các loại tế bào điều trị suy tim 2

Các tranh luận trong điều trị cơn đau thắt ngực ổn định

Các tranh luận trong điều trị cơn đau thắt ngực ổn định

... early rather than deferred revascularization BARI 2D: Trial design and enrollment The BARI 2D Study Group N Engl J Med 20 09;360 :25 0 325 15 BARI 2D: Rates of Survival and Freedom from Major Cardiovascular ... trials PCI was associated with a 20 % reduction in death COURAGE may have been underpowered to detect a mortality benefit 20 % reduction JACC 20 08; 52: 894-904 COURAGE: Optimal Medical Therapy Lifestyle ... Weight by Body Mass index Initial BMI 25 -27 .5 >27 .5 Blood Pressure

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2015, 16:12

37 355 0
Family Support and Health Status of Elderly People: A Case Study of District Gujrat, Pakistan pdf

Family Support and Health Status of Elderly People: A Case Study of District Gujrat, Pakistan pdf

... 64 16 92 101 91 29 34 32 35 12 44 37 24 19 22 01 10 08 11 03 12 67 04 00 07 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 75.0 63.3 66.7 61.7 87.5 53.3 13.3 76.7 84 .2 75.8 24 .2 28.3 26 .7 29 .2 10.0 ... 93 109 18 26 10 18 65 09 09 65 25 10 68 54 46 39 40 48 36 38 02 01 34 40 64 63 15 63 75 17 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 77.5 90.8 15.0 21 .7 08.3 15.0 54 .2 7.5 7.5 54 .2 521 20 .8 8.3 ... 10001-15000 15001 -20 000 20 001 -25 000 25 000+ 03 17 27 27 46 2. 5 14 .2 22. 5 22 .5 38.3 No Child Up to 3-4 5-6 & Above 06 07 31 50 26 5.0 5.83 25 .83 41.67 21 .67 Total 120 100.0 Total 120 100.0 1.3 Respondents...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

7 783 0
Loneliness, Depression and Health Status of the Institutionalized Elderly in Korea and Japan pptx

Loneliness, Depression and Health Status of the Institutionalized Elderly in Korea and Japan pptx

... (%) 79.47 ± 6 .28 82. 57 ± 7 .21 Gender Male Female (6 .2) 76 (93.8) 26 (25 .2) 77 (74.8) Education Elementary school or less Middle school High school 72 (90.0) (5.0) (5.0) 27 (26 .2) 31 (30.1) 45 ... Physical function General health perception t p F R2 b t p F R2 61 −. 02 − .22 5.83 −.14 2. 03 00 89 05 23 .17 55 36 −.14 − .27 4. 02 −1.35 − .21 00 18 05 13.33 29 In this study, the level of loneliness in ... (51.5) 24 (36.4) (6.1) Depression GDS score < GDS score ≥ t or 2 p 36.35 ± 10.58 52 (50.5) 38 (36.9) 11 (10.7) (1.9) 24 .53 00 00 8.07 ± 3.84 25 (33.3) 50 (66.7) 5 .21 ± 3. 52 60 (58.3) 43 (41.7) 2. 25...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

8 776 0
Social capital and Health status: a protective impact among elderly or inactive but not among active ? doc

Social capital and Health status: a protective impact among elderly or inactive but not among active ? doc

... ** * 0, 028 0, 022 0, 023 0, 021 0, 020 0, 021 0, 021 0,0 52 0, 02 -0,01 0,07 0, 12 -0, 02 -0,03 0,01 -0,09 *** 0,014 0,030 -0,03 -0,09 ** ** 0,013 0,050 -0,10 -0,10 Ref Ref *** *** 0, 029 0, 022 0, 026 - - ... 8,4 10,6 8 ,2 0,4 0,8 2, 1 19,9 34,0 15,9 28 ,2 1,4 7,5 38,1 18,0 35,0 3,8 47,9 24 ,7 11 ,2 12, 6 26 0 330 755 124 4 1089 770 868 601 76 4,3 5,5 12, 6 20 ,8 18 ,2 12, 9 14,5 10,0 1,3 1,8 4,6 13,6 22 ,1 19,4 ... 19,8 54,0 2, 9 29 ,2 4,1 55,9 8,1 2, 7 French French and Other Other only 4491 737 765 74,9 12, 3 12, 8 76,0 12, 5 11,6 72, 6 11,9 15,5 Yes 22 04 3789 36,8 63 ,2 36,6 63,4 37,1 62, 9 1st Quintile 2nd Quintile...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

