... building Web applications, and also about some of the features of an ASP. NET application, such as maintaining state and authentication You will also learn how to configure and deploy an ASP. NET ... Creating an ASP. NET Web Application 15 Using ASP. NET Cache Topic Objective To describe how to use ASP. NET cache ! $ Lead-in ASP. NET cache allows you to store components to be used between calls to an ... Module 7: Creating an ASP. NET Web Application What is the difference between output cache and ASP. NET cache? Under what directory are all the components and assemblies in an ASP. NET application...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
... ways that the various ADO .NET objects can be used Using the Session object and other State management methods is handy for creating pages that you want to use for more than one table You will find ... more than any in this How-To, shows the flexibility of this technique You can use any table values for these properties This is a major benefit when you think of how many places you can use this ... End Try Server.Transfer(Session("CallingPage")) End Sub Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click Server.Transfer(Session("CallingPage"))...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET docx
... command to install ASP. NET: C:\Program Files\…\SDK\v2.0>aspnet_regiis.exe -i Start installing ASP. NET (2.0.50727) Finished installing ASP. NET (2.0.50727) 11 Chapter 1: Introducing ASP. NET and ... the NET Platform Once ASP. NET is installed, close the command prompt and check again to confirm that ASP. NET installed correctly Running aspnet_regiis.exe Depending on the circumstances, ASP. NET ... download and install ASP. NET and the NET Framework, configure and start your web server, create and work with basic ASP. NET pages, install and run SQL Server 2005, create Preface database tables, and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20
asp.net website programming csharp edition problem design solution 2002
... byMarco BellinasoandKevin Hoffman? Wrox Press ?2002 Chapter 1: Building an ASP. NET Website Overview In this book we are going to build a content-based ASP. NET website This website will consist of a ... BellinasoandKevin Hoffman Wrox Press ?2002 Introduction Welcome to ASP. NET Website Programming In this book we will build an interactive, content-based website using expandable, interchangeable ... developed your ASP. NET skills for producing effective, well-engineered, extendable websites ASP. NET is a great tool for building websites It contains many built-in features that would take thousands of...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:12
building secure asp net applications 2003
... companies by using ASP. NET file authorization and NET roles q Use the ASPNET identity to access a remote SQL Server database located on the corporate intranet At a Glance xxxiii Chapter – Internet ... q Know when and when not to use impersonation within an ASP. NET Web application q Choose an appropriate account to run ASP. NET q Access local and network resources using the ASP. NET process identity ... Nielsen, Andrew Mason, Edward Jezierski, Sandy Khaund, RoAnn Corbisier, Tina Burden, Edward Lafferty, Peter M Clift, John Munyan, Mohammad Al-Sabt, Anandha Murukan and Chris Sfanos At a Glance This...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:13
fast asp.net websites
... Fast ASP. NET Websites www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Fast ASP. NET Websites DEAN ALAN HUME MANNING SHELTER ISLAND www.it-ebooks.info For Emily — ngiyakuthanda For online information and ... simplicity and getting your web framework to work just the way you want In this book, you’ll look at the latest ASP. NET tools (ASP. NET MVC, ASP. NET Web Forms, and IIS) and use them to adjust and tweak ... lines of text or in an illustration Throughout this book, I make use of C#, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML as much as possible I am a fan of both ASP. NET Web Forms and ASP. NET MVC, and each chapter includes...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:16
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 1 docx
... companies by using ASP. NET file authorization and NET roles q Use the ASPNET identity to access a remote SQL Server database located on the corporate intranet At a Glance xxxiii Chapter – Internet ... q Know when and when not to use impersonation within an ASP. NET Web application q Choose an appropriate account to run ASP. NET q Access local and network resources using the ASP. NET process identity ... Nielsen, Andrew Mason, Edward Jezierski, Sandy Khaund, RoAnn Corbisier, Tina Burden, Edward Lafferty, Peter M Clift, John Munyan, Mohammad Al-Sabt, Anandha Murukan and Chris Sfanos At a Glance This...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 2 doc
... Intranet / Extranet Scenarios Figure 3.5 shows a decision tree that can be used to help choose an authentication mechanism for intranet and extranet application scenarios Extranet / Intranet ... the ASP. NET to SQL Server intranet scenario 68 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications Security Configuration Steps Before you begin, you’ll want to see the following: q Creating custom ASP. NET ... authentication, authorization, and secure communication techniques: q ASP. NET to SQL Server q ASP. NET to Enterprise Services to SQL Server q ASP. NET to Web Services to SQL Server q ASP. NET to Remoting to...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 4 doc
... classic ASP application to ASP. NET and want the same impersonation behavior Classic ASP impersonates the caller by default 152 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications To configure ASP. NET impersonation ... 180 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications Using the Anonymous Internet User Account You can use the anonymous Internet user account to access network resources if IIS is configured for Anonymous ... and approaches for securing ASP. NET Web applications Much of the guidance and many of the recommendations presented in this chapter also apply to the development of ASP. NET Web services and NET...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 5 ppt
