carcinoma of the lung treatment

Báo cáo y học: "Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa"

Báo cáo y học: "Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa"

... piece of evidence for the control of the classification bias of this article (with regard to the selection of the controls) has been shown in the work Varol et al [27], where the normality of ... interest in the re- cords gathered by the different collaborators. The fruit of that qualitative examination was the rejection of a total of 9 controls and 3 cases at the defining moment of the construction ... the construction of the data package. The funda- mental cause was the lack of fulfilment of the inclu- sion criteria. The assembly of the previous data package with a total of 93 records (53...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:34

8 560 0
Monochorionic triamniotic triplet pregnancy with a co-triplet fetus discordant for congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung ppt

Monochorionic triamniotic triplet pregnancy with a co-triplet fetus discordant for congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung ppt

... [6]. Because of the rarity of monochorionic triplet pregnan- cies, there is no established guideline for management. The presence of an anomalous fetus further complicates the management of pregnancy. ... of the manuscript. YC was the director of the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit and par- ticipated in the design and revision of the manuscript. AIT was the director of the Reproductive Medicine ... to the mother to promote fetal lung maturation. The patient was readmitted to our unit at 34 weeks for uterine contractions and impaired fetal growth. The size of the lung lesion remained the same...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

5 484 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Bovine tryptases cDNA cloning, tissue specific expression and characterization of the lung isoform ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Bovine tryptases cDNA cloning, tissue specific expression and characterization of the lung isoform ppt

... function of the two isoforms, prompted us to analyze the organiza- tion and the promoter sequences (Fig. 4) of the two tryptase genes. The length of both genes, as evaluated from the size of the PCR ... these tissues at the mRNA level. The simultaneous expression of the two isoforms could be due to similar regulatory mechanisms in these specific tissues. The coexistence in the same organism of ... 60-fold higher in the case of BLT. The tissue-specific expression of the two tryptases was evaluated at the RNA level by analysis of their dif- ferent restriction patterns. In lung, only BLT was...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 09:20

11 527 0
the effect of the hydrothermal treatment with aqueous naoh solution on the photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical propertiesof visible light-responsive TiO2thin films

the effect of the hydrothermal treatment with aqueous naoh solution on the photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical propertiesof visible light-responsive TiO2thin films

... found that the hydrothermal treatment of the Vis-TiO 2 /Ti with NaOH aqueous solution led to the drastic increase in the surface area of Vis-TiO 2 /Ti as well as an enhancement of the anodic ... in the modification of the electronic properties, thus, enabling the absorption of visible light. Fig. 2 shows the anodic photocurrent of the NaOH(X)-Vis- TiO 2 /Ti electrode as a function of the ... on the surface of the large TiO 2 crystallites, while these are completely covered with the accumulation of sheet-like structures after hydrothermal treatment for 12 h. After hydrothermal treatment...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:11

6 489 0
Oncogenesis, Inflammatory and Parasitic Tropical Diseases of the Lung Edited by Jean-Marie Kayembe potx

Oncogenesis, Inflammatory and Parasitic Tropical Diseases of the Lung Edited by Jean-Marie Kayembe potx

... cells of the transgenic animals, and thereby promoted the development of carcinoma of the lung. This mouse model should prove useful to the study of lung carcinogenesis and to the identification of ... addition to the increased incidence of spontaneous lung tumor, these transgenic mice were more susceptible to the development of lung adeno‐ carcinoma after exposure to BaP. The risk of lung tumors ... in the lungs of mice allows control of the tim‐ Oncogenesis, Inflammatory and Parasitic Tropical Diseases of the Lung3 4 Section 3 Parasitic Tropical Lung Diseases 141 Chapter 7 Tropical Lung...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

166 408 0
Cancer of the Lung pot

Cancer of the Lung pot

... diagnosed in the right lung than the left lung. But, survival rates were nearly identi- cal for patients whose tumors arose in the right lung as compared to the left lung (Table 9.7). ‘Other’ category ... laterality). Subsite Over 40% of the lung cancers originated in the upper lobe no matter at which stage they were diagnosed. For stage I, 61.6% of the cancers originated in the upper lobe and 28.9% in the lower ... II, 53.9% of the cancers originated in the upper lobe and 34.1% in the lower lobe. For stages III, IV, and unknown, the origin Table 9.3: Cancer of the Lung: Number and Distribution of Cases...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

8 215 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of the insulin treatment appraisal scale (ITAS) in patients with type 2 diabetes" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of the insulin treatment appraisal scale (ITAS) in patients with type 2 diabetes" docx

... one of the important barriers in the current treatment of type 2 diabetes [20]. We therefore suggest to retain item 9 in the ITAS, deserv- ing special attention. Interestingly, only 23% of the ... in the design of the validation study and the development of the statistical plan. FP carried out the statistical analyses. All authors participated in the data interpretation. FJS drafted the ... of depression were positively associated with a more negative appraisal of insulin ther- apy [18]. Further research into the role of negative affect in patients' perceptions of insulin therapy...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

7 604 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Bayesian bias adjustments of the lung cancer SMR in a cohort of German carbon black production workers" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Bayesian bias adjustments of the lung cancer SMR in a cohort of German carbon black production workers" pdf

... parameters may have distorted the data we observed to learn about the target. The distribution of both k inds of parameters can be updated with the help of the Bayesian theorem. The posterior target para- meters, ... of the uncertainty of the SMR as a result of confounding can be determined. We use the carbon black example to apply and illustrate this method. Details of the procedure and explanations of the ... data), that is the posterior distribution of the param eters. The factor 1/P(da ta) is often called the pro- portionality factor and this factor links the posterior with the product of likelihood...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

14 310 0