27 465 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of the growth and health status of selected clone mixtures in comparison with ordinary planting stock" docx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of the growth and health status of selected clone mixtures in comparison with ordinary planting stock" docx

... Černohorská rašelina clone plantation 2nd generation J FOR SCI., 56, 20 10 (7): 314– 322 1989 520 ortet mixture Years of foundations 1990 750 1997 1,180–1 ,20 0 20 04 20 05 315 Lesní Bouda Lesní bouda Trutnov ... 550, 517 73 Opočno, Česká republika tel.: + 420 494 668 3 92, fax: + 420 494 668 393, e-mail: leugner@vulhmop.cz 322 J FOR SCI., 56, 20 10 (7): 314– 322 ... level 316 J FOR SCI., 56, 20 10 (7): 314– 322 300 Diameter (mm) ) Height (cm) 25 0 20 0 150 100 50 ab a 171 b a a 175 548 554 Number of clone 558 a b 171 b 557 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 175 b a a 548 554...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22

9 299 0
Tài liệu Urban-Rural Disparities of Child Health and Nutritional Status in China from 1989 to 2006 doc

Tài liệu Urban-Rural Disparities of Child Health and Nutritional Status in China from 1989 to 2006 doc

... 1989–1993 -0. 12* ** 0 .24 *** 0.09* 2. 70*** (0.01) (0.04) (0.04) (0.53) 1997 20 00 -0.10*** 0 .20 *** 0.07* 1. 32 (0. 02) (0.04) (0.04) (0 .29 ) 20 04 20 06 -0. 02 0 .20 *** 0.10** 0.97 (0. 02) (0.04) (0.05) (0 .21 ) Notes: ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20

39 405 0


... Mississippi 26 22 19 22 24 24 26 22 23 25 22 19 17 20 30 26 21 21 20 24 24 23 30 33 28 40 35 34 30 25 35 D.C 65 Patient care physicians per 10,000 population On average, there were 25 patient ... (1999 20 00) 5.8 (20 07 20 08) 6.3 (20 09 20 10) 65 years and over 15 .2 (1999 20 00) 17.0 (20 07 20 08) 18.1 (20 09 20 10) 28 .9 (1999 20 00) 32. 6 (20 07 20 08) 31.9 (20 09 20 10) 17.7 (1999 20 00) 14.6 (20 07 20 08) ... state: United States, 20 09 25 22 29 24 26 27 17 19 25 19 25 21 25 22 35 26 20 24 20 The number of patient care physicians per 10,000 population in the United States in 20 09 ranged from a high...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

583 593 0


... No 29 .4 (28 .7–30.1) 30.3 (29 .7–30.9) 27 .9 (27 .3 28 .5) 29 .1 (28 .4 29 .8) 28 .6 (28 .2 29 .1) 29 .7 (29 .2 30 .2) 29 .2 (28 .8 29 .6) 20 .0–39.5 19.0–45.5 13.6–45.7 17.0– 52. 0 13.6–45.7 17.0– 52. 0 13.6– 52. 0 ... 30 .2 30 .2 36.6 33.8 35.3 17.1 36.1 26 .5 36.1 32. 3 21 .3 14.0 34 .2 23.9 0.7 2. 4 1.5 2. 4 1.7 0.8 0.3 2. 1 1 .2 Fig Distribution of BMI 25 0 20 0 150 100 50 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 ... Total Urban No 19 123 329 16 499 Total Rural % 3.8 24 .6 65.9 1.4 3 .2 1.0 0.0 100 No 37 105 26 9 79 17 514 % 7 .2 20.4 52. 3 15.4 3.3 1 .2 0 .2 100 No % 56 22 8 598 86 33 11 1013 5.5 22 .5 59.0 8.5 3.3...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

34 833 0
Historical and current predictors of self-reported health status among elderly persons in Barbados pot

Historical and current predictors of self-reported health status among elderly persons in Barbados pot

... Barbados, 1999 20 00 Indicator Response rate (%) 40 34 27 65 35 41 31 28 21 79 67 33 21 54 26 24 32 45 25 38 37 23 34 42 90 94 100 Other relatives and friends living outside the household 1 2 or more ... Disease Historical + Current + Lifestyle + Disease 7.9 11 .2 36 .2 13.7 36.9 37.6 38 .2 1.4 1.1 3.0 2. 7 6.4 8.7 12. 2 3.8 4.0 2. 7 2. 9 2. 4 2. 4 2. 0 Model a a All models adjusted for age and gender “Model ... 30 52 100 Number of siblings living outside the household 1 2 or more 22 53 25 100 Number of children living outside the household 1 2 or more 39 61 99.8 Number of people in household 1 2 or...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

