... used in comparisons with other characters. Certain characters can be represented in character and string constants by escape sequences like \n (newline); these sequences look like two characters, ... the other is specifically called for. For instance, consider the function squeeze(s ,c) , which removes all occurrences of the character c from the string s. /* squeeze: delete all c from s */ ... A character constant is an integer, written as one character within single quotes, such as 'x'. The value of a character constant is the numeric value of the character in the machine's character...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 11:09
Bài giảng C Programming Help
... • Mỗi c u lệnh viết trên một dòng. C c câu lệnh c ng c p viết trên c ng một c t, c c câu lệnh c c p nhỏ hơn viết thụt vào trong, c ch lệnh c p trên bằng một khoảng Tab ... project : chọn menu Project/Close Project. 2. Một số nguyên t c khi kết nối dữ liệu trong Project. • C c tập tin .H thường dùng để khai báo c c biến dữ liệu và hàm dùng chung (export data). C c ... hiện c a chúng chỉ khai báo một lần duy nhất trong tập tin .CPP tương ứng. • Tập tin project thường chứa c c tập tin c i đặt .CPP, thư viện đối tượng .OBJ, … • C c tập tin trong c ng một project...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:26
The C programming language.
... in comparisons with other characters. Certain characters can be represented in character and string constants by escape sequences like \n (newline); these sequences look like two characters, ... A character constant is an integer, written as one character within single quotes, such as 'x'. The value of a character constant is the numeric value of the character in the machine's ... '\xb' /* ASCII vertical tab */ #define BELL '\x7' /* ASCII bell character */ The complete set of escape sequences is \a alert (bell) character \\ backslash \b backspace \? ...
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 17:10
Introduction to C++ Programming
... of objects absorb characteristics from existing classes –Objects • Encapsulate data and functions • Information hiding – Communicate across well-defined interfaces 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All ... cout instead of std::cout 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 C+ + Standard Library C+ + programs – Built from pieces called classes and functions • C+ + standard library – Rich collections ... Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 25 Introduction to Object Technology • User-defined types (classes, components) – Data members • Data components of class – Member functions • Function components...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 19:12
C Programming language
... c = getchar(); the variable c contains the next character of input. The characters normally come from the keyboard; input from files is discussed in Chapter 7. The function putchar ... function putchar prints a character each time it is called: putchar (c) ; prints the contents of the integer variable c as a character, usually on the screen. Calls to putchar and printf may ... automatic henceforth to refer to these local variables. ( Chapter 4 discusses the static storage class, in which local variables do retain their values between calls.) Because automatic variables...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu Practical C Programming P2 pptx
... Turbo C+ + under MS-DOS Borland International makes a low-cost MS-DOS C+ + compiler called Turbo C+ +. This compiler will compile both C and C+ + code. We will describe only how to compile C code. ... their offerings is a C compiler called gcc. To compile a program using the gcc compiler use the following command line: % gcc -g -Wall -ohello hello .c The additional switch -Wall turns on the ... is: C: > bcc -ml -v -N -P -w -ehello hello .c The command-line options are the same for both Turbo C+ + and Borland C+ +. Microsoft Visual C+ + Microsoft Visual C+ + is another C+ + /C compiler...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu Practical C Programming P1 doc
... Free Software Foundation's gcc compiler. For MS-DOS/Windows users, instructions are included for Borland C+ +, Turbo C+ +, and Microsoft Visual C+ +. (These compilers compile both C and C+ + ... to anyone who can send electronic mail to, and receive electronic mail from, Internet sites. Any company or service provider that allows email connections to the Internet can access FTPMAIL. ... your back, such as automatically calling constructors and destructors for variables. This processing makes some types of programming easy, but it makes static checking of programs difficult,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu C Programming for Embedded Systems docx
... instructions to the COPCR register. Interestingly, the COP watchdog is dependent upon the system clock; a clock monitor circuit resets the MCU if the clock stops, and thereby renders the COP watchdog ... manoeuvre. Programming the prescalar and starting the clock are tasks of the software developer. Knowing the processor clock frequency, and choosing correct prescalar values, you can achieve accurate ... interrupt each second (a) Increment clock counter. (b) Request display update. (c) Loop through the preset cycles. If clock is at or past the indexed cycle time, set target temperature to that cycle. 3....
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 02:17
Tài liệu Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Appendix C: Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications ppt
... enhance the appearance of the comments; they are not necessary. Most of the C compiler nowadays also accepts the C programming language comments sequence, //. In our example, we mixed both comment ... as an example. C compiler translates high-level C programs into machine language that can be executed by computers or DSP proces- sors such as the TMS32 0C5 5x. The fact that C compilers are available ... example C program. C program comments may contain any message beginning with the characters sequence /* and ending with the characters sequence */. The comments will be ignored by the compiler....
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Practical C Programming Third Edition pdf
... generic cc compiler or the Free Software Foundation’s gcc compiler. For MS-DOS/Windows users, instructions are included for Borland C+ +, Turbo C+ +, and Microsoft Visual C+ +. (These compilers compile ... and continue. The switch statement is discussed in detail. Chapter 9, Variable Scope and Functions, introduces local variables, functions, and parameters. Chapter 10, C Preprocessor, describes ... 19. Other changes/additions to the book include: • Additional instructions for more compilers including a generic UNIX compiler, the Free Software Foundations gcc compilers, Borland C+ +, Turbo C+ +,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20
... as EBCDIC (used by IBM) and Unicode, which is a more recent development. EBCDIC consists of 256 characters; Unicode consists of 65,536 characters. To store a character belonging to Unicode, you ... chapter contains a section on processing a C+ + program. This chapter also describes structured and object-oriented programming. Chapter 2 discusses the basic elements of C+ +. After completing this chapter, ... STL 1263 Container Types 1264 Sequence Containers 1264 Sequence Container: Vectors 1264 Member Functions Common to All Containers 1273 Member Functions Common to Sequence Containers 1275 copy Algorithm...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20