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Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:31
... statistician draws up a tentative explanation — a hypothesis — as to why the data might come out a certain way. After the study is complete and the sample data are all tabulated, he or she faces ... Contents at a Glance Introduction 1 Part I: Statistics and Excel: A Marriage Made in Heaven 7 Chapter 1: Evaluating Data in the Real World 9 Chapter 2: Understanding Excel’s Statistical Capabilities ... formulas. Autofilling cells The first is autofill, Excel’s capability for repeating a calculation throughout a worksheet. Insert a formula into a cell, and you can drag that formula into adjoining...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 10:20
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Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21
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... structured. Beware of copying older, previously invented data models or using a data model because it is the accepted stan- dard for a particular application. Relational databases, normalization, and denormalization ... same. Statistics are also important. In a production environment such as an online transactional database, the data in that production database could be changing constantly. Even if your database ... statistics gathering on a tuning database, consistent with the production database. Making a copy of a production database to a development database is not an issue when the production database...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20
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... LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters or in all capitals. The Pragmatic Starter Kit, The Pragmatic Programmer, Pragmatic Programming, ... basic/simplevalue.cmd >>> 3 3 Variables are called vari ables because their values can chan ge as the program executes. For example, we can assign difference a new value: Download basic/variable3.cmd >>> ... model for a variable and its associated value This statement is called an assignment statement; we say that degrees_ celsius is assigned the value 26.0. An assignment statement is executed as follows: 1....
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... with show a and is trying to make it easier for you. One thing to remember is that hints on a particular command are only available in the mode in which the command is available. For example, ... request an ASN. Registering an organization is free and gives your organization an ARIN organization ID, or Org ID. You use the Org ID as a point of contact for the ASN request form. You can get ... We then have a matching access list so that we can allow BGP sessions to announce this block. Finally, we have route maps for both ISP A and ISP B so that we can attach the access list...
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Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20
... \`^abc^db`eafb[ad`^\[_ d^^\`^agh]ijdg]^db` Z[\]^_\`^aS B k \jdg]ha_]`]l\_\`^ mandeoaf]g^b [a_ bjdfdg]^db` mapq\[gde\ac[bl[]__\ Z[\]^_\`^aT B n]jdbhbldg]ha_]`]l\_\`^ mandeoaf]g^b [a_ bjdfdg]^db` marich\qaeg]` mas\[dct\[]ha]`ldbl[]ctua]`j ]`ldbch]e^u Z[\]^_\`^av B wi[ldg]ha_]`]l\_\`^ mandeoaf]g^b [a_ bjdfdg]^db` maxuc]eeac[bg\ji[\ ... +"(#$%&'$*,13$#%+(3+63$"%$"#$,(15$.,(4 #"3'6'3$"-%&'L971'M$#.+($6'#91%$"#$'89"),.+1$;@"*96'$> /A/ N?/O1'+#'$#'' <&+7%'6$= /A/ BP !HFDHC IJ&+#$76,)'3$%,$:'$76'%%5$+ 96+%'$"($"3'(%"-5"(*$#%'(,#"#$ +(3$.+( ... !"#$%&'$"()'#%"*+%",($, &,".'/0%$.+($1,.+1"#'$%&'$#%'(,#"#2"3'(4 %"-5$%&'$3'*6''$,-%&'$#%'(,#"#$+(3$.&+6+.%'6"#'$%&'$71+89'$+%$%&'$.+6,%"3 :"-96.+%",($;#''$<&+7%'6$=/>?$;@"*96'$> /A/ A?/ B...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02