c programming basics tutorial in tamil

C programming in linux

C programming in linux

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 09:23

84 443 0
C Programming Tutorial doc

C Programming Tutorial doc

... Pointer to an Array 76 C Pointers 78 What Are Pointers? 79 How to use Pointers? 79 NULL Pointers in C 80 Pointer arithmetic 80 Incrementing a Pointer 81 Decrementing a Pointer 82 Pointer ... Pointer Comparisons 82 Array of pointers 83 Pointer to Pointer 85 Passing pointers to functions 86 Return pointer from functions 87 C Strings 90 C Structures 93 Defining a Structure 93 Accessing ... then check whether GCC is installed on your system by entering the following command from the command line: $ gcc -v If you have GNU compiler installed on your machine then it should print...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 08:20

145 2,4K 0
Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++ docx

Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++ docx

... Serial Controller 149 Chapter 10. Optimizing Your Code 151 10.1 Increasing Code Efficiency 151 10.2 Decreasing Code Size 154 10.3 Reducing Memory Usage 156 10.4 Limiting the Impact of C+ + 157 ... running the same software in a simulator. If Programming Embedded Systems in C and C+ + - 44 - you should see is the C source code for main, with a cursor indicating that the embedded processor's ... development, a special object file that contains the compiled startup code must also be included within this list. (See Startup Code later in this chapter.) The GNU linker also has a scripting language...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20

187 924 1
David haskins   c programming in linux

David haskins c programming in linux

... Introduction The teaching approach I began university teaching later in life after a career programming in the telecommunications industry. My concern has been to convey the sheer fun and creativity ... array of pointers to character strings called argv[]. Download free books at BookBooN.com C Programming in Linux 8 Introduction Introduction Why learn the C language? Because the C language ... of my academic research and commercial consultancy has been involved with spatial systems design and the large data volumes and necessary processing efficiency concerns has led me to concentrate...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:07

84 319 0
visual c-sharp programming basics

visual c-sharp programming basics

... !! A0!'.901!RpublicT!70$#,0!108%-,)/2!'(0!$+/8')#/!*#!&0!8-/!+*0!)'!#+'*)10!'()*!8%-**N! S#&=!2#!7-8;!'#!RU#,3]N8*T!-/1!108%-,0!'(0!8%-**!,)2('!#/!'#9!#$!'(0!Main!$+/8')#/4! Calculator Calc = new Calculator();! ! 16" VISUAL" ;C# " ;PROGRAMMING& quot ;BASICS# ! //This is the switch-case command //it works like ... void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkBox1.Checked == true) { button1.Enabled = true; } else 4" VISUAL" ;C# " ;PROGRAMMING& quot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quot ;BASICS& quot; 11# ! S#'0!(#&!'(0!button1_Click3$+/8')#/!9-**0*!'(0!<-%+0*!'#!'(0!AddNumbers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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Calculator { class Calculator { } } ! O/*)10!'(0!8%-**=!8+'D9-*'0!'(0!AddNumbers!$+/8')#/=!-/1!8(-/20!'(0!$#%%#&)/2!%)/04! ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:33

19 312 0
computer science programming basics in ruby

computer science programming basics in ruby

... 3: Core Programming Elements www.it-ebooks.info CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computer Science In This Chapter ã Defining computer science ã Programming techniques ã Algorithms and algorithm efficiency 1.1 ... efficiency 1.1 Introduction Introductory students often confuse programming with computer science, but pro‐ gramming is merely a strategy to implement computer science concepts. We introduce the basics ... science books un‐ necessarily limits the understanding of readers. Understanding computer architecture basics and accounting for such basics in the design of algorithms often reduces the running...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:54

188 695 0
Programming in C# - C# Programming Constructs docx

Programming in C# - C# Programming Constructs docx

... transactions for an account ã Exit the application The system has a feature called “Perform transactions for an account” in which a customer is allowed to perform transactions in his account. ... the starting balance of the customer. On successful opening of an account, display a suitable message. ã On typing account, a menu having the following commands should be displayed: Commands ... balance, and transactions to store the balance in an account and the number of transactions. ã Using the switch-case statements of C# , create a menu that should display the following commands:...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 10:20

3 150 0
Program C Ansi Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ phần 1 doc

Program C Ansi Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ phần 1 doc

... processing power could lead to increased production costs. Conversely, we might imagine that the same increase in processing power would have the effect of decreasing the development costs-by reducing ... for use in a line of business calculators produced by the Japanese company Busicom. In 1969, Busicom asked Intel to design a set of custom integrated circuits-one for each of their new calculator ... equivalent device that does not contain the processor and software. This could be done by replacing the combination with a custom integrated circuit that performs the same functions in hardware....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

15 451 1
The C programming Langguage 2nd Edition

The C programming Langguage 2nd Edition

... C: char a single byte, capable of holding one character in the local character set int an integer, typically reflecting the natural size of integers on the host machine float single-precision ... #define MAXLINE 1000 /* maximum input line length */ int getline(char line[], int maxline); void copy(char to[], char from[]); /* print the longest input line */ main() { int len; /* current ... other integers, although they are most often used in comparisons with other characters. Certain characters can be represented in character and string constants by escape sequences like \n (newline);...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 11:09

217 864 1
Bài giảng C Programming Help

Bài giảng C Programming Help

... • Mỗi c u lệnh viết trên một dòng. C c câu lệnh c ng c p viết trên c ng một c t, c c câu lệnh c c p nhỏ hơn viết thụt vào trong, c ch lệnh caỏp treõn baống moọt khoaỷng ... _ // Cac khai bao ghi o day #endif // Ket thuc tap tin ã Ca c kieồu dửừ lieọu, hằng, macro dùng chung khai báo trong c c tập tin .H ủeồ khi duứng thỡ include vaứo. ã Ca c thaứnh phan duứng chung ... báo c c biến dữ liệu và hàm dùng chung (export data). C c thể hiện c thể c a c c biến và hàm này đư c cài đặt trong taọp tin .CPP tửụng ửựng. ã ẹeồ traựnh khai baựo truứng laởp khi kết nối c c...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:26

2 691 0