... panels. Assigning a User to the Database Every database must have a user assigned to it or authorized to use it. After you create a database, you must associate a user with a username and password ... General Manager, Course Technology PTR: Stacy L. Hiquet Associate Director of Marketing: Sarah Panella Manager of Editorial Services: Heather Talbot Marketing Manager: Jordan Castellani Acquisitions ... database. Joomla! is written in a programming language called PHP, and it requires a MySQL database to hold the information and site configuration data. Most service providers have MySQL databases...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 23:54
... Natural Language System Jerry R. Hobbs Artificial Intelligence Center SRI International and Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University Abstract A sophisticated ... certain events and entities take place in laboratories. The second rests on the fact that information is acquired there. A classical issue in lexical semantics that arises at this stage is ... two facts we need. Animals are used in experiments, ms seen in tl-e compound nominal "laboratory animal", and animals can have a disease, and thus transmit it, a. s seen in the phrase...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Extracting a Representation from Text for Semantic Analysis" doc
... over baseline), particularly given that, in addition to the manual reference answer facet representation, an automatically extracted approximation of the rep- resentation was a key factor in ... test examples, assigning a Table 1 label for each reference answer facet. We used a variety of linguistic features that as- sess the facets’ similarity via lexical entailment probabilities ... reference answer facets. We generate automatic parses for the reference answers and the student answers and automatically modify these parses to match our desired representation. Then for each...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20
A History of Art for Beginners ppt
... our artist was called Fra Angelico, and again Il Beato Angelico, and then, according to Italian custom, the name of the town from which he came was added, so that he was at last called Il Beato ... nineteen years, and great changes had taken place; Michael Angelo and Raphael were just becoming famous, and they with other artists welcomed Leonardo, for his fame had reached them from Milan. However, ... will first speak, was at Bologna, and is known also as the "school of the Caracci," because LUDOVICO CARACCI (1555-1619) was at the head of a large academy there, and was assisted by...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20
Title: A History of Art for Beginners and Students: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture Painting doc
... greatest prosperity, was a statesman and a man of high aims; he was a gentleman as well as a strong ruler. The Peloponnesian war, on the contrary, was a civil war, and it divided the Greeks among ... "Casa Santa" with bas-reliefs. This Casa Santa is believed to be the house in which the Virgin Mary was born at Nazareth; and when the Saracens invaded the land four angels are said to have ... the Earl of Egremont, who had his life-size Apollo also. In 1797 Flaxman was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy, in 1800 an Academician, and in 1810, when a Professor of Sculpture was added...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20
Building wordpress themes from scratch
... array ( 'name' => __( 'Primary Sidebar', 'primary-sidebar' ), 'id' => 'primary-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The ... you are using, it is automatically loaded during WordPress initialization (both for admin pages and external pages). ” 13 You can add features like sidebars, navigation menus, thumb- nail ... page as a template in the WordPress editor: This template will supersede any other page-specic template that can be applied to the page. For example, if our page ID is 13, and we have a page-13.php...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 11:32
.This page intentionally left blank.A Guide to MATLAB®for Beginners and Experienced UsersSecond ppt
... 6*3 ans = 22.5000 MATLAB prints the answer and assigns the value to a variable called ans. If you want to perform further calculations with the answer, you can use the variable ans rather than ... pi in MATLAB gives an approximation to π accurate to about 15 digits, not its exact value. To compute an exact answer, instead of an approximate answer, we vi Contents Variables and Assignments ... Command Window is useful for getting quick information on a particular command, more extensive documentation is available via the MATLAB Help Browser. You can activate it in several ways, for example,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 2 doc
... disp(solve(’x + tan(y) = 5’, ’y’)) -atan(x-5) Data Classes Every variable you define in MATLAB, as well as every input to, and output from, a command, is an array of data belonging to a particular class. ... grid of data. A single number (or symbolic expression) is regarded by MATLAB as a 1 ì 1 array, sometimes called a scalar .A1 ì n array is called a row vector,andanm ì 1 array is called a column vector. ... In Table 4.1, we list for each type of data its class (as given by whos) and how you can create it. Table 4.1. MATLAB Data Classes. Type of data Class Created by Floating-point double Typing a...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 3 docx
... formats: wav and au. More popular formats such as mp3 are not available, but you may have software that converts other formats to and from wav. The commands wavread and wavwrite read and write this format; ... can create your own images to visualize numerical data. Suppose, for example, that you have an array temp that contains temperatures for some geographical region. You can display the temperatures ... Data Images MATLAB can read, write, and edit images, such as those created by a digital camera, found on the World Wide Web, or created from within MATLAB. An image is simply a two-dimensional...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 4 pdf
... MATLAB programming are cell arrays and structure arrays. Cell arrays are essentially “arrays of arrays”; the elements of a cell array can have different data types and different sizes. The command ... following table of probabilities of the possible genotypes for the offspring for all possible combinations of the genotypes of the parents: Genotype of Parental Offspring Genotype AA-AA AA-Aa AA-aa Aa-Aa ... written and read in MAT- LAB’s own binary format, which is signified by the file extension .mat. ➯ MATLAB 7 uses a new binary format that cannot be read by earlier versions of MATLAB. To save in a backward-compatible...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 5 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 6 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 7 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 8 pptx
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 9 docx
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users phần 10 pps
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
The Practical Guidelines for Building a Business Plan in Five Pages
... anticipated that catches management unprepared. A contingency plan should address such occurrences. Natural disasters are a primary contingency that companies plan for. Like manmade situations, these ... planning is a big picture issue. This is a disaster plan for a business-created crisis that could shut down your company for example, a labor strike in a plant that was not expected or anticipated ... objectives and tasks to make them more under- standable and manageable. The operational plan also provides information to executives on how well the staff carries out its func- tional activities. Along...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20