building liquidity risk strategy and policy

Solutions to improve structure and operation of strategy and policy research organizations serving state management under ministries and ministerial level

Solutions to improve structure and operation of strategy and policy research organizations serving state management under ministries and ministerial level

... Information and Communications Strategy, Institute of Health Policy and Strategy, etc., Minister attends annual and semi-annual review meeting and gives opinions on the operation and development ... understanding between policy makers and policy researchers [8] 4.3 From the angle of existing inadequacies in the organizational and operational model of the institute in charge of strategy and policy ... in charge of policy and strategy study for state management; (3) Cost-effective mechanism of steering, coordination and cooperation in policy research and development for management and (4) Autonomy

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 13:40

23 37 0
Building up business strategy for investment contruction and application Joint Stock Company of new technologies in stage of 2012-2016

Building up business strategy for investment contruction and application Joint Stock Company of new technologies in stage of 2012-2016

... opportunities and risks in the future, therefore business strategies will help enterprises make good use of opportunities and reduce risks related to the business environment On the other hand, strategy ... conflict and ethnic conflict are frequent But in Vietnam, thanks to the leadership of the Party and the State, along with the policy of national unity and the internal and external policy flexibility ... volatile, complex and risky business environment So, just paying attention to the internal functions and routines is not enough, to survive and grow enterprises need to outline the policies and business

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2015, 14:55

90 498 0
Basel III: The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and liquidity risk monitoring tools

Basel III: The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and liquidity risk monitoring tools

... on the risk management and supervision of funding liquidity risk and should help promote better risk management in this critical area, but only if there is full implementation by banks and supervisors ... are supplementary to the LCR and are to be used for ongoing monitoring of the liquidity risk exposures of banks, and in communicating these exposures among home and host supervisors The Committee ... active banks and deals with application issues • Part presents a set of monitoring tools to be used by banks and supervisors in their monitoring of liquidity risks Part 1: The Liquidity Coverage

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2017, 10:48

75 238 0
Funding optimization for a bank integrating credit and liquidity risk

Funding optimization for a bank integrating credit and liquidity risk

... projection and a higher liquidity risk assumptions did results in a different SLP optimal strategy and a dynamic trading rule more weighted towards short dated funding due to the lower liquidity risk ... various risks Chambers and Charnes (1961) wrote one of the first papers based on maximizing profitability within capital and liquidity constraints Uncertainty is reflected in the credit, liquidity and ... bank to interest rate risk (assets and liabilities re-price at different durations) and liquidity risk (the uncertainty of the cost of funding at future dates) The extreme and novel macroeconomic

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 22:04

28 32 0
Idiosyncratic volatility and liquidity risk: How they have explanatory power in stock returns

Idiosyncratic volatility and liquidity risk: How they have explanatory power in stock returns

... variables for liquidity Amihud and Mendelson (1986) and Amihud (2002) confirmed the existence of liquidity premiums, and due to the compensation between liquidity and returns, lower liquidity translates ... volatility and liquidity risk How liquidity risk affect stock returns has been getting more attention in recent years Table through illustrate trends in idiosyncratic volatility, liquidity risk, and ... Volatility and Liquidity Risk: How they have Explanatory Power in Stock Returns Jun-Biao Lina1 and Ping-Yeh Su2 Abstract Literatures have shown that idiosyncratic volatility and liquidity risk calculated

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 22:45

21 17 0
Liquidity, liquidity risk and stock returns the evidence of viet nam

Liquidity, liquidity risk and stock returns the evidence of viet nam

... CAPM model by adding three more risk factors related to liquidity risk, commonality in liquidity of stock and market, return sensitivity to market liquidity and liquidity sensitivity to market ... correlation between liquidity and illiquidity measures are negative as TURN and DVOL are negatively correlated with ILLIQ, ZERO1 and ZERO2 Thirdly, the correlation between Zero1 and Zero2 is quite ... between stock returns and liquidity Stock returns are positively correlated with the two liquidity measures, TURN (0.0896) and DVOL (0.0857) and negatively correlated with the illiquidity measures,