11 482 0
Physical activity and mental health status among elderly people pdf

Physical activity and mental health status among elderly people pdf

... Brazil, 20 02 Variable Male Female Total SED % NSED % SED % NSED % SED % NSED % No 30 .2 59.9 34 48 .2 32. 2 54 Yes 6 .2 3.7 10.9 6.9 8.5 5.3 No 27 .9 58.3 30.6 43.7 29 .2 51.1 Yes 8.6 5 .2 14.5 11 .2 11.5 ... 80.5 19.5 157.1 194.1 Domestic tasks 83.7 75.3 79.5 20 .5 22 7.5 411 .2 Leisure 69.6 79 74.3 25 .7 27 2.5 25 9.9 Total PA 36.4 45 40.7 59.3 521 .6 27 0.1 SED: Sedentary NSED: Non-sedentary sd: standard ... Florianópolis, Southern Brazil, in 20 02 In 20 00, this municipality had 28 ,816 elderly people (11,979 men and 16,837 women), distributed in 12 districts and 460 census tracts (IBGE, 20 01).b All the census...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

6 503 0


... AND SPENDING 21 9 POLICY IMPLICATIONS 22 2 RECOMMENDATIONS 22 4 SUMMARY 22 6 REFERENCES 22 9 iv Tables Table 3.1: Suggested ... Treatment…………………….…………………… 20 4 Figure 14.1: Disease Prevalence 21 9 Figure 14 .2: Total Medicare Costs 22 0 Figure 14.3: Simulating Better Heart Disease Prevention Among the Young 22 0 Figure ... 21 1 ECONOMETRIC METHODOLOGY .21 5 WHAT-IF SCENARIOS .21 5 USEFULNESS TO THE OFFICE OF THE ACTUARY 21 6 CHAPTER 14 CONCLUSIONS 21 9 MODELING...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

249 4,2K 0
Determinants of General Health Status and Specific Diseases of Elderly Women and Men: A Longitudinal Analysis for Western and Eastern Germany doc

Determinants of General Health Status and Specific Diseases of Elderly Women and Men: A Longitudinal Analysis for Western and Eastern Germany doc

... 1.14 0. 72 1.30 0 .20 0.90 1 .26 0.77 0.50 0.84 0. 92 1.50 1 .22 1.15 0. 82 1.63 0.83 0.86 1.15 1.01 1.17 1.81 1 .26 1.11 1.61 0.57 * 1.16 1 .20 2. 19 ** 1 .22 1. 12 0.83 2. 22 * 1.55 1.46 1 .22 2. 96 ** 1.55 ... * 1.46 * 1 .26 † 1.33 1 .25 2. 00 ** 1.37 1.56 * 1. 42 * 1.13 0.71 1.37 0.73 1.43 † 0.75 1.56 0.69 1. 12 0.80 1.43 0.74 1 .29 † 1 .22 1 .22 † 1 .20 1.39 1 .22 1 .22 1 .20 1 .20 1.37 * 1.70 ** 1. 32 * 0.94 0.97 ... 42 0 .26 * 0.34 * 0 .27 † 1.60 1.05 0.75 - 2. 21 1.34 1.40 1.19 2. 33 0.97 0.58 0.86 1.78 2. 15 5 .27 * 3.30 † - 2. 31 0.63 0.86 - 1.37 0.77 1.10 23 0 81 -21 7 0 .21 3 N df -2lnL Pseudo-R2 a † * ** † 22 9...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

61 545 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Social and dental status along the life course and oral health impacts in adolescents: a population-based birth cohort" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Social and dental status along the life course and oral health impacts in adolescents: a population-based birth cohort" ppt

