canon digital ixus 55 instruction manual

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals" pptx

... MITSUBISHI, 1995b. MITSUBISHI Video Tape Recorder HV-F93 Instruction Manual. MITSUBISHI, 1995c. MITSUBISHI Video Tape Recorder HV-FZ62 Instruction Manual. Gerard Salton, J. Allan, and Chris Buckley. ... outputs. Input is an electronic manual text which can be written in plain text,I~TEXor HTML) Output is a hypertext in HTML format. Electronic Manuals manual A manual B WO~as-~red2o~S ~ ~Ke),word~xtra~ ... analysis system ChaSen manual (version 1.0b4). Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nov. MITSUBISHI, 1995a. MITSUBISHI Video Tape Recorder HV-BZ66 Instruction Manual. MITSUBISHI, 1995b....

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

5 396 0
Hollywood Racks Sport Rider Hitch Rack Instruction Manual pdf

Hollywood Racks Sport Rider Hitch Rack Instruction Manual pdf

... 11b Fig. 11c Fig. 12 Fig. 13a Fig. 13b 4 Fig. 14 Hollywood Racks Sport Rider Hitch Rack Instruction Manual Model HR1200 – 3 Bike, 2” rec. Model HR1210 – 3 Bike, 1 ¼” rec. Model HR1400 - 4 Bike, ... Hitch pin is secure and hitch pin clip is installed  Drive slowly on bumpy or dirt roads Assembly Instructions: Tools Required: Two 8” adjustable wrenches or equivalent, Phillips screwdriver. For ... le véhicule et que les vélos soient proprement chargés sur le porte vélo comme decrit dans ces instructions d’installation. 7 Step 2: Ins tall Wheel Holders: See Fig. 8: Rotate and remove L...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

8 464 0
Instruction Manual for the MoreBeer! BrewSculptures pot

Instruction Manual for the MoreBeer! BrewSculptures pot

... ãTippyDumpSystem pg.4 ãFlatSystem pg.5-6 ãSMARTSystem pg.7-8 ãDigitalSMART pg.9 ãFullDigitalSMART pg.9 ãDigitalControllers pg.10 ãDigitalHotLiquorBurner pg.10 ãTipsOnUsingtheSMARTSystem pg.11 ... temperature set by you via the controller. Digital Hot Liquor Burner If you have the Digital Hot Liquor Package, your burner is controlled by one of the two digital controllers on the Control Panel. ... position. Multi-Function Valve 10 Digital SMART™ System The Digital SMART™ System is put together exactly like the regular SMART™ System, but with the addition of a Digital Controler with mounting...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20