... versioning semantics and will prevent existing managed and unmanaged clients from breaking, it can be an annoyance during development During test and development, consider setting an explicit version ... access network resources (including Web services) from ASP NET and about choosing and configuring a process account for ASP NET, see “Accessing Network Resources” and “Process Identity for ASP NET ... Messages can be encrypted XML Service XML XML Any Transport Transport Transport Security is independent from transport protocol Figure 10.2 Message level security 230 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 6 ppt
... Server Database Server ASP. NET IIS ASP. NET IIS SQL Server NET Remoting Figure 11.3 Remote objects called by an ASP. NET Web application In this scenario, the IIS and ASP. NET gatekeepers available ... access network resources (including remote objects) from ASP NET and about choosing and configuring a process account for ASP NET, see “Accessing Network Resources” and “Process Identity for ASP NET ... Chapter 11: NET Remoting Security 285 Configure ASP. NET Step Reset the password of the ASPNET account used to run ASP NET OR create a least privileged domain account to run ASP NET and specify...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 7 ppsx
... ASPNET account exec sp_grantdbaccess [LocalMachine\ASPNET] Grant execute permissions to the LookupUser and RegisterUser stored procs grant execute on LookupUser to [LocalMachine\ASPNET] grant ... file change notifications and the C# compiler 356 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications Configure ASP. NET to Run Using the New Account This procedure edits machine.config to configure ASP. NET to ... and then create an account named ASPNET with the same password on the target computer On the Web server, you must first change the ASPNET account password in Local Users and Groups and then replace...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 8 pptx
... for an ASP. NET Web application that wants to use DPAPI with the user store: q Calls to DPAPI from an ASP. NET application running under the default ASPNET account will fail This is because the ASPNET ... class library to encrypt and decrypt data stored within the Web.config file To create an ASP. NET client Web application Start Visual Studio NET and create a new C# ASP. NET Web application called ... cp.Identity.Name + " is in the " + "Senior Manager Role" ); Response.Write( "" ); } 398 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications if ( cp.IsInAnyRoles("Senior Manager", "Manager", "Employee", "Sales") ) {...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 9 pps
... create the Manager role and associate it with the method [SecurityRole("Manager")] public int Add( int operand1, int operand2 ) { return operand1 + operand2; } 448 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications ... Create an ASP. NET Web Application This procedure develops a simple ASP. NET Web application that will retrieve the encrypted connection string from the registry and decrypt it To create an ASP. NET ... you can manually edit the generated proxy class file and change the line of code that sets the Url property from an HTTP URL to an HTTPS URL c Click Add Reference 472 Building Secure ASP. NET...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications phần 10 pot
... articles: kbAspNet q Show ASP. NET articles related to security: kbAspNet kbSecurity Articles q Managed Security Context in ASP. NET: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library /default .asp? url=/nhp/Default .asp? contentid=28000440 ... http://support.microsoft.com /default.aspx?scid=fh;EN-US;aspnet 520 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications Roadmaps and Overviews q q q q INFO: ASP. NET Roadmap: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q305140 ... IIS and ASP. NET communication 528 Building Secure ASP. NET Applications Note: Access tokens are process relative As a result, the ASP NET ISAPI DLL running in inetinfo.exe calls DuplicateHandle...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
deploying an asp.net web application to a hosting provider using visual studio
... Start menu and selecting Run as Administrator Then run aspnet_regiis.exe to install ASP. NET in IIS, using the following commands: cd %windir%\Microsoft .NET\ Framework\v4.0.30319 aspnet_regiis.exe ... tutorial is "Pas$w0rd", and you can enter any email address 21 Close the browser In Solution Explorer, click the refresh button to see the new aspnet.sdf file Right-click aspnet.sdf and select Include ... Deploying an ASP. NET Web Application to a Hosting Provider using Visual Studio Tom Dykstra Summary: This series of tutorials shows you how to make an ASP. NET web application available over the internet...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 14:03
ứng dụng asp.net xây dựng website giới thiệu và quảng bá sản phẩm đồ án tốt nghiệp đại học
Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2014, 22:41
Đề thi trắc nghiệm ASP.NET có kèm đáp án (trên 400 câu hỏi) Thiết kế website kinh doanh 2
... version of ASP. NET (your answer) C ASP+ is just an early name used by Microsoft when they developed ASP. NET (missed) D ASP+ is a programming Language Specially developed for ASP. NET E ASP+ is the ... Both A) and B) (your answer) D None of the Above Q.8) Which of the following is FALSE? A B Q.9) ASP+ and ASP. NET refer to the same thing C D ASP. NET applications run without a Web Server ASP. NET ... answer) 17 | P a g e B Client Side Scripting Technology C Programming Language D Database Programming Language same as SQL Q.32) What is ASP+ ? A ASP+ is the same as ASP. NET (your answer) B ASP+ ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2015, 12:44