... 110(47.8) 32( 29.6) 67 (29 .1) 34(31.5) 53 (23 .1) 42( 38.9) 124 (36.7) 92( 27 .2) 122 (36.1) 54(43.5) 38(41.3) 50(41.0) 40( 32. 3) 25 (27 .2) 36 (29 .5) 30 (24 .2) 29 (31.5) 36 (29 .5) 173( 52. 2) 165(48.8) 73( 42. 2) 69(41.8) ... 31(36.0) 83( 32. 8) 19 (22 .1) 59 (23 .3) 36(41.9) 22 9(67.6) 110( 32. 4) 101(44.1) 41(37.3) 66 (28 .8) 36( 32. 7) 62( 27.1) 33(30.0) 26 1(76.9) 78 (23 .1) 111( 42. 5) 31(39.7) 80(30.7) 22 (28 .2) 70 (26 .8) 25 ( 32. 1) 20 6(60.8) ... 90 (28 .7) 5 (20 .0) 47(13.9) 67(19.8) 22 4(66.3) 21 (44.6) 27 (40 .2) 94( 42. 0) 13 (27 .7) 20 (29 .9) 68(30.3) 13 (27 .7) 20 (29 .9) 62( 27.7) 23 (6.8) 316(93 .2) 10(43.5) 1 32( 41.8) 6 (26 .1) 96(30.4) 7(30.4) 88 (27 .8)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 469 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx

... 26 97 men 27 07 women Unknown Prospective CoRPS [22 ] Belgium/ 9 32 Netherlands female teachers M = 25 IQR = 19- 42 no men 9 32 women 28 .4% Crosssectional Other [23 ] Netherlands 622 adults M = 54 .2 SD ... manuscript 19 20 21 Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests 22 Received: 12 October 20 09 Accepted: 23 January 20 10 Published: 23 January 20 10 23 References ... CoRPS [24 ] Belgium 1 32 adults M = 33.7 SD = 14.5 70 men 57 women Unknown Crosssectional Other [25 ] U.K 84 adults M = 22 .0 SD = 6.8 42 men 42 women Unknown Prospective Other [26 ] U.K./Ireland 1012...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 595 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Self-reported physical and mental health status and quality of life in adolescents: a latent variable mediation model" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Self-reported physical and mental health status and quality of life in adolescents: a latent variable mediation model" doc

... 89 (1.1%) 181 (2. 3%) 167 (2. 1%) 52 (0.7%) 5 42 (7.0%) poor 15 (0 .2% ) (0.1%) 18 (0 .2% ) 25 (0.3%) 35 (0.5%) 100 (1.3%) total 2, 627 (33.7%) 2, 546 ( 32. 7%) 1,657 (21 .3%) 716 (9 .2% ) 23 8 (3.1%) 7,784 ... Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20 10, 8:17 http://www.hqlo.com/content/8/1/17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Research, Practice Sudbury, ... 5 02 (6.4%) 156 (2. 0%) 49 (0.6%) 30 (0.4%) 2, 104 (27 .0%) 876 (11.3%) 1,333 (17.1%) 563 (7 .2% ) 160 (2. 1%) 39 (0.5%) 2, 971 (38 .2% ) 316 (4.1%) 615 (7.9%) 739 (9.5%) 315 (4.0%) 82 (1.1%) 2, 067 (26 .6%)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

11 566 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Change in patient concerns following total knee arthroplasty described with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a repeated measures design" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Change in patient concerns following total knee arthroplasty described with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a repeated measures design" docx

... Rehabil 20 03, 25 :577-587 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Rastogi R, Davis AM, Chesworth BM: Patient concerns in the first six weeks following primary total knee arthroplasty Health Qual Life Outcomes 20 07, ... Disease Depression 32 (59) 24 (44) 15 (28 ) 12 (22 ) 10 (19) KOOS subscale scores§ mean (SD‡) Pain Symptoms ADL Sport/Rec QOL 46.9 (15.1) 48.4 (14.9) 48.3 (16.9) 11.5 (14.6) 21 .6 (14.5) WOMAC subscale ... (3–6) (4–6) 5.5 (4–6) (4–7) (1–5) (3–6) (3–6) (2 6) (2 6) (1 2) (3–5) (4–7) (4–6) (6–7) (3–7) (2 6) (4–6) (4–7) (4–7) (3–6) (4–6) (4–6) (2 6) (2 6) (1–3) 4.5 (3–6) (5–7) 5.5 (4–6) (5–7) * International...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

8 458 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Comparing the SF-12 and SF-36 health status questionnaires in patients with and without obesity" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Comparing the SF-12 and SF-36 health status questionnaires in patients with and without obesity" pot