21 515 0


... WARNING BEEXTREMELYCAREFULINTHEUSEOFTHISMETER.Improperuseofthisdevice canresultinelectricshockordestroyofthemeter.Followallsafeguardssuggestedinthis manualandthenormalsafetyprecautionsusedinworkingwithelectricalcircuits. Donotservicethisdeviceifyouarenotqualifiedtodoso. To ensuresafeoperation,andinordertoexploittothefullthefunctionalityofthemeter, pleasefollowthedirectionsinthissectioncarefully. ThismeterhasbeendesignedaccordingtoIEC-1010concerningelectronicmeasuringinstrumentswith anovervoltagecategoryCATⅢ600Vandpollution2. Followallsafetyandoperatinginstructionstoensurethatthemeterisusedsafelyandiskeptingood operatingcondition. Withproperuseandcare,thedigitalmeterwillgiveyouyearsofsatisfactoryservice. 1.1PRELIMINARY 1.1.1Whenusingthemeter,theusermustobserveallnormalsafetyrulesconcerning: -Protectionagainstthedangersofelectricalcurrent. -Protectionofthemeteragainstmisuse. 1.1.2Whenthemeterisdelivered,checkthatithasnotbeendamagedintransit. 1.1.3Whenpoorconditionunderharshpreservationorshippingconditionscaused,inspectandconfirm thismeterwithoutdelay. 1.1.4Beforeusingtocheckforvoltage,alwaystestthemeteronaknownlivecircuittoverifythatthe detectfunctionofthemeterisworkingproperly. 1.1.5 Test leadortestclipmustbeingoodcondition.Beforeusingverifythattheinsulationontestleador testclipisnotdamagedand/ortheleadswireisnotexposed. 1.1.6Fullcompliancewithsafetystandardscanbeguaranteedonlyifusedwithtestleadssupplied. Ifnecessary,theymustbereplacedwiththesamemodelorsameelectricratings. User'sManual SinoMeter MS8211 ⑵ Test Clip:ElectricRatings600V10Aonepiece ⑶Battery:1.5V,AAAtwopieces ⑷InstructionManualonepiece RangeResolutionFunction 0.001VDisplay:readapproximateforwardvoltageof diode -ForwardDCCurrent:approx.1mA -ReversedDCVoltage:approx.1.5V -OverloadProtection:250VDCorrmsAC 3.2.6ACVoltageDetect RangeTEST Sensitivity Voltagesensitivity>50V,adjustcontinuously Frequency50Hz Distance<150mm(changealongwiththesensitivity) -Non-contactdetecting 4.OPERATINGINSTRUCTION 4.1 DATA HOLD Ifyouneeddataholdwhenmeasuring,youcanputon“DATA-H”button,itwillholdthereading;ifyouput thebuttonagain,dataholdisnotcontinue. 4.2MAXIMUMVALUEMEASURINGANDHOLD Attherangeofvoltage,youcanputon“MAX.H”button,itwillholdthemaximumvalue;ifyouputthe buttonagain,themaximumvaluewillnotbeheld. 4.3FUNCTIONTRANSFORM Putdownthe"FUNC."whenmeasuringthevoltage.MeterwillbetransformedbetweenDCandAC range.Put"FUNC."whenmeasuringtheresistance,diodeandcontinuity,meterwilltransformamong them. 4.4RANGETRANSFORM Theautorangeisusedwhenmeasuringthevoltageandresistance.Putdownthe"RANGE"ifthe manualrangeisneeded.Eachtimeyouputdown,rangewillgoupward;theminimumrangeis transformedif"RANGE"isputdownatthemaximumrange.Ifthe"RANGE"isputdownmorethantwo seconds,autorangeisusedagain. 4.5AUTOPOWEROFF Ifthere’snoanyoperationwithinfifteenminutesafterpowerison,meterwillautopoweroffwithfiveshort soundsandalongsoundinaminute. Afterautopoweroff,ifstirthetransformswitchorputdownanybuttonof“FUNC.”, “DATA-H”,”MAX.H”,”RANGE”,meterwillrecovertheworkingcondition. Ifpressesthe“FUNC.”whenpowerison,autopoweroffdisable. NOTE: AttheTESTrange(ACVdetecting),thereisnoautopowerofffunction 4.6PREPARATIONFORMEASUREMENT 4.6.1Setthetransformswitchtotherightrange.Atthemanualrange,whenthevaluescaletobe ... WARNING BEEXTREMELYCAREFULINTHEUSEOFTHISMETER.Improperuseofthisdevice canresultinelectricshockordestroyofthemeter.Followallsafeguardssuggestedinthis manualandthenormalsafetyprecautionsusedinworkingwithelectricalcircuits. Donotservicethisdeviceifyouarenotqualifiedtodoso. To ensuresafeoperation,andinordertoexploittothefullthefunctionalityofthemeter, pleasefollowthedirectionsinthissectioncarefully. ThismeterhasbeendesignedaccordingtoIEC-1010concerningelectronicmeasuringinstrumentswith anovervoltagecategoryCATⅢ600Vandpollution2. Followallsafetyandoperatinginstructionstoensurethatthemeterisusedsafelyandiskeptingood operatingcondition. Withproperuseandcare,thedigitalmeterwillgiveyouyearsofsatisfactoryservice. 1.1PRELIMINARY 1.1.1Whenusingthemeter,theusermustobserveallnormalsafetyrulesconcerning: -Protectionagainstthedangersofelectricalcurrent. -Protectionofthemeteragainstmisuse. 1.1.2Whenthemeterisdelivered,checkthatithasnotbeendamagedintransit. 1.1.3Whenpoorconditionunderharshpreservationorshippingconditionscaused,inspectandconfirm thismeterwithoutdelay. 1.1.4Beforeusingtocheckforvoltage,alwaystestthemeteronaknownlivecircuittoverifythatthe detectfunctionofthemeterisworkingproperly. 1.1.5 Test leadortestclipmustbeingoodcondition.Beforeusingverifythattheinsulationontestleador testclipisnotdamagedand/ortheleadswireisnotexposed. 1.1.6Fullcompliancewithsafetystandardscanbeguaranteedonlyifusedwithtestleadssupplied. Ifnecessary,theymustbereplacedwiththesamemodelorsameelectricratings. User'sManual SinoMeter ... (ortestclip)totheother side. 4.8.6Youcangetreadingfrom LCDdisplay. WARNING RiskofElectrocution. Youcan’tinputthevoltagewhichishigherthan600VrmsAC,it’spossibletoshowhigher voltage,butitmaydamagetheinnercircuitorcauseelectricalshock. Payattentiontoavoidgettinganelectricshockwhenmeasuringvoltage. NOTE: -Atthemanualrangemode,whenonlythefigure‘OL ’ isdisplayed,itindicatesoverrangesituationand thehigherrangehastobeselected. -Atthelittlevoltagerange,themeterwillshowunsteadyreadingwhentestleadshaven’treachthecircuit, it’snormalbecausethemeterisverysensitivity.Whentestleadstouchthecircuit,youcangetthetrue reading. -Atthemanualrangemode,whenthevaluescaletobemeasuredisunknownbeforehand,selectthe rangeatthehighestpositionandsetdowngradually. -TransformtothemanualrangewhenusethemVrange. 4.9MEASURINGRESISTANCE 4.9.1Rotatetheprobesocketclockwisetospinouttheprobefromthemeter. 4.9.2InserttheblacktestleadortestclipintheCOMjack. 4.9.3Setthetransformswitchatthe(rangeposition. Autorangeormanualrangecanbe transformedbyputtingthe“RANGE”. 4.9.4Connecttheprobetipofthe metertoonesideofthetested circuitandprobetipofthetest lead(ortestclip)totheotherside. 4.9.5YoucangetreadingfromLCDdisplay. WARNING RiskofElectrocution. Whenmeasuringin-circuitresistance,besurethecircuitundertesthasallpower removedandthatallcapacitorshavebeendischargedfully. NOTE: -Atthemanualrangemode,whenonlythefigure‘OL ’ isdisplayed,itindicatesoverrangesituationand thehigherrangehastobeselected. -Formeasuringresistanceabove1MΩ,themetermaytakeafewsecondstogetstablereading. -Whentheinputisnotconnected,i.e.atopencircuit,thefigure‘OL ’ willbedisplayedfortheoverrange condition. ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2013, 13:43

