uncertainty Increasingly ... an infinite number of fractions between and 1, an infinite number between and 2, and 3, and so on Common sense tells us that, since you can put an infinite number of fractions between any two integers,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 16:38

247 412 0
empires of belief - why we need more scepticism and doubt in the 21th century

empires of belief - why we need more scepticism and doubt in the 21th century

... passing, repassing, gliding away, and mingling indiscriminately We were deluding ourselves to think that we had anything solid to hang onto with which to construct a stable world-view Again, ... Arguments for scepticism and doubt in public life are beginning to crop up in the daily press and the broadcast media in the West on a regular basis, and a fear is increasingly being voiced there, amongst ... passive and interior to the discipline of philosophy: I would like it to be more active and outward looking, an encouragement to making links and establishing common cause with the like-minded...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:25

217 239 0
state university of new york press the philosophers voice philosophy politics and language in the nineteenth century oct 2002

state university of new york press the philosophers voice philosophy politics and language in the nineteenth century oct 2002

... awaken in another individual an echo returning to the ear Man thereby at once discovers that around him there are beings having the same inner needs, and thus capable of meeting the manifold longing ... between philosophy and politics embodied in Machiavelli continued to be a problem in the nineteenth century, culminating in Marx’s deliberate rejection of those moral restraints on political action ... this writing of mine, may fall into the hands of a Soveraign, who will consider it himselfe, (for it is short, and I think clear), without the help of any interested or envious Interpreter; and by...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

325 521 0
shadows of war violence power and international profiteering in the twenty-first century

shadows of war violence power and international profiteering in the twenty-first century

... shouting and beating people, overturning cars and setting them on fire, attacking homes and businesses others running for safety and for their lives Nothing made sense As buses were being stopped, ... flying in arms, and some say they are flying in arms and they’re bringing in food and Bibles But a whole lot of them are flying in arms and flying out with war booty You can buy anything out here if ... came up and stopped at the street corner, and, standing in one place, began a repetitive series of actions: lifting one foot, starting to walk, sagging down, stopping, reaching up, and repeating...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:28

308 930 1
The problems of confucianism in the late warring states period and xunzis reconstruction of confucianism

The problems of confucianism in the late warring states period and xunzis reconstruction of confucianism

... development alone In the context of Xunzi, si has multiple meanings, including “pondering” and “missing or longing for.” Xunzi elaborated on Confucius’ argument that learning and thinking should complement ... Confucius’ teachings in this aspect and incorporated li (political learning) with zhong and xin (moral learning) in every circumstance of a person’s conduct (xing) By emphasizing the importance ... role of learning in attaining zhi Confucius said, I once spent all day thinking without taking food and all night thinking without going to bed, but I found that I gained nothing from it It would...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:16

147 319 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... workstations and mainframes within the Department of Computer Science, and supports projects in distributed computing and parallel processing such as the Camelot distributed transaction processing system ... be described in more detail in a later section When shadowing, the data is instead copied from the original 9 char *file_data; int i, file_size; extern float rand(); /* random in [0,1) */ /* ... a memory object and offset within that memory object Additional information stored for each range includes protection and inheritance information To account for sharing through inheritance, Mach...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

... activities in making class more interesting and 50% consider pairwork and groupwork helping in motivating students and learning process The teachers seemed not to find the benefits of pair work and ... grammar, for teaching reading, for teaching writing, and only for teaching vocabulary, and for teaching listening Each pair and group work organized took at least minutes and at most 15 minutes The ... To make noise and indiscipline : Working in pairs and groups in a large class makes noise and indiscipline, the teachers have more troublesome than the learners have Participants in a pair work...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

62 1,4K 6
Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

... the ruling classes In reality, the phenomena” land hedging and soil plundering” occurred Farmers were driven out of their own lands and fields were turned into pastures for sheep-raising and wood-making ... and wood-making industries They had to join the force of cheap labor and working in such factories England became a typical example of initial accumulation of capitalism Holding power in economics, ... brutal and unjust wars In fact, the English colonization and slave trades rose rapidly in the 18th century The rapid industrial development of Britain in the 18 th century went hand in hand with...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 12:02

15 2,4K 13