... Overweight Obese MCS- 12 Overall Normal weight Overweight Obese 44 ( 12) 158 (43) 101 (28 ) 62 (17) 139 (39) 117 (33) 98 (28 ) 124 (35) 23 2 (65) 24 5 (69) 71 (20 ) 15 (4) 11 (3) 12 (3) 45 .2 (8.0) 47.9 (6.6) ... final manuscript 20 21 22 23 Acknowledgements This study was supported by NIH grants K23 DK 029 62 and NIH P30 DK4 620 0 (Boston Obesity and Nutrition Research Center) References 24 conditions, change ... PCS- 12 than normal weight patients (p-trend < 0.001) The model R2 was higher for BMI and PCS- 12 (R2 = 0 .22 ) than for BMI and PCS-36 (R2 = 0.16), suggesting that when compared to PCS-36, PCS- 12 is...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

7 366 1
báo cáo hóa học:" Do visual analogue scale (VAS) derived standard gamble (SG) utilities agree with Health Utilities Index utilities? A comparison of patient and community preferences for health status in rheumatoid arthritis patients" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Do visual analogue scale (VAS) derived standard gamble (SG) utilities agree with Health Utilities Index utilities? A comparison of patient and community preferences for health status in rheumatoid arthritis patients" pptx

... 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 0.13 0 .20 0 .21 0 .22 0 .24 0 .25 0.11 0.15 0.11 to 0.15 0.18 to 0 .22 0.19 to 0 .23 0 .20 to 0 .24 0 .22 to 0 .26 0 .23 to 0 .27 0.09 to 0.13 0.13 to 0.17 Adjusted SG1 SG2 ... 0. 12 0.18 0.19 0.19 0 .21 0 .22 0.10 0.13 0.11 to 0.14 0.16 to 0 .20 0.17 to 0 .21 0.18 to 0 .21 0.19 to 0 .23 0 .20 to 0 .24 0.08 to 0. 12 0.11 to 0.15 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 3 02 0.18 0 .24 0 .25 0 .25 ... 3 02 3 02 3 02 0.18 0 .24 0 .25 0 .25 0 .27 0 .28 0.16 0.19 0.16 to 0 .20 0 .22 to 0 .26 0 .23 to 0 .27 0 .23 to 0 .27 0 .25 to 0 .29 0 .26 to 0.30 0.14 to 0.18 0.17 to 0 .21 the HUI2 and HUI3, the patient provides...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 603 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Synchrony of change in depressive symptoms, health status, and quality of life in persons with clinical depression" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Synchrony of change in depressive symptoms, health status, and quality of life in persons with clinical depression" pot

... 10.18 3 .25 12. 54 7.99 0.85 2. 51 11.94 3.17 12. 26 10. 52 3 .25 12. 39 9.70 3 .26 12. 59 8.58 12. 92 -3.36 16 66 12. 87 12. 04 3.00 2. 69 12. 16 11.41 12. 75 11.91 13.05 12. 23 13. 52 12. 60 1.36 1.19 12. 47 3 926 ... Less:Emotional 24 .31 37.95 51.13 1.35 12. 12 11 .28 20 . 82 0.48 29 .03 34.05 43.91 1 .23 24 . 62 37.55 50.40 1.33 23 . 02 39.19 53.38 1.38 20 .55 40.99 56.81 1.46 -8.48 6.94 12. 9 23 PCS3 Do Less:Physical EVGGFP 42. 83 ... 11.77 20 .55 0.54 13.06 23 .45 0.56 PCS Do Less:Physical EVGGFP 7.74 0.50 0.68 8. 02 0. 52 0.67 8.77 0.53 0.73 9.69 0.55 0.81 6.11 0.81 1.78 2. 25 2. 17 2. 92 6.41 0.83 2. 00 2. 55 2. 42 3.16 7.40 0.91 2. 15...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 387 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Minimal changes in health status questionnaires: distinction between minimally detectable change and minimally important change" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Minimal changes in health status questionnaires: distinction between minimally detectable change and minimally important change" doc

... number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20 06, 4:54 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Nunnally JC, Bernstein IH: Psychometric theory New York: McGrawHill; ... 1996, 49: 121 5- 121 9 Cella D, Hahn EA, Dineen K: Meaningful change in cancer-specific quality of life scores : differences between improvement and worsening Qual Life Res 20 02, 11 :20 7 -22 1 Ware JE, ... Study 55 92 J Clin Epidemiol 20 02, 55 :28 5 -29 5 Crosby RD, Kolotkin RL, Williams GR: An integrated method to determine meaningful changes in health-related quality of life J Clin Epidemiol 20 04, 57:1153-1160...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

5 293 0