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2022, 20:34

19 12 0
Thucydides on Policy Strategy and War Termination

Thucydides on Policy Strategy and War Termination

... fessor of strategy at the Naval War College, first in and commanders and the asymmetric struggle Newport, Rhode Island, and currently in Monterey, between Athenian sea and Spartan land power ... diplomatic and military strategy was going to be necessary, and such a strategy is readily apparent for those willing and able to connect the dots Under Pericles especially, that strategy was ... been made impossible by the nature and form of the Athenian demands, however, and they returned to Sparta So the negotiations failed, and the war went on and on and on Published by U.S Naval War

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2022, 15:15

40 10 0
Bank specific and macro economic factors affect the liquidity risk of commercial banks in vietnam

Bank specific and macro economic factors affect the liquidity risk of commercial banks in vietnam

... THEORETICAL BASIS AND OVERVIEW OF PRIOR STUDIES 2.1 Basic concept overview 2.1.1 The concept of liquidity and liquidity risk 2.1.2 Measure liquidity risk ... addition to the liquidity risk control policies, the bank has built a team to monitor, forecast, and promptly handle signs of liquidity risk occurring 51 5.3 Limitations of the research and suggestions ... "Bank-specific and macroeconomic factors affect the liquidity risks of commercial banks in Vietnam" conducts a study on the group of micro factors and the group of macro factors affecting the liquidity risk

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2022, 20:37

95 2 0
The impact of credit and liquidity risk on financial stability at vietnamese commercial banks

The impact of credit and liquidity risk on financial stability at vietnamese commercial banks

... concept 2.1.1 The concept of credit risk v 2.1.2 The concept of liquidity risk 2.2 The relationship of credit risk and liquidity risk 2.3 An overview of previous studies ... of credit and liquidity risk on financial stability at vietnamese commercial banks" is the author's research work, and the research results received are truthful The information, data, and content ... DIEM CHI HO CHI MINH CITY, YEAR 2022 i ABSTRACT The thesis " the impact of the credit risk and liquidity risk on financial bank stability of Vietnamese commercial banks in 2011 – 2021" including

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2023, 10:32

86 5 0
Tài liệu Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision doc

Tài liệu Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision doc

... and market liquidity risk, as well as how other risks, including credit, market, operational and reputation risks affect the bank’s overall liquidity risk strategy 15 The liquidity strategy, key ... managing and supervising liquidity risk These principles are as follows: Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision Principles for the management and supervision of liquidity risk ... management and supervision of liquidity risk .3 Fundamental principle for the management and supervision of liquidity risk Governance of liquidity risk management .3 Measurement and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

44 1,6K 2
Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision potx

Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision potx

... and market liquidity risk, as well as how other risks, including credit, market, operational and reputation risks affect the bank’s overall liquidity risk strategy 15 The liquidity strategy, key ... managing and supervising liquidity risk These principles are as follows: Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision Principles for the management and supervision of liquidity risk ... management and supervision of liquidity risk .3 Fundamental principle for the management and supervision of liquidity risk Governance of liquidity risk management .3 Measurement and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:20

44 1,6K 0
Reducing Inequality For Shared Growth In China - Strategy And Policy Options For Guangdong Province docx

Reducing Inequality For Shared Growth In China - Strategy And Policy Options For Guangdong Province docx

... Per Student and Ratio of Dilapidated Buildings Overall and in Urban and Rural Areas, 2004 and 2007 O&M Per Student Overall and in Urban and Rural Areas, 2004 and 2007 GDP Per Capita and Share of ... Education, 2004 and 2007 Gross and Net Enrollment Rates in Rural Areas, 2005 and 2007 New FCE Scheme and TEOS for Primary Education per Student, 2006 and 2007 New FCE Scheme and TEOS for Junior ... Labor Allocation, 2005 and 2007 Regional Employment Structure, 2000 and 2005 Average Minimum Wage Standards in Guangdong and China L/D Ratio of Financial Institutions in Urban and Rural Areas, 2007...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