11 383 0
ABB Drives User’s Manual Digital I/O Extension FIO-01

ABB Drives User’s Manual Digital I/O Extension FIO-01

... Drives manuals Your comments on our manuals are welcome. Go to and select Document Library – Manuals feedback form (LV AC drives). Safety instructions 5 Safety instructions ... this manual contains This manual contains information on the wiring, configuration and use of the FIO-01 Digital I/O Extension. Safety instructions are featured in the first few pages of this manual. ... safety instructions that must be followed when installing and operating the FIO-01 Digital I/O Extension. In addition to the safety instructions given below, read the complete safety instructions...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 02:15

22 683 0
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng máy ảnh kỹ thuật số Canon Ixus 100 is pptx

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng máy ảnh kỹ thuật số Canon Ixus 100 is pptx

... KTS 3.0x 3.7x 4.6x 7.5x 12x Ch th s đưc phóng to hơn. Tip tc xoay phím Zoom đn Nhn phím Menu, chn bng và cài mc [Digital Zoom]  ch đ [O]. 8 Chn ch đ xem li. M màn hình cài đt. Cài đt. Ngôn ng hin...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 05:17

66 3,3K 8
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng Canon IXUS 860is ppt

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng Canon IXUS 860is ppt

... (Postcard) hoc (màn hình rng). Chế độ chụp với Zoom KTS. Chọn [Digital Zoom]. 1. Nhấn phím Menu. 2. Sử dụng phím hoặc và chọn mục [Digital Zoom] trong bảng . 15 In n/Kt ni Getting Started Hưng ... ni máy nh vi các dòng máy in hiu Canon có cùng chc năng [Picbridge]. *2 Có th s dng các loi th in CP-10/CP-100/CP-200/CP-300. Các dòng máy hiệu Canon Dòng máy SELPHY Máy in ảnh nhỏ ... dùng th tc đ cao SDC-512MSH, đnh dng th (format) trưc khi s dng. - Chc năng này do Canon sáng ch, hiu qu có th khác nhau tùy tng ch th và điu kin chp. - Th có th chưa...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 15:20

58 769 1
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng Canon IXUS 960is pptx

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng Canon IXUS 960is pptx

... lại Phím in Dòng máy SELPHY Máy in ảnh nhỏ gọn Dòng máy PIXMA Dòng máy in phun Các dòng máy hiệu Canon Cáp kết nối Khe cắm dây cáp nối máy tính (a) 1. Mở máy in sau đó kết nối với camera qua cổng...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 15:20

55 1,5K 3


... appeared by 1753, when the figures stood: Mammals, 1886; birds, 1172; reptiles, 521; fishes, 1555 . A great proportion of these were, however, not stuffed specimens, but simply bones and preparations ... Sugaring can. * Fig. 52 — Impaler. * Fig. 53 — Diaphragm bottle. * Fig. 54 — Sugaring drum. * Fig. 55 — Assembling cage. * Fig. 56 — Cage for collecting larvae. * To see the setting of this at ... and Co., in London, in 1820, we find that "A work appeared at Lyons in 1758, entitled 'Instructions on the Manner of Collecting and Preparing the Different Curiosities of Natural History.'"...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

363 612 0