396 989 0
The Conduct of  Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics

The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics

... Monetary Policy? • Hierarchical Versus Dual Mandates: – hierarchical mandates put the goal of price stability first, and then say that as long as it is achieved other goals can be pursued – dual mandates ... Inflation Rates and Inflation Targets for New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom, 1980–2011 16-8 © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc All rights reserved The Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy Strategy ... Macropudential policy: regulatory policy to affect what is happening in credit markets in the aggregate • Monetary policy: Central banks and other regulators should not have a laissez-faire attitude and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 20:27

23 466 3
what should central banks do monetary policy goals, strategy and tactics

what should central banks do monetary policy goals, strategy and tactics

... the central bank Inflation Targeting in New Zealand • Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 • Minster of Finance and Governor of Reserve Bank to make Policy Targets Agreement • Governor of the Reserve ... monetary policy against threat of inflation • Monetary policy has long lags • Cannot wait to respond until inflation has begun • Needs to be forward-looking and pre-emptive Advantages and Disadvantages ... Between Central Bank Tools, Policy Instruments, Intermediate Targets and Goals The Price Stability Goal • Low and stable inflation • Inflation – Creates uncertainty and difficulty in planning...

Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 16:58

30 3K 2
Tài liệu An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Government Bonds pptx

Tài liệu An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Government Bonds pptx

... in inflation-indexed and nominal government bonds into effects from liquidity, market segmentation, real interest rate risk and inflation risk We estimate a large and variable liquidity premium in ... returns on nominal and inflation-indexed bonds in both the US and the UK can be attributed to differential liquidity and market segmentation or to real interest rate risk and inflation risk There is ... to sell, risk averse investors will demand a liquidity risk premium for holding these bonds (Amihud, Mendelson and Pedersen 2005, Acharya and Pedersen 2005) Our research aims to understand how...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 02:20

41 556 1


... “Monetary Policy and Excessive Bank Risk Taking” and “Leverage, Bank Risk Taking and the Role of Monetary Policy Itai Agur at IMF (Singapore Regional Training Institute), 10 Shenton Way, MAS Building ... monetary policy and leverage of Adrian and Shin (2008, 2009, 2010a,b), Angeloni, Faia and Lo Duca (2010) and Dell’Ariccia, Laeven and Marquez (2010) levered bank has less to lose from risky loans ... Marquez-Ibanez (2010), Dell’Ariccia, Laeven and Marquez (2010), Buch, Eickmeier and Prieto (2010), Delis and Brissimis (2010), Delis and Kouretas (2011) and Delis, Hasan and Mylonidis (2011) The economic...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

34 817 0


... mechanisms to prevent and reverse land degradation and promote afforestation, and sustainable land use practices; • Supporting governments in designing and mainstreaming climate risk management strategies ... project design and as such climate risk management and adaptation would become a standard feature and a requirement in Bank project designs and which will be closely monitored by OSUS and ORQR, within ... group Climate Risk Management and Adaptation Strategy: The following issues were raised for further guidance to Management and have been integrated in the current strategy: 1.2.2 Demand from the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

29 378 0
Long-term Interest Rates, Risk Premia and Unconventional Monetary Policy ppt

Long-term Interest Rates, Risk Premia and Unconventional Monetary Policy ppt

... exogenous risk premia shock Standard error of the preference shock innovation Standard error of money demand shock innovation Standard error of technology shock innovation Standard error of policy ... an endogenous risk premium, and so use the model developed by Andr´ s, L´ pez-Salido and Nelson (2004) in e o which there are endogenous deviations from the expectations hypothesis Andr´ s et al ... the maturity of the monetary policy ˆ ˆ instrument, Table shows the standard deviations of R1,t and R12,t , of the expectation of future short rates, and of the risk premium implied by rules...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

35 211 0